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        ≪미공개 『어린이』≫에 실린 아동서사의 갈래구분과 서사학적 분석

        최미선 ( Choi¸ Misun ) 건국대학교 동화와번역연구소(구 건국대학교 중원인문연구소) 2020 동화와 번역 Vol.40 No.-

        이 논문은 ≪미공개 『어린이』≫에 수록된 서사 작품의 갈래를 구분하고 서사 구성을 분석하면서 작품 가치와 의의를 규명하고자 한다. 2015년에 발행된 ≪미공개 『어린이』≫는 보성사 영인본 『어린이』에 누락된 자료가 실려 있다. ≪미공개 『어린이』≫는 총 28권의 책으로 동화, 소년소설 등 180여 편이 서사 작품이 실려 있어서 『어린이』 매체 연구에 새로운 전기가 마련되었다. 황순원의 「졸업일」이나 박태원의 「오남매」, 최청곡의 「가두예술가」 등 다수의 작품들은 그동안 연구에서 제외되었으나 이번에 서사 전모를 파악하게 됨으로 1920년대 말부터 1930년대 초기의 작품을 발굴하게 되었다. 1930년대 초기에는 소년소설, 소녀소설, 입지소설, 어촌소설 등 다양한 갈래 명칭이 사용되었고, 판타지 동화를 신동화(新童話)로 표기하기도 했다. 신동화 「가두예술가」에서 구현된 판타지 세계는 토도로프가 제시한 1차 세계(Primary World)와 2차 세계(Secondary World)로 정확히 표현되었다. 황순원의 소년소설 「졸업일」은 소년 시기의 불안정한 경계에 위치한 소년의식을 보여주었고, 박태원의 「오남매」는 어린이의 평범한 일상의 서사를 과장됨이 없이 진솔하게 표현해 냄으로 아동문학의 본질을 완수하는 성과를 보여주었다. 특히 8인의 유명 작가가 공동으로 집필한 연작 소설 「五人동무」는 협력은 개인의 힘보다 더 큰 위력을 가질 수 있다는 메시지를 구체적으로 보여주었다. ≪미공개 『어린이』≫에서 180여 편을 상회하는 서사 작품을 발굴함으로 한국아동문학의 토대를 확장했을 뿐만 아니라 『어린이』라는 매체가 추구했던 독자와 소통 우선의 정신을 확인함으로 잡지가 표방하는 정신을 확인할 수 있었다. This study attempts to classify and investigate narratives in Undisclosed Children and analyze their values and significances. Undisclosed Children, published in 2015, is meaningful in that it established the base for studies on children's literature and contains missing parts of photoprint version of the original Children published by Boseongsa. Undisclosed Children is comprised of a total of 28 books, featuring about 180 literary narratives, such as fairy tales and boys’ novels. It also contains the works of Korean literary men from the late 1920s to early 1930s including Hwang Soon-won’s “Graduation Day,” Park Tae-won’s “Five Siblings,” and Choi Chung-gok’s “Street Artist.” In fact, diverse categories used during the early 1930s were found in the narratives of the Undisclosed Children. Also, a new category titled “New Children’s Story” was found. The fantasy world described in the New Children’s Story ‘Street Artist’ was mentioned as Tzvetan Todorov’s primary and secondary worlds. Hwang Soon-won’s “Graduation Day” described boys’ consciousness situated on the unstable border during a pubertal stage while Park Tae-won’s “Five Siblings” described the narratives of children’s daily routine in a frank and honest fashion, completing the essence of children’s literature. In particular, “Five Fellows,” a serial novel co-written by 8 famous writers, revealed the power of ‘collaboration’. In other words, it specifically delivered a message that collaboration could have a greater effect than an individual on children. This study has discovered the unknown data and expanded the base for Korean children’s literature. In addition, it has reconfirmed the spirit of ‘communication with readers first’, which was pursued by Children. As a result, this study found that such an attitude was the spirit of Children

      • KCI등재

        평면도형의 교수·학습 요소에 따른 삼각형에 관한 초등학교 교과서 분석

        권미선 ( Kwon¸ Misun ) 한국수학교육학회 2021 初等 數學敎育 Vol.24 No.4

        Two-dimensional shapes have a great influence on elementary school students' learning and are closely related to other content areas. Therefore, in this study, The Teaching and Learning Elements that should be taught in two-dimensional shapes were extracted from the literature. It also was analyzed that revised mathematics textbooks in the year 2015 were properly implemented with the teaching and learning elements. As a result of the analysis, in the case of Understanding The Concept, the activities in the textbooks are not able to recognize 2-D shapes which are focusing on shapes of the actual object. In the case of Classifying two-dimensional shapes according to the Criteria, the classification criteria were presented differently from what was learned in the previous course. In the aspect of Applying the Concept, the activities in order to Discuss two-dimensional shapes were not sufficient. Lastly, in view of the fact the 2015 revised curriculum is not considered with the relationship between two-dimensional shapes. For that reason, the following Knowing Relationships parts are insufficiently presented; Understanding the Relationship Between shapes through Definitions and Properties, Identifying the relationship between shapes throughout classification activities, and Discussing the relationship between shapes. Based on the analysis result of two-dimensional shapes, it is suggested that the finding of this research helps to enlarge the teaching methodology of triangles and provide educational perspectives for development in other shape areas.

      • KCI등재

        비대면 교양 한문 수업 사례와 개선 방안

        김미선 ( Kim¸ Mi-sun ) 한민족어문학회 2021 韓民族語文學 Vol.- No.91

        코로나바이러스감염증-19의 유행으로 갑작스럽게 비대면 수업을 진행하게 된 교수자들은 효율적인 수업 방안을 마련하기 위해 고심하였다. 본 논문에서 는 필자의 비대면 교양 한문 수업 사례를 교수자들과 공유하고 개선 방안을 제시하여, 효율적인 비대면 교양 한문 수업 방안 모색에 기여하고자 하였다. 필자는 2020학년도 1학기에 84명의 수강 인원을 대상으로 비대면 교양 한문수업을 진행하였다. 구체적 수업 사례는 다음과 같이 정리할 수 있다. 첫째, 동영상을 통한 강의 중심 수업을 진행하였다. 한문이라는 과목의 특성상 기초적인 한문 지식 전달에 시간을 할애할 필요가 있고, 동영상 강의를 반복하여 들으며 복습하는 방식이 필요하다고 보았기 때문이었다. 둘째, 활동 자료를 이용하여 상호 작용을 하였다. 매주 수업 내용을 복습하는 간단한 활동 자료를 작성하게 하고, 다음 주차 동영상 강의 초반부에 이에 대한 피드백을 하였다. 셋째, 한자 쓰기를 평가에 활용하였다. 대면 시험이 어려운 상황이었기 때문에, 노트정리, 쓰기 교재 등을 평가에 활용하여 변별력을 확보하였다. 비대면 교양 한문 수업을 진행하는 경우, 교수자의 측면에서는 소통을 위한 창구를 확대하고, 학교의 측면에서는 분반별 수강 인원에 제한을 둘 필요가 있다. 학생들에게 충분한 피드백을 제공하고, 안전한 대면 시험을 치르기 위해서는 50명 이하로 한 분반 수강 인원을 제한하여야 할 것이다. Due to the coronavirus infectious disease, commonly referred to as COVID-19, has spread around the world, teachers who suddenly had to lead non face-to-face classes (untact classes) struggled to come up with effective class plans. This paper attempts to contribute to the ongoing efforts for the search for an efficient non face-to-face Chinese character class as an essential university liberal arts subject, by sharing my case observations of non face-to-face Chinese character classes with teachers and by offering improvement plans. During the first semester of 2020, I conducted non face-to-face Chinese character class for a group of 84 students. Specific class cases can be summarized as follows. Firstly, lecture-oriented classes were conducted through videos. Because of the nature of studying Chinese characters, it was necessary to allocate the necessary time to disseminate the basic knowledge of Chinese characters, and to hear and review the video lectures repeatedly. Secondly, the teacher and students interacted with each other by using activity data. Students were asked to prepare simple activity materials to review what was learned every week, and they were given feedback on their assignments at the beginning of the next week’s video lecture. Thirdly, the writing of Chinese characters was utilized for evaluation. Since the face-to-face exam presented a difficult situation, we used arranged notes and writing textbooks for evaluation in order to to prevent discrimination. While conducting non face-to-face Chinese character classes, it is necessary to expand the window for communication from the perspective of the teacher, and to limit the number of students per class from the perspective of the school. In order to provide sufficient feedback to students and to provide a safe face-to-face exam, the number of class members per class should be limited to 50 or less.

      • KCI등재

        탁영(濯纓) 김일손(金馹孫)의 신원(伸冤)과 추존(追尊)

        박미선 ( Park¸ Mi-sun ) 택민국학연구원 2020 국학연구론총 Vol.0 No.26

        본고는 탁영 김일손의 죄과, 신원, 추존 양상을 검토하기 위해 작성되었다. 김일손이 쓴 사초에 대한 신뢰성을 약화시키기 위해 사초 관련자들에 대한 심문과 진술을 확보하였으며, 김종직의 弔義帝文과 이를 ‘忠憤’의 발로로 보는 판단이 김일손의 죄목을 구성하는 결정적 근거였다. 이후 김일손의 복권은 사화 발생의 본질이 붕당과 능상에 있는 것이 아니라 사적 원한과 사초열람의 원칙 붕괴에 있었다는 논의의 전개로 가능했는데, 이러한 변화는 유자광의 정치적 몰락에 연유하였다. 당시 김일손의 복권은 개인이 아닌 사관의 역할에 대한 복권이었으며, 공론 정치의 부활을 상징하는 것이었다. 복권 이후 김일손에 대한 추증 및 증시, 묘역 조성, 서원배향, 문집간행 등의 추존 작업은 조선 중기이후 중앙과 지역의 사림, 김일손 가문의 정치적 관계망 속에서 이루어졌다. This study examines the process of posthumously vindicating and celebrating the life of Kim Il-son who died during the Muosahwa. This vindication and celebration of Kim Il-son’s life were not made by individual or by the actions of family members, but were led by a memorial community that sympathized with his death. First, the study looked into Kim Il-son's death and the injustice surrounding it, centering around Muosahwa and Jungjong-banjeong. The reason that Kim Il-son was sentenced to be executed was the great crime against Yeonsan-gun which was his praise of Kim Jong-jik and reproach of King Sejo by including Kim Jong-jik's Joui-jemun in the Sacho. As a result, not only did Kim Il-son suffer, but Kim Jong-jik's literary group, Sarim, was devastated as well. After a while, the Jungjong-banjeong took place, and in the process of liquidating the political heritage of the Yeonsan-gun era, the injustice of the people who had suffered during Muo-sahwa was redressed. In this process, Kim Il-son's perception of the Sacho was summarized as a private matter of personal resentment between Kim Il-son and Lee Guk-don that had gone the extreme, rather than Sejo’s usurpation of the throne, and his descendant's succession. It could be understood that he had conducted his duty as a historiographer called Sagwan. Kim Il-son's politicalrehabilitation proceeded with Yoo Ja-kwang's political decline. Second, the study reviewed the follow-up activities of Sarim and the descendants of Kim Il-son by dividing them into the posthumous conferment of honors, posthumous title, graveyard construction, Seowon in memory of him (Confucian shrine-academy), and anthology publication. The posthumous celebration of Kim Il-son was made not only by the efforts of the Kim Il-son family, but was also completed by the political network of the royal court, central and local Sarim, and Kim Il-son family after the Mid-Joseon Dynasty. In the first place, the lost honor due to the controversial death of Kim Il-son could have been reinstated through the posthumous title and conferment of honors based on the efforts of the central and local Sarim, the succession of Kim Il-son, and the descendants of Kim Jong-jik family and Kim Il-son family. In addition, Kim Il-son's current grave is set up in Cheongdo after the grave had been moved three times, and was selected as the grave of Chunghyeon and built during the reign of King Seonjo. The tombstone was also built by the local government of Cheongdo, the scholars of the village, as well as the national and local communities participated in commemorating him. The Jagye Seowon for Kim Il-son became a private Seowon with the help of Noron Song Joon-gil in cooperation with the family and local people. In addition, the publication of Kim Il-son's writings was a result of the efforts and enthusiasm of the descendants of the Kim Il-son family and was fully supported materially by the government. As above, vindicating the legacy of Kim Il-son was possible with the Jungjong-banjeong, and the follow-up activities for the posthumous celebration were prominent in the King Jungjong, Seonjo, Hyeonjong, and the Reign of King Hyunjong, when thepriesthood, which placed the importance of the harmony of the kingship and the priesthood, was superior to the period of a singularly strong kingship. The vindication of Kim Il-son and the posthumous celebration of Kim Il-son were carried out in a time when the priesthood was able to exert power.

      • KCI등재

        Pseudohypoplasia of Right Coronary Artery in a Korean Female Cadaver

        Misun Kim(김미선),Sang Pil Yoon(윤상필) 대한체질인류학회 2013 대한체질인류학회지 Vol.26 No.1

        심장동맥 협착이 임상적으로 중요한 지표로 사용되고 있지만, 형성부전은 선천적인 요소를 갖고 있어 의미가 있다. 혈관에서 거짓형성부전은 반대쪽 혈관 직경에 비해 작은 직경을 갖지만 어떤 형태학적 검사에서도 형성부전의 증거를 보이지 않는 것으로 정의할 수 있다. 온창자간막동맥, 왼척추동맥 형성부전이 동반된 82세 여자 시신의 해부과정에서 오른심장동맥 거짓형성부전이 관찰되었다. 맨눈으로 볼 때 형성부전으로 생각되었지만, 오른심장동맥은 정상적인 크기와 조직 구성을 보였다. 반면 왼심장동맥 주 가지는 동맥경화로 인한 확장을 보였다. 결과적으로 이 시신에서 관찰된 오른심장동맥 형성부전은 왼심장동맥의 동맥경화성 동맥류에 기인한 거짓형성부전임을 알 수 있었다. 많은 임상 상황들이 맨눈에 의존하여 판단하게 되므로 심장동맥에 대한 보다 정확한 해부학 지식을 통해 그릇된 접근을 예방할 수 있어야 할 것으로 생각한다. Stenotic or hypoplastic coronary arteries occupy vital features in the clinical situations. The pseudohypoplasia might be defined as a macroscopic hypoplasia based on the diameter of an artery compared with contralateral artery but is not hypoplasia both anatomically and histopathologically. During a routine dissection course, a pseudohypoplasia in right coronary artery was recognized in an 82-year-old Korean female cadaver who had a common mesenteric trunk and a fibromuscular dysplasia in the left vertebral artery. Although macroscopic hypoplasia was discovered, the right coronary artery had normal anatomical features and the left coronary artery showed atherosclerotic changes on the main trunk. The right coronary artery was misread to have hypoplasia due to atherosclerotic aneurysm on left coronary artery. Since macroscopic hypoplasia in radiological and surgical situations may lead to confusion to interpret its pathophysiology just like this case, the better anatomical knowledge on the coronary artery can help to prevent misleading approaches.

      • KCI등재

        Changes in Cytochrome c Oxidase and NO in Rat Lung Mitochondria Following Iron Overload

        Misun Kim,Min-a Hong,송은숙 한국통합생물학회 2009 Animal cells and systems Vol.13 No.2

        In this study, the effects of iron on cytochrome c oxidase (CcO) in rat lung mitochondria were examined. Similar to liver mitochondria, iron accumulated considerably in lung mitochondria (more than 2-fold). Likewise, the reactive oxygen species and nitric oxide (NO) content of mitochondria were increased by more than 50% and 100%, respectively. NO might be produced by nitric oxide synthase (NOS), eNOS and iNOS type, with particular contribution by NOS in mitochondria. The respiratory control ratio of ironoverloaded lung mitochondria dropped to nearly 50% due to increased state 4. Likewise, cytochrome c oxidase activity was lowered significantly to approximately 50% due to excess iron. Real-time PCR revealed that the expression of isoforms 1 and 2 of subunit IV of CcO was enhanced greatly under excess iron conditions. Taken together, these results show that oxidative phosphorylation within lung mitochondria may be influenced by iron overload through changes in cytochrome c oxidase and NO.

      • KCI등재

        Implikationen der hybriden Identitätsentwicklung von Jugendlichen in Deutschland für die multikulturelle Bildung in Korea

        Misun Han-Broich,Aristi Born,이태영(Tae-Young Lee) 한독교육학회 2019 교육의 이론과 실천 Vol.24 No.3

        이 연구의 목적은 현재 독일에서 성장하고 있는 이주배경 청소년들의 혼종적 자아정체감을 개념화함으로써 한국 이주배경 청소년들의 문화적 비동질성이 갖는 교육적 함의를 환기하는 데 있다. 한독 이주배경 청소년의 자아정체감에 관한 구체적인 비교연구는 후속 과제로 남겨두었다. 이 글에서는 다문화사회 이주배경 청소년의 자아정체감 발달에 주안점을 두고, 현재 독일에서 살고 있으면서 두 개 이상의 중첩된 문화 또는 국가 경험을 갖고 있는 청소년들을 연구 대상으로 선정했다. 연구 내용은 이들의 자아정체감 형성과정과 동인 및 그 혼종성을 일반화할 수 있는 가능성에 관한 이론적 검토이다. 주로 독일어로 출간된 선행연구들을 참고하여 이주배경 청소년의 자아정체감 발달양상을 발달심리학과 문화사회학적 측면에서 개념화 또는 구조화한 다음, 다문화 청소년의 정체감에 관한 교육과제를 도출하였다. 발달심리학적 연구는 에릭슨의 심리사회적 발달이론을 토대로 기술하였다(제II장). 문화사회학적 연구는 다문화사회 이주 청소년의 혼종적 문화정체성에 초점을 맞추어 기술하였다(제III장). 마지막으로 청소년의 혼종적 자아정체감 발달 문제를 현대 다문화사회 전체의 도전과제로 간주하고, 정치·사회·종교·문화적 관점에서 교육(학)적 대응전략을 제안하였다(제IV장). 이 제안은 기존 연구물들 외에 공동연구자의 독일 사회교육기관 업무경험과 독일 이주배경 청소년들의 설문 결과에 바탕한 것이다. 한국도 다문화사회로 접어든 지 오래이지만 그동안 이주사회의 불안요인에 집중적으로 대응해왔다는 한계가 있다. 이 연구를 통해 다문화사회가 갖는 기회요인, 즉 문화적 혼종성과 역동성의 긍정적 측면에 더욱 주목함으로써 보다 실질적인 교육정책이 다양하게 개발되기를 바란다. 그동안 통합이라는 미명 아래 동질화에 초점을 맞추었던 정체감 관리에서 벗어나 개인의 창의적 자아정체감과 사회의 포용적 정체감을 북돋우기 위한 실천적 논의가 한층 활발해지기를 기대한다. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird versucht, die hybride Identität von Jugendlichen mit Migrationshintergrund zu erfassen, die derzeit in Deutschland aufwachsen. Ausgehend von diesem Verständnis sollen die pädagogischen Implikationen von dualen oder hybriden Identitäten der zugewanderten Jugendlichen in Korea beleuchtet werden. Es werden sowohl die Risiken als auch die Chancen für die Identitätsentwicklung der jungen Menschen in den Blick genommen, die sich mehr als einer Kultur zugehörig fühlen. Ergänzt wird diese theoretische Darstellung mit Beispielen aus unserer beruflichen Erfahrung im sozialpädagogischen Bereich und einer schriftlichen Befragung der Zielgruppe. Wir untersuchen zuerst den Prozess der Identitätsentwicklung von Jugendlichen mit Migrationshintergrund aus entwicklungspsychologischer und soziokultureller Sicht, um ihre hybride Identität begrifflich zu erfassen. Dann stellen wir die pädagogischen Aufgaben zur Förderung einer solchen hybriden Identität der jungen Menschen in multikulturellen Migrationsgesellschaften heraus. Schließlich werden in politischer, kultureller, jugend-sozialpädagogischer, aber auch religiöser Hinsicht konkret die pädagogischen Herausforderungen dargestellt, die in der Migrationsgesellschaft eine positive Identitätsentwicklung junger Menschen ermöglichen können.

      • KCI등재

        Perceptual Discrimination of Sibilants by Adult Korean Learners of English

        Misun Seo,Jayeon Lim 한국응용언어학회 2008 응용 언어학 Vol.24 No.3

        This study explores the L2 perception of English sibilants by Korean learners by investigating their discrimination of non-sense words. An experiment was conducted with reaction times and accuracy as dependent variables, with accuracy scores converted into sensitivity (d") values. In doing so, the study explored the influence of the factors such as voicing (voiced/voiceless), vowel types (/a, i, u/), positions of sibilants within words (word-initial prevocalic, intervocalic, word-final postvocalic) and learners" proficiency levels in L2 (low, intermediate and advanced). The results indicated that voicing, vowel types, position significantly influences learners" reaction times and accuracy as measured by d" values. Proficiency level was a significant factor in the accuracy analysis. In addition, several significant interactions between factors were observed, indicating that multiple factors are at play in L2 perception of sibilants.

      • KCI등재

        G1/S Cell Cycle Checkpoint Defect in Lymphocytes from Patients with Alzheimer’s Disease

        Misun Song,Young-Ah Kwon,Yujin Lee,Hyeran Kim,Ji Hea Yun,Seonwoo Kim,김도관 대한신경정신의학회 2012 PSYCHIATRY INVESTIGATION Vol.9 No.4

        Objective We compared the cell responsiveness of activated lymphocytes to rapamycin, which blocks the G1/S transition, between patients with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and normal controls to assess the early phase control defect in cell cycle. MethodsaaBlood samples of 26 patients with AD and 28 normal controls were collected to separate peripheral lymphocytes. We measured the proportion of each cell cycle phase in activated lymphocytes using flow cytometry and evaluated the responsiveness of these lymphocytes to rapamycin. Results The patients with AD were older than the normal controls (AD 74.03±7.90 yr vs. control 68.28±6.21 yr, p=0.004). The proportion of G1 phase cells in the AD group was significantly lower than that in the control group (70.29±6.32% vs. 76.03±9.05%, p=0.01), and the proportion of S phase cells in the AD group was higher than that in control group (12.45±6.09% vs. 6.03±5.11%, p=0.001). Activated lymphocytes in patients with AD were not arrested in the G1 phase and they progressed to the late phase of the cell cycle despite rapamycin treatment, in contrast to those of normal subjects. Conclusion The patients with AD probably have a control defect of early phase cell cycle in peripheral lymphocytes that may be associated with the underlying pathology of neuronal death.

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