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      • KCI등재

        텍스트 데이터 분석을 통한 중국 라이브커머스 서비스 주요 이슈에 관한 연구

        김시내 ( Kim¸ Sinae ),조현준 ( Cho¸ Hyun-jun ) 한국외국어대학교 중국연구소 2021 中國硏究 Vol.88 No.-

        Live commerce is becoming a major consumption trend in China. In this study, related issues were derived and analyzed to understand live commerce in China. This study has used big data analysis methods such as text mining and network analysis for Chinese articles, under the framework of ‘agenda setting theory’. As a result of the analysis, five keywords, such as ‘platform’, ‘product’, ‘consumer’, ‘brand’, and ‘sales’ which are the core concepts of live commerce, appeared high in the frequency analysis. In the centrality analysis, among those five keywords, four keywords excluding ‘brand’ were found to be at the top. Finally, the following four research subject areas were derived by analyzing the co-occurrence of four keywords: 'platform', 'product', 'consumer', and 'sales', which appeared high in both frequency and centrality results. First, 'platform' refers to 'relationship between traffic, stars and purchases on the platform'; second, 'product' refers to 'companies change in product and brand marketing'; third, 'consumer' refers to 'consumer problem in the industry'; finally 'sales' refers to 'the impact of COVID-19 and the sales market'. The conclusions obtained through the analysis are as follows. First, live commerce plays a positive role in companies sales and PR activities, and companies are actively using it. Second, the live commerce service is receiving more attention in combination with the social issues of ‘Revitalizing the Rural Economy’. Chinese officials are also actively participating in the ‘Revitalizing the Rural Economy’ by using live commerce. Third, with the development of live commerce services, consumer problems are emerging. So the Chinese government is proposing related standards and institutions. Fourth, for a successful live commerce service, it is necessary to secure traffic. In addition, platform operation ability is required.

      • KCI등재

        문학에 나타난 이국과 타자상 - 하인리히 뵐의 『아일랜드 일기』와 알프레트 안더쉬의 「더 아름답게 살기」에 나타난 아일랜드 상을 중심으로

        양시내 ( Yang¸ Sinae ) 한국독일어문학회 2021 독일어문학 Vol.94 No.-

        아일랜드는 몇십 년 전까지만 해도 감자 대기근, 영국 식민지, 이민, IRA 등 침략과 투쟁, 가난의 나라로 특징지어졌던 유럽 끝단 대서양과 마주하고 있는 섬나라이다. 전후 독일문학을 대표하는 하인리히 뵐과 알프레트 안더쉬는 각각 1957년과 1971년 아일랜드에 관한 여행기 『아일랜드 일기』와 단편 소설 「더 아름답게 살기」를 발표한다. 계몽주의 시대문학이 이탈리아, 프랑스 등 문화적으로나 정치 사회적으로 선진국을 지향했던 반면, 제2차 세계대전을 직접 경험했던 이 작가들이 아일랜드에 주목하는 이유는 무엇일까? 두 작가는 전쟁의 상흔을 자본주의적 성장으로 보상받으려는 전후 독일의 대척점으로서 아일랜드를 제시한다. 그래서 이들의 작품에서 아일랜드는 억겁의 시간이 쌓여있는 자연의 모습 그대로, 시간을 재촉하지 않는 느린 삶을 체현한다. 산아제한 없이 태어난 아이들을 이민 보내는 나라이지만, ‘원자포와 기관총을 수출’하지도 않고, ‘점령할 목적으로 군대를 파견한 적이 한 번도 없는 나라’가 아일랜드이다. 그래서 뵐은 승자의 모습을 하지 않은 이 나라에서 유토피아적인 것을 찾고, 안더쉬는 이 욕심 없는 나라를 빗대 자본주의의 승자인 주인공의 소유욕/수집욕을 풍자한다. 아일랜드를 향하는 이들의 시선은 기성 문학에서 여행을 응시하던 태도에 반영된 계몽주의적 세계관을 벗어나고자 하는 작가적 열망에 상응하는 것이다. 따라서 본고에서는 서론에서 아일랜드에 관해 개괄한 뒤, 2장에서는 계몽주의 시대를 중심으로 문학과 여행의 관계, 문학에 나타나는 이국의 타자상에 대해 간단하게 논의한다. 3장에서는 작품 분석을 통해 두 작품에서 나타나는 아일랜드 이미지를 도출해내고, 마지막 4장에서는 3장의 분석에 기반하여 두 작품에서 아일랜드가 표상하는 바를 논의해 본다. Irland ist ein Inselstaat im Atlantik am Rande Europas, der bis vor wenigen Jahrzehnten von Aggressionen und Armut wie der Großen Hungersnot, britischen Kolonialisierung, Einwanderung und IRA geprägt war. In der Nachkriegszeit veröffentlichte Heinrich Böll den Reisebericht Irisches Tagebuch (1957) und Alfred Andersch die Erzählung Noch schöner wohnen (1971). Wie kam es dazu, dass diese Schriftsteller, die im Zweiten Weltkrieg gekämpft haben mussten, Irland Aufmerksamkeit schenkten, und dies, obwohl die (Reise-)Literatur beispielsweise des Zeitalters der Aufklärung sich den kulturell, politisch und gesellschaftlich fortgeschrittenen Ländern wie Italien und Frankreich widmete? Die beiden Autoren stellen Irland als Antithese zum Nachkriegsdeutschland dar, das die Narben des Krieges durch kapitalistisches Wachstum kompensieren will. Ein Land, in dem Eltern die zu vielen Kinder auswandern lassen, aber dennoch „keine Atomkanonen, Maschinengewehre exportiert“ werden. Auf dieser Insel wohnt also „das einzige Volk Europas, das nie Eroberungszüge unternahm, wohl selbst einige Male erobert wurde“. Böll sieht in diesem Land, das nicht als Sieger darsteht, also eine Utopie und Andersch persifliert die Besitzgier des Siegers des Kapitalismus, also des Protagonisten des Romans, der ein erfolgreicher Geschäftsmann ist. In dieser Arbeit wird nach einem Überblick über Irland in der Einleitung in Kapitel 2 kurz das Verhältnis von Literatur und Reisen diskutiert, wobei das Zeitalter der Aufklärung im Mittelpunkt steht, und das andere Land als Fremdbild in der Literatur. In Kapitel 3 wird das Bild Irlands erfasst, das in beiden Werken erscheint und im letzten Kapitel wird die Diskussion mit einer umfassenden Analyse der Darstellung Irlands abgeschlossen.

      • KCI등재

        Internship Experience of Nordoff-Robbins Music Therapy in Korea: Consensual Qualitative Research Study

        Sinae Seo,Hyejin So 한국질적탐구학회 2019 질적탐구 Vol.5 No.3

        The purpose of this study was to examine Korean music therapy students’ internship experience in Nordoff-Robbins Music Therapy (NRMT). Eight cases were analysed using a consensual qualitative research method. The results of cross-analysis indicated four domains, within which there were a total of twelve categories: (a) Class experience in NRMT internship (cultivating clinical musicianship, feeling a lack of self-confidence, opportunity for advanced education); (b) Clinical experience in NRMT internship (moments of musical connection, difficulties due to incompetence as a clinician, learning through teamwork); (c) Supervision experience during NRMT internship (clinical analysis, increasing self-awareness, evaluation anxiety); (d) Growth through NRMT internship (becoming more accepting, becoming more confident as a clinician, expanding musical resources). Study findings suggest that participants developed both professionally and personally during NR internship programs. They also learned music-centered interventions, a distinctive feature of the NRMT approach. However, perspective of experiential learning during NRMT internship should be re-examined in a Korean cultural context.

      • Efficient Hybrid Modulation with Phase-Directed Pulse Position Estimation for UWB-IR Systems

        Sinae Ji,Seongjoo Lee,Jaeseok Kim IEEE 2013 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS Vol.61 No.3

        <P>This paper proposes an efficient hybrid modulation scheme for a mixed phase-shift keying and pulse-position modulation (PSK/PPM) for heterogeneous networks employing ultra-wideband impulse radio (UWB-IR). The proposed scheme can support both coherent and noncoherent reception and is compatible with the IEEE 802.15.4a standard. Conventional hybrid modulation schemes for heterogeneous networks are generally constructed with a super-orthogonal coding (SOC) technique with which coherent receivers can get an additional performance improvement by encoding the phase bits. However, with the proposed modulation scheme, a coherent receiver can achieve a performance improvement by displaying its best capability on phase detection through a simple waveform mapping scheme. The proposed scheme requires no extra hardware or power consumption for performance improvement in coherent receivers. Simulations show that the BER of the proposed scheme in a coherent receiver is increased by 2.7dB over the hybrid modulation with no combined phase coding and also comparable to the SOC-combined modulation scheme employed in the IEEEE 802.15.4a. The error performance of the proposed scheme is analyzed, and the numerical results are presented in this paper.</P>

      • KCI우수등재

        The Progression of SARS Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV2): Mutation in the Receptor Binding Domain of Spike Gene

        Sinae Kim,Jong Ho Lee,Siyoung Lee,Saerok Shim,Tam T. Nguyen,Jihyeong Hwang,Heijun Kim,Yeo-Ok Choi,Jaewoo Hong,Suyoung Bae,Hyun Jhung Jhun,Hokee Yum,이영민,Edward D. Chan,Liping Yu,Tania Azam,Yong-Dae Kim 대한면역학회 2020 Immune Network Vol.20 No.5

        Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV2) is a positive-sense single-stranded RNA (+ssRNA) that causes coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). The viral genome encodes twelve genes for viral replication and infection. The third open reading frame is the spike (S) gene that encodes for the spike glycoprotein interacting with specific cell surface receptor – angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) – on the host cell membrane. Most recent studies identified a single point mutation in S gene. A single point mutation in S gene leading to an amino acid substitution at codon 614 from an aspartic acid 614 into glycine (D614G) resulted in greater infectivity compared to the wild type SARS-CoV2. We were interested in investigating the mutation region of S gene of SARS-CoV2 from Korean COVID-19 patients. New mutation sites were found in the critical receptor binding domain (RBD) of S gene, which is adjacent to the aforementioned D614G mutation residue. This specific sequence data demonstrated the active progression of SARS-CoV2 by mutations in the RBD of S gene. The sequence information of new mutations is critical to the development of recombinant SARS-CoV2 spike antigens, which may be required to improve and advance the strategy against a wide range of possible SARS-CoV2 mutations.

      • KCI등재
      • A ZigBee Compliant Baseband and MAC Processor

        Sinae Ji,Chulho Chung,Jaeseok Kim 대한전자공학회 2007 ITC-CSCC :International Technical Conference on Ci Vol.2007 No.7

        This paper presents a SoC implementation methodology of ZigBee MAC/PHY layer standard (IEEE 802.15.4) at 2.4㎓ RF band. In our SoC design, the MAC is software driven which makes it flexible for various needs. The PHY is implemented in hardware using our proposed non-coherent demodulation algorithm. We verified and implemented our design in both FPGA and CMOS standard cell.

      • Southeast Asianist in the Digital Age

        ( Sinae Hyun ) 부산외국어대학교 동남아지역원 2018 Suvannabhumi Vol.10 No.2

        The paper provides an appreciation and critical commentary on Stephen Keck’s fictional product, the SEABOT. It examines the problems of regional definition, given Southeast Asia’s diversity, and provides a positive gloss on this diversity. It also considers certain conceptual and methodological issues raised by SEABOT, and the advantages and disadvantages of this online platform.

      • KCI등재

        Effect of oxide coating on artificial aggregates made of reject ash to prevent sticking phenomenon

        Sinae Jo 한양대학교 세라믹연구소 2013 Journal of Ceramic Processing Research Vol.14 No.2

        Homogeneously bloated aggregates formed by sintering at rising temperatures require higher temperature than aggregate bloated by the black core mechanism. Much liquid can be produced on the aggregate surfaces and induce sticking between the aggregates. In this study, highly refractory oxides, Al2O3 and SiO2, were coated onto the aggregate surfaces in order to control sticking. The degree of sticking was analyzed by identifying the phases formed and measuring the neck length (2x) of two aggregates (radius = r) stuck together. As the amount of coating increases, the (x/r) ratio decreases, indicating that the degree of sticking was reduced. For the Al2O3 coating, a smaller particle size of the coating powder leads to a greater aggregate surface area that can be coated, which prevents sticking between the aggregates. For the SiO2 coating, increasing the particle size of the coating powder decreased the (x/r) ratio in the 1 ~ 2 wt% coating, while the ratio increased for coating above 3 wt% due to the lower melting temperature of amorphous silica and the generation of β-cristobalite. The proper amounts and suitable particle size of the Al2O3 and SiO2 coating materials were obtained for manufacturing homogeneously bloated aggregates using 100% reject ash. These results could be used as basic data for the development of a mass-production process using a rotary kiln.

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