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      • KCI등재

        외부지향 기업문화와 직무소진 간의 관계: 조직 내 커뮤니케이션의 매개효과와 HR부서의 전략적 역할의 조절된 매개효과

        홍소정 ( Hong¸ Sojung ),심명정 ( Shim¸ Myungjung ),이윤수 ( Lee¸ Yunsoo ) 한국경영공학회 2021 한국경영공학회지 Vol.26 No.3

        Purpose This study aimed to investigate the mediating effect of communication and the moderated mediating effect of the role of human resource (HR) in the relationship between external-oriented organizational culture and burnout. Methods We analyzed the responses of 10,005 employees from the 2017 human capital corporate panel (HCCP) dataset with SPSS PROCESS macro. Results (1)The moderating effect of the role of HR was significant. (2)Communication partially mediated the relationship between innovative-oriented culture and burnout and fully meditated the relationship of task-oriented culture and burnout. (3)The moderated mediating effect of the role of HR was significant. Conclusion Based on the findings, the present study discussed implications on the relationship between organizational culture and burnout according to the role of HR effect.

      • KCI등재

        제3언어로서의 독일어 학습을 위한 잠재어휘 개발

        주소정 ( Joo¸ So-jung ) 한국독일어교육학회 2020 외국어로서의 독일어 Vol.47 No.-

        한 번도 배운 적이 없으나 선행 언어학습 경험을 토대로 그 의미를 쉽게 추론할 수 있는 어휘를 잠재어휘라 한다. 제3언어 수업에서 잠재어휘는 학습자가 목표어에 빠르고 쉽게 입문하도록 도와주며, 듣거나 읽었을 때 이해 가능한 수동어휘를 효율적으로 확장시키는 데 기여한다. 또한 초급 수업에서부터 실제텍스트 활용을 가능하게 해준다. 독일어 어휘에도 영어학습 경험을 토대로 쉽게 의미추론이 가능한 어휘가 다수 존재하는데, 지금까지 독일어 수업에서는 이와 같은 잠재어휘의 무한한 활용 가능성이 전혀 주목을 받지 못했다. 본 연구는 어휘 의미추론 실험을 통해 독일어 어휘 가운데 한국인 학습자가 잠재어휘로 활용할 수 있는 어휘를 구체적으로 파악하고, 개인의 언어학습 경험과 관련된 변인들이 추론능력에 어떤 영향을 미치는지 살펴보았다. 어휘실험I과 II에서 의미추론이 이루어진 총 384개의 어휘 가운데 60% 이상의 추론 성공률을 보인 어휘는 전체 어휘 수의 50%가 넘는 187개 어휘로, 이들 대부분은 상응하는 영어 어휘와 뚜렷한 형태적, 음성적 유사성을 지니고 있다. 그 밖에도 문맥적 단서의 유무에 따라 상이한 추론 성공률을 보였으며, 영어 성적이나 학습한 외국어의 종류 및 수와 같은 언어학습 경험에서 비롯된 개인적 변인들이 성공률에 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 이와 같은 결과를 종합적으로 고려해 볼 때, 독일어 학습자들이 보유하고 있는 상당수의 잠재어휘를 독일어 학습에 적극적으로 활용함으로써 학습의 효율성을 높일 수 있으며, 교육과정 기본어휘표에 수록된 어휘를 수동어휘와 능동어휘로 구분함으로써 독일어 학습자의 어휘 학습 부담을 경감시킬 수 있을 것이다. Unter dem potentiellen Wortschatz versteht man diejenigen Wörter, die man vorher nie gehört oder gelernt hat, aber deren Bedeutung trotzdem beim erstmaligen Lesen oder Hören ohne Schwierigkeit verstanden bzw. erschlossen werden kann. Die Nutzung des potentiellen Wortschatzes ermöglicht den Tertiärsprachenlernenden einen schnellen Einstieg in die Zielsprache, die effiziente Erweiterung des passiven Wortschatzes und zudem den Einsatz authentischer Texte im Fremdsprachenunterricht bereits in der Anfangsphase. Im deutschen Wortschatz besteht auch eine große Anzahl an Wörtern, deren Bedeutung koreanische DaF-Lernende aufgrund der Analogien zwischen Deutsch und Englisch ohne großen Aufwand erschließen können. Somit wurde in dieser Studie anhand des Wortschatztests empirisch nachgeweisen, welche der deutschen Wörter, die mit Englisch phonologische bzw. orthografische Ähnlichkeiten aufweisen, in der Tat als potentieller Wortschatz klassifiziert werden können. Außerdem wurde festgestellt, dass die Variablen aus der individuellen Fremdsprachenlernbiografie die Erschließungskompetenz der DaF-Lernenden beeinflussen. Die Ergebnisse dieser Forschung weisen darauf hin, dass der potentielle Wortschatz durch Aktivierung der Fremdsprachenlernerfahrungen der DaF-Lernenden in der Unterrichtspraxis gezielte Anwendung finden kann und die Wörter auf der Grundwortschatzliste künftig in passiven und aktiven Wortschatz unterteilt und dementsprechend differenziert gelernt werden sollten.

      • KCI등재후보

        Ambidextrous Governance, Balance Tuning, and Outsourced ISD Performance: A Three Dimensional Response Surface Analysis

        Sojung Lucia Kim(김소정),Seonyoung Shim(심선영) 연세대학교 경영연구소 2020 연세경영연구 Vol.57 No.2

        정보시스템개발 아웃소싱 성과에 있어 계약적 거버넌스와 관계적 거버넌스는 기본적 두 거버넌스 방법론으로, 두 가지 거버넌스를 동시에 사용하는 양손잡이 거버넌스도 많이 채택되고 있다. 양손잡이 거버넌스의 경우 둘 간의 적절한 균형점을 찾는 것이 필수적으로 요구된다. 선행연구에서도 강조되었듯 두 거버넌스 간 조율을 통해 최적의 거버넌스 형태를 찾기 위한 과학적 분석이 필요하다. 우리는 두 거버넌스를 모두 채택하는 양손잡이 전략하에서 균형과 불균형 거버넌스를 개념화하고 이러한 거버넌스 형태가 정보시스템개발 성과에 미치는 영향을 다항회귀모델(polynomial regression)과 반응표면분석(response surface analysis)을 통하여 고찰하였다. 발주사와 수주사가 서로 쌍을 이룬 107건의 데이터를 수집, 분석하여 다음의 결과를 얻었다. (1) 두 거버넌스 간 균형은 정보시스템개발 성과에 긍정적이다. (2) 두 거버넌스 간 불균형은 정보시스템개발 성과에 부정적이다. (3) 두 거버넌스 간 최적의 균형점은 계약적 거버넌스에서 관계적 거버넌스로 점점 이동하며 발견된다. 이상의 결론을 바탕으로 3차원 반응표면분석을 기반의 본 연구는 그 간의 IT거버넌스 및 정보시스템개발관리 연구에 새로운 함의를 제공한다. Two basic modes of IT governance—contractual and relational, the combination of which shapes ambidextrous governance—are equally important in information systems development (ISD) outsourcing performance; thus, managing an appropriate balance between them is necessary. Past literature also argues that the governance mode should be adjusted through a systematic process; therefore, tuning for an optimal balance is critical. We set up an ambidexterity process model and conceptualize balanced and imbalanced governance. We then test the association between ambidextrous governance and ISD performance using polynomial regression and response surface methodology. Data from both client and vendor—107 dyadic matched outsourced ISD projects—show that (1) balance between the two modes is beneficial to ISD performance, (2) imbalance between the two modes is hazardous to ISD performance, and (3) the optimal balance point is found by gradually moving from contract-weighted to relation-weighted governance through a systematic process. We contribute to the research on extant IT governance and ISD project control literature by adopting three-dimensional response surface methodology and analyzing the ambidextrous nature of governance from the perspective of this novel approach.

      • KCI등재

        Convergence characteristics of a domain decomposition scheme for approximation of quantum forces

        Sojung Park,Jungim Yoon,위대현 한국물리학회 2013 Current Applied Physics Vol.13 No.7

        We investigate the convergence characteristics of a domain decomposition scheme to approximately compute quantum forces in the context of semiclassical Bohmian mechanics. The study is empirical in nature. Errors in the approximate quantum forces are compiled while relevant parameters in the numerical scheme are systematically changed. The compiled errors are analyzed to extract underlying trends. Our analysis shows that the number of Bohmian particles used in discretization has relatively weak influence on the error, while the length scale of interaction among subdomains controls the error in most cases. More precisely, the overall numerical error decreases as the length scale of interaction among subdomains decreases, if the error due to the truncation of the tail of the probability density distribution is adequately controlled. Our results suggest that it may be necessary to develop an efficient method to effectively control the error due to the truncation of the tail. Further studies, especially rigorous mathematical ones, should follow to understand and improve the behavior of the scheme.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • Does diversification of share classes increase firm value?

        Sojung Kim,Sunwoo Hwang,Woochan Kim 한국재무학회 2019 한국재무학회 학술대회 Vol.2019 No.05

        Firms can issue stocks classified in many ways, including in terms of voting rights, dividend rights, redemption rights, and conversion rights. This study investigates the desirability of giving firms greater freedom to choose their share classes. Using the 2011 Commercial Act amendment that significantly relaxed regulation over share classes in Korea, we study the motivation behind and effect of adopting two newly emergent classes: preferred stocks convertible to voting stocks at the discretion of management and preferred stocks redeemable at the discretion of investors. We find that firms adopt the former for managerial entrenchment purposes and destroy firm value by doing so, while firms adopt the latter in times of financial distress but fail to arrest the decline in firm value by doing so.

      • KCI등재

        17Beta-Estradiol Regulates NUCB2/ Nesfatin-1 Expression in Mouse Oviduct

        Sojung Sun,Jungwoo Shin,Jiwon Jang,황승연,Jeongwoo Kim,Jinseong Kong,Hyunwon Yang 한국발생생물학회 2020 발생과 생식 Vol.24 No.1

        NUCB2/nesfatin-1 known to regulate appetite and energy homeostasis is expressed not only in the hypothalamus, but also in various organs and tissues. Our previous reports also demonstrated that NUCB2/nesfatin-1 was expressed in the reproductive organs, including the ovaries, uterus, and testes of mice. However, it is yet known whether NUCB2/nesfatin-1 is expressed in the oviduct and how its expression is regulated. Therefore, we investigated the expression of NUCB2/nesfatin-1 in the oviduct and its expression is regulated by gonadotropin. Immunohistochemical staining results showed that nesfatin-1 protein was localized in epithelial cells of the oviduct. As a result of quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) and Western blot, NUCB2/nesfatin-1 was detected strongly in the oviducts. During the estrus cycle, NUCB2/nesfatin-1 expression in the oviducts was markedly higher in the proestrus stage than in other estrus stages. In order to elucidate whether the expression of NUCB2 mRNA is controlled by the gonadotropins, we injected PMSG and hCG and measured NUCB2 mRNA level in the oviduct after injection. Its level was increased in the oviduct after PMSG injection, but no significant change after hCG injection. In addition, NUCB2 mRNA levels were markedly reduced after ovariectomy, while recovered after 17β-estradiol (E2) injection, but not by progesterone (P4). This study demonstrated that NUCB2/nesfatin-1 is highly expressed in the oviduct of mouse and its expression is regulated by E2 secreted by the ovaries. These results suggest that NUCB2/nesfatin-1 expressed by the oviduct may affect the function of the oviduct regulated by the ovaries.

      • S-4 Incidence, predictors and clinical course of PVR to tenofovir in NUC-naive patients with CHB

        ( Sojung Han ),( Hye Won Lee ),( Beom Kyung Kim ),( Seung Up Kim ),( Jun Yong Park ),( Sang Hoon Ahn ),( Kwang Hyub Han ),( Do Young Kim ) 대한내과학회 2016 대한내과학회 추계학술대회 Vol.2016 No.1

        Background: Partial virological response (PVR) to nucleos(t)ide analogues (NUC) are defined by patients with detectable HBV DNA (>10-15 IU/ml) at week 24 or week 48. Clinical importance of NUC PVR relates to developing resistance to long-term HBV treatment and requires rescue therapy from potent drugs such as entecavir(ETV) or tenofovir (TDF). Third generation NUCs (ETV, TDF) carry lower risk of resistance to long-term monotherapy, and the association between PVR and secondary treatment failure is not well established. There are studies regarding the efficacy of long?term ETV therapy. However, clinical significance of long term TDF is not known. We aim to assess the prevalence of PVR to TDF, the predictive factors associated with PVR, and clinical course in treatment-naive patients with chronic hepatitis B. Methods: We retrospectively analyzed 566 treatment naive patients with CHB who received TDF monotherapy over 6months at Severance Hospital. PVR at week 24 and week 48 were compared against patients with Complete virologic response (CVR) at 6months. Multivariate analysis was done to evaluate predictive factors of PVR. Cumulative probability of CVR was compared in patients with PVR. Results: Among 566 patients with TDF, 452 (79.9%) patients achieved CVR upon 48 weeks of TDF therapy and 510 (90.1%) achieved CVR after 96 weeks of TDF therapy. 241 (42.5%) of NUC-naive patients treated with TDF achieved PVR at week 24, and 114 (20.1%) patients achieved PVR at week 48. Using multivariate analysis, HBeAg positivity (Odds Ratio [OR] 2.501, 95% CI 1.56-4.010, p<0.0001) and baseline HBV DNA level (OR 1.633, 95% CI 1.386-1.909, p<0.0001) were predictive factors for PVR at week 24. Only baseline HBV DNA level (OR 1.813, 95% CI 1.432-2.295) was predictive factor for PVR at week 48. Cumulative CVR was significantly different (p=0.005) among patients with PVR at week 24 with HBV DNA levels <7 log10 IU/mL and patients with HBV DNA level≥7 log10IU/mL. Conclusions: Elevated baseline HBV-DNA level was both associated with PVR at week 24 and PVR at week 48. HBeAg positivity was associated with PVR at week 24. Prolonged TDF therapy in NUC-naive patients with PVR leads to CVR of majority of patients.

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