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        한국 민주주의의 발전과 퇴보: 노무현 정부와 이명박 정부

        김영명 ( Yung-Myung Kim ) 서울대학교 한국정치연구소 2014 韓國 政治 硏究 Vol.23 No.3

        이 논문은 노무현 정부와 이명박 정부가 한국 민주주의 발전에 어떤 기여를 했으며 또 어떤 문제점을 남겼는지를 탐구한다. 노무현 정부에서는 젊은 세대의 정치세력이 등장하여 한국 정치의 일인 지배 구조와 권위주의적 행태를 타파하였고, 정치제도 개혁을 통해 민주주의 발전에 이바지하였다. 또 진보세력이 국회에 진출하여 한국 정치에 새로운 장을 열었다. 그러나 대통령의 권위 부족과 집권세력의 대결지향적인 행태 및 민생 발전을 도외시한 빗나간 의제 선정으로 당파싸움을 증폭시켰다. 노무현 정부의 인기가 하락하자 그 반사효과로 등장한 이명박 정부는 친기업 정책과 대북 강경 정책으로 노무현 정부의 정책들을 역전시키고자 하였다. 그러나 취임 약속이었던 경제살리기에 실패하고 오히려 사회적 양극화를 부추겼다. 그리고 인권 문제를 등한시하는 등 민주주의의 후퇴를 야기하였다. 두 정부는 이념상 대척점에 있는 것처럼 보였지만, 실제로 그 차이는 크지 않았다. 둘은 모두 가상의 적을 지나치게 과장하였으며, 정치 지도력이 미숙하였고, 타협보다는 대결 지향적으로 나아갔다. 또 진보와 보수를 각각 표방한 두 정부의 정책들은 세부적인 차이가 있었으나 결국 중도우의 방향으로 수렴되었다. 이렇게 보면 한국 정치 갈등의 근본 원인은 이념 차이 자체보다는 작은 이념 차이를 극복하지 못하고 대결로만 치닫는 정치적 미숙함과 통합적 지도력의 부재에 있다고 할 수 있다. 따라서 한국 민주주의의 발전은 결국 이념과 정책의 차이를 극복하고 당파이익을 조정할 타협 문화와 통합적 지도력의 개발에 달려있다고 할 것이다. This article investigates the contributions and problems of the two recent Koreangovernments?the Roh Moo-hyun government and the Yi Myung-bak government?in the development of Korean democracy. The Roh government ushered in a new era in Korean democracy, ending the post-three Kim politics, i.e., one-man rule based upon regional factions. It also overcame authoritarian practices and introduced new democratic procedures to a certain extent while the progressive political forces took seats in the National Assembly for the first time in several decades. In spite of these democratic achievements, the Roh government exacerbated factional strife rampant in Korean politics, a good part of which stemmed from the incumbent`s lack of political leadership and from strife-stricken behaviors. Yi utilized Roh`s failure to be elected as the next president, promising to revitalize the Korean economy. The new government and supporting conservative forces attempted to reverse what they saw as “leftist” policies of the previous government, but soon their policies changed, culminating in more or less center-right ones not dissimilar to Roh`s policies. Yi also failed: He did not revitalize the Korean economy and social polarization worsened; and his anti-North Korean policies contributed nothing in either improving South-North Korean relations or changing the North Korean regime. What is worse, Yi`s contribution to the development of Korean democracy was next to nil: He rather despised democratic political procedures, so political freedom and human rights records worsened during his incumbency. The two governments look very dissimilar at first glance, with the former being “left” and the latter being “right,” but the realty was not exactly so. They shared meaningful commonalities: They both exaggerated the would-be enemies; they both lacked political leadership; they were both strife-oriented rather than compromise-oriented. Their ideological positions may have been different but their policies, especially in socio-economic matters, eventually converged. In this regard, we may conclude that the real problems in Korean politics do not lie with ideological polarization as usually considered but more in the lack of integrative political leadership and compromising political culture, found both in the political and civil societies of Korea. The measures to improve these political assets should be found and the study of Korean democracy needs to be more concerned on this issue.

      • 安東댐과 公山댐의 水質과 藻類 特性 比較 硏究

        朴永圭,李哲熙,韓明鎬,李榮浩 嶺南大學校 環境問題硏究所 1989 環境硏究 Vol.9 No.1

        This study was conducted to investigate the water quality and algae, and to evaluate the trophic state in Lake Andong and Lake Kongsan. The results are summarised as followes; 1. The differences between maximum and minimum water temperature with the water depth were 17.4℃ and 4.5℃ respectively on September for Lake Kongsan. The differences between maximum and minimum DO saturation degree with the water depth were 61.5% on December for Lake Andong and 76.5% on September for Lake Kongsan. 2. It was founded that trophic state of Lake Andong and Lake Kongsan were mesotrophic state and eutrophic state, respectively by trophic state delineation of US EPA and Carson's trophic state index(TSI). 3. Identified phytoplanktons were 86 species, 1,361 cell/ml in Lake Andong. Among them, Diatoms accounted for 91.4% and Genus of Fragilralia which accounted for 45% was predominant. In case of Lake Kongsan, 92 species, 1,228 cell/ml were identified. Among them, Blue-greens accounted for 69.7% and predominant Genus was Anacystis which accounted for more than 50%. 4. Identified taste and order inducing phytoplankton for Lake Andong and Lake Kongsan were 49 species, 536 cell/ml and 86 species, 1,148 cell/ml, respectively. Identified filter clogging phytoplanktons for Lake Andong and Lake Kongsan were 37 species, 825 cell/ml and 7 species, 79 cell/ml, respectively.

      • 水溶液中의 DodecyI Benzene Sulfonate의 오존 酸化

        朴永圭,李哲熙,韓明鎬 영남대학교 공업기술연구소 1985 연구보고 Vol.13 No.2

        This study was conducted by the method of ozone demand flask to ozonize dodecyl benzene sulfonate (DBS) which is the principal component of the synthetic detergents. The results are summarized as follow; 1. For ozonization of DBS in aqueous solution, DBS was easily oxidized increasing pH and temperature. 2. The rate constant of the reaction, k is 1.70 min??, reaction order of DBS, n is 1.40 and the reaction order of ozone, m is 1.25 in the DBS-ozone system. 3. DBS removal rate is proportional to ozone dosage. 4. The utilizaion coefficient of ozone is directly proportional to initial concentration fo DBS because the ozone demand per removed DBS is increased according to decreasing initial concentration of DBS. And the ratio of initial concentration of DBS versus utilizationcoefficient is 0.037. 5 The removal rates of DBS, Fe, and Mn by ozone were in the order of Fe, Mn, and DBS in its rate. 6. For ozonization of DBS, Fe, and Mn in mixed-aqueous solution, DBS and Fe were preferential but Mn was not preferential.

      • KCI등재후보

        인터넷 영양정보의 내용 분석

        이선영,강혜경,양일선,강명희 대한영양사협회 2004 대한영양사협회 학술지 Vol.10 No.2

        232 internet sites in Yahoo and Empas were monitored to analyze what good contents of nutrition information on line have for the internet searchers. As the sites on line were disappeared frequently, all the monitored sites were selected on April 25, 2003. 3 disciplined personnels analyzed the contents of the selected sites by using self-developed monitoring format. The results are as follows. Most of sites were administered by the marketing companies and only 8% by public institutions, associations and school. Especially, most of the contents of the sites by marketing companies were advertisement about their goods instead of nutrition information. Only 42.6% of sites indicated the sources of nutrition information. Only 10.3% of site administrators responded about on-line questions quickly within 1 day. Moreover, 46% of sites were not conformed their answering periods. On the other hand, 94.8% of sites offered more than 1 feedback methods. Monitors checked purposes offering on-line informations plurally. Leading purpose was for advertising and marketing their goods(59.5%) and 47% of them were opened for offering food and nutrition information. They offered various informations at the same time. More than half of the sites had the menus for food and nutrition information and connected sites, but the other half of them only advertised their own goods. Positive sides from monitored informations were as follows : 'communicating informations easily' (8.7%) / 'definite informations for daily living' (7.2%) / 'beneficial informations for nutritional management' (4.6%) / 'new informations' (2.1%). Negative sides of offered information were 'not enough to give scientific basis and/or to simplify special evidences too much'(60.8%) / 'to exaggerate the contents' (41.4%) / 'not to indicate the notice of side effect and/or to advertise that there are not side effect from using their goods' (34.1%).

      • 國內 大氣質管理의 現況과 問題點

        한명호,김차영,최정한,백성옥 嶺南大學校 環境問題硏究所 1991 環境硏究 Vol.11 No.1

        본 논문에서는 국내에서 현재 법적인 규제가 행하여지고 있는 대가오염물질의 오염도 현황과 대기질 관리의 문제점을 여러가지 측면에서 서구의 선경험국가들의 경우와 비교 분석하였으며 이러한 문제점에 대한 대책을 강구하고자 하였다. 이와 아울러 현재 법적 규제의 범위에는 포함되어 있지는 않으나 잠재적 유해성이 큰 오염물질의 환경학적인 중요성과 현재의 관리실정 및 향후의 대책에 대하여 검토하였다. The current situation and inherent problems of air quality management in Korea were critically evaluated and compared with other developed countries, with respects to the ambient standards, air quality monitoring, emission inventory, and energy consumption patterns. Environmental implications and a worldwide trend in the management of non-criteria pollutants, was also discussed with a particular emphasis on the legislative aspects. .

      • 生物學的 活性炭 工程에 의한 製鐵工團廢水의 高度處理

        韓明鎬,李哲熙,朴永圭 嶺南大學校 環境問題硏究所 1990 環境硏究 Vol.9 No.2

        The biological treatability of steel industry wastewater treated by an activated sludge process was evaluated by using continuous and batch biological activated carbon (BAC) reactor. The results are summarized as follows: 1. With respect to the hydraulic retention time and effluent water quality, the operating condition was found to be effective at the up flow velocity of 0.1m/h, when the initial concentration of COD was 108㎎/ℓ. The average removal efficiency of COD appeared to be 77% under the same condition. 2. Effluent COD was linearly increased with the COD volumetric loading rate up to approximately 1000g/㎥ day, and then the increasing rate of the effluent COD appeared to be substantially lowered. In addition, the overall substrate removal rate was found to be proportional to the effluent COD. 3. COD concentration at the one-half maximum growth rate of biofilm mass ㉿ and maximum COD utilization rate perunit mass of attached biofilm mass (k) were 66.5㎎/ℓ and 0.15 day?¹, respectively, which were estimated on the basis of data obtained in the batch reactor.

      • 國內藥草의 抗癌成分硏究 (1) : 馬兜鈴, 石蒜, 三稜, 無花果皮, 碧梧桐皮, 人參 등 70餘種에 對하여

        丁明鉉,李敦日,金永洙,朱興珪,劉永鐘,金成鎬,鄭鐘南 朝鮮大學校 1977 綜合論文集 Vol.1977 No.-

        Alcohol, water, ether, and petroleum ether extracts of 75 species Korean medicinal plants have been tested for their antitumor activity. Most of the extracts had slight activity only. Some extracts had more pronounced acitivity. For antitumor activity, ddD-Mice of weighing 18-25g were used. 0.2 ml of cell suspension in 0.9% saline-glucose solution containing 10?? ascites tumor cells of either Sarcoma 180, Ehrlich carcinoma was transplanted intraperitoneally into each mouse. The control group animals in a given experiment consisted of 14 mices and the experimental group, 7 mices. The materials to be tested were administered once a day by intraperitoneal injection, commencing the day after tumor transplantation until the test animal died, and then the control group was received only 0.5% carboxy methyl cellulose (CMC). The mean survival time of each group was calculated according to the formula indicated in the protocols of the Cancer Chemotherapy National Service Center. In the antitumor activity screening, extracts had pronounced greater prolongation of survival time (50%-100%) were Aristo-lochia contorta, Lycoris radiata, Scirpus maritimus, Ficus carica, Firmiana platanifolia, Panax ginseng, Piper nigrum among the 75 species. The antitumor screening result were tabulated in Table II.

      • 音樂的 能力에 미치는 早期敎育의 效果

        柳永明 서울敎育大學校 1974 論文集 Vol.7 No.-

        The purposes of this study are firstly to test the effects and importance of early music education on the development of musical abilities, and secondly to identify the real effects of early music education on the later proficiency of music and thirdly to get some useful suggestions on the music education at home and in schools. In this study, 349 musicians (including musician and music major college students) and 143 non-musicians were sampled and surveyed with questionnaire. Besides, 100 great musicians in the history throughout the world were selected and analysed in forms of the effects of early music education. The results of analysis from the two sources mentioned above are as follows! (1) Early education plays very important roles in the musical development. (2) Especially, it was found from this study that home atmosphere and individual tutors hip during infancy and childhood had contributed very much to the development of musical talent. (3) To vitalize music in every day life situation, we have to make the musical environment of home more affluently and deepen the music education in the school more fruitfully.

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