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      • 일본 지역사회의 노인복지정책에 대한 고찰

        방성수,김한양 韓國福祉行政學會 2002 복지행정논총 Vol.12 No.1

        급속한 고령화가 진행되고 있는 현재, 노인복지의 문제는 심각하게 생각해야 할 중요한 사회 문제이다. 세계 각 국에서 다양한 공공측면에서의 노인복지정책이 추진되고 있지만 노인문제가 개인차원의 문제로 보기는 어렵다. 심리적 안정·안전·쾌적 이라고 하는 말은 현대의 공공정책을 말하는 중요한 키워드이지만, 그 첫 번째 '심리적안정', 즉 장래에 대해 각자가 준비를 하고 안심할 수 있는 노후를 맞이할 수 있도록 하기 위해서는 국가로서의 체계적인 노인복지정책의 확립이 불가결하다. 특히 현재 우리나라에서 고령화가 현저하게 나타나고 있고, 고령자, 재정적인 부담을 안고 있는 젊은 세대의 입장에서 볼 때도 근본적인 제도개혁·제도개선에 의한 노인복지정책의 확충이 급선무이다. 고령자복지의 문제는 국가로서의 제도확립과 함께 지방자치단체에 의한 적극적인 계획이 필요한 정책영역이다. 왜냐하면 복지 문제 자체가 우리들의 일상생활과 상당히 깊은 관계가 있으며, 지역, 또는 그보다 더 가까운 거리인 커뮤니티(지역사회) 마다 각기 그 수요가 다르다는 성격을 지니고 있기 때문이다. 따라서, 본 연구는 다른 나라와는 비교도 되지 않을 만큼 빠른 속도로 고령화가 진행되고 있는 일본의 노인복지정책의 수요 파악과 정책의 실시과정에 있어서 지역사회(커뮤니티)가 완수해야하는 역할에 대해서 고찰하는 것을 목적으로 하고 있다. 특히, 복지정책과 같이 가족이나 지역내의 인간관계와 밀접한 관계를 가지고 있는 정책영역에서는 개인과 행정사이에 존재하는 지역사회(커뮤니티)의 어떤 부분이 큰 영향을 주고 있다. 그러므로 향후 각 자치단체에 있어서 다양한 복지서비스를 제공하기 위해 예전에 그 중요한 역할 담당자로서 일정한 역할을 해온 지역집단의 움직임을 파악하고, 지역사회(커뮤니티)에 있어서 행정과 역할분담 방법을 모색하는 것이 중요하다.

      • 분산형 멀티 데이타베이스 시스템에서 전역 동시성 제어 기법에 관한 연구

        방상원,김종화 木浦大學校 情報産業硏究所 1994 情報産業硏究誌 Vol.2 No.-

        본 논문에서는 분산형 멀티 데이타베이스 시스템에서의 효율적인 전역 동시성 제어 방법을 제안한다. 분산형 멀티 데이타베이스 시스템에서의 동시성 제어는 각 전역 모듈 상호간에 통신이 이루어져야 하므로 통신비용이 크다. 때문에 본 논문에서는 그 통신 부하를 감소시키기 위해서 각 지역 사이트들을 논리적으로 그룹화하여 통신비용을 줄일 수 있는 방법을 연구하였다. 본 연구에서는 전역 동시성 제어 기법으로 타임스탬프 순서화 기법을 이용한다. 이 타임스탬프는 각 그룹내에서 임의로 선정된 그룹의 조정자가 부여하는 것으로 전 시스템에서 유일하고, 전역 트랜잭션들이 제출된 순서대로 부여받도록 하였다. 이 타임스탬프는 전역 트랜잭션의 직렬화 순서를 결정하는데 사용된다. In this paper, an effective global concurrency control schemes in decentralized multi-database systems is proposed. The global concurrency control on decentralized multi-database systems takes high communication overhead due to requirement of communications between all global modules. In this thesis, We suggest a method to reduce communication cost and workload by grouping each local sites logically. Timestamp, which is assigned to coordinater selected randomly in each group, is unique in whole system and is assigned corresponding to order of transaction submission. Timestamp is used to determine serialization order of global transactions.

      • 위 평활근 세포의 활동전압을 이루는 CI^-전류성분에 관한 연구

        방효원,이종찬,이무열,엄대용,이상돈 중앙대학교 의과대학 의과학연구소 1993 中央醫大誌 Vol.18 No.3

        Chloride current has been known as a part of backgroud current. Recently, its roles in the maintenance of action potential have much attention. The purposes of the present study are clarifying the chloride current component which might play an important role in generation and maintenance of the action potential in the pyloric circular smooth musele cells. We used the whold cell voltage clamp techniques to assess the current and voltage responses induced by caffeine superfusion. The results were as follow: 1. Caffeine superfusion induced the increase of inward currents in the hyperpolarized potential ranges, and the increase of outward currents in the depolarized ranges. 2. Sodium ion removal from the external medium and the addition of cadmium ion rarely affected these current response. 3. Duration of the action potential was elongated by application of the caffeine and modified by the change of the intracellular chloride ion concentraion. 4. The effect of caffeine superfusion on the action potential disappeared by the addition of the anion channel blocker. The results suggest that caffeine superfusion may prolong the duration of repolarized phase of the action potential probably by the chloride current activation in the gastric antral smooth muscle.

      • KCI등재후보

        자발성 세균성 복막염을 일으킨 그람음성간균의 3세대 세팔로스포린 내성률 변화

        방지환,송경호,박주경,박완범,김성한,김홍빈,김남중,오명돈,김의종,이효석,최강원 대한감염학회 2007 감염과 화학요법 Vol.39 No.3

        The third generation cephalosporin is widely used in treatment of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis (SBP). Resistance to the third generation cephalosporin was associated with poor outcome in patients with SBP. Thus it is necessary to know the changes in resistance rate. We planned to investigate retrospectively on resistance rate of the third generation cephalosporin of gram negative bacteria isolated in patients with SBP, who visited Seoul National University Hospital between 1998 and 2006. The Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute guidelines were applied for antibiotic susceptibility test. A total of 269 consecutive episodes of clinically and microbiologically proven SBP was identified during the study period and 209 cases were caused by gram negative organisms. Among 209 isolates, 22 (10.5%) showed resistance to the third generation cephalosporin. The prevalence of resistance was decreasing during the study period (P=0.014).

      • 이혼증가에 대한 사회복지지적 접근방법

        방성수,장보임 韓國福祉行政學會 2003 복지행정논총 Vol.13 No.1

        현대사회에서 산업화, 도시화는 많은 사회적 문제들을 야기시키고 있다. 그중에서 가족해체로 인한 문제는 사회의 기본이 흔들리는 것으로 그 심각성은 논의의 여지가 없다. 현시점에서 가족해체의 가장 큰 요인은 이혼이다. 특히 IMF 이후 급증하는 이혼율로 가족해체가 더 이상 개인적인 문제로 치부할 수 없으며 이혼으로 야기되는 많은 사회적문제에 대한 사회복지적 접근의 필요성이 요구된다. 본 논문에서는 우리사회의 이혼현황 및 이혼이 증가하게 되는 사회적 요인들을 각각 살펴보고, 그에 따른 도출되는 문제점들을 파악하고자 한다. 이런 과정은 이혼을 겪은 당사자 가족구성원들을 위한 사회복지적 접근방법을 모색하기 위해 필수적이라 할 수 있다. 사회복지서비스는 수혜자의 욕구를 중심으로 서비스가 마련되어야 하기 때문이다. 이혼 가족구성원들에 대한 사회복지서비스를 이혼과정을 통한 서비스들로 크게 나누었으며, 세부적으로는 가족구성원들에 따라 제공되어야 할 서비스들을 정리하였다. 그러나 이혼가족의 사회복지적 서비스들은 각각의 서비스들이 하나의 논문주제가 될만큼 많은 논의 점들이 있는 것으로 본 논문에서는 아주 초고적인 수준으로 앞으로 각주제에 대한 심도있는 논의가 요구되어진다.

      • 우리나라 농촌지역의 가족보건서비스 이용상태 및 가족보건 서비스 이용 요인분석

        방숙,정경희,한성현 순천향대학교 1988 논문집 Vol.11 No.3

        This study is aimed at (1) describing the current status of FP / MCH care services in Eumseong County, (2) identifying the determinants of the utilization of FP and MCH care services, and (3) providing the basic data needed for the effective management of FP and MCH services. This survey was conducted in Eumseoung County, Chungcheong Puk Do, a typical rural community. The data was obtained from a interview survey of 1,440 married rural women between the ages of 15 and 44 who lived in Soyi, Wonnam, and Maingdong townships. The findings were as follows. 1. Demographic characteristics of women studied On average the women's age at first marriage was of 23.7 years. The Women had 2.6 children(1.3 sons and 1.3 daughters). 10% of the women experienced deaths of children 14% of them were spontaneous abortions, 4% still-birth, and 5.5% are currently pregnant. The average ideal mnuber of children was 2.2. 44% of them considered a son as a necessity. 2. The contact rate with health service institutions was relatively high, 43.7% of them visited the health sub-center more than once over the last year, 59.6% of them the private clinic, and 41.5% the Soochunhyang-Eumseong Hospital. 3. The FP acceptance rate of respondents was 76.5% 52.3% of them used tubaligation. 54.2% of the practice was done at the pursuasion of health worker., 8.4% of the respondents had discontinued the practice of which only 26% of them had done so because they wanted to have children or reached menopause. While 74% of them did so due to side effects, discomforts, and the method failure. Thus, proper choices in contraceptive methods are not being made. The FP acceptance rate of women who have one child or less was 35.3%. Of which 38.3% resort to permanent sterilization methods. Accordingly, the case of early stopping of child-birth(after the first child) is ever increasing. According to the results of multiple regression analysis, among the variables used in this analysis, the most important factor in determining the FP practice was the number of sons. 4. Asked about attitudes toward the need for prenatal care, 66.0% of the women who gave birth during the period from Jan. 85 to June 87 stated that it was necessary. But only 50% of the women knew the proper time for the first prenatal care and its frequency. The actual percentage of women receiving prenatal care was 82%, while only 34.6% received it five times or more. Among those receiving pre-natal care, 67.8% of them used clinics or hospitals, 25.8% the MCH center. And while 70% to 80% pregnent women underwent urine tests (78%), weight measurements(77%), and blood pressure measurements(83%), only about 40% received blood tests. 5. 32.0% of the women delivered their babies at the MCH center, 23.2% at hospitals, and 18% at private clinics. Thus, institutional delivery amounted to 76.2%, while home deliveries accounted for 23.8%. Among the home delivery cases, only 26.3% used the safe delivery kit'. The reasons for choosing home delivery were low economic conditions and poor geographical accessibility. 6. 32.0% of the respondents made medical visits after birth and 27.8% of them experienced post-natal problems. The above shows that women who do not experience postnatal problems have a tendency not to make medical visits. 50% or more of the women who received postnatal care used clinics or hospitals. 7. 90% or more of the children got basic immunizations such as BCG, Polio, DPT, but 39% or them did not get the vaccinations in time. Vaccination rates for measles, JBE, and hepatitis were between 50% at birth, 30.3% of them weighed 3.0 kilograms or less and 8.9% of them were 2.5 kilograms or less. 8. Concerning the various medical institutions, respondents regarded the doctors of clinics and the workers at MCH center more highly than any other institution, and they were satisfied with the adequate medical equipment of the Soonhunhyang-Eumseong Hospital, In regard to costs, most of them said that medical costs of private institutions were rather high. 9. In examining which factors were important in utilizing institutions for prenatal care, multiple regression analysis were conducted. Results showed that the number of prenatal care received was affected by birth order and attitudes towards the necessity of prenatal care. That is getting more prenatal care demands a lower birth order and more recognition of the necessity thereof. But risk factors, except for the experience of abnormal delivery, did not have a relation with the number of prenatal care examinations. According to the multiple logit regression analysis, hospital and clinic deliveries are affected by the past experience of abnormal delivery, health insurance, birth order, and the women's pattern of labor, in the stated order. MCH center delivery is affected by the level of costs, the women's pattern of labor, and the birth order, in that order. That is, in the selection of hospital and clinic delivery, risk factors and enabling factors were more important than other factors. And in the case of MCH center delivery, enabling factors(cost) and individual characteristics (pattern of labor) were more important. Based on the findings above, it is recommended that more emphasis be placed on the following strategies in the management of family health services 1. Quantitative increase of FP activities can not be expected any further. Female sterilization has been conducted by target oriented policies. For the adequate choice of FP method which will fit the woman's characteristic, information and knowledge about her preferences must be promoted properly. And it is desirable to diversify service points for easier selection. Public education activities (for discarding son preference, spacing between children, early child-birth stopping) should also be actively done. 2. Recongnition of the necessity of prenatal care and institutional delivery is ever increasing, but the lowerclass and risk groups are being continuously alienated. Contact rates with service institutions are relatively high, but adequate and effective choices have not been made due to the lack of information and knowledge concerning prenatal care. Public institutions are not credible, and private institutions are too high in cost, and referal systems between the public and private sectors do not exist. These are the reasons for woman's dissatifaction in delivery. Postnatal care is absolutely necessary for maternal health care but being neglected. Child care is limited to only vaccination, disregarding other important and more imminent lowing strategies are recommended. First, econimic accessibility is expected to be higher by the national health insurance policy while the number of deliveries is declining. But it is uncertain whether all women will be able to receive adequate care. In order to reach the risk groups people living in remote areas requires: 1) More MCH information and education services to every women in community should be carried out through public health sub-centers and CHP's post. 2) Organization of voluntary community participation such as VHWs and more opportunities for obtanining information are needed. Second, health insurance must be applied to the preventive care, actively supporting pre-and postnatal care and child health care activities. That means the minimal MCH services should be reinforced and child health care required to include nutrition care, health examinations, etc. All the above things should be done on a public service basis. Third, a feedback system between public and private health institutions ought to be formalized. Technical and institutional support is needed for the effective management of a referal system in FP and MCH services.

      • CASE 정보저장소에 관한 연구

        방상원,고형대 木浦大學校 情報産業硏究所 1995 情報産業硏究誌 Vol.3 No.-

        In developing software systems, how to build the repository and how to save the information systematically is crucial for tools of software environment or CASE environment to execute their jobs successfully. To increase productivity, each tool not only should manage and operate the type of information which is unique to it, but also should share the information and data so that they do their jobs inter-relatedly. In this paper, we investigated the general concepts and architecture on CASE repository. We also design IRDS repository conceptually.

      • KCI등재

        18~19세기 서울 지역 천주교도의 존재 형태

        방상근 서울시립대학교 부설 서울학연구소 2006 서울학연구 Vol.- No.26

        After 18th century, Seoul was developed as the largest commercial and industrial city and employment city. As a result, it was called "the city of pleasure" by people. Roman Catholicism in Korea was born in this urban background of Seoul and it went through 100-year religious difficulties. In the meantime, Seoul played a role of the center of faith and the believers living in the center had the following characteristics. First, the believers of Seoul lived mostly in the western part(西部) and as time went on, they tended to live out of the castle town(都城). Secondly, many believers were involved in commerce, handicraft and labor works. Third, they were managed by catechists(會長) and they propagated through an organization like Myeongdohoi(明道會). And they also promoted the business of Younghaehoi(嬰孩會) to help orphans even under oppression. And they opened a printing house(印刷所) to distribute church-related books in Korean version to other believers, which influenced them to change their awareness.

      • KCI등재후보

        국내 의료기관의 항생제 사용 실태와 규제 시스템 조사

        방지환,송경호,박완범,김성한,조재현,김홍빈,김남중,오명돈,최강원 대한감염학회 2006 감염과 화학요법 Vol.38 No.6

        목적 : 이전 연구들에 따르면 아직까지 국내에서 불필요한 항생제 사용은 무시할 수 없는 수준이며, 특히, 수술환자들에 대한 예방적 항생제 투여가 문제로 지적되고 있다. 많은 병원에서 불필요한 항생제 처방을 제한하려는 노력을 하고 있지만 구체적인 현황에 대한 자료는 적은 실정이다. 이에 본 연구자 등은 국내 의료기관의 항생제 규제 시스템의 현황과 수술시 예방적 항생제 사용의 적정성을 알아보고자 한다. 재료 및 방법 : 전임 감염내과 전문의가 근무하는 의료기관 55곳에 대해 설문조사를 시행하였다. 설문의 내용은 적정한 항생제 사용을 유도하기 위한 정책 및 규제 프로그램, 실제 각 의료기관의 예방적 항생제 사용 현황 등으로 이루어져 있다. 결과 : 55개의 의료기관에 보낸 설문 중 44개가 회수되었다. 회신한 의료기관에서 항생제 처방 관리는 제한항생제 시스템을 가장 많이 이용하고 있었고(95.5%), 항생제에 대한 교육(79.5%), 전산시스템에서 관리(59.1%), 감염내과에 의뢰(54.5%), 항생제 사용 실적 검토(52.3%) 등의 순이었다. 대개의 병원에서 glycopeptides (100.0%), carbapenems (93.0%), quinupristin/dalfopristin 또는 linezolid(93.0%), 4세대 cephalosporin (74.4%), caspofungin 또는 voriconazole (62.8%), liposomal amphotericin B (60.5%) 등을 제한항생제로 분류하여 관리하고 있었다. 모든 의료기관에서 위절제술 및 유방절제술시에 불필요하게 예방적 항생제를 사용하고 있었다. 슬관절치환술의 경우 2세대 cephalosporin을 예방적으로 사용하는 경우가 가장 많았으며(30.2%), 관상동맥우회술의 경우 3세대 cephalosporin을 예방적으로 사용하는 경우가 가장 많았다(47.2%). 예방적 항생제의 투여 기간을 살펴보면 위절제술시 70.5%에서 4일을 초과하여 사용하고 있었고, 유방절제술시에는 63.6%에서, 슬관절치환술시에는 81.8%에서, 관동맥우회술시에는 81.1%에서 4일을 초과하여 장기간 예방적 항생제를 투여하고 있었다. 한편, 예방적 항생제 투여시 aminoglycoside계 항생제를 병용하는 경우도 많았다. 결론 : 아직까지 국내 의료기관에서 항생제 오남용을 막기 위한 노력이 더 필요할 것으로 생각되며, 특히 수술시 예방적 항생제의 올바른 투여에 많은 관심이 필요하다. Background : Previous studies in Korea showed that unnecessary antibiotic use could not be neglected, especially in prophylactic use. Currently many hospitals employ diverse antibiotic stewardship programs, but there are few studies on surveillance of such programs. So, we planned this study to evaluate current status of antimicrobial stewardship and adequacy of antimicrobial prophylaxis in surgery. Materials and Methods : We sent questionnaires about policy on antibiotic usage, control program for adequate antibiotic prescription, and actual status of prophylactic antibiotic usage to 55 infectious disease physicians in each hospital. Results : Of 55 contacted infectious diseases clinicians, 44 answered the questionnaire. Majority of hospitals employed restricted antimicrobial system (95.5%), education (79.5%), control by order communicating system (59.1%), consult to infectious disease physicians (59.1%), and review of cumulative antimicrobial usage (52.3%) to prevent inadequate antibiotic use. Glycopeptides were designated as a restricted antimicrobial agent in 100.0% of hospitals; carbapenems, 93.0%; quinupristin/ dalfopristin or linezolid, 93.0%; the 4th generation cephalosporins, 74.4%; caspofungin or voriconazole, 62.8%; liposomal amphotericin B, 60.5%, and so on. Unnecessary perioperative prophylactic antimicrobial agents were prescribed in gastrectomy and mastectomy in all the hospitals. The second generation cephalosporins and the third generation cephalosporins were the most commonly prescribed prophylactic antimicrobial agents in total knee replacement arthroplasty (TKRA) and coronary artery bypass graft surgery (CABG) respectively. In 70.5% of institutes they use prophylactic antimicrobial agents more than four days in gastrectomy; 63.6% in mastectomy; 81.8% in TKRA; 81.1% in CABG. Unnecessary combination of aminoglycosides with other antimicrobial agents for prophylactic use was another common problem. Conclusion : This study shows that more effort is required to diminish antimicrobial misuse or overuse, especially in prophylactic use for surgical patients.

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