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      • 부산시 공장지역·주거지역 하천의 수질특성분석

        문종익,임영석,박광현,김석택,성낙창,박출재 동아대학교 환경문제연구소 2000 硏究報告 Vol.23 No.1

        This study is carried out to investigate the water quality changes in Busan Metropolitan streams. The results are as follows. In Busan Metropolitan streams, the loading rates of contaminants are greater in industrial waste water streams than domestic waste water streams. Some sampling points show a little high loading in autumn, but this needs more investigation to make clear the causes. The level of organic contaminants(BOD_(5) and COD_(MN)) is found to be low and does not show seasonal variation in domestic waste water streams. But, the level of organic contaminants in industrial waste water streams is relatively high and seems to be seasonally variable, which is affected by other factors. The nutrient materials, such as nitrogen(as T-N, about 20mg/L) and phosphorus(as T-P, about 2.0mg/L), are abundant than Nak Dong River and the general trends of contaminants level are similar to those of organic contaminants.

      • 국민학교 교사 근무성적 평정의 문제점 분석

        문낙진 공주교육대학교 초등연구원 1976 公州敎大論叢 Vol.12 No.2

        A. purposes of the Study This study is to identify the problems of the teacher evaluation, with special reference to those of the elementary school, and to explore the possible ways of improving them, by formulating the guiding principles or theoretical framework and by analyzing criti-cally the present situations of the teacher evaluation in the light of the framework. B. Method of the Study In setting up the framework for the teacher evaluation, the following are referred in the main: works of Seok Hong Oh, Gale W. Rose, Willard S. Elsbree, and James Curtin. In analyzing the current situation of the tether evaluation, the questionnaires; were administered to a sample of 100 school administrators and 400 teachers from 50, elementary schools in Choong Chung Nam-do classified by their location. Ten school administrators, ten tachers and seven educational experts were interviewed. Thus, it is not claimed here that the results of this study would be applicable to all schools. A further study is needed to get more comprehensive data and the resutls which in gen- eral might be applicable to all. C. Findings of tke Study 1. Teacher evaluation is an inevitable aspect of school personnel administraration. Teacher evaluation is a formal program by means of which official judgements by the school adminitrator are made as to the quality, attitude, and performance of the tea- cher in order to provide, the basis for school personnel administration and improve instruction. 2. Teachers are evaluated for administrative and supervisory purposes. Evaluation for administrative purposes may serve in the following areas; (1) to provide a basis for administrative decisions such as transfer, promotion, and selection of teachers for inservice training, (2) to provide information which may be used in developing more effective personnel policies, and (3) to serve as a part of the overall appraisal of the school system. Evaluation for supervisory purposes can have the following values: (1) to provide a basis for selfunderstandirig and reflection, (2) to provide information both teachers and school admirii-strators can use for improving instruction, and (3) to suggest the direction or the criteria for improving the quality of the teacher. 3. Teacher evaluation shouldbe based upon the principles of (1) validity, (2) reliab- ility (3) objectivity, (4) democracy, and (5) effectiveness. 4. Significant aspects analyzed and the possible ways of improving them are as fol- lows: 1) Teacher evaluation is chiefly operated to provide a basis fer school personnel ad- ministration. However, its ultimate goal is to improve instruction 2) There are many problems in the light of the prfnciples of teacher evaluation. First, the current teacher evaluation is chiefly operated in an effort to rationalize school personnel administration. To assure validity, comprehensive evaluation should be made. Second, many teachers want the evaluator to evaluate them with concrete evaluat- ion criteria. So the evaluator Should have a concrete evaluation criteria and evaluation should be continuous. Third, more objective and fair evaluation is needed. To assure objectivity, evaluation should be based on evidence, and proper training program for the evaluator should be considered. Fourth, According to the law concerened, teachers are evaluated by the school adm inistrator without their . direct participation. So, the purposes of the evaluation pr- ogram should be clearly stated in writing and be well known to those who are to be evaluated, and the evaluation should be cooperative. Finally, the results s©f teacher evaluation is not effectively applied to the improv- ment of instruction. So, the evaluator should make an effort to use the result for improving instruction 3. According to the law concerened, the weight of evaluation items are equal. And teachers do not understand the items well. So, the weight of items should be re-exa- mined and the items should be made public to all teachers. And also, a concrete ev- aluation criteria should be ceoperatively made by teachers and adwinistrators 4. The evaluators evaluate teachers through forced distribution rating system wit- hout direct participation on the part of the teacher. As stated above, evaluation should be cooperative. Especially, teachers* self-evaluation should be encouraged, and be considered in teacher evaluation by the administrator, if possible.

      • 정수슬러지와 폐굴껍질 분말의 혼합첨가에 의한 산성토양 개선에 관한 연구

        문종익,정유진,성낙창 동아대학교 환경문제연구소 2001 硏究報告 Vol.24 No.2

        In this study, farm soil was tested to find out acid soil amendment by adding water purification sludge(WPS) and waste oyster shell(WOS) under artificial acid rain(pH=534). which is average pH of Busan metropolitan area. Soil acidity, CEU(cation exchange capacity) and akaline meatals, such as K, Ca and Na were tested to find out the acid neutralization capacity of soil Because WOS had large portion of alkaline metals, WOS could play a role in acid soil amendment And soil addition of WPS could be an alternative for conventional disposal method. The purpose of this study is to evaluate acid soil amendment using LWS and WOS. In case of soil and WPS, mixing ratio was 10:0, 9:1, 8:2 and 7:3 And WPS mixed WOS was also added In acid soil as the same ratio as WPS. Throughout the experiment, soil acidity and CEC were stationary state with slight increase. Alkaline metals showed differences in concentration, but all of them were tend to decrease. In conclusion, WPS mixed WOS could play a part in amendment of acid soil.

      • 직원회운영의 문제점의 분석연구

        문낙진 공주교육대학교 초등연구원 1968 公州敎大論叢 Vol.5 No.-

        A. Purpose of the Study This study is to identify the problems of operation of faculty meetings, to explore the possible ways of improving them by formulating guiding principles or a theoritical framework, and by critically analyzing the present situations of elementary schools in the light of this framework. B. Method of the Study In setting up the framework for faculty meeting programs the following are chiefly refer- red : works of Kilsoo Kang, Daniel E. Griffiths, Kimball Wiles, Harlan L. Hagman, and Stephen M. Corey; the basic thinking implied in respective articles of Education Law. In alayzing the current school situation, the questionaires were administered to a sample of 400 teachers and 100 school administrators. Twelve pricipals and twelve teachers were inter- viewed. Thus, it is not claimed here that the results of this study would be applicable to all schools. A further study is needed to get more comprehensive data and results which, generally, might be applicable. C. Findings of the Study 1. It is urged to change the character of faculty meeting in a consultative body to that of partly discussion and decision to keep ‘the school administrator from being a hard-boiled autoc rat. 2. Faculty meeting should be based on the principles of (1) need (2) effectiveness (3) par- ticipation’and (4) evaluation. In planning the program, principles of operation of the meeting, its organization, and the procedures ought to be taken into consideration. In particular, school administrators and teachers schould know the purpose of the faculty meeting: orientation, in-service growth and administrative problems. The organization of the meeting should depend on the purpose of the meeting. As Griffiths wrote in his book, “the practice most recommended is to have the faculty meet together as a body, then to break up the total group into smaller units no larger than from twelve to fifteen members, and then to bring the whole group together again for final session." In administering the program, the school administrator should assume the role of a resource person and leader and develop the situation in which the growth of the individual teacher will be encouraged. The teachers should chair the meetings and act as dicussion leaders. 3. Significant aspects analyzed are as follows: The current school programs for faculty meeting are not planned well except for the in- service education program and usually follow the tradetional pattern. A special devision called “in-service education sectionw in most schools assumes the responsibility of planning and im- plementing the program. Teachers’ spontaneity to take part in the program is rather weak. The formality has been observed in the meeting. It seems doubtful whether or not it brings out desirable results. Faculty meetings are not utilized fully for in-service growth of teachers. The main functions of the meeting has been traditionally those of technique and administration. It is therefore certain that the change in our understanding the function in terms of in-service growth is necessary, though the question of whether or not such change is desirable and wanted remains to be studied further. It is our thinking that rotating chairmanship in the faculty meetings will surely help teachers improve their skills in group discussion or process which, of course is an important part' of our profession. The need for the rotation is acknowledged, but it is not practiced inclusively, due to teachers* shortage of time and lack of skill in organizing a meeting. The results of the meeting do not always reach the classroom. School administrators' role as a resource person and a leader in the meeting is not so successful. In summary, the operation of faculty meetings has not been successful. The main reason for the failure seem to be the lack of effective faculty meeting programs, a low level of teachers enthusiasm, weak leadership on the part of pricipals, time shortage, and disregard of teachers’ work in the program when their promotion is being considered. But it is felt thatan effective operation of faculty meeting can be anticipated if pricipal is convinced of the purpose and acts accordingly and teachers also realize and want to participate in an effective faculty meeting program. For it is said that the key to success or failure of the program is found in how to operate it rather athan in merits or demerits the of program itself.

      • 校內 獎學에 關한 理論的 接近(I)

        文洛軫 공주교육대학교 초등연구원 1978 公州敎大論叢 Vol.14 No.2

        교내 장학의 이론적 접근에서 논의된 교내장학의 정의,원리, 프로그램 및 방법을 보면 다음과 같다. 1. 교내장학이란 장학담당자가 교육현장인 학교에서 교사의 성장, 발달을 도모하기’ 위하여,더 나아가서 전교수一학습사태의 개선, 향상을 도모하기 위해서 지도 • 조언하는 전문적이며 기술적인 봉사활동이다. 이 같은 교내장학은 교내연수보다는 포괄적이나 학교 단위에서는 계획,내용, 방법 및 평가등에서는 서로 비숫 하다. 2. 교내장학의 원리는 목적성의 원리, 필요성외 원리,협력의 원리, 전문성의 원리, 그리고 효과의 원리 를 들 수 있다. 이들 원리는 교내장학을 계획,실시,평가하는데 . 하‘나의 이론적 지침이 된다. 3. 교내장학의 프로그램은 Berge의 현직연수 프로그램에 의해서,집권적 방법, 분권적 방법, 그리고 중앙 조정적 방법으로 나눔 수 있는데,가장 바람직한 방법은 중앙 조정적 방법이다. 4. 교내장학의. 방법은 원리로서는 자기 활동의 법칙, 상호작용의 법칙, 그리고 방법의 다양을 들 수 있다. 그리고 장학 지도의 구체적 방법을 일률적으로 논의하기 어려우며, 또한 여러가지 기준에 따라 구분할 수 썼으나,본 고에서는 개인적 방법과 잡단적 방법,교내적 방법과 교외적 방법의 두가지 기준에 따라 구분하 여 살펴보았다. 이상에서 교내장학의 기초 이론으로서 교내장학의 정의,원리,프로그템 및 방법에 관하여 살펴 보았다. 교사는 교복 내용 및 방법의 급격한 변화,직전 교육의 미비 보충 및 법적인 금수 기회의 제한등으로 현 장에서 계속 성장 • 발전해야 할 처지에 있다. 교내장학아란 이같은 교사들의 성장 • 발달올 위해 학교내에서 제공되는 전문적이고 기술적인 봉사활동인 것이다. 이러한 교내징색1에서 가장 중요한 위치를 차지하고 있는 사람이 학교장이다. 그러므로 학교장은 교내장학이 효과적으로 이루어 질 수 있도록 다음 몇가지 점에서 지도성을 발휘해야 하 겠다. 1. 학교장은 교사와 같이 올바른 장학관(獎學觀)을 수립 하도록 노력해야 한다. 2. 학교장은 교사의 다양한 필요를 충족시 키 기 위해 다양하고 새 로운 장학의 방법 을 도입 활용하도록 노 척해야 한다. 3. 학교장은 교내장학외 개선 향상을 위해 교내장학의 원리에 입각해서 계속 평가를 해야 한다. 4. 끝으로 장학 지도자로의 학교장은 교사의 성장 • 발달을 위해 지도 • 조언할 수 있는 .능력을 함양하도록 노력해야 하겠다. 본 연구는 교내장학의 기 초 이론의 정 립을 위한 일차적 연구인 것이다. 이 연구가 일반화되어 각 학교의 특 수성에 맞는 교내장학의 이론적이고도 실제적 기초가 되기 위해서는 교내장학의 조직내용 및 방법에 관한 구 체적 연구가 이루어져야 하고, 더 나아가 이들 기초 이론에 의한 교내장학의 문제점등이 분석되어야 하겠다. A. Purposes of the Study This study is to formulate theories on definition, principles, programs and methods of supervision in the elementary school. B. Method of the Study In considering the definition of the supervision, the following are chiefly refferred to: works of Kimball Wiles, Emery Stoops. In setting up its principles, works of Melc�hoir and J. Cecil Parker are consulted in the main. And in considering the programs .and the methods, works of Marvin L. Berge, Jongchol Kim, James Curtin and Ross L. Neagley are refferred to in the main. C. Findings of the Study 1. In-School supervision is an expert and technical service by the person in charge of supernisiond for the development of the teachers. 2. In-School supervision should be based on the purposes of the supervision, needs of the School teachers, cooperation between the supervisory persons and teachers, super- visors’ expertise, and effectiveness of the programs. 3. According to Berge, the patterns of the supervision can be devided into centralized approach, decentralized approach, and centrally-coordinated approach. 4. The method of supervision should be based on the principles of self-activity, intera- ction, and diversity. Supervisory methods in the school can be classified by many criteria. The writer classified the methods according to two criteria: individual met- hods and group methods, in-school supervision and out of school supervision. In conclusion, principal and teachers should understand what in-school supervision really means. The principal as a supervisor shoulld play a leading role in the following :aspects: First, the priicnpal should establish sound philosophy about the supervison with teachers. Second, the principal should make efforts to introduce and utilize new methods of supervison and to meet the condition for the effective supervision. Third, in-school supervision should be appraised and interpreted in view of the basic princi- ples of the supervision. Finally, the principal should make an effort to develop his competencies as a supervisor.

      • 우리나라 사고다발지점 선정방법의 문제점 및 개선대안

        성낙문,이환승 한국안전교육학회 2002 한국안전교육학회지 Vol.5 No.2

        In conducting traffic safety programs, it is very important to identify hazardous sites in appropriate manner. Many experts in the traffic safety fields have performed researches to choose hazardous sites. The method of identifying hazardous sites which prevails in Korea is based on the traffic crash frequencies, which is inevitable because of insufficient database associated with the traffic crash data. This paper analyzed problem related to the method based on accident frequencies, and established an alternative which is named as frequency-quality control method, to make up for the weak points in the current method. As a result of test, the proposed method was reliable enough to be applied in the traffic safety program.

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