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      • KCI등재

        대량재해에 있어 미토콘드리아 DNA의 다형성을 이용한 개인식별

        이숭덕,김기범,이윤성,최영태,신창호,이정빈 大韓法醫學會 1996 대한법의학회지 Vol.20 No.1

        The mitochondrial DNA(mtDNA) is a small extranuclear DNA molecule that has been sequenced in man. the mtDNA has distinct characteristics over nuclear DNA. First, the evolutionary rate of nucleotide substitution appears to be larger compared with the nuclear DNA. Second, mtDNA is maternally inherited, so the determination of the various haplotype is unequivocal and no recombination has to be involved. Third, there is a 1.1 kb long control region, which shows severe polymorphism. These characteristics have been applied for several evolutionary study. Furthermore, they exist in cytoplasm with numerous copy number and their size, 16,569 bp is small relative to nuclear DNA, so they are more resistant to degradation or can be types in samples with only cytoplasm such as hair shaft without hair root. These presented the possibility of mtDNA as a tool in individual identification, especially when the nuclear DNA be unavailable. Actually, polymorphism in control region has been applied to individual identification for the skeletal remain found in Vietnam war. So we decided to apply the polymorphism of mtDNA in control region for the individual identification in case of mass disaster-"Downfall of Sampoong Department". Human remains from total 27 different individuals and 178 control persons were submitted for the individual identification. As the mtDNA comparison could be done through maternal lineage, 12 individual from 9 families from the control group were ruled out, because these families were consisted of father or were seeking for their father. Sequencing for the mtDNA control region was done using ABI automatic sequencer and DyeDeoxy Terminator Cycle Sequencing Kit. For convenience, sequencing reaction was done for two separate control region, region I from 16016-16401 in Anderson sequence, and regionⅡ from 048-388. First, sequences in regionⅡ of all samples and control persons were compared, and 20 samples were ruled out with no identical sequences in control group. Remaining 7 samples showed identical sequences with some of the control persons in three groups, and these identical pairs underwent mtDNA region I study. After region I study all samples except two dropped out in blood relationship. For the confirmation, STR and VNTR study such as MCT118, apoB, YNZ22, vWF, MBP, D21S11, TC-11 were done for remaining the two samples. The result denied the blood relationship between these two samples and any of the control group.

      • KCI등재

        한국인에서 Quadruplex PCR을 이용한 8종류 상염색체 STR 유전좌의 다형성 분석

        장영길,김기범,신창호,이숭덕,이윤성,이정빈 大韓法醫學會 2001 대한법의학회지 Vol.25 No.1

        Two quadruplex PCR reactions were designed for 7 tetrameric (D3S2406, D4S2368, D5S818, D7S821, D9S925, D13S317, D19S253) and one trimeric (D6S1043) short tandem repeats loci to study the allele frequency and the applicability of genetic variation in these loci in forensic case works. For 310 unrelated Koreans DNA was isolated from peripheral blood using phenol/chloroform method. Quadruplex I was consisted of D4S2368, D6S1043, D7S821, D9S925 and quadruplex II D3S2406, D5S818, D13S317, D19S253. The amplified products were analyzed by 5% polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis followed by silver staining. The heterozygosity in each loci ranged 92.91-66.13%, and PD(Power of Discrimination) was above 085 in each loci. Every loci except D6S1043 followed hardy-Weinberg expectation. The cumulative PI was low as 1.65×10-10. Two mutations were noted, one in D19S253 and the other in D9S925 among 234 gametes. With these results above eight STR loci studied here preyed to be highly polymorphic enough to be used in forensic field. This study provides valuable population data in these loci for Korean.

      • KCI등재

        자기 밖의 삶으로 읽히는 뱀파이어의 다른 양태들 -< 드라큘라 >, < 뱀파이어와의 인터뷰 >, < 렛미인 >을 중심으로-

        안숭범 ( Soong Beom Ahn ),조한기 ( Han Ki Cho ) 한양대학교 현대영화연구소 2016 현대영화연구 Vol.12 No.2

        그동안 수많은 서사물에서 뱀파이어 캐릭터는 ‘죽음과 삶이 착종된 괴물’, 또는 ‘설명될 수 없는 세계에서 틈입한 공포의 대상’으로 존재해 왔다. 그러 나 최근 변화하고 있는 뱀파이어 캐릭터 중 일부는 인간사회의 상식과 고정 관념, 종교적 신념, 은폐된 폭력적 질서 등을 더 핍진하게 드러내는 데 기여 한다. 이에 본 연구는 ‘떠나온 세계’와 ‘들어간 세계’의 차이를 부각시키는 외국인의 문제를 연구한 기욤 르 블랑의 시선을 경유해 < 드라큘라 >, < 뱀파 이어와의 인터뷰 > < 렛미인 > 속 뱀파이어 캐릭터를 살펴보았다. 특히 블랑이 말한 ‘망명자’, ‘이민자’, ‘이주자’ 개념을 활용해 세 영화 속 캐릭터들의 다른 삶을 분석하였다. 그 결과 < 뱀파이어와의 인터뷰 > 속 루이는 ‘망명자’의 초상으로 읽을 수 있었다. 그는 뱀파이어 사회의 부조리한 권력장을 체험하면서 그곳을 떠나가 는 존재로 그려진다. 그 과정에서 부조리한 인간사회의 일면을 상기시키는 뱀파이어 사회는 윤리적 심판을 받게 된다. 한편 < 드라큘라 > 속 드라큘라는 19세기말 런던사회로 들어온 자, 곧 ‘이민자’의 형상으로 파악되었다. 그의 이민은 결국 인간사회에 통용되는 가치질서에 의해 재차 거절되고 만다. 수 용자는 그의 비극적 최후에서 사회 밖으로 추방한 괴물을 향한 배타적 폭력 의 근거를 다시 살피게 된다 할 것이다. 마지막으로 < 렛미인 >은 인간사회 내 에선 영원히 합법적 거처를 마련할 수 없는 ‘이주자’의 모습으로 나타난다. 그녀가 ‘왕따’ 소년 오스칼과 연대해 가는 과정은 부당하게 타자화된 자들의 영원한 이주 문제에 강력한 질문을 제기한다 하겠다. 이 연구를 시작으로 호러 장르에 등장하는 다양한 초월적 캐릭터들의 상 징성과 문화사회학적 함의를 밝히는 작업을 계속해가도록 하겠다 In many epic stories, vampires have been recognized as either “monsters that are neither alive nor dead” or “fearsome invaders who have come from mysterious places.” However, some of the transforming vampire characters contribute to displaying common sense and stereotypes, religious beliefs, and disguised violence seen in human society more realistically. In this research, the vampire characters in “Dracula,” “Interview with the Vampire,” and “Let the Right One in” were observed through the perspective of Guillaume Le Blanc, who studied the issue of foreigners who stress the difference of “the world one leaves” and “the world one goes to.” The different lives of the characters in the three movies were analyzed, especially through the usage of the concepts of “refugee,” “immigrant,” and “emigrant,” mentioned by Blanc. As a result, Louis in “Interview with the Vampire” could be recognized as a character representing “refugees.” He is portrayed as a character who leaves the vampire society after experiencing the irrational use of power. In the process, the vampire society, which reminds us of the irrational human society, receives moral judgment. On the other hand, Dracula in “Dracula” was recognized as a type of “immigrant” who entered the London society in the late nineteenth century. His immigration was rejected because of the values applied to human society. From the tragic end he meets, we will again observe the evidence of exclusive violence towards the monster exiled from society. Finally, “Let the Right One in” has a character who appears as an “emigrant” who cannot ever get a place to stay at legally. The process of her bonding with the bullied boy, Oskar, raises a question on the never ending issue of emigration for outcasts of society. With this research as a start, the symbols and socio-cultural meanings of various supernatural characters that appear in horror movies will continuously be analyzed

      • KCI등재

        Y Chromosome Haplotypes in Koreans

        Lee, Soong-Deok,Lee, Dam-Ho,Kim, Ki-Beom,Lee, Yoon-Seong,Lee, Jung-Bin 大韓法醫學會 2001 대한법의학회지 Vol.25 No.1

        Y 염색체에 존재하는 다형성 STR 유전좌인 DYS19 유전좌, DYS388 유선좌, DYS389 유전좌, DYS390 유전좌, DYS391 유전좌, DYS392 유전좌, DYS395 유전좌들의 법의학적 이용 가능성을 알아보기 위해 한국인 1054명을 대상으로 각각의 유전좌에 대하여 PCR증폭을 시행한 후 polyacrylamide gel을 이용하여 전기영동을 시행하여 대립유전자를 확인하였다. 유전좌마다 6-22개의 대립유전자가 관찰되었고, 각 유전좌에서 부권배제율은 0.28-0.886이었다. 각 유전좌들에서 대립유전자들은 각각 반복서열에 따라 구별되었고, 'interallele'은 관찰되지 않았다. 각각의 유전좌에서 반복서열은 3-4 bp로 구성되어 있었다. 388 부계쌍에서 DYS19 유전좌에서 1예, DYS388유전꼭에서 1예, DYS389 유전좌에서 2예, DYS391 유전좌에서 3예, DYS392유전좌에서 1예, DYS395 유전좌에서 1예 등 모두 9예의 돌연변이가 8가족에서 관찰되었다. 한국인에서의 대립유전자 분포 등과 같은 자료들이 다른 민족의 것과 차이가 있음을 확인하였다. 연구대상 유전좌들은 모두 Y 염색체에 존재하고, 이들은 서로 연관되어 있을 가능성이 높으므로 일배체형으로 표현할 수 있다. 모두 563 종류의 일배체형을 확인하였다. 연구대상 가운데 630명은 서로 다른 사람임에도 불구하고 같은 일배체형을 공유하고 있었다. 가장 흔한 일배체형의 경우 77명이 서로 같은 형을 공유하고 있었다. 단지 한 사람에서만 관찰된 일배체형은 매우 흔해 424종류가 있었다. 이와 같은 결과로 Y 염색체에 존재하는 STR 유전좌를 이용한 일배체형은 다형성이 매우 높아 부계 확인이나 질도말과 같은 법의학적 증거물 검사에 매우 유용함을 알 수 있었고, 본 연구결과는 한국인에 대한 고유 자료로서 매우 유용하다고 본다. In this study the population data at seven STR loci on the Y chromosome, DYS19, DYS388, DYS389, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392 and DYS393 are described for 1054 Koreans. In each locus, 6-22 alleles were noted, and allelic distribution patterns were found to be different from those of other populations. The PD was 0.28-0.886 and no interallele was noted. In 388 father-son pairs, 9 cases of mutation, one in DYS19 locus, one in DYS388, two in DYS389, three in DYS391, one in DYS392 and one in DYS393 locus were noted. In total 573 different haplotypes were noted. 630 cases shared the same haplotype with someone among 1054 object studied. Even in case which showed different haplotypes, many cases showed differences only in one locus and genotypes in the remaining seven loci were the same. The discrimination between mutation and different haplotypes seems to be problematic in these situations. Experiences for the large scale haplotype data base in Koreans were described.


        Water-Gel for Gating Graphene Transistors

        Kim, Beom Joon,Um, Soong Ho,Song, Woo Chul,Kim, Yong Ho,Kang, Moon Sung,Cho, Jeong Ho American Chemical Society 2014 NANO LETTERS Vol.14 No.5

        <P>Water, the primary electrolyte in biology, attracts significant interest as an electrolyte-type dielectric material for transistors compatible with biological systems. Unfortunately, the fluidic nature and low ionic conductivity of water prevents its practical usage in such applications. Here, we describe the development of a solid state, megahertz-operating, water-based gate dielectric system for operating graphene transistors. The new electrolyte systems were prepared by dissolving metal-substituted DNA polyelectrolytes into water. The addition of these biocompatible polyelectrolytes induced hydrogelation to provide solid-state integrity to the system. They also enhanced the ionic conductivities of the electrolytes, which in turn led to the quick formation of an electric double layer at the graphene/electrolyte interface that is beneficial for modulating currents in graphene transistors at high frequencies. At the optimized conditions, the Na-DNA water-gel-gated flexible transistors and inverters were operated at frequencies above 1 MHz and 100 kHz, respectively.</P><P><B>Graphic Abstract</B> <IMG SRC='http://pubs.acs.org/appl/literatum/publisher/achs/journals/content/nalefd/2014/nalefd.2014.14.issue-5/nl500446s/production/images/medium/nl-2014-00446s_0007.gif'></P><P><A href='http://pubs.acs.org/doi/suppl/10.1021/nl500446s'>ACS Electronic Supporting Info</A></P>

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        [GATA]n의 동일한 반복서열을 갖는 세 STR 유전좌에 대한 Multiplex PCR 및 이들 유전좌의 법의학적 이용

        김기범,이윤성,이숭덕,이정빈 大韓法醫學會 1997 대한법의학회지 Vol.21 No.1

        Multiplex PCR for three STRs of same repetition unit [GATA]n, 4804LR[D12S66], 27H39LR[DYS19] and 4815LR[D12S67] loci, was constructed for forensic application. DNA was extracted from 200 unrelated Koreans and amplified with a mixture of primers specific for three loci. After amplification PCR products were separated on polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, so called Amp-FLP procedure. Three loci could be co-amplified in a reaction with easy, and reaction condition was not so quite different from that of each locus. The PCR products of each locus were different in size. The alleles of 4804LR from 241 bp to 281 bp, so these alleles of each locus could be separated on a single electrophoresis. A total of six alleles was noted in 4804LR and heterozygosity was 0.5865. The allele 11 and allele 12 were frequently noted with the frequency of 0.6225 and 0.1775, respectively. Sequencing was done for 2 alleles, and the exact size of the alleles and the repetition unit were confirmed. Through statistical analysis forensic applicability of the STR 4804LR locus was confirmed. For 4815LR locus, the amplification was successful, but the separation of the alleles on routine polyacrylamide gel was not successful. Some alleles was hardly separable, some alleles did not match the allelic ladder exactly, so the interallele was suspicious. On sequencing gel the electrophoresis pattern was quite different with that of routine polyacrylamide gel. A total of 11 allele was noted in 4815LR and heterozygosity was 0.765. For the routine use of the 4815LR locus, more meticulous method for the separation of the alleles such as using automatic DNA sequencer was necessary.

      • KCI등재후보

        병원입원환자의 영양상태동정

        한승범(Seung Beom Han),박승국(Soong Kook Park) 대한내과학회 1988 대한내과학회지 Vol.35 No.3

        N/A Many patients have often been found to be suffering from protein-calorie malnutrition during their hospital days. Physicians have a lack of concern for the nutritional status of their patients and have attempted a little to reverse the malnutrition. It is well known that malnutrition in hospitalized patients has adverse effects on the prognosis of the disease. We a the nutritional status of forty-nine patients admitted to Keimyung University Hospital from June 1987 to September 1987, The patients were grouped into five; 10 immobilized patients due to traumas (Group 1), 10 febrile patients with secondary bacterial infections (Group 2), 10 short-term fasting patients recovering from surgery (Group 3), 9 chronic hepatitis patients (Group 4) and 10 control patients who had no active diseases (Group 5). We determined each patients required calories, ordered calories and given calories; estimated lean body mass by measns of the formula, 7.138+0.02903×(mg creatinine/24h.), and measured body weight, midarm-circumference, skinfold thickness everyday for 10 days. The study results were as follows; Negative nitrogen balance in all groups, and negative calorie balance in all but the control group were observed. A significant loss of body weight was observed in Group 2 and 3 during the 10 day period. The measurement of body weight was the best parameter to assess the nutritional status of patients in the early stage of admission; on the other hand, midarm-circumference, skinfold thickness and lean body mass were not sensitive.

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