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      • KCI등재

        충남 친환경학교급식의 농식품 속성 가치 분석: 감자, 콩나물, 토마토를 중심으로

        양성범 ( Yang¸ Sung-bum ) 한국유기농업학회 2021 韓國有機農業學會誌 Vol.29 No.1

        The objective of this study is to analyze the value of attributes of agricultural products in school food service using hedonic price model and choice experiment. In the case of potatoes, bean sprouts, and tomatoes, environment-friendly agricultural products rather than conventional ones, and domestic price premiums exist rather than Chungnam. The higher the price, the higher the margin rate. Conventional agricultural products were more profitable than environment-friendly ones, and domestic products were more profitable than Chungnam. In consumer preferences, environment-friendly agricultural products are preferred over conventional agricultural products and local products (Chungnam, Cheonan, Asan) rather than domestic ones. This is the opposite result of the Hedonic price model estimation that Chungnam has a lower price premium than domestic in the case of origin. This study is meaningful by analyzing the attribute value of agricultural products used for school meals in Chungnam and comparing them with the willingness to pay consumers. With the results of this study, it is necessary that discussions on supplementing the value of local products used in Chungnam school food service.

      • KCI등재

        대학생의 EBD 중재프로그램 개발을 위한 기초연구: RC대학생의 생활 스트레스와 스마트폰 중독의 관계에서 사회적 지지의 매개효과

        김성범 ( Kim¸ Sung-bum ) 대구대학교 특수교육재활과학연구소 2021 특수교육재활과학연구 Vol.60 No.3

        본 연구는 EBD 대학생 209명의 생활스트레스, 스마트폰 중독, 사회적 지지의 상호관계에서의 영향력을 알아보고자 실시되었다. 또한 EBD 대학생의 생활스트레스와 스마트폰 중독의 관계에서 사회적지지의 매개효과를 살펴보았다. 연구 결과는 아래와 같다. 첫째, EBD 대학생의 생활스트레스는 스마트폰 중독과 정적인 높은 상관관계가 나타났다. 그리고 생활스트레스와 사회적지지, 스마트폰 중독과 사회적지지는 부적인 상관관계를 나타내었다. EBD 대학생의 생활스트레스가 높을수록 스마트폰 중독은 높아지며, 사회적지지가 높을수록 스마트폰 중독은 낮아지는 것을 의미한다. 둘째, EBD 대학생의 생활스트레스가 단독으로 스마트폰 중독에 미치는 영향보다, 생활스트레스와 사회적지지가 함께 영향을 미칠 때 사회적지지가 매개변인으로 작용하여 스마트폰 중독을 감소시키는 것으로 나타났다. 즉, EBD 대학생의 생활스트레스와 스마트폰 중독의 관계에서 사회적지지는 매개효과를 나타내었다. The purpose of this study was to examine the mediating effects of social support on the relationship between life stress and smartphone addiction in EBD students living in dormitories. The subjects of this study were 209 college students living in residentional college in ‘A’ university located in ‘B’ City. Life stress, social support, and smartphone addiction scale were used as research tools to investigate psychological changes of participating college students. Based on the relevant theories and previous studies, we examined the mediating effect by setting life stress as an independent variable, social support as a mediator, and smartphone addiction as a dependent variable. Data analysis was conducted through correlation analysis, soble test, and structural equation modeling approach. The results of this study are as follows. First, there was a statistically significant correlation between life stress, smartphone addiction, and social support in college students living in residentional college. Second, social support partially mediated the life stress and smartphone addiction of residentional college students. The mediating effect of the identified social support was suggested by suggesting the necessity of constructing a system in the university which can provide the social support for the depressive related to the life stress and to keep it stable.

      • KCI등재

        화학물질 운반차량 누출사고 처리절차에 관한 연구

        Sungbum Kim,Sangjae Lee,Seongkyeong Jeong,Myunghee Lim,Youngil Song,Euisan Ahn,Hoyong Jeong,Najin Kim,Hyunjoo Lee,Sungwoon Choi 한국재난정보학회 2017 한국재난정보학회 논문집 Vol.13 No.1

        지난 3년(‘13∼’15)간 화학물질사고는 301건이 발생하였으며, 연평균 약 100건이 집계됐다. 이와 같은 화학사고는 인명과 환경에 많은 피해를 가져왔다. ‘13년∼’15년에 발생한 운반차량 화학사고는 연평균 21건으로 전체 화학사고의 약 21%를 차지한다. 화학물질 운반차량의 사고는 지역에 관계없이 도로상에서 발생하고 있기 때문에, 관계기관의 대응 및 사후처리 등 체계적인 현장조사가 필요하다. 또한 화학물질 운반업자 및 화물주 등의 협조가 절대적으로 필요한 상황이다. 따라서, 본 논문에서는 화학물질 운반차량의 사고발생에 대한 현장조사 및 처리 절차를 조사·분석하였다. 이를 통해 운반차량의 화학사고에 대한 원인을 분석하고 현장조사와 처리절차를 체계적으로 마련하는 기초자료가 될 것으로 판단된다. 301 cases of chemical accidents occurred during the recent three years('13~15) recording about 100cases on average in Korea.. Chemical accidents has brought casualties and negative impact on the environment. The chemical accident by transporting vehicles during recent 3 years records 21 on average & takes about 21% of the whole chemical accident. Systematic investigation on chemical accident was needed by corresponding authorities since the transport accident has occurred on the road, all over the nation. For the systematic investigation on the accident scene by the corresponding authorities, the cooperation of transport companies and transport contractor is highly necessary. The investigation of such accident scene was examined and analyzed in this study. Through this study, the results can be basis to analyzed the cause of chemical accident by transporting vehicles and to prepare procedures for on-site investigation and handling systematically.

      • KCI등재

        유해화학물질 취급사업장 통합관리 연구

        Sungbum Kim,Choonhwa Park,Seungyoung Ahn,Jungmin Kim,KwangSoo Chun,Hye Ran Noh,Gwang Seol Seok,Yi Yoon 한국재난정보학회 2013 한국재난정보학회 논문집 Vol.9 No.3

        유해화학물질관리법에서는 화학물질의 제조·수입부터 판매·사용·배출 전과정에 대한 감시제도를 두어 화학물질의 불법적인 유통을 방지하고, 적정관리를 유도하고 있다. 그러나 부처별 점검체계가 다양하고, 점검기관도 지자체·환경청으로 이원화되어 있어 정보의 공유와 업무의 연계성 유지가 어렵다. 화학물질 취급사업장 전반에 대한 종합적인 분석이나 체계적인 관리를 위해서 현재의 관리현황을 분석하고, 이를 통해 사업장관리에 대한 개선방안을 마련하고자 한다.

      • KCI등재

        사건현장의 고체상 화학물질 현장분석 연구

        Sungbum Kim,Hyeran Noh,Jinseon Lee,Jungmin Kim,Munsik Cho,Choonhwa Park,Kwangsoo Chun,Seungyoung Ahn,Gwangseol Seok 한국재난정보학회 2012 한국재난정보학회 논문집 Vol.8 No.3

        국립환경과학원은 화학테러·사고 현장의 고체시료 사건원인 물질을 신속히 분석하고자 Portable FT-IR(Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy, A2 Technologies, U.S.A.), Portable XRD(X-ray Diffraction, Olympus Innov-X co., U.S.A.) 등을 보유 및 운용하고 있다. Portable 분석장비의 효율적인 활용과 신속한 분석 값을 얻기 위해 사건현장에서의 탐지 및 시료채취, 현장분석 절차가 필요하다. Portable FT-IR, XRD의 분석결과 값의 정확도는 높으나, 사건현장 중심의 분석절차가 마련되지 않아 비상시 장비사용의 어려움을 가지고 있다. 이에 고체상 Portable 분석장비의 현장 분석방법 및 절차를 마련하여 현장대응에 적극 활용하고자 한다.

      • KCI등재

        The Romantic Control of History and the Politics of Difference

        Sungbum Lee 한국비평이론학회 2008 비평과이론 Vol.13 No.1

          Once the universal history of Christian teleology weakened its own authority with the rise of modern society, individual (national or personal) histories started to have their own internal telos. That is, the gradual decrease of theological monism leads to the valuation of time-dependent change. Now temporal differentiation characterized as irreversible, unrepeatable, and irreplaceable rises to the surface as a new parameter of the modern notion of time. What is at issue here is that as soon as eschatological totality loses its influential power, individual histories have their own totalizing programs. I define the diachronic ordering of different histories as Romantic time discipline.<BR>  In her poem, "Eighteen Hundred and Eleven" (1812), Anna Letitia Barbauld (1743-1825) becomes involved in this Romantic chronology in a global context. She reveals how the British Empire is determined to incorporate local others into its own master plot. I term this kind of globalization Romantic globalization.<BR>  The politics of difference, which celebrates local differences against global capitalism, emerges as an alternative to Romantic globalization especially in an era of global capitalism. In the name of the politics of location, the war of positions or the politics of postcoloniality, the politics of difference values non-classed, non-national, local identities as an epistemological center, a subject-position, and a site of resistance to guard against global capitalism. It argues for local differences tackling the totalizing pressure of Capital that serializes them at a global level. The presence of heterogeneities, led by local subjects troubling the conceptual authority of thc classed or national subject, regionalizes the master plan of transnational capitalism.<BR>  The politics of difference, however, has two problematic postulates. One is that it tends to abandon any kinds of the interconnectedness of differences as a repercussion of its rejection of monolithic totalization. The other is that although thc politics of difference, of course, has its own advantage in that the existence of local histories can question global totalization, it is likely to fall into the de-historicized essentialization of differences. Avoiding both the totalizing repression of global totality and the fetishized notion of difference, I suggest the decentered netting of local differences. This new paradigm is characterized by the multifocal, glocalized flow of differences.

      • KCI등재

        Reference, Self-Reference and the Power of Signs

        Sungbum Lee 19세기영어권문학회 2009 19세기 영어권 문학 Vol.13 No.1

        This paper aims to address the self-division of reference into outer reference and self-reference in order to eventually show how the self-referential arbitrariness of sign systems acts as a new device for social control in early nineteenth century Britain. The in-depth discussion of what Ferdinand de Saussure describes as the arbitrary relation between the signifer and the signified in reality goes back to the Enlightenment and the Romantic era. Enlightenment and Romantic linguists are alike in that both of them note the circumstantial relation of a sign to its referent. These two groups, however, differ from each other in that the former esteems the referentiality of language whereas the latter attempts to thematize the self-referencial recursion of it. The Enlightenment theorist of rhetoric Hugh Blair, in spite of his argument for the arbitrariness of language, ultimately puts accent on the referential exactness of it. He prioritizes modern English over ancient languages since, as a simple example, the former eliminates, for the primacy of prepositions and auxiliary verbs, the qualitative marks of syntactic order (i.e., case declension and verb conjugation) that the latter, namely ancient Latin has. Blair's preference for English over Latin indicates that English develops the arbitrary ordering of words to set up purely intra-linguistic rules. Blair, however, finally contends that language should reinforce its referential clarity. Romantic linguists, on the other hand, divide reference itself into outer reference and self-reference. They exert themselves to displace the former, that is, what is referred to with the latter, that is, how it is referred to. This dividing process can be called the “desynonymization” of reference. It causes the mismatch of sign and referent. Romantic poetics thus structuralizes the constant tension between reference and self-reference. Now, just as literature is desynomymized from other social institutions, self-reference is desynonymized from reference itself for the autotelic turn of signification. Percy Bysshe Shelley observes that the structural inconsistency between sign and referent serves as a new device for social hegemony in politico-economic as well as literary systems. He questions the poetic, political, and economic web of a repressive rule by arbitrary signs. Although he cherishes the merit of language as “measured words,” he simultaneously worries about the instability of signification. He also notices that the ruling class, what he calls “a new aristocracy,” plays with the overrepresentation, underrepresentation, and misrepresentation of political representatives in the parliamentary assembly. They take advantage of the variations of representation. In the economy of currency, too, the contemporary Tory government encourages bad money, say, paper currency to misrepresent its real value, which results in the fluctuations of value. Shelley problematizes this ongoing inconsistency between the signifier and the signified that repeats itself in divergent social organizations. Coming up against the political-economic-poetic network of repression by arbitrary signs, Shelley's subversive imagination ironizes a dominant logic itself. In “The Mask of Anarchy,” his poetic strategies for tackling the deceptive system of signs is to paradoxically appropriate it for resistance. The poem shows that the power of self-referential signs operates double-edgedly; although it can facilitate domination, it simultaneously helps defamiliarize contemporary authorities. When Shelley images Hope and Shape as surfing into contradictory entities, this on-going displacement is meant to parody the repressive power of sign systems.

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