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      • 창지투선도구와 북한나선특별시간 경제협력

        림금숙(Lin, jinshu) 국제지역연구학회 2012 국제지역학논총 Vol.5 No.2

        본 연구에서는 창지투(?吉?)선도구와 북한의 나선특별시 간의 경제 협력의 배경과 추진현황 및 제약 요인에 관하여 토의하려고 한다. 창지투 선도구와 북한의 나선특별시 간의 경제협력은 지린성의 “항구를 빌어 바다로 나가는 전략”을 실현하는 관건이며, 북한이 나선특별시의 개발 및 개방을 통해 경제 회생의 돌파구를 마련하는데 중요한 계기가 될 것이며, 두만강지역 국제자유무역지대 건설에 중대한 의의를 지니고 있다. 창지투선도구와 북한의 나선특별시간 경제협력의 중점 과제로는 북한의 나진항을 통하여 중국의 동북지역과 남방지역을 잇는 다국적 운송통로와 몽골, 러시아, 중국, 한국, 일본 더 나아가 미주지역을 잇는 동북아지역 물류운송 통로의 구축; 자원개발과 수출가공을 중심으로 한 산업협력; 두만강지역의 다국적 관광협력; 두만강지역 국제자유무역 지대의 건설 등이다. 현재 창지투선도구와 나선특별시간 경제협력은 사회기초 시설 투자에 필요한 자금 조달, 북한 경내 도로, 철도, 항만 등 기초 시설 건설자금의 마련, 두만강지역 국제물류 통로의 원활한 운영에 소요되는 물류집산지의 건설, 산업단지 건설에 필요한 기업유치, 다국적 관광업의 활성화에 필요한 개방정책 등 여러 가지 문제에 직면하고 있다. 두만강지역 다국적 개발 협력을 제약하는 주요 요인들로는 두만강 지역개발 이익을 둘러싼 주변국의 이해관계; 막대한 자금 수요에 비하여 외자유치의 미비; 북한의 열악한 인프라 환경과 체제개혁의 지연; 북한의 “핵개발”로 인한 동북아 지역의 복잡한 정치, 외교적 환경 등이다. 창지투선도구와 북한의 나선특별시간 경제 협력을 진일보 추진하려면 북?중 두 나라 정부가 이 지역에 대한 특수한 정책을 실시하는 동시에 공동개발에 필요한 자금 지원의 확대와 아시아은행 등 국제 금융기구의 공적자금 활용이 필요하다. 북한 정부는 당초 중국의 심천특구 건설 경험들을 적극 수용하여 북한 실정에 알맞은 특구건설 대안을 모색하는 것 역시 중요한 과제이다. 나진항과 부산항을 연결하는 물류운송 루트의 구축은 한국이 동북아 물류중심 국가로 부상할 수 있는 중요한 계기가 될 것이다. 따라서 한국은 단순히 관망하거나 북한이 중국의 영향권에 편입되는 것을 우려하는 자세에서 벗어나 적극적으로 두만강지역 개발 협력에 참여해야 할 것이다. The economic and trade cooperation between Changchun?Jilin?Tumen Pilot Zone and the city of Luoxian in DPRK is the need for the realization of the strategic target of the Changchun?Jilin?Tumen Pilot Zone, the promotion of the opening up of the city of Luoxian in DPRK, and the promotion of the economic and trade cooperation in countries in Tumen River area. In the process of Promoting economic and trade cooperation between Changchun?Jilin?Tumen Pilot Zone and the city of Luoxian in DPRK, The construction of the logistic corridor is the focus, International tourism cooperation is an important carrier of bilateral economic and trade cooperation, while the manufacturing industry cooperation which is mainly about processing trade is the direction of the development of bilateral economic and trade cooperation. Hence, Corridor construction has to be focused to accelerate international tourism and industrial cooperation, Promoting economic and trade cooperation between Changchun?Jilin?Tumen Pilot Zone and the city of Luoxian in DPRK in a smooth and orderly manner.

      • Transless DC To DC Converter

        朴鎭秀 淸州大學校 1980 論文集 Vol.13 No.1

        Electronic equipment often requires for its operation d-c supply voltage different from that of available d-c power source. The circuit used to convert d-c voltage from one level to another efficiently is called a DC/DC converter. With the development of high current switching transisters, transistorized d-c power converters are utilized in many applications that require small size, light weight and high efficiencies. The simple and efficient power converters usually contain two power transistors and a special transformer so as to connect a regenerative switching action which exists between the two transistors. The transformer whihc generates pulses of greater amplitude than that of the available supply voltage has a core meterial with a hysteresis characteristics approaching a square loop. The outputs is almost a perfect step-up square wave, and, when the wave is rectified, the resultant voltage contains a small range of ripple. To put this method is not good because of ringing, size and cost, and it is not recommendable to microcircuits. Especially using a transformer may require customtailing for a turns ratio. A much more satisfactory method is to use the voltage multiplier principle, which calls for charging several capacitors in parallel and discharging them in series. An output capacitor must be charged essentially to be a multiple of the supply voltage. Any number of stages can be added to the previous stages to produce a desired voltaige ratio. The chargng and the discharging are controlled by an input pulse of free running multivibrator. In this paper, transless DC/DC converter by the method of full wave voltage multiplier was presented, and was treated theoretically and proved by experimental resultes. This circuit has much more satisfactory power efficiency, voltage regulation, ripple and ripple. And it simple to design. So it is recommendable topractial applications and microcircuits. The circuit consists of two half wave voltage, multipliers connected to the output of free running multivibrator.

      • KCI등재

        한·중 산업 내 무역확대의 원인 및 양국 경제에 미치는 영향

        림금숙 부산대학교 한국민족문화연구소 2007 한국민족문화 Vol.29 No.-

        In the modern international economic activity, parallel trade has become an important factor which affects international division of labor and promotes the infant and leading industry. Since Korea and China established the diplomatic relations, trade between the two countries has developed fast. Meanwhile, the structure of goods import and exports has changed from trade among industries in early days to parallel trade. China is a country which has changed from planned economic system tomarket economic system. In many areas, China has taken the special economic policies, for example, the processing trade policy in the foreign trade. So, the common theory of parallel trade is difficult to offer a very adequate explanation for the parallel trade between Korea and China. Therefore, the thesis tries to analyze the reasons for the parallel trade between Korea and China in accordance with the concrete situations, for example, Chinese foreign trade way in which the processing trade is a major, the way foreign business enterprises invest in China, the upgrade of Chinese industry structure, and so on. The parallel trade index measurement make sure the nature of trade inside industries between Korea and China. Parallel trade between Korea and China plays an active role in enlarging the foreign trade volume of the two countries, strengthening the industry cooperation, and improving the international competition ability of enterprises. At the present, parallel trade between Korea and China focuses on the followed six areas, electron, steel ,motorcar, petrol chemical industry, machine, and fiber. Investment of Korean enterprises in China also focuses on these areas. So, in the future, the parallel trade between the two countries will develop among these areas. The research of the subject is somewhat theoretically and practically meaningful to enlarge the foreign tradevolume, strengthen the industry cooperation of two countries and promote the upgrade of Chinese industry structure.

      • 朝鮮三邊帶動戰略對延邊與朝鮮經貿合作的影響 : 북한 경제특구 개발전략이 연변과 북한의 경제협력에 미치는 영향 Its Impact on Yanbian North Koreas Economic Cooperation

        林今淑 조선대학교 지역사회발전연구원 2003 地域發展硏究 Vol.8 No.1

        1991년 12월 나진 선봉지역이 자유경제무역지대로 설정되였는데 이는 북한의 첫번째로 되는 경제특구로서 외국의 자본과 기술을 유입하기 위한 대외개방의 중대한 조치였다. 그 후 2002년 9월 북한은 "신의주특별행정구기본법"을 공포한데 이어 11월에 는 개성공단의 설립을 선포하였다. 이로써 북한은 북쪽의 나진 선봉, 서쪽의 신의주, 남쪽의 개성, 3각을 이루는 세 개의 경제특구를 설정하였는데 이는 한국, 중국, 러시아 등 나라들의 자본과 기술을 유치하여 당면에 직면하고 있는 심각한 경제난을 해소하고 하루 속히 경제회생을 도모하려는데 그 전략목표를 두고 있다. 물론 이러저러한 주관적, 객관적 원인으로 북한의 경제특구들은 아직까지 그 기능을 제대로 발휘하고 있지 못하지만 상기한 3각 발전전략이 순조롭게 실시될 경우 연변조선족 자치주의 경계발전에 적지 않는 영향을 받을 것으로 예상된다. 첫째, 현재 연변의 대북무역은 중국의 대북국경무역의 21%를 점하고 있는데 신의주특구가 가동될 경우, 이로 인해 연변의 대북무역이 감소될 것이다. 둘째, 당면 연변에 진출한 외국기업의 다수는 한국기업체들인데 신의주특구, 개성공단의 가동으로 인하여 연변의 외자유치가 크게 위축될 것이다. 때문에 지금부터 연변의 우세를 충분히 이용하여 최대한도로 상기 영향을 감소시킬 준비가 되여 있어야 하겠다.

      • 타액선 종양에 대한 면역조직화학적 연구

        김창원,범진선,서재홍 朝鮮大學校 附設 醫學硏究所 1992 The Medical Journal of Chosun University Vol.17 No.2

        Biologic functions of lysozyme, lactoferrin, alpha l-antitrypsin, and alpha l-antichymotrypsin are concerned with antibacterial defense and inhibition of protease activity. Lysozyme is an enzyme which hydrolyses bacterial cell walls, It is secreted from saliva, tears, and sweat and is contained in glandular secretions. Lactoferrin is an iron-binding protein present in saliva, milk, sweat, urine, and secretions of the respiratory and digestive systems. Alpha 1-AT and alpha 1-ACT, inhibitors of proteinase, are contained in saliva, tears, milk, semen, and bile and in many glandular tissues, including salivary glands, It is suggested that these 4 substances might be involved in local and general defense mechanisms against bacterial and proteolytic enzymes. The present immunohistochemical study identifies lysozyme, lactofemn, alpha 1-AT and alpha-ACT staining in salivary pleomorphic adenoma and compares findings with normal salivary glands and inflammatory salivary glands. The results were as follows : 1) The immunohistochemical localization of lysozyme, lactoferhn, alpha 1-AT and alpha 1-ACT was usually confined to intercalated duct and striated duct in human salivary glands. 2) Positive staining for lactoferrin and lysozyme was confined to acinar cells in inflammatory salivary glands. 3) Immunohistochemical staining for lysozyme, lactoferrin alpha 1-AT and alpha 1-ACT in pleomorphic adenoma was usually present in luminal tumor cells of tubulo-ductal structures, which are of intercalated ductal origin, and was lacking in outer spindle cells of myoepithelial origin. In conclusion, Co-expression or simultaneous expression for lysozyme, lactoferrin, alpha 1-AT, and alpha 1-ACT in pleomorphic adenoma suggest that tumor cells are protected from proteolysis or degradation.

      • AC 쵸퍼에 의한 단상 유도전동기의 무부하속도특성

        정헌상,정수복,서진연 조선대학교 동력자원연구소 1996 動力資源硏究所誌 Vol.18 No.1

        In the general, the speed control of single-phase induction motor is accomplished at a few discrete speed by using tapped-winding, pole changing or gear. These technique is inefficient and complicated. In the reason, the applied voltage of single-phase induction motor is controlled for improvement speed characteristics. The AC converter can be easily realized using module transistor. The output voltage from the AC converter is applied to single-phase induction motor. This paper presented operating characteristics of single-phase induction motor by AC converter.

      • 발전기 안정화 운전을 위한 PSS 파라미터 선정

        김창석,황석영,서진연,정삼용 조선대학교 동력자원연구소 1995 動力資源硏究所誌 Vol.17 No.1

        This paper describes the proper selection method of the power system stabilizer(PSS) parameter for stabilizing operation of a synchronous machine which connected to infinite bus by using pole assignment method. The purpose of PSS is to enhance the damping capability at small frequency oscillation (0.5∼2㎐). It can be achieved by moving the real part of critical eigenvalue (pole) on left side of s-plane. The PSS parameter was selected by using the proposed method to match with a pre-assigned pole associated with poorly damped swing mode. This method has been studied to synthesize the PSS on Yong-Gwang N/P. And the simulation results show that the selected parameter by using proposed method is effective for dynamic and transient stability of power system.


        Alterations of Spontaneous Sleep Architecture and Cortical Electroencephalogram Power Spectra by Red Ginseng Extract via GABA<SUB>A</SUB>ergic Systems

        Shu-Long Yang,Sang-Yoon Nam,Jin-Yi Han,Jun-Cheol Kim,Kinam Lee,Jin Tae Hong,Ki-Wan Oh,Jae Soon Eun 고려인삼학회 2010 Journal of Ginseng Research Vol.34 No.4

        This study was undertaken to discover the effects and possible mechanisms of the effect of red ginseng extract (RGE) on spontaneous sleep. The effects of a low dose (10 ㎎/㎏) and a high dose (200 ㎎/㎏) of RGE were compared in rats. After recovery from a surgical operation enabling electroencephalograms recordings, rats were administered RGE orally. RGE was administered orally for 1 day or once per day for 5 days in either 10 or 200 ㎎/㎏ doses. Polygraphic signs were recorded for 12 h after oral administration of RGE. Both treatment with a large dose (200 ㎎/㎏) of RGE for one day and treatment with either a large or a small dose for 5 days reduced the number of sleep?ake cycles. Daily treatment with RGE (either 10 or 200 ㎎/㎏) for 5 days augmented NREM and total sleep, but reduced wakefulness. Delta wave activity recorded during non-REM (NREM) sleep and REM sleep was increased after one treatment with RGE (either 10 or 200 ㎎/㎏). Delta wave activity during NREM was enhanced after daily treatment with RGE (either 10 or 200 ㎎/㎏) for 5 days. Both alpha and beta subunits of the γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA)A receptor were significantly over-expressed in the hypothalamus of the RGEtreated groups. Moreover, the expression of glutamic acid decarboxylase was also increased in the hypothalamus. These results demonstrate that RGE may regulate spontaneous sleep via GABAAergic systems.

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