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      • 民主政治成功의 前提條件 : Anti Japanese Movement

        丁堯燮 淑明女子大學校 1973 論文集 Vol.13 No.-

        (1) This essay demonstrates pre-requisite to the success of democracy synthetically, while authoritative records about democracy refer to this matter partially in Europe and America. (2) This essay devides pre-requisite to the success of democracy into two kinds: essential pre-requsite-spiritual pre-requisite(character and attitude of people), economical pre-requisite(high level wealth), social pre-requisite (levelling of wealth) and international pre-requisite(existance of international peace); complementary pre-requisite natural pre-requisite (safe situation in national defence) and racial pre-requisite (homogeneity of race, language, religion, and custom). (3) Here it is emphasized that above all spiritual pre-requisite which elevates refinement and self-awakening of people and also economical, racial, and international pre-requisite should be prepared preceding everything else in order to realize essential spirit of democracy and to exhibit the merit of democracy. (4) Here are stated 5 points as a spiritual pre-requisite and constitutional law structure; 1) What European and American ask as a necessary sentiment to their people; 2) A weak point contained in democracy; 3) the character and concrete attitude of people which are able to eliminate a weak point contained in democracy; 4) seven democratic attitude expressed in American constitutional law; 5) spiritual pre-requisite viewed from the side of constitutional law structure for the success of democracy. (5) Economical re-requisite is absolutely important for the success of democracy. That is: 1) everyone's life necessarily have something in reserve in order to elevate his refinement, because as refined people, economical condition enough to enjoy their independent life as a human being, and enough not to sell himself to the power of money and power is absolutely necessary. 2) Economical pre-requisite is viewed from the side of devision of wealth and production of wealth. 3) Economical pre-requisite is viewed from the side of constitutional law structure for the success of democracy. (6) Importance of social Pre-requisite is stated. That is: 1) the smaller distance between the haves and the have nots is the better as social pre-requisite. In other words, majority if people should belong to middle class. 2) Social pre-requisite is viewed from the side of constitutional law structure. (7) International peace is necessary for the success of democracy. Wise sayings which point out the feature of crime in war are examined. (8) A nation should be sityated in geographically safe position as a natural pre-requisite. (9) 1) Independent indepence of one race is a necessary pre-requisite for a demecratic nation. 2) Homogemeity of race, religion, language and custom is necessary as a racial pre-requisite. (10) Prevention policy against a fault in democracy is viewed from the side of constitutional law structure. (11) As a conclusion, 3 points are clarified. Thise states which are not prepared these pre-requisite cannot expect to succeed in democracy; sooner or kater, they would oblige to concede their position to something else than democracy. Those states which are prepared for these pre-requisite could continue their democracy. Even in those states which could contine their democracy, their success of democracy depends on the degree of preparation for these pre-requisite.

      • 愛國心에 관한 硏究

        丁堯燮 숙명여자대학교 경제연구소 1982 論文集 Vol.11 No.-

        Ⅰ. Introduction The purpose of this paper is to examine the development of national education for patriotism, the trend of expanding national political consciousness, and finally democratically-oriented civic culture in the context of international cooperation and interdependence in which human care and understanding towards other human beings can be brought about. In order to shed some light on these humanistic ideals, this paper will attempt to study the history of the patriotic spirit in human civilization by elaborating the concept of "ethnocentrism," the patterns of patriotic spirit in the ancient and middle age as well as the concept of current patriotic feelings in modern times. This paper further analyzes the meaning and gist of the concept of patriotism, the relationship between the concepts of patriotism and democratic values, the imperative of reconciliation between the concept of nationalistic patriotism and internationalism, the types and characteristics of different patterns of patriotism, the typical viewpoints concerning patriotic education and finally the genuine kind of patriotism which can be constructive and productive not only in fostering international cooperation but also in national development. In consequence, this study attempts to draw some conclusions on the desired direction of patriotic education with a new mode of patriotics, by which current patriotic education in South Korea can be formulated in order to help produce democratically-oriented healthy Korea patriots in South Korea's current political setting. Ⅱ. Historical Development of the Concept "Patriotism" A. The Concept of Ethnocenthrism In analyzing the concept of ethnocentrism, this paper focuses on the pattern of the ethnocentric mind in the Primitive and uncivilized society because the spiritual Pattern of the ethnocentric mind in the primitive and uncivilized society because the spiritual Pattern in this society may provide some clue in finding out the gist of patriotic mentality in modern times. The study comes to the general conclusion that national political consciousness and the patterns of behavior have resulted from the interaction between two groups, the primary group and the secondary group. The study also finds that the life of the Korean nation which has been under constant pressure from outside powers throughout its history has been based upon the development of a nationcentered patriotic ethos. This finding fits well into the argument elaborated by Sumner who interprets the term, ethnocentrism, which stands for the combination of ethnos meaning nation and center meaning the focal point of the world. he concept of ethnocentrism thus lies essentially in the idea the his/her own group would be their center of the world. B. The Concept of Patriotism in the Ancicnt and Middle Ages Patriotism as a spirit embodying devotion and affection towards his/her group has been a distinctive quality in the ancient and middle ages as compared to the concept of patriotism in modern times. The latter concept is more of an expanded entity of the nation-state. In the ancient and middle ages, the concept of today's state-oriented patriotism did not existed. This paper studies the concept of patriotism in the ancient and middle ages in a sense that it directed its concept of devotion and service to a collective community. Although the spirit of patriotism in these ages may lack the essential characteristics of the current ones, this study shows that the same principle of patriotic spirit can be found in these ages. C. Patriotism in Modern Times This study portrays the concept of patriotism as a sense of affection and an attitude of devotion to the entity to which the individuals maintained their loyaly. This concept of patriotism has a wide variety of definitions. If the concept is imposed in a narrow and specific sense, the object of patriotism shifts from a small group to a particular nation-state. It has been a trend at least for the past three hundred years that the concept of nations has become the basis of forming a state, which can be considered one of the most important political phenomena in modern times. In the contemporary world, the concept of individual affection and personal devotion has been transformed from a group concept to the nationstate. This phenomenon can be called a sort of narrowly defined national patriotism. The patriotic feeling of the individual today includes the following aspects in their psychological make-up: 1) a political conscionsness of the individuals belonging to a specific nation. 2) a tendency to be proud of existence of their nations, 3) a desire of political independence of their own nations, and finally, 4) a willingness to sacrifice his/her life for the realization of the ideals and gols of their nations. These compositions in the meaning of the word, patriotism, have become the gist o the concept, "Patriotism" in the contemporary world. Ⅲ. The Gist of Patriotism The concetp of patriotism has been widely used in a variety of politcal situations with a vast diversity in its meaning. As a result, the concept creates a controversial situation in which it is used as a means of justification for defending any peculiar political situation. The basic difficulties in formulating a correct definition of patriotism often stems from the logic that a nation as an object of common communities basically exists for the realization of collective happiness rather than an individual happiness. However, the priority of individual happiness should have precedence over the collective meaning of national welfare. When this basic premise is lacking, all kinds of patriotic sentiment may be utilized as a means to persecute individual rights. For example, some political ideologies such as the early socialist brand of Jacobinism and today's Communism are considered to manifest definite shortcomings in respecting human rights. Thus, it should be remembered that the genuine concept of patriotism should be based upon the harmonious combination of mutually supporting concepts of individualism, internationalism, and cosmopolitanism; individualism meaning the pursuit of the full development of individual talents, internationalism meaning the pursuit of national interests within the framework of international cooperation, and cosmopolitanism meaning the fostering of fraternal relations among all people in the world. It may be wrong to strictly divide the concepts of internationalism and cosmopolitanism as contrasting ideologies because these two concepts have resulted from the conversion of concerns not only for the expansion of national interests through practical policies and but also for building a wider network of a philanthropic world. In other words, the combination of these two ideologies, the pursuit of national interests within the framework of ethical world views should be the main gist of any constructive type of national education for patriotism. Ⅳ. Patriotism and Democracy Patriotism without the proper concern of democratic values may be easily developed into an aggressive militarism or indulgent anarchism. Patriotism should be fostered on the basis of democratic values including the human rights concept. In this sense, a patriotic education could minize its exclusive characteristics by decreasing the possibility of conflict with the concept of humanity. If patriotism could be incorporated with the values of democracy, it would greatly help prevent such distorted political movements as fascism, which mainly concentrates on the fostering of the absolute value of his/her own nation with a sense of superiority to other nations. Fascism was developed into an excessive nationalistic fervor in which it attempts to conquer the world and destroy humanity by ignoring the human rights of others. However attractive this type of patriotism is, patriotism can only become productive and constructive when the concept is based on the values of democracy. Ⅴ. Patriotism and Internationalism The study attenpts to shed some light on whether patriotism and internationalism can be reconciled smoothly by clarifying the relationship between the two concepts. It is generally accepted that there are two kinds of patriotic feelings. The first is a narrow-minded one only concentrating on the promotion of national interest in an exclusive manner in the world political environment. This type can be interpreted as a kind of egotism on a national level. The second type is to promote national interest with the consideration of interests of other. This second type can be called a sort of realizing the international collective good. The first type of patriotic feeling would be incompatible with the concept of internationlism. In this situation, internationationalism may be considered an unpatriotic attitude. For instance, Japan up until the time of its surrender in 1945 interpreted an internationalistic attitude among its people as an anti-patriotic attitude toward its nation. The second type of internationalism-oriented patriotic feeling can further be dvided into two categories in the light of the relationships of the indiveduals and their state. The first category looks to the individuals as basic units of the world. It also looks to the world community consisting of individuals. Thus, the development of the world is ultimately dependent upon the development of the individual. By the same token, the cooperative spirit among individuals is the basic developmental unit of the world. Thus, the world community and its development can be fostered by the growth of cooperative spirit among individuals. On the other hand, the second category looks to nations as basic units of the world being composed by individuals. This second view maintains its logic based upon the existence of states. In this view, states are considered to be basic units of the world and the world's development is being pursued by the cooperation of states. Thus, the development of the world will be ultimately dependent upon the expansion of mutual interests and benefit through the cooperation of states. In general, it has been accepted that the concept of nationalism and internationalism are of ten incompatible with each other. To be Sure, extreme types of nationalistic policies often become incompatible with the cooperative spirit in internationalism. Yet, a moderate and cooperative type of nationalistic policy within the garb of nationalism can not always be considered to be in conflict with the constructive side of internationalism. The harmonious type of nationalistic policies may be able to promote national intersts withhim the framework of respecting others' intersts. Thus, it can be argued that internationalism and moderate types of nationalism can go together side by side. In other words, the constructive type of patriotism will not be incompatible with internationalism. Thus, internationalism can be attained through the implementation of the moderate cooperative national policies of each country. Ⅵ. Some Examples of Patriots in History The typical list of patriots in history would include Socrates, Fichte, Joan of Arc Giuseppe Garibaldi, and Grundtvig. All of these patriots devoted their lifelong efforts to their nations. For example, Garibaldi devoted his life to the nation-building of Italy from a state of segmentarily organized political elements whereas Grundtvig played a major role in creating a national consciousness among his people in Denmark by implementing mass education. Ⅶ. Charateristics of Different Types of Patriotism The variety of patriotism prevalent in modern times with respect to their charactertistics may be grouped as follows. 1) Spontaneous, Emotional Type This type of patriotism can be found in most societies, East and West, and one of the most prevalent types in today's world political system. Whenever patriotism is being discussed, this type is usually the one referred to. 2) Reactionary Competitive Type This type of patriotism occurs when two national entities compete with each other especially within the context of different cultural orientations. The type utilizes nationalistic sentiments to promote a collective national effort to highten national capabilities vis-a-vis therival power. Their situation can be further exacerbated by the competition of two different sets of cultural values. 3) Exclusive, Destructive Type This type directs its national attention to the expansion of its own power at the expense of other nations with the assumption that its national values are superior to others'. This type can easily develop into a chauvinistic type of national policy. In some cases, this type will become destructive by initiating an armed aggression in order to destroy the value of the other power. Even today, this type of patriotic policy can be found in some specific cases in the form of conflicts of narrowly-defined national interests. 4) Rational Type This type analyzes the situation of one's own country within the context of the world political environment as harmoniously as possible. For example, the Korean nation can benefit from interpreting the world power configuration in a way so as to harmonize the nationalistic policies of both Koreas. 5) Pragmatic Type This type of patriotism tends to interpret the effect of nationalistic sentiment in the light of spurring a fast development of its nation. In other words, the logic of utility will determine the desired derection of patriotic feeling among the people. In this sense, utilitarianism and egotism produce quite a distinctive imprint in the make-up of patriotic character. This type can easily be found in the case of Great Britain and the United States which at least in part resulted from their utility-oriented political culture. 6) Egotistic Type This type is based upon the concept of egotism-i.e., nations implement patriotic policies on the basis of their egotistically calculated valuation of national inserests. This type of patriotism together with the exclusive and destructive type usually concentrate on the expansion of national interes without due regard to international norms and rules. 7) Humanistic Type This type pursues the promotion of the ethical level of one's own nation by cultvating a humanistic notion towards mankind. In so doing, it further attempts achieve humane ideals on earch. This type of patriotism can pave the way to the achievement of world peace and human welfare. Ⅷ. National Patriotic Education The types of patriotic education can be divided into two categories. 1) Directing Type The directing type of patriotic education takes a mode of influence among people by fostering the spirit of patriotism within societal members. The groups who influence ordinary people usually consist of people in power and the people who are being influenced are the general public. The mode of influence in this type takes the form of teaching students with a specific value system through textbook organization as well as through the role of mass media. Such media as broadcasting, newspapers, and other public bulletins can create social slogans and images according to the people in power. More often, nations who are weak in national power and backward in cultural development seem to spend more of their national energies on the education of patriotism among the people. The directive type of patriotic education can be further broken down into two types. a) Forceful Type This type can be found in the Soviet system. The contents of the school textbooks in Communist states are utilized for the socialization of citizens with specific values. For example the study of history, national geography, and language focuses upon the formation of the exclusive national ideology and the story of national heroes are repeated in lesson processes in order to socialize the youth with nationalistic values. From the Meiji Restoration in 1867 to the end of the Pacific War in 1945, Japan was indulged in such a nationalistic indoctrination process. b) Psychologically Imposed-Type This type is based on a more subtle way of indoctrination processes for the cultivation of patriotic feelings. It imposes an indirect psychological effect on the people through the utiliz ation of national films and songs in order to disguise outride imposition. In other words, this, type aims at planting specific ideas to people in a seemingly voluntary fashion. 2) Encouraging Type The encouraging type is conducting its education for patriotism among people through a more or less voluntary basis. The directing type imposes its patriotic education through an express teaching whereas the encouraging type takes educational modes in such a way as indirect, subtle, and latent process of internalization. Usually, the countries who maintain their self-confidence in national capabilities as well as cultural richness engage in this type of patriotic education. Furthermore, such fortunate countries do not have to emphasize the education for patriotism without using too often the word in their educational processes. The encuraging type can also be broken down into the following two headings. a) Latent Type The nations belonging to this type have achieved the highest stage of cultural development and national power in the contemporary world setting. They do not manifest any specific patriotic education. These countries seem to assume that through a general mass education, the feeling of patriotism would naturally be created among the people. In fact, they do not ignore the importance of patriotic education but they do not concentrate on the spread of patriotic sentiment among the people openly. Their national education is organized in such way as to encourage patriotic feelings among the people naturally. b) Spontaneous Type This type does not implement any specific patriotic education perse. The countries belonging to this type seem to believe that their level of national development and power have already reached a firstclass level in the world. In this situation, the sense of patriotism would flourish among the people even without any particular patriotic education. These countries neither discuss whether patriotic education would be desirable or not on the national level nor talk about patriotism openly. Essentially most citizens of these countries maintain their sense of patriotism in their heart Great Britain and France are examples belonging to this category. In addition, this paper raises the value of moral standards in the education of patriotism. The ideal patriotic education must incorporate high moral values in the education. There are two distinctive phases of patriotic education. The first kind is a patriotic education during national crises such as foreign aggression or the situation of possible national annihilation. In this case, national patriotic education should embody the wisdom of the past generations of its history. In other words, it should be analyzed how the previous generations had managed each national crisis in its history. The second phase is patriotic education in peace time. In this case, the patriotic education should be drected towards the maximum promotion of national prestige coupled with the growth of national capabilities. These two phases of patriotic eiducation during the time of peace and war should constitute the entire structure of any national patriotic education. Ⅳ) Conclusion The ideal type of national political education in conntries like South Korea may have to involve the following traits; 1) A systematized anti-Communist education especially in relation to the reunification issue, 2) the creation of national ideology reconciling the political need of South Korea with the preservation of democratic values, 3) harmonious ideological education incorporating nationalism, internationalism, and cosmopolitanism. It seems to be imperative that South Korea may have to formulate its political educatonal program far superior to the North by utilizing a wide of opportunities existing in open society. he genuine type of patriotism may have to involve the following points: 1) loyalty to the nation rather than to specific leaders, 2) the respect of human rights, 3) the elimination of the exclusive tendency of patriotism, 4) an effort to cultivate a cooperative spirit among people in the world in order to avoid a war of destruction of the entire world, 5) the preservation of democratic values, 6) incremental improvements throuh reforms and anti-corruption movements resulting in rationalism, creativity, re-evaluativity, reformativity, and constructivity, 7) efforts for purification and self-enlightenment in order to root out any exclusive tendencies. South Korea should strive for the promotion of a national spirit and national interest by formulationg a harmonious reconciliation of nationalism, internationalism and cosmopolitanism for the betterment of the world. These ideal goals may be achieved by incorporating the following concepts: 1) the respect of, and belelf in humanism 2) the spirit of generosity together with the acceptance of constructive criticisim, 3) the preservation of rationalism and democratic values. 4) the respect of public order, and 5) an effort to promote individual freedom and responsibility. In addition, the education of Korean ethics should include the following concepts: 1) the security of South Korea, 2) anti-Comminism, 3) democracy 4) social justice, 5) the formation of the community 6) the consciousness of the Korean nation 7) pride in the national tradition of Korea, 8) the spirit of selfreliance, 9) the preservation of public order, 10) the high standard of moral principles 11) the spirit of self-restraint, 12) the spirit of frugality, 13) the habit of laboriousness, 14) the habit of punctuality, and 15) protection of the national environment. The variety of concepts listed above, if they were incorporated into the mentality of the Korean nation, would greatly help the South Koreans cope with their current national difficulties. In such a make-up, the South Koreans may be able to solve more problems in the political, military, and economic field so as to help build a desirable and bright future. This study further elaborates some basic conditions with which a genuine kind of patriotism in South Korea can be encouraged. They are; 1) a sense of affection towards fellow countrymen, 2) a spirit of generosity, and 3) a belief that war can not solve national problems facing both Koreas. All in all, a good citizen should be equipped with a pure and innocent sense of patriotism which in due course develops a sense of affection towards his/her nation as well as humanity. In essence, the high level of sound patriotic sentiment being manifested in the principle of UNESCO-the harmonization of nationalism and internationalism-will be the most desirable of all.

      • 英國議會政治發展의 諸段階에 관한 硏究

        丁堯燮 淑明女子大學校 1979 論文集 Vol.19 No.-

        This study has examined the developing process of parliamentary political system of the Great Britain in terms of four types. It has described characteristics of each type and tried to explain in detail whether these steps can be objectively appropriate through historical facts. (1) The Feudal Assembly This type lasted from 1066 to late 13th century. (2) The Parliamentary giving Consent to the Royal Rule This type lasted from 13th century to 1603. During this period, parliament changed in nature from the one giving consent to the royal rule to the one representing people by having representatives in County and Borough. This parliament was not established by the people's demand, but the will from above for the convenience of the king. (A) The First Period (The Age of Plantagenet Lancaster and York Dynasties) This period includes from late 13th century to 1485 when Honoratiorenherrschaft was set up. During this period, we saw ① the establishment of the representative system from above ② the making of the two-party system and ③ the acquirement of the right to participate in rule making through the right giving consent to the tax. The parliament of this time, especially the House of Commons are called as the parliament giving consent to the Royal Rule based on landlords or men of repute. (B) The Second Period (The Tudor Age: The Age of Absolutism) This period includes from 1485 to 1603. During this period, the Assembly session was short and the role of the king was to rule and the role of the parliament was sometimes to advise the king. Thus, the parliament during the Tudor dynasty is called as an Obedient or Docile parliament. (3) The Transitional Period to the Modern Sovereign Parliament This period includes from 1603 to 1688. During this period, early industrial revolution was taken place and early capitalism and mercantilism were appeared. At this time Levellers mentioned that sovereign belonged to the people and parliament took the power of the purse. Until 1680, political parties were formulated by the name of Tory and Whig, the foundations of the noble parties. The noble class of this time made a system guiding polities by acquiring support either from rural landlords or urban merchants. (4) The Modern Sovereign Parliament This period includes from 1689 to the present time. The Bill of Right (1689)was to confirm the system recognizing the superiority of parliament in law after the Glorious Revolution of 1688. By this Bill of Right, parliament can have the right to make rules. That is parliamentary sovereign become in existence. (A) The Stage of Parliamentary Oligarchy This stage includes from 1689 to 1832. During this period we saw the establishment of the Cabinet System. The regime was formed by combination of factions. The election system, a basis of the parliamentary system at that time was non-democratic and people wanted the system to be changed. (B) The Stage of Classical Democracy This stage includes from 1832 to 1880 During this period. Democracy was based on the people having money and education. The qualification to vote was expanded and the democratization of the representation was speeded up. The election was justified by the Secret Ballot act of 1872. Corrupt Practices Act of 1883, the Redistribution of Seats Act of 1855 and classical Parliamentary Polities was developed. The Honoratioren-herrschaft began to be destroyed by the progress of industrialization, urbanization and the development of transportation and mass communication (railroads new's papers, spread of education etc. (C) The Stage of Mass Democracy This stage includes from 1880 to the modern time. During this period, democratic representative system was promoted by the completion of democratization of the election system-for example, the practice of manhood suffrage, recognition of woman suffrage, equal election right between man and woman of 1928, abolition of the plural vote system of 1948. Political party became an organized people's party and elections tended to be plebiscitary democracy. That is, elections reflect decisions of people about the public pledge of political parties as well as about selection of the prime minister similar to the election os the president of the United States. Thus, the sovereign was transferred from the parliament to the people. Political parties suggested policies for the public goods in order to acquire votes and developed social security system and were inclined toward the welfare state. In conclusion, this study has investigated history of parliamentary political system of the Great Britain in terms f several stage and explained various features of each stage. However, it should be printed out that the classification of these stage, ideal types of development, is not definite, but hypothetical.

      • KCI등재후보

        우리나라 대학교의 보험교육 현황 및 발전과제

        정요섭,오평석 한국보험학회 2002 保險學會誌 Vol.61 No.-

        본 연구는 우리나라 대학교의 보험교육현황을 조사·분석하고 향후 대학보험교육의 내실화를 위해 해결해야 할 발전과제를 제시하는데 그 목적이 있다. 이를 위해 대학교 학부, 일반대학원 그리고 특수대학원과정을 보험전공학과와 비보험 전공학과로 구분하여 교과과정, 보험과목 필요이수학점, 전임교수현황 등을 조사하고 학부의 경우 보험전공학과에 대해서는 입학정원, 취업률에 관해 추가로 조사하였다. 조사결과 많은 학교에서 다양한 보험교육 프로그램을 운영하고 있음에도 불구하고 적지않은 문제점을 안고 있는 것으로 파악됐다. 특히 학부졸업생의 취업률제고 문제와 학부 및 대학원과정의 개설보험과목의 조정 및 통·폐합 그리고 전임교수확보 등의 문제는 시급히 해결해야 할 과제로 분석된다. 본 연구는 우리나라 전 대학을 대상으로 모든 보험관련과목을 처음으로 조사·분석했고 보험관련과목이 개설되는 학과 또는 전공을 명확히 파악했다는 점 그리고 향후 우리나라 대학보험교육의 발전과제를 제시했다는 점에서 의의가 있다고 할 수 있다. This paper aims to examine the current environment of university insurance education in Korea and to propose the strategies for improving insurance education in the future. For this, curriculum, course requirements, and faculty members are investigated in both undergraduate and graduate levels. In addition, number of enrollment, percentage of employment of college graduates are analyzed. According to the analysis, Korean universities provide various insurance education programs but also have many problems to solve. Particularly, employment opportunities for college graduates are limited and too many similar courses are provided by universities so that these courses are needed to be standardized or integrated. Students who want to enroll in graduate program should also be encouraged in financial perspective. This paper has important meanings in that it examines the environment of university insurance education in Korea for the first time and proposes strategies for improving the university insurance education programs.

      • 日帝治下의 브·나로드 運動에 관한 硏究

        丁堯燮 淑明女子大學校 1974 論文集 Vol.14 No.-

        The purpose of this essay is to put in order and systematize our rural enlightening movement which occured and developed in our race by itself during about ten years from 1925 to 1935 under Japanese Rule. The contents are as follows: 1. Here is discussed 1930s' cultural and social backgrounds which provoked the Vnarod Movement as a whole national movement. 2. It is stated that the organs of the press like "Chosun Il-bo(朝鮮日報)" and "Donga Il-bo(東亞日報)" spread out the rural enlightening movement. 3. Here is a discuss on about "Korean Language Association(朝鮮語學會)" as a leading player of mother tongue spreading movement. 4. YMCA and YWCA also developed the rural enlightening business and movement. Especially women's brilliant activity is mentioned here. There were Hwang Ai-duck(黃愛德) and Kim Ro-duc(金路得) as the leaders of the Vnarod Movement, Choi-Yong-sin(崔容信) who spread the movement at Sam-gkol, Soo-won(水原) in the early 1930, and Kim Chung-ock(金貞玉) who developed the movement at Itai-won(梨泰院) Methodist Church as a center place of the movement. 5. The movement which was desplayed in the magazine "Korean Farmer(朝鮮農民)" is discussed. 6. Here is precisely mentioned about the first, the second and the third Soo-won Agricultural Profession college affair (水原高農事洋) which is indispensably correlated to the movement. 7. The followings are conculsions:

      • 政治發展과 政黨政治 : 韓國政黨政治의 實像과 虛像 a real image and a Virtual image of Korean Party Politics

        丁堯燮 숙명여자대학교 경제연구소 1983 論文集 Vol.12 No.-

        The article discusses: 1) pathological phenomenon as a virtual image of Korean political party in the past. 2) characteristics of change brought into Korean political parties. 3) what party system is desirable under the system of the Fifth Republic; namely, it synthesizes views of those who advocate Biparty System and Multiparty System. 4) party politics desirable for Korea's present stage. 5) that, in conclusion, party politics under the system of the Fifth Republic must be one that a powerful congress which represents the people's good sense can exercise its function strongly in harmony with a strong government.

      • KCI등재

        쥐에서 Phenobarbital Sodium 및 3-Methylcholanthrene이 ^14C-carbofuran의 대사에 미치는 영향

        임요섭,한성수 한국환경농학회 2002 한국환경농학회지 Vol.21 No.1

        쥐에서 carbofuran 대사에 미치는 phenobarbital sodium (PB) 또는 3-methylcholanthrene (3-MC)의 영향을 조사하기 위하여 쥐에 이들을 단독 또는 조합으로 경구투여한 후 일정 간격으로 쥐의 주요 장기, 대변, 소변 및 혈액 중 대사산물의 종류와 생성율을 조사하였다. Carbofuran 단독투여와 carbofuran과 PB 또는3-MC 조합투여 모두 경구투여 후 48시간 이내에 빠르게 배설되어 ^14C-carbofuran 총 투여량의 79.9∼81.1%가 소변으로, 5.7∼6.5%가 대변으로 배설되었는데, 배설속도는 carbofuran 단독투여보다 carbofuran과 PB 또는 3-MC 조합투여에서 빨랐다. 쥐의 주요 장기, 대소변 및 혈액 중의 carbofuran의 대사산물은 공통적으로 3-hydroxycarbofurun, 3-ketocarbofuran, 3-hydroxycarbofuran phenol, 3-ketocarbofuran phenol과 carbofuran phenol이었고, 주요 대사산물은 3-hyoxycarbofuran과 3-ketocarbofuran이었는데, 주요 대사산물의 경우 carbofuran만의 투여에서는3-hydroxycarbofuran이었으나 carbofuran과 PB 또는 3-MC 조합투여는 3-ketocarbofuran이었다. 소변 중 carbofuran의 2가지 주 대사산물의 생성율은 carbofuran 단독투여시 3-hydioxycarbofuran 17.4%와 3-ketocarbofuran 12.8%이었고, carbofuran과 PB 또는 3-MC 조합투여시 3-hydroxycarbofuran 8.6%와 3-ketocarbofuran 23.5%로서, carbofuran단독투여와 carbofuran과 PB 또는 3-MC 투여사이에 대사산물의종류는 같았으나 생성율에는 큰 차이가 있었다. 이와 같은 결과는 쥐에 carbofuran 투여 후 PB나 3-MC를 투여함으로써 carbofuran의 대사가 빠르게 이루어지고, 주 대사산물 중3-hydroxycarbofuran보다 독성이 낮은 3-ketocarbofuran으로의 대사가 빠르게 이루어지기 때문에 carbohran의 독성이 경감되어 쥐가 생존할 수 있는 것으로 판단된다. In order to elucidate the effect of phenobarbital sodium (PB) and 3-methylcholanthrene (3-MC) on metabolism of insecticide carbofuran in rat. Carbofuran metabolites and its formation rates were determined when orally administered ^(14)C-carbofuran alone and its combination with PB or 3-MC to rat. ^(14)C-carbofuran administered orally, alone or in combination with PB or 3-MC, was secreted rapidly within 48 hrs. That is, 79.9 to 81.1% of the original radioactivity was secreted into the urine and 5.7 to 6.5% into the feces. The secretion rate was faster in the combined administration than that in carbofuran alone. Metabolites of carbofuran in main organs, urine, feces and blood of rat were largely 3-hydroxycarbofuran, 3-ketocarbofuran, 3-hydroxycarbofuran phenol, 3-ketocarbofuran phenol, and carbofuran phenol, the major ones being 3-hydroxycarbofuran and 3-ketocarbofuran, respectively, in all administrations of carbofuran alone, carbofuran+PB and carbofuran+3-MC. In addition, formation rate of the two major metabolites detected in the urine was 17.4% and 12.8%, respectively, when carbofuran alone was administered. Meanwhile, when carbofuran was administered with PB or 3-MC, they were 8.6% and 23.5, repectively. These results indicate that the oral administration of PB or 3-MC can reduce carbofuran toxicity by fastening and stimulating the carbofuran metabolism in rat.

      • 北歐諸國에 있어서 選擧制度의 改革과 政黨政治 : 第2次 大戰後를 中心으로

        丁堯燮 淑明女子大學校 1976 論文集 Vol.16 No.-

        1) This study has stated the national development through the reform of election system and various aspects of polities based on political parties in the nation-states of North Europe, especially in Sweden and Denmark, after World War Ⅱ. 2) The reform of election system and politics based on political parties in Sweden (A) The reform of election system This study has investigated the reform of election system which was closely related to the parliamentary system in Sweden. This reform included the policies to lower the age for the right to vote an for the distribution of parliamentary seats. (B) Various aspects of polities based on Political parties in Sweden have greatly contributed to the national development. This study has examined the outline on the fund assistance of the government for political parties and the recent situation of political parties in relation with structural changes in the system of political parties. 3) The reform of election system and polities based on political parties in Denmark (A) The reform of election system and the methods of the reform This study has examined the methods if the reformed election system in Denmark. That is, the study has investigated the methods to use the comparative representative system and small election region together and the types of registration system and the distribution of the added. (B) This study has stated the polities based on the modern political parties in Denmark. That is, this study has considered the role of modern political parties and the question whether the opposition party of the King could exist and the situation of political parties. 4) Finally, this study has concluded that the political competition between the bloc of socialist (democratic) party and that of nonsocialist party in Sweden and Denmark has shown a little difference within each bloc. However, it was pointed out that political parties will be continued as the system of political parties characterized by the Scandinavian type.

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