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      • 수리철학과 수학교육 : Ernest의 사회적 구성주의를 중심으로 Focusing on Social Constructivism of Paul Ernest

        정영옥 진주교육대학교 2000 論文集 Vol.42 No.-

        This study aims to reflect the philosophy of mathematics and its relation to the didactics of mathematics. The philosophy of mathematics might to be said to be in the midst of a 'Kuhnian revolution'. One reason is that the foundations of mathematics are not as secure as was claimed. Another reason is a growing dissatisfaction among mathematicians, philosophers, educators and multidisciplinary scholars with the traditional narrow focus of philosophy of mathematics. A number of philosophers have proposed that the task of the philosophy of mathematics is to account for mathematics more fully, including the history, the genesis, the social dimension and the 'human face' of mathematics. This assertions mean a shift from a concern to give a prescriptive account of descriptive account of mathematics. Specially, this shift considers human activity in mathematics as important. This change has important implications to the didactics of mathematics. Therefore, this study intends to review the traditional views of the philosophy of mathematics as logicism, intuitionism, formalism, structuralism and the revolutionary new traditional ones as quasiempircism, radical constructivism, maverick, post-structuralism, post- modernism and social constructivism and to draw implications to the didactics of mathematics from the viewpoint of Paul Ernest.

      • 유아의 기질과 부모의 성격특성이 유아와 부모간의 상호작용에 미치는 영향 : Child Interaction

        김연옥,김영희 충북대학교 교육 ·생활연구소 생활과학연구센터 2002 생활과학연구논총 Vol.5 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of children's temperament and parents' personality on affective and controlling parent-child interaction. The results of this study were as follows: 1. There were no significant differences in children's temperament and parent-child interaction according to children' sex. It implies that the child's sex is not important factor to perceive children's temperament and parent-child interaction. 2. The level of children's activity and response sensitivity, and father's compulsiveness were significant factors for predicting affective father-child relationship. Also, controlling father-child relationship was significantly influenced by father's personality of compulsiveness. 3. Mother's vulnerability, mother's introversion, and children's response sensitivity were significant factors for predicting affective mother-child relationship. Also, the controlling mother-child relationship was significantly effected by mother's vulnerability and compulsiveness, and children's adaptability. This research suggests that father-child interaction was more strongly associated with child's temperament than father's personality whereas mother-child interaction was predicted by mother's personality more than child's personality. In addition, this study was discussed in terms of children's temperament and parents' personality as antecedent factors of parent-child interaction.

      • 「文末における日本語動詞のアスペクト」

        金玉英 釜山大學校 1993 人文論叢 Vol.42 No.1

        일본어의 시상은 형태적으로 「て」 를 취하는 형식과 취하지 않는 형식으로 나뉘어지므로, 「て」를취하는 형식으로 1) 「一 ている」 2) 「一てある」3) 「一てしまう」를, 「て」 를 취하지 않는 형식으로 4) 「一はじめる」5) 「一つづける」 6) 「一おわる」 를 들어 고찰하였다. 1)의 의미 중 '진행' '완료'의 의미는 주지의 사실이나, '전달'의 의미로서 제4종 동사「一 ている」의 형태를 생각해 보았다. 2)는 '처치 결과의 상태'를 나타내며, 이것은 '존재의 양상'과 '일의 진행 절차'로서, 준비된 상태를 나타낸다. 후자의 경우는, 동작의 존재가 비교적 강하게 암시되고, 대부분 화자자신에 의한 행위이다. 3)은 '완료'와 '예상외'의 의미를 나타내나, 전자의 경우는 서술행위의 주체와 동작주체가 일치되는 경우의 의지동사에 국한되며, 후자의 경우는 주로 의지 동사류가 사용되어 본인의 의지로서는 조절할 수 없는 내용을 나타내게 되어, 예상외의 의미로 발전된다. 따라서 수동형이 많이 사용된다. 4)는 계속동사에 접속되어 단순한 개시의 의미를 나타내나,드물게 순간동사에 접속되어 복수동작의 개시를 나타낸다. 5)는 계속동사에 접속되어 동작의 지속을 나타내나, 드물게 순간동사에 접속되어 같은 동작이 되풀이 되므로 지속되는 것을 의미한다. 6)은 계속동사에 접속되어 단순한 종료를 나타낸다.

      • 야생차의 생육특성에 관한 연구

        고영옥,이종옥,최주호,정영섭,이용호 진주산업대학교 농업기술연구소 2003 農業技術硏究所報 Vol.16 No.-

        본 시험은 최근 각광 받고있는 차나무의 우량품종 육성과 재배에 관한 기초자료를 구명코자 2001년 3월부터 2002년 10월까지 남부지방 자생차의 지리적·생태학적 특성 조사와 RAPD 유연관계를 비교 분석하였으며 그 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 녹차 자생지 토양의 pH는 4.1 ~ 6.2로 내대리가(pH 6.2) 가장 높았으며, 다사리가 pH 4.1로 가장 낮았다. 2. P_(2)O_(5)는 농업기술원과 다솔사 차가 319㎎/㎏ 이상으로 가장 높았고, 송광사와 다압리는 20㎎/㎏ 이하로 가장 낮았다. 3. 차 포장의 지형은 혜산서원, 농업기술원을 제외한 대부분 자생지가 해발 220m 이상의 산간지 였으며, 북서풍을 막을 수 있는 남향 또는 남서방향이었다. 4. 순천시 송광사, 사천시 배방사, 다솔사, 밀양시 혜산서원, 고성군 옥천사, 남해군 보리암 차엽은 yabukita 보다 대엽이었다. 5. 엽장은 다솔사가 13.9㎝로 가장 길었고 도심다원은 5.2㎝로 가장 짧았으며, 엽폭은 배방사가 4.9㎝로 가장 넓었으며 매암다원이 2.1㎝로 가장 좁았다. 6. 거치수는 배방사가 79개로 가장 많았으며 천은사가 50개로 가장 적었다. 7. 증폭된 DNA의 band pattern을 비교해 보면 절편 크기는 300~3000bp사이였고, 지역별 band 영상은 뚜렷하였다. 8. Primer별 평균 band수는 7.6개였으며, 22개 Primer당 전체 band 수는 76~192개 범위였다. 9. RAPD UPGA에 의한 유연관계 분석을 위한 similarity matrix값에 근거하여 유연성 분석을 실시한 결과 차가 유전적 거리지수 0.10이내에 우선적으로 유집되었으며, 고성군 옥천사, 밀양시 혜산서원, 엄광사 수집종은 0.25의 유전적 거리지수로 유집되었으며 모두 대엽이었다. This study was carried out to investigate the geographical and ecological characteristics of self-sown teas in the southern southern part of South Korea and evolutionary relationship based on the RAPD analysis data. Each sample was collected from March, 2001 to October, 2002 along with basic characteristics of its cultivation. The results are described as follow : 1. The pH of soils in the habitat of collected green teas were 4.1~6.2. The highest pH(6.2) was shown from the soil of Naedae-ri while that of Dasa-ri showed the lowest pH value. 2. The highest content (319㎎/㎏) of P_(2)O_(5) was examined from the tea of the Agricultural Research Extension Services (ARES) while the lowest values were obtained from the collected samples of Shonggwansa and Dasa-ri (20mg/kg). 3. In terms of geographical aspects, most of the areas that samples were collected are mountains with 220 meters above the sea level and are in the direction of the southern exposure and the southeast except Hyesan lecture hall and ARES.4. In Shonggwangsa of Shunchon-si, Baebangsa and Dasolsa of Sacheon-si, Hyesan lecture hall of Miryang-si, Okcheon-sa of Goseong-gn and Boriam of Namhae-gn, the self-sown teas were a kind of bigger size of leaf than that of Yabukita. 5. The tea of Dasolsa had the longest leaf of 13.9㎝, but the tea of Dosim tea plantation had the shortest leaf of 5.2㎝. Baebangsa showed the broadest leaf width of 4.9㎝, and Maeam tea plantation showed the narrowest leaf width of 2.1㎝. 6. The tea of Baebangsa had 79 serrations of the largest number but Cheoneunsa had 50 serrations of the smallest number. 7. When the band pattern of the amplified DNA by PCR were compared, a size of the bands was between 300 and 3,000bp. The band image by area of gathering seeds was distinct. 8. There were the average number of 7.6 bands per primer. The number of total bands per 22 Primers were between 76 and 192 bands. 9. The result values of a flexibility analysis based on a similarity matrix value for the flexible relation analysis by RAPD UPGA, were attracted within 0.10 of inherited distance index. The collected species in Okcheonsa of Goseong-gn, Hyesan lecture hall and Eomgwangsa of Miryang-si were attracted within the inherited distance index of 0.25 and were all the kind of the big leaf.

      • ているの意味 : 文中における意味の韓國語との比較對照 Comparative Contrast with its Korean Equivalent

        金玉英 釜山大學校 1985 人文論叢 Vol.27 No.1

        文中에 나타나는「ていゐ」는 현재의 ① 動作 · 事件의 進行 ② 動作 · 事件의 結果狀態 ③ 習慣 의 뜻을 나타낸다. 「ていゐ」의 意味를 결정짓는 要因은 動詞의 性質이어서, ①③의 경우는 繼續動詞가, ②의경우는 瞬間動詞가 사용될 때 나타나는 의미이다. 이 「ていゐ」에 對應하는 韓國語의 形熊는 크게 나누어, 「고 있」「어/아 있」이 사용된다. ①의 意味의 韓國語動詞類는 「고 있」으로, ②의 意味의 韓國語動詞類는 「어 있」으로 對應하고 있으나, ①의 動詞類는 「고 있」形熊 하나 만을, ②의 動詞類는 「고 있」「어 있」 두 형태를 다 지닐 수 있는것이 특징이다. 文末의 「ていゐ」의 意味를 보면, 文中의 ①②③의 意味外에, ④亶純한 狀態 ⑤動作 · 事件이 存在했던 事實 의 意味가 첨가되어 있다. ④는 第四種動詞가, ⑤는 繼續動詞 · 瞬間動詞가 나타내는 意味이고, 對應하는韓國語는, ④가 「어/아 있). ⑤ 가 「았/었」이다. 「ていゐ」의 意味는 文中 · 文末ともに 過去의 ①②③의 뜻을 나타내고 있으므로 ④⑤는 文末에 오는 「ていゐ」의 特殊한 意味인 것을 알 수 있다.

      • 기관골 신생증 1예

        오영상,이은우,정종혁,문승원,김수현,김동한,양혁승,박정환,박경옥,강성수,이영직 朝鮮大學校 附設 醫學硏究所 2006 The Medical Journal of Chosun University Vol.31 No.2

        Tracheobronchopathia osteoplastica is a rare disorder of unknown cause characterized by the projection of numerous bony or cartilaginous submucosal nodules into the tracheobronchial lumen with sparing of the posterior membranous portion of tracheobronchial tree. In the past, most of the cases were diagnosed as secondary finding at autopsy. Nowaday, the key component of the evaluation is flexible fiberoptic laryngoscopy and bronchoscopy, which typically demonstrates irregular spicules of subrnucosal bone and cartilage projecting into the tracheobronchial lumen and causing various degrees of airway obstruction. A 45 years old man was visited Sunchon St. Carollo hospital due to discomfort on throat. We saw several nodules just below vocal cord via laryngoscope. The computed tomography revealed multiple small calcified nqdules on trachea and both main bronchi. Pathologic finding of bronchoscopic biopsy showed abnormal proliferation of bony and cartilagious nodules in the tracheal submucosa. These fingdings were consistent with tracheobronchopathia osteoplastica. We report here on a case of tracheobronchopathia osteoplastica with review of literature.

      • 校內獎學 活性化 方案

        최옥이 인간교육자원경영학회 2004 人間敎育硏究 Vol.11 No.1

        In the age of educational information accompanied with the introduction of new learning paradigm, the role of teacher is changing from that of a conductor to the similar one of a gardener. It is widely requested to perceive a qualified teacher as the one who can provide proper guidance to students in need. Such perception should be applied to the autonomous in-school learning promotion activities, as had been to teaching activities so far. It is evident that provisions, data and conditions should be provided for teachers to acquire and utilize information well-met for their needs in the age of educational information and to engage exclusively in teaching, free from the conventional directive way of educational promotion. Vice school masters, among others, seem to be in the position to have firm understanding to and concern about the school information education and, by thus, to contribute positively to achieving the national goal of school information. In this context, the aim of this study is to find a new paradigm for in-school promotion of education based on IT by analyzing the anticipation of teachers toward vice school masters in terms of educational information, so that vice school masters, on the one side, can have clear sight on the given tasks and teachers, on the other, can be wholly involved in self-training to map out the direction of teaching with focus on the on-line guidance suitable to the educational information era.

      • KCI등재

        취업주부와 전업주부의 성역할 정체감과 우울수준의 비교

        이수영,조옥귀 경남대학교 인문과학연구소 2000 人文論叢 Vol.13 No.-

        The differences of depression levels between career women who are also responsible for house works and housewives who devote themselves mainly to our traditional female's roles are studied from the viewpoint of occupation and sex role identity in this thesis. Two hundred and twenty four career women and two hundred housewives are sampled for this from teachers, public officials, nurses, insurance saleswomen, and so on. Beck depression Inventory and Bem Korea Sex Role Inventory are used as a measuring tool. The median values of masculinity and femininity scores are calculated. Then the whole people is divided as four groups (1)Androgyny group, who are those of both scores than median values. (2) Masculine group, who are those of the only masculinity score higher than median. (3) Feminine group. who are those of the only feminine score higher than median, (4) Undifferentiated group, who are those of both scores than lower than median. The results may be summarized as follows. First, career women's depression level is lower than that of housewives. The difference has significance of p<.01. Second, the depression level of androgyny group is lowest among the all groups and the difference has significance of p<.001. Third, the effects of co-relation between having occupation and sex role identity has no significant difference. However, it is worth to indicate that masculine group shows lower depression level than feminine in the case of career women and conversely, in the case of housewives, feminine group shows lower level than masculine group. It is recommended, in the future, that the more women are studied from wider areas and occupations in order to overcome their depression and the relationship between sex role and depression of man is also studied for happiness of home.

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