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        코르프해협 事件

        全淳信 동아대학교 법학연구소 1988 東亞法學 Vol.- No.6

        1946년, 코르프해헙을 통항하던 영국군함이 알바니아영해를 포함한 동해협에서 기뢰에 부딪혀 크게 파손당하고, 다수의 사상자가 발생했다. 그래서 영국이 동수역에 소해작업을 강행했는데, 여기에서 양국 사이에 분쟁이 발생했다. 재판은 영국의 제소로 개시되어, 2년 6개월의 장시간이 걸린다. 재판소는 7개의 재판명령과 3개의 판결을 내렸다. 먼저 관할권에 관한 판결에서 재판소는 알바니아의 선결적 항변을 각하하고 재판소의 관할권을 인정했다. 양국은 즉시 부탁합의 (compromis)를 작성하여 재판소에 제출함으로써, 국제법위반사실의 존부의 인정과 국가책임에 관한 본안재판이 시작되었다. 그리하여 재판소는 1949년, 영국군함의 무해통항을 인정하여 알바니아의 배상책임을 긍정하고, 반면에 영국의 소해작업은 국제법 위반이라는 판결을 내렸다. 나아가 동년 말에 재판소는 영국이 알바니아에게 요구한 배상액을 사정함에 있어, 영국이 주장하는 금액을 인정하는 판결을 내렸다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • 變溫貯藏에 따른 白米의 褐變

        全順實,姜文善,金武男 新羅大學校 1989 論文集 Vol.27 No.-

        The browning development, occurring in the rice during storage, causes reduction of nutritional value. A kinetical approach for the non-enzymatic browning rection of the rice was studied in the present experiment. The reaction rates revealed the maxima at 0.65a??. The activation energies obtained from the Arrhenius plot ranted 13.2∼15.9 ㎉/mole. From these energies of activation, the θ?? values at 45℃ which is defined as an increase in reaction rate for a 10℃ increase in temperature can be calculated showing 1.89∼2.16. Shelf-lives, time to reach an optical density of 0.02 at which brown color change detect. In addition, a storage study under a square-wave fluctuating temperature condition was carried out. The rice smaple was maintained at 35℃ and 55℃ periodically with 7 days interval. In the fluctuating temperature storage study, the rate constants at all water activities used in the experimemts were higher than those at 45℃, the mean temperature of the cycle which affects other kinetic parameters including activation energies, θ?? value and finally the shelf-lives. The data obtained from fluctuating temperature storage study will be used in prediction of shelf-life. The shelf-lives assessed at 25℃ from the accelerated shelf-life tests ranged from 604 days at a?? 0.44,510 days at 0.52, 333 days at 0.65, 421 days at 0.75.

      • 멩끼에 및 에크레호島 事件

        全淳信 東亞大學校 1988 東亞論叢 Vol.25 No.1

        The Minquiers and Ecrehos case was brought before the International Court of Justice in 1951 by France and the United Kingdom, and the Court rendered Judgement on November 17, 1953. (Facts) From the geographical situations of the lslands concerend, we can find some conclusive facts as fol-lows : (1) The Minquiers are situated nearedr to Iles Chausey (Which belogs to France) than to Jersey (Which is English territory), (2) The Ecrehos are nearer to Jersey than to France. One of the rocks of the Ecrehos lies within the territorial waters of Jersey, (3) In both groups of Islands, there are islets and rocks to be capable of appropriation in international law, (4) The importance of the groups of an economic nature including fishing rights than strategical one, (5) As a sufficient amount of historical remains of both Parties are found on the groups, they should be carefully studied in legal sense. With regard to the Minquiers and Ecrehos, both Parties delivered voluminous amount of historical evidences. Namely, before the Court, the British Government presented considerable amount of direct evidences such as the exercise of jurisdiction, local administration and legislation, e.g. criminal procee-dings, levying of taxes on houses, registration of fishing boats, contracts of sale regarding real property and inquest of corpse, while the French goverment stressed indirect evidences such as the feudal of ecclesiatical links in Middle Ages between the mainland and the groups of islands disputed. But the Court attached probative value the direct evidences of the United Kingdom. (Legal issues) Bothe Parties asserted their sovereign rights over the islets and rocks of the Minquiers and Ecrehos groups. To decide this question, the Court had to find which Party produced more convincing proof of the title to the groups. Under these conditions, the main legal issues involved in the present case which requested by both Parties may be shaped as follows : (1) What is the "critical date?" And when is the date in the present case? (2) To which Party the original or ancient title to the Minquiers and Ecrehos belongs respectively? (3) If it is taken for granted that the original title belongs to France(or the United Kingdom), did France maintain her title until the critical date, or did France(or the United Kingdm) lose her title and did the United Kingdom (or France acquire it?) (4) And if the status of both Parties are uncertain to decide to which party the original title belongs, which Parth really did aquire the original title before the critical date? (Judgement) Examining the eviences on titles invoked by both Parties, the Court found that neither of them suc-ceed in proving her orginal or ancient title and subsequent maintenance by effective possession. Accor-dingly, the Court have paid great attention to the various acts of sovereignty on which the so-called "doctrine of consolidation" may be based on. The Court attached the most probative value to the exer-cise of jurisdiction and local administration and to the legislation. So the court concluded that "the so-vereignty over the islets and rocks of the Minquiers and Ecrehos groups belongs to the United." (Significance of the Judgement) The judgment wasupheld unanimously by the Court. In addition, the amicable attitude toward the settlement of dispute between the Parties might well be highly estimated. It is really desirable for the international community to seek the reasonable way of settling controversies by "judicial" means toge-ther with "diplomatic" means at the same tiem for the final and amicable settlement of disputes. The most important criteria in territorial disputes seems to be the principle of effective possession. This doctrine has been frequently relied on in the several cases such as the Palmas Islands case, the Eastern Greenl and case, the Minquiers and Ecrehos case and the Preah Vihear case, etc. As to the pending issue of Tokdo problem. Japan alleged her title to Tokdo islands on the basis of effective posse-ssion over the islands and the relative strength of evidence thereon. Because the territory problem bet-ween Korea and Japan is stated clearly in the Cairo Declaration and the Peace Treaty with Japan, it is truly a dangerous way of thinking to apply generally a certain international theory such as doctrine of effective possession to the spe-ific cases without considering particular situations of the disputed area.

      • KCI등재

        北海大陸棚 事件

        全淳信 동아대학교 법학연구소 1988 東亞法學 Vol.- No.7

        네덜란드, 독일연방공화국 및 덴마크의 3국 모두가 북해에 접해 있고, 또 이 국가들은 북에서부터 남의 순서로 국경을 접하고 있다. 그런데 3국 사이에 북해 대륙붕의 경계획정을 둘러싼 다툼이 발생했다. 독일연방공화국은 1964년에 네덜란드와, 1965년에는 덴마크와 조약을 체결하여 각각의 근해의 일정한 지점까지의 대륙붕의 경계선에 대해서는 합의했지만, 그 이원의 북해의 중심부 부분에 있는 대륙붕의 경계획정에는 합의에 도달하지 못했다. 한편, 네덜란드와 덴마크는 1966년에 독일연방공화국의 근해에 위치하고 있는 대륙붕의 그 각각에 속하는 구역의 경계를 등거리방식에 입각해서 획정하는 조약을 체결하고, 이것이 독일연방공화국에 대해서도 유효하다고 주장했다. 그러나 독일연방공화국은 이것을 부정했다. 여기에서 3국 사이에 1958년의 대륙붕 조약 제 6조에 규정된 특거리 방식의 사용이 동조약의 당사국이 아닌 독일연방공화국을 구속하는 국제관습법상의 규칙인지에 대해 다툼이 발생했다. 결국 문제는 3국 사이의 합의에 의해 1967년에 국제사법재판소에 부탁되었다. 재판소는 부탁된 문제, 즉 3국 사이의 북해 대륙붕의 원계획정에는 “국제법의 어떤 원칙 및 규칙이 적용되는가?”에 관해서 1969년 2월 20일에 판결을 내렸다. 이 판결을 기초로 하여 3국 사이에 외교교섭이 행해져 1971년 1월 28일에 코펜하겐에서 서명된 독일 연방국·덴마크 조약 및 독일연방공화국·네델란드 조약에 의해 문제는 최종적으로 해결되었다.

      • KCI등재

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