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      • KCI등재

        オンライン上での授業検討会の実践とその評価 : 韓国と日本との社会科授業交流会を事例として

        井上奈穂(Naho Inoue) 한국일본교육학회 2023 한국일본교육학연구 Vol.28 No.1

        2020年初めからの世界的な感染症の拡大により,海外の大学との交流会のほとんどは中止かオンラインへと切り替わった。筆者自身がこれまで行っていた交流会 においてもオンライン化を図 ることとなった。本稿では,オンライン上での韓国と日本の授業検討会を取り上げ,その実際とそれによる効果を検証した。オンライン化により,韓国に出向いての交流では問題視されにくかった言葉や文化の障壁が明示化された。それを乗り越えるための工夫として,①ウェブベースソフトウェアの活用や資料の翻訳,②通訳 の活用,及び③提示すべき資料の検 討の必要性が明らかになった。また,対面では,短期間の交流に集約されることが多かったが,オンライン化による長期的な交流の機会を設けることが授業検討会において効果的であることが分かった。このような手立ては,今後,対面での交流となった場合も継続する必要があるといえよう。非常時のオンラインではなく,「オンライン」だからできること,対面だからできることを見極め,よりよい授業研究会の在り方を検討する必要がある。 On account of the global spread of infectious diseases from the beginning of 2020, most exchange events with overseas universities have been canceled or switched to online. In this paper, we have taken up online class review meeting in South Korea and Japan, then examined their actuality and their effects. The online program's presence made any inherent language and cultural barriers more explicit; to overcome these barriers, we introduced (1) web-based software and translation, (2) the use of interpreters, and (3) advance consideration of the materials to be presented in the class. The study findings showed that the advance preparations made for overcoming language and cultural barriers helped to enhance individual participants’ understanding beyond the experience of a single classroom visit. This report showed the program’s design and operation in concrete terms and examined the online version’s effectiveness. It is necessary to examine how class study groups can be organized in a better manner by identifying what can be done “online” and what can be done “face-to-face” rather than what can be done online in emergencies only.

      • KCI등재후보

        日本の社会科学習指導要領におけるコンピテンシーの展開 -2008 年版と2017 年版の比較分析を通して-

        井上奈穂,(INOUE Naho) 한국사회과수업학회 2021 사회과수업연구 Vol.9 No.1

        本稿では、日本の教育課程におけるコンピテンシーの展開について、小学校社会科の学習指導要領及び教科書の分析をもとに考察することを目的としている。日本では、2017年に小学校学習指導要領が改訂され、予測困難な時代の中で、持続可能な社会の担い手の育成への期待とともに、これまでのコンテンツ・ベースの教育からコンピテンシー・ベースの教育へと新たな展開が求められている。本稿では、「社会科」を事例に、2008年版学習指導要領と2017年版学習指導要領の記述を、KH Coder3といわれる計量テキスト分析の手法により客観的なデータから比較し、日本の教育におけるコンピテンシーの展開について明らかにした。また、2017年版で想定される学習の具体を教科書分析から明らかにした。結論として、2008年版においては「理解」の対象となる「内容」についての記述が多い傾向があり、2017年版においては「知識・技能」、「思考力・判断力・表現力」、「学びに向かう態度」といった育成すべき資質・能力に関連した学習の「方法」についての語が多い傾向があることが明らかとなった。また、2007年版の小学校学習指導要領社会編における「特徴となる語」は、「我が国」、「地域」、「人々」、「具体」など「内容」にあたる名詞が上位に位置づいている一方、2017年版小学校学習指導要領社会編においては、「身に付ける」、「理解(する))など、サ変名詞を含む、動詞が上位に位置づいている。このことからも、2008年から2017年にかけて学習指導要領の記述が、「内容」から「方法」へ傾向が変わっており、コンピテンシーを意識したものへと学習指導要領の記述の質が変化していることが明らかとなった。 The study analyzes the competencies in the Japanese social studies curriculum for elementary school including the analysis of textbooks. The curriculum guidelines for elementary schools in Japan were revised in 2017 from a content-based to a competency-based education. This study compares the description of the 2008 curriculum to the 2017 version using objective data from a quantitative text analysis called KH Coder3 and clarifies the competencies in Japanese education. In addition, the specifics of learning expected in the 2017 edition were clarified from the textbook analysis. The findings show that in the 2008 edition, there is a tendency to describe content as the subject of knowledge and skills, whereas in the 2017 edition, the tendency is about fostering pupils’ ability to think, make judgements, and express themselves. In addition, in the 2007 edition of the Elementary School Curriculum Guidelines for Social Studies, nouns that correspond to contents are the characteristic words. However, in the 2017 edition, verbs such as learn and understand are ranked higher. From 2008 to 2017, the description in the course of study changed from content to method.

      • KCI등재

        韓日教育課程における「文化」の記述比較 : 「授業検討会」における学生の認識を踏まえて : 한일 교육과정의 ‘문화’ 기술 비교 : ‘수업 검토회’에 나타난 예비교사의 인식을 바탕으로

        井上奈穂,(Inoue, Naho),이정희(Lee, Jung-Hi) 한국일본교육학회 2021 한국일본교육학연구 Vol.26 No.2

        本研究は、韓国と日本の教育課程の記述比較を通して、よりよいグローバル教員養成のための授業検討会の在り方について明らかにすることを目的としている。社会のグローバル化が進み、学校教育の文化的な多様性が高まりつつある。そのような中、教員自身も自らの文化のみに固執することなく、幅広く、多様な見方や考え方、態度などを身につけ、国際化する教育に柔軟に対応できることが求められている。グローバル教員養成のための研修の1つに、共同での授業検討会がある。授業検討会を通して、それぞれの見方ㆍ考え方の違いの交流と相互の理解を深まり、これによる学生の興味ㆍ関心が高まったことが明らかとなっている。本稿では、先行研究の分析を踏まえ、興味ㆍ関心の高まりの背景を明らかにするために韓国のG大学校の附属小学校で行われた「文化」をテーマとして実践された社会科の授業検討会における学生の発言の傾向を分析し、また韓国と日本の社会科の教育課程に示されている記述の傾向との関連を検討した。検討に当たり、対象の質的な特徴と量的な特徴をつかむためにKHCoderを使用した。分析の結果、授業検討会の発言傾向と、韓国と日本の教育課程の記述の傾向には一定の関連性が見られることが明らかとなった。つまり、双方、「自国の文化の受容」が多いものの、韓国の学生の発言や教育課程では、「他国の文化の受容」や「自国における文化の葛藤」にまで踏み込んだものが、日本と比べ多く見られることが明らかとなった。日本と韓国の合同の授業検討会で示された問題意識は、それぞれの国で行われてきた教育課程の影響を受けていることを考慮すべきであり、事前の相互の教育課程への理解を踏まえた授業検討会が必要であることを示唆する。 이 연구는 한국과 일본의 교육과정에 나타난 기술을 비교하여 더 나은 글로벌 교원 양성을 위한 수업 검토회의 실시 방법에 대하여 해명하는 것을 목적으로 하고 있다. 글로벌화가 진행함에 따라 학교 교육에서도 문화 다양성에 대한 관심이 높아지고 있다. 교원도 자신의 문화만 고집하지 않고 다양한 시점이나 사고방식, 태도 등을 폭넓게 익혀 글로벌화에 유연하게 대응할 수 있어야 한다. 글로벌 교원 양성을 위한 연수 중 하나가 공동 수업 검토회이다. 수업 검토회를 통해 각각의 시점ㆍ사고방식 차이의 교류와 상호 이해를 심화시킬 수 있고 학생들의 흥미와 관심이 높아진 것으로 밝혀졌다. 본고에서는 선행 연구 분석을 바탕으로 흥미ㆍ관심이 고조된 배경을 밝히기 위해 한국의 G대학교 부속초등학교에서 ‘문화’를 주제로 실천된 사회과 수업 검토회에 나타난 학생의 발언 경향을 분석하고, 한국과 일본의 사회과 교육과정에 나타난 기술 경향과의 관련을 검토하였다. 검토에서는 대상의 질적인 특징과 양적인 특징을 파악하기 위해 KH Coder를 사용하였다. 분석 결과, 수업 검토회의 발언 경향과 한국 및 일본의 교육과정 기술 경향에는 일정한 관련성이 있는 것으로 드러났다. 즉, 한국과 일본 모두 ‘자국 문화의 수용’이 많지만 한국 학생의 발언과 교육과정에서는 ‘다른 나라의 문화 수용’과 ‘자국의 문화 갈등’까지 담고 있는 것이 일본과 비교했을 때 많이 나타나는 것이 밝혀졌다. 한국과 일본 합동 수업 검토회에서 나타난 문제 의식은 각 나라의 교육과정의 영향을 받고 있음을 고려해야 하며, 사전에 상호 교육과정에 대한 이해를 바탕으로 한 수업 검토회가 필요하다는 것을 시사한다.

      • KCI등재

        Reduction of Severity of Recurrent Psychotic Episode by Sustained Treatment with Aripiprazole in a Schizophrenic Patient with Dopamine Supersensitivity: A Case Report

        Shigenori Tadokoro,Naho Nonomura,Nobuhisa Kanahara,갠지하시모토,Masaomi Iyo 대한정신약물학회 2017 CLINICAL PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY AND NEUROSCIENCE Vol.15 No.1

        Dopamine supersensitivity psychosis (DSP) is a type of acute exacerbation of recurrent psychosis caused by long-term treatment with antipsychotics in schizophrenic patients. Although DSP is exceedingly troublesome for clinicians, effective treatment has not yet been established. Based on clinical research and our animal study, we hypothesize that aripiprazole, an atypical antipsychotic, may reduce the exacerbation of recurrent psychotic episodes. We report the case of a 46-year-old female who suffered from schizophrenia with DSP. In this case, sustained treatment with a high dose of aripiprazole gradually reduced the severity of her recurrent psychotic episodes. In conclusion, sustained treatment with aripiprazole may reduce the exacerbation of recurrent psychotic episodes in schizophrenic patients with DSP, and may be an effective treatment of DSP.

      • KCI등재

        Effect of Sulfur Doped TiO2 on Photovoltaic Properties of Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells

        Hyunwoong Seo,남상훈,Naho Itagaki,Kazunori Koga,Masaharu Shiratani,부진효 대한금속·재료학회 2016 ELECTRONIC MATERIALS LETTERS Vol.12 No.4

        In a dye-sensitized solar cell (DSC), a nano-porous semiconductor layerplays an important role in the performance. It determines open-circuitvoltage and it affects the dye adsorption capacity and charge transfer,which are closely associated with photocurrent and overall performance. TiO2 is the most proper material for nano-porous layer since the firstdevelopment of DSCs. This work focuses on the enhancement of TiO2by doping. Sulfur (S) doping enhances charge transfer and the photoconversionof TiO2. Therefore, the increase in photocurrent andefficiency is expected by S doping. S is doped into TiO2 by hydrolysismethod. The amount of S is varied and their photo-responses areverified. The most effective S doped TiO2 is applied to DSCs. Overallperformance of DSC is enhanced by the addition of S doped TiO2. Especially, the photocurrent is much increased by the improvement oncharge transfer, electron lifetime, and photo-conversion. The photovoltaicproperties of DSCs are investigated with various ratios of undoped and Sdoped TiO2. Finally, a DSC based on undoped and S doped TiO2 ratio of1:1 has the highest efficiency, better than that of a standard DSC basedon undoped TiO2.

      • Impact of Smoking on Nutrition and the Food Poverty Level in Tanzania

        Asmerom KIDANE,John MDUMA,Alexis NAHO,Teh Wei HU 연세대학교 빈곤문제국제개발연구원 2015 Journal of Poverty Alleviation and International D Vol.6 No.1

        This study considers the effect of household cigarette expenditure on food poverty indicators in Tanzania. We first compare expenditure patterns as well as the household size of non-smokers and smokers. We find that the majority of non-smokers and smokers have low incomes, and that the mean total per capita expenditure (proxy for income) of non-smokers is slightly higher than those of smokers. On the other hand, the mean household size of non-smokers was smaller compared to that of smokers suggesting that smokers should have spent more on food. Next, we estimate and compare daily calorie intake between both groups. Almost 19 percent of non-smokers were found to be below the poverty line. The corresponding value for smokers was almost 24 percent. Estimates from a multiple linear regression on the determinants of per capita daily calorie intake reveal that per capita cigarette consumption appears to negatively affect daily calorie intake significantly. Given that the majority of all respondents belong to a low income group, this suggests that expenditure on cigarettes may be at the expense of calorie intake.


        Improvement of Charge Transportation in Si Quantum Dot-Sensitized Solar Cells Using Vanadium Doped TiO<sub>2</sub>

        Seo, Hyunwoong,Ichida, Daiki,Hashimoto, Shinji,Itagaki, Naho,Koga, Kazunori,Shiratani, Masaharu,Nam, Sang-Hun,Boo, Jin-Hyo American Scientific Publishers 2016 Journal of nanoscience and nanotechnology Vol.16 No.5

        <P>The multiple exciton generation characteristics of quantum dots have been expected to enhance the performance of photochemical solar cells. In previous work, we first introduced Si quantum dot for sensitized solar cells. The Si quantum dots were fabricated by multi-hollow discharge plasma chemical vapor deposition, and were characterized optically and morphologically. The Si quantum dot-sensitized solar cells had poor performance due to significant electron loss by charge recombination. Although the large Si particle size resulted in the exposure of a large TiO2 surface area, there was a limit to ho much the particle size could be decreased due to the reduced absorbance of small particles. Therefore, this work focused on decreasing the internal impedance to improve charge transfer. TiO2 was electronically modified by doping with vanadium, which can improve electron transfer in the TiO2 network, and which is stable in the redox electrolyte. Photogenerated electrons can more easily arrive at the conductive electrode due to the decreased internal impedance. The dark photovoltaic properties confirmed the reduction of charge recombination, and the photon-to-current conversion efficiency reflected the improved electron transfer. Impedance analysis confirmed a decrease in internal impedance and an increased electron lifetime. Consequently, these improvements by vanadium doping enhanced the overall performance of Si quantum dot-sensitized solar cells.</P>

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