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        송대(宋代) ‘사회적 약자’로서 임산부(姙産婦) 지원과 영아(嬰兒) 구제

        吳元敬 ( Oh¸ Won-kyung ) 역사교육학회 2021 역사교육논집 Vol.78 No.-

        In China, there is a long tradition of support and relief for the ‘socially disadvantaged,’ such as elderly people, children, and women. As early as the period before the Qin Dynasty, there was a care and support for widows and the support for pregnant women influenced even preborn children and infants under the age of two. Such support for pregnant women, preborn children, and infants continued without decline well into and after the Han Dynasty and even progressed further in terms of laws and institutions during the Song Dynasty. During the Song Dynasty, the Fetus Raising Order (Taiyangling) was promulgated to support pregnant women with fetus raising and childbirth and as part of the support, their husbands were exempted from statute labor and there were material support, such as rice and other grains and money. The Infant Raising Institution (Juzicang), a specialized relief institution, was established to provide support for pregnant women from poor households. The relief institution saved abandoned infants and raised them until they were sent back to their parents. The social relief for the ‘socially disadvantaged,’ which was different from the disaster relief from natural disasters, of the Song Dynasty, played an important role throughout the Chinese history. Related ‘statutes’ were continuously promulgated and different types of relief ‘institutions’ were widely installed, while relief measures taken in previous dynasties were made into policies and institutionally established. Later, the tradition of social relief was inherited as an exemplary model for policies and institutional development related to social relief. It can be said that the Chinese dynasties had the aspect of today’s social ‘welfare,’ which was more than a simple social ‘relief.’

      • KCI등재

        독일어 학습자의 이유 표현 양상에 관한 연구

        이원경 ( Lee¸ Won-kyung ) 한국독일어교육학회 2020 외국어로서의 독일어 Vol.47 No.-

        본 연구는 외국어로서의 독일어 학습자의 발화 중 ‘이유 표현’을 고찰의 대상으로 한다. 이유 표현은 특정한 사실이나 사건, 행위, 견해에 관하여 근거를 대는 언어행위에 쓰인다. 이 연구의 구상은 독일어 학습자들이 ‘근거대기’에 사용하는 이유 표현을 지도하는 과정에서 교수자로서 겪는 어려움에서 출발하였다. 연구의 이론 부분에서는 외국어로서의 독일어 이유 표현과 관련한 연구 동향을 개관하고 교재에 제시된 이유 표현의 편성 사례를 살펴보면서 학습목표로서의 이유 표현을 조명한다. 이어서 학습자들의 쓰기 산출에서 확인되는 이유 표현의 분포와 오류를 중심으로 사용 양상을 분석하고, 네 가지 대표적인 오류 유형을 기술한다. 이러한 양상을 파악함으로써, 구체적인 학습자 어려움이 무엇인지, 어떻게 교수자를 통하여 보완되어야 할지, 그리고 필요한 후속 연구는 무엇인지에 관하여 논의하는 계기로 삼고자 한다. Dieser Beitrag beschäftigt sich mit dem sprachlichen Mittel zum Ausdruck der Grund-Folge-Relation in der schriftlichen Produktion der Lernenden. Dieses Mittel steht im engen Zusammenhang mit der Sprachhandlung ‘Begründen’ zusammen und bildet ein wichtiges Lernziel im DaF-Unterricht. Als Lehrender begegnet man nicht selten Sprachhandlungen der Lernenden, die in der Grammatikalität zwar kein wesentliches Problem aufweisen, hinsichtlich der Argumentationsstruktur doch nicht adäquat sind. Ausgehend von den Schwierigkeiten bei der Interpretation dieser Unadäquatheit wird hier versucht, charakteristische Züge bei der Verwendung des Ausdrucksmittels aufzuzeichnen. Nach einem Überblick auf den Forschungsstand folgt im zweiten Kapitel eine Lehrwerkanalyse am Beispiel von studio 21. Dabei wird versucht, die konkrete Lernprogression mit dem Lernziel ‘Begründen’ zu beschreiben, um die Möglichkeiten sowie Grenzen aufzugreifen. Im dritten Kapitel wird dann anhand einer empirischen Untersuchung herausgearbeitet, welche Besonderheiten bei der Verwendung von den sprachlichen Mitteln zu beoachten sind und welche Arten von Fehlern charakteristisch sind. Der Beitrag versteht sich als Anstoß zum bewussteren Umgang mit den Lernschwierigkeiten und zu einem umfassenden Konzept für die sprachliche Handlung ‘Begründen’ im DaF-Unterricht.

      • KCI등재

        A Vision and the Perpetual Cycles of the Soul

        Wonkyung Shin 한국예이츠학회 2014 한국예이츠 저널 Vol.43 No.-

        W. B. 예이츠가 평생을 쏟은 비술연구는 그의 책『환상록』에서 결정체 를 이룬다. 그의 문학작품의 기저를 이루는 중요한 자료가 된 이 책에서, 예이츠는 사 후세계와 영혼의 영원한 환생에 대해 설명한다. 영혼의 환생사이의 기간은 6단계로 나뉘며, 두 번째 단계인 명상은 꿈으로 되돌아보기와 회기를 포함하는데, 이것은 예이 츠의 작품에서 가장 자주 볼 수 있는 단계로, “양치기와 염소치기,” 『연옥』,『뼈다귀 들이 꾸는 꿈』등의 작품 속 영혼들이 지나간 생을 여러 번 살며 존재하는 곳이다. 또한 “마이클 로바티스의 이중비전” 에서 영혼은 축복의 단계에, 다른 영혼들은 마침 내 정화와 예지의 단계에 도달하며, 환생의 영원한 순환 속으로 나아간다. W. B. Yeats’s lifelong study on occultism is crystallized in A Vision, and it is, as many insist, the essential resource underlying his literary work. This book deals with the afterlife and permanent reincarnation of the souls. The period between lives, divided into six states, includes the Meditation which contains the Dreaming Back and the Return most often used in Yeats. In some of Yeats’s works such as “Shepherd and Goatherd,” Purgatory, Dreaming of the Bones, the ghosts are going through these states, reliving lives many times. The soul in “The Double Vision of Michael Robartes” stays at the Beatitude, and some finally reach the Purification and Foreknowledge. The souls are making progress through the perpetual cycles of reincarnations.

      • KCI등재

        The Pursuit of the Wisdom of Daemonic Images

        Wonkyung Shin 한국예이츠학회 2014 한국예이츠 저널 Vol.45 No.-

        예이츠가 평생을 추구해온 초자연적인 것들에 대한 믿음은 그의 시적 철학의 핵심이다. 그는 “증오와 충만과 공허의 환영들”의 화자처럼, 논리보다는 초자연적인 현상을 중요시하며, 오직 논리적인 것만을 중요시하는 사람들과는 다이몬적 지혜를 함께 나눌 수 없다고 생각한다. 이 논문은 예이츠가 신비주의 사상을 구축하는데 기반이 되어준 다양한 원리들을 연구하고, 다이몬적 이미지를 구현한 그의 시들을 연구한다. What Yeats sought for life is none other than the supernatural, which is the kernel of his poetic philosophy. He values the supernatural over logic like the speaker in “I See Phantoms of Hatred and of the Heart’s Fullness and of the Coming Emptiness” who realizes that he can not share his daemonic wisdom with others whose values are only in logic. This paper studies various sources on which he established his occultism and traces the daemonic images he treats in some of his poems.

      • KCI등재

        The Great Wheel and Byzantium Poems

        Wonkyung Shin 한국예이츠학회 2012 한국예이츠 저널 Vol.38 No.-

        윌리엄 버틀러 예이츠의 A Vision은 그의 시 철학의 핵심이다. 이 책에서 설명하는 다양한 원리 중에서도, 인간의 생애를 나타내는 거대한 수레(the Great Wheel)는 가장 중심적인 시스템이다. 예이츠에게 있어서, 믿는 것은 시가 된다. 참으로 많은 예이츠의 후기 시속에서 우리는 A Vision의 시스템을 발견한다. 이 논문은 비잔티움을 소재로 하는 두 편의 시, “Sailing to Byzantium”과 “Byzantium”의 분석을 통하여, 거대한 수레의 4구역이 이 두 시의 바탕이 되는 것을 확인한다. W. B. Yeats’s A Vision is the nucleus of his poetic philosophy, and the Great Wheel in it is the core idea representing his thoughts on life. For him, what he believes becomes poetry. Indeed, the system of A Vision permeates his later work. This article studies two Byzantium poems, “Sailing to Byzantium” and “Byzantium,” and concludes that the four quarters in the Great Wheel has crystallized into two great poems.

      • KCI등재

        “The Tower” : Enlightenment that Transcends Life and Death

        Wonkyung Shin 한국예이츠학회 2018 한국예이츠 저널 Vol.56 No.-

        예이츠가 살았던 노르만양식의 탑은 그의 시에서 매우 훌륭한 상징을 제공하였다. “탑”은 시집 탑 에 수록된 전체시를 대표하며 예이츠 시학과 철학의 정 수를 보여준다. 본 논문은 “탑”을 매우 세밀히 읽고 분석한다. 또한 탑이 시인에게 의 미하는 것과 탑으로부터 시인이 깨달은 것이 무엇인지를 연구한다. “어린 학생들 사이 에서” 나 “비잔티움 항행”의 주인공들과는 달리 “탑”의 화자는 현실을 도피하지도 않 으며 현실을 순간적으로만 깨닫지 않는다. 이 세상을, 인간이 태어나 살다 죽고 다시 태어나는 영원한 순환의 세상, 즉 “달 저편의 낙원”으로 봄으로써 시인은 마침내 삶과 죽음을 초월하는 깨달음에 도달한다. 이것은 새롭고 진정한 깨달음이다. The Norman tower where Yeats lived provided him with a great symbol in his poetry, and his poem “The Tower” represents the whole corpus of the poems in the volume, The Tower. This paper aims to read and analyse “The Tower” minutely, to show that it is the crystalization of Yeats’s poetics and philosophy. It also studies what the tower means to the poet and what he realizes from it. Unlike the speakers in “Among School Children” or “Sailing to Byzantium,” the speaker in “The Tower” neither escapes from reality nor reaches a momentary realization of reality. Seeing this world as a “Translunar Paradise” where man is born, lives, dies, and is born again in an eternal cycle. Yeats finally reaches an enlightenment and transcends life and death: a new realization.

      • A case of CD30 positive anaplastic large cell lymphoma occurred in patient of mycosis fungoides

        ( Wonkyung Lee ),( So Hee Park ),( Do Hyeong Kim ),( In Ho Park ),( Jeong Nan Kang ),( Jung Eun Seol ),( Hyojin Kim ),( Ho Suk Sung ) 대한피부과학회 2015 대한피부과학회 학술발표대회집 Vol.67 No.1

        CD30 positive anaplastic large cell lymphoma is characterized by constant expression of CD30 and anaplastic cytologic feature. It usually experience an indolent disease course and favorable prognosis. Large cell transformation of mycosis fungoides can show similar clinical and histopathologic findings with CD30 positive anaplastic large cell lymphoma. But it shows poor prognosis and needs more aggressive treatment, so differential diagnosis of those two diseases should be required. Differential diagnosis is made by overall consideration of clinical presentation, past history, histopathologic findings and disease course but the distinguishment is still difficult. A 29-year-old Korean male presented with erythematous nodule on his left leg. He was diagnosed as mycosis fungoides 10 years ago and had been treated with phototherapy continuously. On histopathologic examination and immunochemistry of the nodule, more than 75% of CD30 positive large T cell shown in the specimen. With favorable clinical course, CD30 positive anaplastic large cell lymphoma was finally diagnosed. Herein, we report a case of CD30 positive anaplastic large cell lymphoma in patient with mycosis fungoides differentially diagnosed from large-cell transformation of mycosis fungoides.

      • KCI등재

        Value of Elementary Learner Corpus for Second Language Acquisition: A Case Study on Article Use

        Wonkyung Choi 한국초등영어교육학회 2019 초등영어교육 Vol.25 No.4

        The present study aims to show theoretical values of children s corpora and learner corpus research (LCR) for second language acquisition (SLA) and other related academic fields. It first overviews how rare it has been to analyze children s writings in previous research due to the difficulty of building elementary learner corpora. Then, it presents a case study on the use of English articles as a piece of example research. The researcher created the Korean Elementary Students Corpus (KESC) and prepared for three other corpora for a quasi-longitudinal analysis. As a result of the multiple comparative analysis, this case study drew valuable findings about Korean learners use of English articles. First, Korean children significantly underuse both definite and indefinite articles (THE and A(AN)), compared to native speaking children. Second, Korean adult learners also significantly underuse THE compared to native speaking adults, whereas they significantly overuse A(AN). Last, Korean learners have difficulty in using articles even when they become adults, whereas native speakers appear to develop the knowledge of English articles as they grow up. The findings of the case study seem to raise more questions than answers as to the acquisition of English articles. It is believed to provide the preliminary information that could be useful for further research. They also suggest that elementary learner corpora could be used to discover other salient L2 features that L2 children produce, and to make valuable contributions to a better understanding of SLA and other academic fields in future research.

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