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      • 한국인에 의한 유기인계 농약의 식이섭취량 추정

        이서래,이미경 이화여자대학교 생명과학연구소 1994 생명과학연구논문집 Vol.5 No.-

        국내에서 사용되고 있는 주요 유기인계 농약 11종에 대한 한국인의 식이섭취량을 농산물중 잔류량과 식품계수로 부터 산정한 결과 1인당 1일 31㎍ 으로 나타났다. 식품군별 섭취량 비율은 곡류 56%, 채소 23%, 과일 14%, 두류, 기타 7%이었다. ADI 값에 대한 식이섭취량 비율을 보면 diazinon 6.1%, fenthion 5.8%, fenitrothion 3.3%, EPN 1.5%로 나타났고 11종 농약의 성분별 평균은 1.7%에 불과하였으나 모든 성분에 대한 합계치는 18.7%에 이르렀다. 따라서 현재와 같은 유기인계 농약의 사용실태하에서는 농산물중의 농약잔류가 한국인의 국민건강에 손상을 줄 수 있는 수준은 아니지만 체계적인 섭취량 평가에 착수해야 될 것으로 판단되었다. Daily dietary intake of 11 organophosphorus pesticides by the Korean population was estimated to be 31㎍ per person(0.567㎍/㎏ body weight/day) from known residue data on raw agricultural products and food factor based on the Korean diet, for the period of 1986-90. Intake ratio of 11 pesticides by food group was 56% from cereals, 23% from vegetables, 14% from fruits and 7% from legumes and other food materials. The ratio of the dietary intake to the ADI was 6.1% in diazinon, 5.8% in fenthion, 3.3% in fenitrothion, 1.5% in EPN and 1.7% average for 11 individual pesticides whereas the cumulative ratio of 11 pesticides was 18.7%. It is, therefore, proposed that a s"stematic estimate for the dietary intake of organophosphorus pesticides should be undertaken, although the present intake level would not give any adverse effect to the health of the Korean population under the current situation of pesticide usage.

      • 韓國人을 위한 食品係數의 最適化

        이서래,이미경 이화여자대학교 생명과학연구소 1993 생명과학연구논문집 Vol.4 No.-

        한국인을 위한 식품중 유해성분의 安全性 평가 및 基準設定에 필요한 食品係數를 결정하기 위하여 국민영양조사에 의한 식품攝取量과 식품수급표에 의한 供給量 자료로부터 1인당 1일 식품종류별 消費量을 1970년대와 1980년대로 나누어 最適化하였다. 1인당 소비하는 총식품량은 1970년대에 1,104g, 1980년대에 1,240g 이었으며 식품 종류별로는 증감비율이 달리 나타났다. In order to provide food factors necessary for safety assessment and standard setting of hazardous substances in foods, per capita consumption of food items by Korean population was optimized for the periods of 1970's and 1980's from nutritional survey and food supply data. Average daily intake of total foods per person was 1,104 g in 1970's and 1,240 g and in 1980's. Much variation was observed between the two decades by food commodities.

      • 요구르트가 여자대학생의 변비에 미치는 임상적 연구

        이서래,김화영,최삼섭,승정자,오명숙,김동재 이화여자대학교 생명과학연구소 1996 생명과학연구논문집 Vol.7 No.-

        In order to study the prevalence of constipation among female college students in Korea and the effect of yogurt, 3,243 students in Seoul area were surveyed by questionnaires for the status of stool evacuation and 197 students with possible constipation were sample and fed apple yogurt II from Pasteur Dairy Company for 3-weeks period. Students of constipation amounted to a high ratio of 53.4%, which consisted of 13.4% in heavy constipation(1-2 times evacuation per week)and 40.0% in mild constipation(3-4 times evacuation per week)during the past one-year period. To 90 of heavy constipation and 107 of mild constipation students were fed 290ml of yogurt every morning for 3-weeks period and examined for the status of stool evacuation by subsequent questionnaires. Frequency of stool evacuation was significantly improved in 51.3% of the students after 1 week, 57.9% after 2 weeks and 60.4% after 3 weeks(p<0.05). The effect of improvement in stool frequency was greater in heavy group than in mild group through the 3-weeks period. The number of students who experienced the disappearance of inconvenience in evacuation after drinking the yogurt was 52.3% after 1 week, 72.1% after 2 weeks and 76.1% after 3 weeks. Discomfort such as stomach disorder and mild diarrhea during the drinking period was observed in 24% students and it appeared that a longer drinking period was needed for adaptation of digestive tracts. The number of students maintaining the improved stool frequency was 38.7% after 1 week and 37.6% after 1 month since discontinuing yogurt drinking. The number of students reverted to the previous habit of evacuation after discontinuing was 51.6% after 1 week and 63.5% after 1 month, which were not significantly different between heavy and mild groups(p>0.05).

      • 한국인에 의한 농약의 이론적 최대섭취량 및 안전지표의 산정

        이서래,이미경,김남형 이화여자대학교 생명과학연구소 1995 생명과학연구논문집 Vol.6 No.-

        우리나라에서 식품중 농약잔류 허용기준의 적합성을 평가하고 Codex 기준의 수용 가능성을 검토하기 위하여 허용기준치와 한국인의 식품계수 만을 적용한 농약성분의 이론적 최대섭취량을 계산한 다음 ADI 값과 비교하였다. 국내에서 혀용기준이 설정된 105개 농약성분의 ADI 대비율은 대부분이 80% 이하 수준을 유지하고 있으나 ADI를 초과하는 농약은 13개 성분이었다. 한편 Codex 기준에서 ADI를 초과하는 22개 성분에 대해서는 그 원인을 지적하였으며 안전마진 확보를 위한 대책이 마련되어야 할 것이다. In order to evaluate the acceptability of Korea and Codex maximum residue limits(MRLs), theoretical maximum daily intake (TMDI) by Korean population was calcaulated from MRL and food factor and compared with acceptable daily intake(ADI). The percent ratio of TMDI to ADI for 105 pesticides whose MRL was established in Korea was mostly below 80% and 13 pesticides exceeded the ADI. Among 82 pesticides with Codex MRL, 20 items exceeded the ADI. The main causes of exceeding the ADI according to Korea or Codex MRLs were pointed out for 22 items and it was needed to set measures to assure a safety margin.

      • 한국인을 위한 식품 평균소비량(1990년대) 자료의 최적화

        이서래,이효민,허근,이미경 영남대학교 약품개발연구소 2001 영남대학교 약품개발연구소 연구업적집 Vol.11 No.-

        국내에서는 식품수급표와 국민영양조사가 지난 수십년에 걸쳐 두개의 중앙부처에서 각각 수행되어 왔다. 그러나 근년에 들어와 두가지 통계자료간의 격차가 수용할 수 없는 수준에 도달하고 있다. 그 이유로서는 지난 30년간 공업화 및 도시화에 따른 식습관의 급격한 변화에도 불구하고 조사방법의 개선이 뒤따르지 못했기 때문으로 추정된다. 따라서 현재 이용가능한 국민영양조사에 의한 식품소비량 데이타를 식품수급표를 감안하면서 최적화하였다. 최근 1991-95년 기간중 개별 식품항목의 조정 소비량이 곡류, 감자류, 당류제품, 두류, 견과종실류, 과일류, 채소류, 육류, 난류, 우유제품, 유지류 및 수산물에 대하여 제안되었다. 소맥제품, 두류제품, 김치류 및 우유제품을 포함하는 가공 식품에서는 그들이 원료성분으로 계산하기 위한 잠정적인 환산계수를 제안하였다. 식품들의 공급량 데이타와 섭취량 데이타 간의 큰 편차는 국민영양조사에서 계절적 차이와 아울러 가공식품 및 외식에 의한 섭취량이 무시되었기 때문으로 지적되었다. 여기에서 제안하는 조정된 식품소비량 데이타는 앞으로 새로운 절차에 의한 국민건강영양조사 결과가 나와 검증될 때까지 평균소비량을 위한 국가대표치로 활용되기를 기대한다. 1) In Korea, food balance sheet and national nutrition survey have been conducted in parallel by Central Government for several decades. However, the gap between the two statistics became larger to reach an intolerable level in recent years, likely due to the limitation of dietary survey method in spite of the drastic change in dietary habits after industrialization and urbanization during last three decades. The currently available data from national nutrition survey was optimized by taking in to account of the food balance sheet. Adjusted consumption data for individual food items during the period of 1991-95 were given in tabular forms for groups of cereals, potatoes, sugars & sweets, legumes, nuts & seeds, fruits, vegetables, meats, eggs, dairy products, oils & fats and fishery foods. Conversion factors of processed foods including wheat products, soybean products, Kimchi and dairy products into their raw materials were tentatively proposed. Great differences between supply data and intake data of food commodities were pointed out to be likely due to the seasonal variation and ignorance of processed foods and dining-out in the national nutrition survey. It is recommended to utilize these optimized food intake data as the nationally-representative one until new data from the national health and nutrition survey undertaken after modified procedures since 1998 are obtained and verified in future.

      • 韓國 在來된장중 Aflatoxin 含量의 變化

        李瑞來,金容華 梨花女子大學校 韓國生活科學硏究院 1983 韓國生活科學硏究院 論叢 Vol.31 No.-

        한국식 在來된장의 製造 및 調理과정 중 發癌性물질인 aflatoxin의 含量 변화를 알기 위하여 일련의 실험을 수행한 바 그 결과를 다음과 같이 요약한다. 1) 메주제조 중 Aspergillus flavus ATCC 155117균주로 汚染시킨 경우 aflatoxin함량은 20일만에최고에 달한 후 다시 감소하였으며 햇볕 건조에 의하여 다시 1/2로 감소하여 乾物기준 9ppm에 도달하였다. 2) Aflatoxin으로 汚染된 메주로 醬類를 담그는 경우 된장과 간장으로의 aflatoxin 移行비율은 9:1로 나타났고 3개월간의 된장 熟成중 그의 30%가 더 감소되었다. 3) 된장을 국과 찌개로 調理하는 경우 15∼45분간 加熱에 의하여 aflatoxin含量은 30∼50%가 분해되었다. In order to investigate the changes of aflatoxin content during the preparation and cooking processes of Korean-style soybean paste, some experiments were carried out to obtain the following results. 1) The aflatoxin content in Meju artificially inoculated with Aspergillus flavus ATCC 155117 strain reached the maximum level 20 days after shaping and decreased thereafter. Its content decreased further to half by sun-drying the Meju, reaching 9 ppm on a dry weight basis. 2) In soaking the dried Meju in saline for 3 months, the aflatoxin was partitioned into soybean paste and soy sauce in the ratio of 9:1. After ripening the paste for 3 months, 30% of the aflatoxin disappeared. 3) In cooking the soybean paste as a soup or a soup, 30-50% of the aflatoxin disappeared by boiling for 14-45 minutes.

      • 급성 A형 간염에 병발한 급성신부전 2 례

        홍수민;박경식;박일권;손형래;구호석;고행일 인제대학교 2011 仁濟醫學 Vol.32 No.-

        Hepatitis A is a mild, self-limiting disease of the liver, critical complications of which, such as acute kidney injury, are rare. Two cases of patients with acute hepatitis A who had an acute renal failure complication are reported herein. The first case is that of a 30-year-old man who showed up at the author’s hospital complaining of fever and myalgia. His laboratory tests upon his admission showed 9,520 lU/L of aspartate transaminase, 5,600 lU/L of alanine transaminase, 31.9 mg/dL of blood urea nitrogen, and 5.5 mg/dL of creatinine, and he was positive for the Anti-HAV IgM antibody. Upon his admission, supportive treatment was started, which included fluid therapy. The laboratory tests on the next day showed 53 mg/dL of blood urea nitrogen, 9.9 mg/dL of creatinine, and lower urine output per day. Renal replacement therapy was performed only once. A renal biopsy was performed and the result was Acute Tubular Necrosis (ATN). The patient recovered from acute renal failure without sequela. In the second case, a 35-year-old man complained of fever and abdominal pain. His laboratory tests upon his admission showed 8,570 lU/L of aspartate transaminase, 4,510 lU/L of alanine transaminase, 16 mg/dL of blood urea nitrogen, and 1.19 mg/dL of creatinine, and he was positive for the Anti-HAV IgM antibody. He experienced acute renal failure and recovered after two-time renal replacement therapy. The result of the renal biopsy was Acute Tubular Necrosis and C1q nephropathy.

      • 유통업에 있어서의 CRM 도입에 관한 연구

        박수용,조학래 대구보건대학 2001 대구보건대학 論文集 Vol.21 No.-

        This thesis is a study in how to Introduce the CRM in the distribution industry. At first, I reflected on the theories on the CRM and then suggested how to build the CRM in the distribution industry. We need the CEO's firm belief on the CRM and all the workers' active participation to build the CRM successfully.

      • 上下肢 位置感覺에 대한 考察

        吳壽一,沈在龍,金潤來 江原大學校附設 體育科學硏究所 1990 江原大學校附設體育科學硏究所論文集 Vol.- No.15

        The results of relation and development between the position sensory of upper and lower limbs and motor skill, and what superior is between right and left limb are followings ; 1. It seen to have no relation between the position sensory and motor skill. It seems to have no meaningful difference statistically in the comparison of difference between sports group and non-sports group students, although, according to some investigators in special measurement parts and methods, sports group is superior. 2. It seems to be superior the both side limbs to any one side limb in the position sensory of upper and lower limbs.

      • 병원경영의 의료서비스 향상에 대한 연구

        조학래,박수용 대구보건대학 2001 대구보건대학 論文集 Vol.21 No.-

        The main body of Hospital System concerns itself with present status of patients and service enhancement of Hospital management. The purpose of this analysis is to apply Hospital service level and Hospital management concepts to the Hospital markets. The major analysis findings of this study are as follows : (1) Hospital environments at the Hospital markets open. (2) All Hospital management must be involved in the service concepts. (3) Hospital service is never-ending process, never-ending evolution. (4) Hospital service and enhancements concepts apply to service and Hospital management functions.

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