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      • 노인과 대학생의 낙상 위험 분석

        정다현,김예희,김지은,이예영,강현주 순천향대학교 기초과학연구소 2021 순천향자연과학연구 논문집 Vol.27 No.1.2

        The purpose of this study was to analyze risk of falls between elderly people and college students. The subjects of this study were 25 people aged 70 years or older and 17 college students located in Asan. We measured sensory, integrated balance, nervous, musculoskeletal system and HQR by FRA system (Inbody, Korea). The results of measurement showed significant differences in sensory system (p<.01), integrated balance (p<.001), nervous system (p<.001), and musculoskeletal system (p<.001) between groups. These results suggest that aging makes difference of function of these systems. In our view, counterplans need to be implemented, including exercise intervention to prevent decreases of fall risk,

      • KCI등재

        한성준의 한국 전통춤 사장 : 승무를 중심으로

        백현순;이예순;강미선;김현남;이현진 한국무용연구회 2007 한국무용연구 Vol.25 No.1

        This paper aims to investigate the origin and movement of Buddhist dance, recognized as the most artistic one of Han sung Jun’s dances and from this draw the idea on Korean traditional dance. First, to summarize the idea on Buddhist dance, on the basis of his biography and historical background of his times, it is believed that the East would look upon the sky as the president of the universe and the origin of life as God; carry out the religious rituals as to natural phenomenon along with human beings. The spiritual thought during the ceremonies is certain to immanent in current Buddhist dance. Buddhist dance is also called “Bǔm-pae”, which means it has a close relationship with Buddhism. And his dance seems to be associated with Buddhism in a degree. The fact, however, that his dance ultimately has not any meaning in it, demonstrates Buddhist dance has the idea of emptiness, that is, “to stay at the quiet state without any mental affliction.” Second, the analysis of his dance shows that the principal motion of Buddhist dance is being represented as Pil-che, Hak-che and Goong-che. In other words, the stirring movement reveals that his dance certainly has a set pattern of points(Pil-che), lines(Hak-che) and circles(Goong-che); It is equivalent to the shape and spirit of the Endless(Mu-kǔk) and the Great Absolute(Tae-kǔk) in the eastern philosophy. Both of them are to result in ǔm-Yang and in this way, the idea of Takǔkǔmyang is obviously indwelling in Buddhist dance. 본 논문은 한국 전통춤의 맥을 이어 온 한성준의 승무를 대상으로 그 춤의 연원(淵源)과 춤사위의 구조(構造)룰 밝혀 춤의 실체인 한국 전통춤을 철학해 보고자 한 것으로 연구 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째. 한성준 춤의 일대기를 바탕으로 그 시대적 배경에 따른 승우 춤 사상을 정리해 보면 동앙에서는 천(天)·신(神)에게 제사지내는 제천의식을 행해 왔는데 이때 행해지는 천신사상이 오늘날 승무 춤 속에 내재되어 있으며 또한 승무는 불교의식인 범패에서 기원 되어 성행된 것으로 볼 때 승무가 불교사상인 공사상(空思想) 깊은 연관이 있음을 알 수 있다. 둘째, 한성준 승무의 춤사위를 분석해 보면 승무 춤의 대표적인 춤사위가 필체(筆體), 학체(鶴體), 궁체(弓體)로 나타남을 알 수 있으며 이는 동양철학에 있어서 무극(無極)과 태극(太極)구조의 형상과 맥을 같이함을 알 수 있다. 무극과 태국은 곧 음양으로 귀결되며 따라서 승무 춤사위에는 태극음양사상(太極陰陽思想)이 내재되어 있음을 알 수 있다. 한국 전통춤은 익히 알다시피 악(惡), 가(歌), 무(舞)가 함께 어울려 시대의 흐름에 따라 한국인의 정서와 사고를 복합적으로 배태(胚胎)한 것이므로 한국 전통춤을 단순히 하나의 사상만으로 채울 수 없으므로 이상과 같은 결론은 한성준의 승무 춤에 내재되어 있는 한국춤 정신의 극히 일부분일 수 밖에 없다. 그럼에도 불구하고 승무 춤 속에 녹아있는 본질적 사상을 유추해 보고자 한 것은, 한국 전통춤의 대표적언 춤인 승무를 통해, 한국인의 정신인 춤 사상에 함축되어 있는 민족성을 도출해 낼 수 있는 바탕의 자료를 제시코자 한 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        차기정부의 노인복지정책 실천방향

        현외성 한국사회복지정책학회 2002 사회복지정책 Vol.15 No.-

        노인문제는 과거 노인이나 노인을 부양하고 있는 가족만의 제한적인 문제를 넘어, 노인계층 전부를 포함하여 사회전체의 정치경제에 영향을 미치는 새로운 사회적 쟁점으로 부각되고 있다. 이 글은 최근에 발표한 정부의 정책안과 현재 존재하고 있는 노인문제, 그리고 예상되는 노인문제 중 시급하게 해결해야 하는 몇 가지 내용을 선발해서, 차기정부에서 실천해야 하는 사항중심으로 간략하게 제안한 것이다. 논의의 편의상 노인복지분야를 경제활동, 건강보장, 사회활동 및 복지서비스, 그리고 정책추진체계 등으로 나누어서 각각 문제, 정책안 및 차기정부의 노인복지정책 대안 등으로 분석하여 서술하였다. 경제활동부분에서는 정년제의 탄련적 운영, 고령자고용촉진법상의 기존고용률 제도의 개선, 고령자와 노인의 직업능려개발 프로그램의 개선 등이 정책제안의 논의되었다. 소득보장에서는 경로연금의 내실화와 연관하여 경로연금의 무각출노령연금으로서의 성격변화와 연금급여수준과 선정과정의 문제개선 등이 정책제안으로서 언급되었다. 건강보장에서는 장기요양보호 노인의 증가에 따른 시설 및 재가복지의 단계적 확충과 그 방안에 대해서, 그리고 장기요양보험제도의 도입의 시급성 등을 중요한 정책과제로 제안하였다. 사회활동 및 복지서비스 부문에서는 전문적인 서비스를 제공하기 위해서 시설, 인력 및 프로그램의 중요성을 말하였고, 특히 은퇴준비교육의 중요성과 노인생활체육의 문제, 사례관리의 실천 등을 제안하였다. 여러 가지 제안한 정책들이 제대로 수행되기 위해서 필요한 정책추진제계 등에 대해서는 '노인사회 대책위원회'를 대통령 직속기관으로 설립할 것을 주장하였고 장기적으로는 보건복지부 산하에 외청으로 노인청이, 단기적으로는 노인보건복지국이 설치되어야 한다고 제안했으며, 보다 종합적이고 포괄적인 노인복지를 담을 수 있는 「고령사회대책기본법」을 만들어야 함을 주장하였다. 재원마련의 방안과 정책주체의 파트너십 즉, 중앙과 지방정부간, 국가와 민간 사이의 상호관계를 적절하게 연계하는 작업과 [복지공사] 등에 대한 제안을 하였다. This study is focus to the social welfare policy alteratives for the elderly of next new government. The elderly welfare was divided into diverse sectors-economic activities participation, income security, health security, social activities participation and welfare services -- and its given problems and responsive government policy alternatives were analysed respectively in detail. The responsive government policy alternatives that were suggested in this paper were as followings ; the elastic management of retirement programs accoding to ages, the improvement of standard employment ratio at 「the elderly compulsory employment」, and the development of the old man occupation ability development program in the economic activities participation sector ; noncontributory old age pension substantiality in the income security sector ; longterm nursing care insurance establishment and substantiality of community care programs in the health security sector ; importance of instrument and supplies, human resources, special programs, especially retirement preparation education, life-long physical training, practice of case management in the social activities participation and welfare services ; establishment of 'the special committee for the aging' and 「the basic law for the aging society」.

      • 근피로 후 세 가지 회복 방법

        이예영,김지은,서예은,정다연,강현주 순천향대학교 기초과학연구소 2022 순천향자연과학연구 논문집 Vol.28 No.1,2

        Muscle fatigue is a symptom that decreases your muscles’ ability to perform over time. It can be associated with a state of exhaustion, often following excessive sports activity or exercise. While exercise is a common cause of muscle fatigue, this symptom can be the result of other health conditions. Muscle fatigue caused by excessive activity limits activities of daily living and difficult to maintain a stable posture. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of stretching, icing, and sports massage on muscle fatigue recovery.

      • KCI등재

        외상 후 근관내로의 치조골 함입

        임예진,김영진,김현정,남순현 大韓小兒齒科學會 2011 大韓小兒齒科學會誌 Vol.38 No.4

        영구치의 외상성 손상은 전체 외상 환자 중 높은 빈도로 발생하며 사고의 대부분은 치근이 미완성되어 있는 시기에 발생하 여 치수, 치주인대, 치조골, Hertwig 상피 근초(HERS)에 다양한 영향을 주게 된다. 손상 정도에 따라 치수의 완전한 재혈관 화, 근관 석회화, 근관내 치조골 함입 등의 다양한 치유 양상을 나타내며, 치근단의 성장 정지 및 치수 괴사로 인한 염증성 치 근 흡수 등의 합병증을 나타낼 수 있다. 본 증례에서는 미성숙 영구치 치근단을 가진 세 환아에서 외상에 의한 Hertwig 상피 근초의 손상으로 발치와 기저부에 존 재하는 치근막 세포와 골세포의 치수강내로의 증식으로 인해 치근 발육 정지 및 근관내로의 치조골 함입을 나타내어 보고하 고자 한다. 외상 후 Hertwig 상피 근초의 손상에 의한 근관내로의 치조골 함입 치유 양상은 치수는 정상적인 기능을 하는 것으로 생각 되며, 유착 등의 합병증이 동반되지 않는 경우 특별한 치료를 필요로 하지 않으므로 감별 진단이 요구되며, 외상 받은 치아의 치료시 Hertwig 상피 근초에 대한 부가적인 외상을 가하지 않도록 주의해야 한다. Traumatic injury on tooth occurs frequently among trauma patients, and mainly occurs on tooth with premature roots which influences pulp tissue, periodontal ligament, alveolar bone, and Hertwig’s epithelial root sheath. According to the degree of trauma, a number of kinds of healing process can be observed, such as complete re-vascularization of pulp, root canal obliteration, growth suspension of root apex, and invasion of alveolar bone into root canal, and there can be some complications such as necrotic change of inflammatory root resorption and partial pulp necrosis due to pulp necrosis toward complete necrosis. In this clinical case, 3 patients who had traumatic injury showed root growth suspension and alveolar bone invasion into root canal due to proliferation of periodontal ligament cell and osteocyte at the base of extraction socket into pulp chamber because of the injury on Hertwig’s epithelial root sheath. If intrusion of alveolar bone into root canal due to injury on Hertwig’s epithelial root sheath after having traumatic injury doesn’t show any complication, the pulp may be considered to have normal vitality and doesn’t need any further treatment, therefore differential diagnosis is very necessary. However, it may be accompanied with suspension of root growth, therefore, additional trauma during the treatment of injured tooth should not be applied.

      • KCI등재

        하시모토 갑상선염을 동반한 갑상선 이형성증 1예

        정현주,김예나,최영식,박요한 고신대학교 의과대학 2009 고신대학교 의과대학 학술지 Vol.24 No.1

        Thyroid hemiagenesis is a rare congenital anomaly, in which one thyroid lobe fails to develop. It is reported that thyroid hemiagenesis associated with thyroid diseases such as Graves' disease, Hashimoto's thyroiditis, colloidal goiter and thyroid follicular and papillary cancer. However, Thyroid hemiagenesis associated Hashimoto's thyroiditis haven't reported in Korea. A 31-year-old female patient was clinically hypothyroid with a left-sided goiter. Hemiagenesis of right thyroid lobe indicated on 99mTc pertechnete scan and later confirmed on ultrasonography. The authors report this case with literature review.

      • Model Room 說定에 따른 殘響硏究

        金禮顯,姜秉勇,張浩京 嶺南大學校附設 基礎科學硏究所 1988 基礎科學硏究 Vol.8 No.-

        In this paper, the average absorption rate and the characteristics of reverberation which affect sound field environment in a room are studied. The results of the obtained reverberation time reveal 0.7∼0.9 sec in science building room 205, 0.6∼0.8 sec in science college auditorium, 0.65∼0.8 sec in music college auditorium and 0.55∼0.7 sec in human college auditorium. According to the above results it is found that these auditoriums and room were designed to meet the usage of the lecture rooms and conference rooms. Reverberation time has only slight difference regardless of the posittion of sound source or the position of observation.

      • KCI등재

        연속측정방법을 이용한 도심권 대기질 내 저농도 황화합물의 관측에 대한 연구

        최여진,김기현,오상인,손장호 한국대기환경학회 2004 한국대기환경학회지 Vol.20 No.2

        In this study, the concentrations of major reduced sulfur compounds (H₂S, CH₃SH, DMS, and DMDS) were determined from ambient air in a monitoring station located in the mid-eastern area of Seoul. Measurements of sulfur species were conducted by the combination of on-line air sampling, thermal desorption, and capillary GC/PFPD analysis. A total number of 143 hourly samples were collected in the two time periods set between June and July 2003. The mean concentrations of four sulfur species measured in the whole study period were found on the order: DMS (535±183H) > H₂S (47±10) > DMDS (35±22) > CH₃SH (6.19±29.4 pptv). The results of this study show that the concentrations of DMS at the study area are generally higher than those reported previously in the oceanic environments, while those of other sulfur species are not easy to compare with due to the lack of data. The H₂S concentrations were generally higher during the daytime than the nighttime, whereas those of others generally exhibited a reversed diurnal pattern. The overall results of our study suggest that the distribution of major reduced S compounds should be controlled by diverse processes in the urban area.

      • KCI등재

        방향족 휘발성 유기화합물의 겨울철 연속 관측 연구

        최여진,오상인,김기현 한국대기환경학회 2003 한국대기환경학회지 Vol.19 No.5

        In the present work, the distribution characteristics of ambient volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were investigated at high temporal resolution from a monitoring station located in a mid-eastern area of Seoul. A total number of 587 samples were collected during December 2002 to January 2003. The measurements of VOC were conducted by a combination of on-line air sampling and thermal desorption unit (TDU) coupled with capillary GC/FID analysis. A total of five aromatic compounds (BTEX: benzene, toluene, ethyIbenzene, m, p-xylene, and o-xylene) were, measured routinely at hourly intervals during the whole study period. The mean concentrations of BTEX measured in our study period were found in the order: toluene (8.99±5.38ppb)>benzene(0.92±0.52ppb)>m, p-xylene (0.51±0.34ppb)>o-xylene(0.48±0.35ppb)>ethyl benzene (0.43±0.32ppb). The BTEX concentrations were generally higher during the daytime than the nighttime, exhibiting certain patterns on a weekly basis. Results of our analysis indicate that the unusually high concentrations of toluene, while showing good correlations with other VOCs, can be a good indicator of air pollution in the study area.

      • 기업환경보고의 과제와 전망

        박무현,김예경 啓明大學校 産業經營硏究所 2001 經營經濟 Vol.34 No.2

        Recently environmental issues are recognized as serious problems within an industrial world as well as among governments, environmental activists, and international agents. Companies are beginning to understand that they are evaluated by how well they fulfill their social responsibility in this regard, and how they report these to the interested parties. Corporations also take the environmental issues seriously because these issues are strategically linked to the sustenance of their continuous growth. Many corporations respond to the investor's interests in environment by filing, on a voluntary and regular basis, environmental reports independent of financial statements. Theses reports, however, do not guarantee comparability since there are not much basis for the assurance of environmental reporting. Reliability of these reports is questionable because they are not reviewed and/or verified by independent third parties. Accounting firms are trying to develop ways to provide additional assurance services to current and potential customers. These efforts will contribute to the application of proper verification technique in assuring environmental reports, and to the expansion of relationships with customers. Participation in the verification activities will be helpful for corporations, investors, and regulatory authorities. Setting standards for environmental reporting and verification would create a new market for environmental reporting and assurance services. It would also provide fair opportunities for accounting firms to compete effectively with consulting firms specialized in the area of environmental technologies.

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