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        편의점 소설'의 문화 지리학적 연구

        정미숙 ( Jeong¸ Mi-suk ) 현대문학이론학회 2021 現代文學理論硏究 Vol.0 No.86

        이 논문은 편의점을 제재로 한 소설을 텍스트로 삼아 편의점의 문화 지리학적 연구를 목적으로 한다. 텍스트는 김애란의 「나는 편의점에 간다」, 박영란의 『편의점 가는 기분』 그리고 일본 작가 무라타 사야카의 『편의점 인간』이다. 소설 속의 극화된 화자는 소비자, 운영자, 점원으로 다양하다. 우리 시대 각별한 거처인 편의점이라는 공간과 관계 맺는 이들의 위치와 다양한 체험의 강도에 따라 편의점의 의미는 달라진다. 체화된 편의점의 의미는 작중인물의 정체성에서 기인한 것이자 정체성을 변화시키는 결과이다. 김애란의 「나는 편의점에 간다」의 경우 편의점을 주로 찾는 여대생 소비자가 주인물이다. 편의점은 거대한 관대와 익명이 가능한 공간이나 반복적 동선 앞에서 쾌적한 거리감은 상실된다. 결국 정체를 드러내지 않기 위해 ‘가면’을 쓰고 편의점을 순례하는 이상한 양태로 변질된다. 소설은 무심과 익명의 공간이 치명적인 함정이 될 수 있음을 경고하며 끝난다. 기계적인 익명성을 잠복한 편의점은 위험하다. 소량의 물품과 목숨을 교환할 무모한 결행을 감행할 수 있는 미혹의 공간이다. 소설은 한 치 앞을 상상할 수 없는 젊은이들의 불안과 방황, 절망의 현실을 강렬하게 환기하고 서로에게 관심과 배려를 촉구한다. 박영란의 『편의점 가는 기분』은 예측하기 힘든 속도로 변화하는 자본주의 사회에서 편의점의 위상과 역할을 강조한다. 편의점은 누구에게나 열려있는 공간이나 비장소인 역공간일 뿐이다. 편의점은 친밀하고도 일상적인 공간이나 패권적인 사회구조로부터 분리된 어중간한 위치에 처한 상태에 있어 지역 기반이 되기도 부족하다. 정체성의 위기와 혼란을 느끼는 대학생 알바생과 휴학생은 이곳을 스쳐 떠나고 점주인 외할아버지를 도우며 사는 주인물은 버티고 흑점의 시간을 견딘다. 무라타 사야카의 『편의점 인간』은 작가의 체험을 바탕으로 한 소설이다. 편의점 점원인 주인물은 자신의 정체에 만족하나 주변 사람들은 그녀를 염려의 대상으로 바라본다. 노처녀에 비정규직 신분인 그녀는 다른 사람의 시선을 속이고 정상적으로 보이기 위해 남자와 동거 형식을 취한다. 동료들의 지나친 관심에 불편과 모멸을 느끼며 편의점을 그만둔다. 이후, 자신이 편의점을 떠나서는 살 수 없는 편의점 인간임을 자각하고 다시 편의점으로 돌아가고자 한다. 소설은 노동의 신성함과 주체적 삶을 역설하고 있다. 노후의 보장을 결혼제도로 구상할 수 있다는 생각은 단견이다. 마음 편히 자신의 기량을 펼치며 일할 수 있는 사회적 여건이 마련되어야 한다. 무엇보다 각자의 다양한 삶이 존중받는 성숙한 문화가 요청된다. This study was designed to speculate convenience stores from a perspective of cultural geography. For this, the study reviewed some novels whose set is a convenience store. Those texts were 『I Go To Convenience Store』by Kim Ae-ran, 『Feeling When Going To Convenience Store』 by Park Yeoung-ran, and 『 Convenience Store Woman』 by Sayaka Murata. In these novels, the speaker is a customer, manager, or cashier. In a sense, convenience store is a special space of our time. This research considered implications that such space has for characters of the above novels depending on their position or the extent to which they experience at the space, and how the special place differently affect the identity of each character. The findings of the study can be summarized in the following. 1. ‘Daily of ‘Masking’, Space of Anonymity : In 『I Go To Convenience Store』by Kim Ae-ran, a main character is a college woman who often visits a convenience store. She goes there because she wants to get a daily routine which provides relief in some respect. For the protagonist, convenience store is a place that allows her to entertain herself with tremendous tolerance and anonymity. However, repeating visit to the place as a routine practice leads her not to feel any more pleasure that keeping herself sort of unexposed gives. Eventually, the college woman shows a weird evolution in which she makes a pilgrimage to convenience stores when she hides herself with a ‘mask’. The novel puts to an end with a suggestive warning that human relations built on indifference and anonymity may be the likes of a fatal trap. If we are impossible to reveal who we are even inside the convenience store, the only thing that we have to face is somewhat brutal streets outside. The novel reviewed in this paragraph strongly suggests that young people of our time are losing the identity of their own involving a lot of anxiety, uncertainty or despair as they find themselves totally unaware of the future ahead of harsh realities. 2. Liminal Space, the Non-place of Opening and Leaving : 『Feeling When Going to Convenience Store』, a novel by Park Yeong-ran, stresses the status and role of convenience store in the capitalist society that is rapidly changing in an unpredictable way. Convenience Store is open to anyone. Meanwhile, it is a non-place, that is, a liminal space. Although being friendly and usual, convenience store is less than a community base because it is a in-between space that is isolated from familiar order systems or hegemonic social structures. In the novel by Park Yeong-ran, a main character painstakingly keeps his livelihood by assisting his maternal grandfather who is the owner of a convenience store in which he sees young people doing a temporary job and then quitting, who are college students in the state of enrollment or on a leave of absence. 3. Convenience Store - Place of Life, Choice & Regeneration : 『Convenience Store Woman』is a novel that Sayaka Murata wrote based on her own experience. In the novel, the protagonist feels content about her identity as a cashier of convenience store. But, others’ bias about her being a non-regular worker and unmarried old woman discouraged her to leave the job. Later, she deliberately seeks to return after realizing that she is a convenience store person that can’t live devoid of work at the place. The Japanese novel emphasizes that labor is divine in itself and life needs to be subjective. The text suggests it’s short-sighted that marriage systems guarantee well-being in a later period of life. Anyone who are in good shape and willing to work should be given an environment that allows them to work with ease and to their fullest irrespective of whether the job is temporary or regular.

      • KCI등재

        벨라 바르톡의 <두 대의 피아노와 타악기를 위한 소나타>에 관한 분석 연구

        김미숙 ( Kim¸ Mi Suk ) 한국피아노교수법학회 2021 음악교수법연구 Vol.22 No.1

        헝가리의 대표적인 작곡가이자 민속학자인 벨라 바르톡은 20세기를 주도한 작곡가중의 한 사람으로 그 이름이 널리 알려져 있다. 그는 전통적인 형식과 민속적인 요소에 자신의 실험적인 작곡 기법을 접목시켜 독창적인 음악 양식을 만들어 냈다. 그의 전성기에 작곡된 작품 중 걸작으로 손꼽을 수 있는 <두 대의 피아노와 타악기를 위한 소나타>는 바르톡 고유의 음악적 특성이 잘 나타나 있다. 그의 새로운 작곡 기법인 황금 분할과 중심축 시스템의 원리에 대하여 조사하고 작품 안에서 이 기법들이 어떻게 적용이 되었는지 알아보았다. 또한, 바르톡은 고정관념에서 벗어나 창의적인 시각으로 악기의 기능을 연구하고 새로운 음향을 추구하였는데, 이 작품을 통하여 피아노 주법의 영역을 확장시켰을 뿐만 아니라 타악기가 반주적 위치에서 벗어나게 하는 선구자적인 역할을 보여주었고 이후 현대 작곡가들에게 신선한 영향을 주었다. 타악기적인 면이 강조된 피아노 주법과 선율적인 면이 부각된 타악기의 주법에 대하여 연구하고, 작품의 다각도적인 분석을 통하여 바르톡이 표현하고자 하는 음악적 의도를 연주자를 통해 청중들에게 전달시키는 데에 도움이 되고자 한다. As one of the leading composers of the 20th century, Béla Bartók is widely known as a representative Hungarian composer and folklorist. With traditional forms and folk elements as the basis for his music, he applied and combined them with experimental techniques in composition to create his own unique musical style. Among the works composed during the most fruitful period of Bartók’s life, < Sonata for Two Pianos and Percussion >, which showed his original musical characteristics, is regarded as his one of the masterpieces. This study includes the research of the principles of his new composition technique, such as Golden Section and the Axis System, and analysis of how they were applied in this work. As percussion took up a large portion of the work and piano used in many percussion-like techniques, the rage of expression became newer and wider. This work, in which Barokk’s new attempts appear in many ways, is intended to help performer understand and play the work correctly.

      • Up to the point where women are in the majority at German Gymnastics Association

        ( Misuk Kim ) 한국체육학회 2016 국제스포츠과학 학술대회 Vol.2016 No.1

        Purpose: This study is to take a look at the process of a change in perception of gymnastics which was once the province of men in the 19th century, but has become a sport event for German women. Especially, it bears significance in grasping women’s progressive thoughts, physical cul-ture, education and social activities which they intended to express through the association (Deutscher Turner Bund) and gymnastics clubs. Method: This study sheds light on the meaning and relationship of gymnastics to German women through document research such as books issued by the association, master’s theses, doctoral dis-sertations and academic journals. Conclusion: The meaning of “gymnastics” to German women is not confined to mere physical training, but it represents a symbolic sport event that releases a woman from a corset hindering her free movement. Johann Christiph Friedrich GutsMuts(1759-1839), Friedrich Ludwig Jahn(1778-1852), Ernst Wilhelm Bernhard Eiselen(1793-1846) are main examples who said that gymnastics was to emphasize physical training and masculinity of young men and soldiers. On top of that, the association failed to fully recognize women’s rights as a member until the end of the 19th century. However, as a female gymnastics club was formed by eleven women in Frankfurt in 1848, women were able to engage in political and social discussions along with physical training. The objective of the club was to enhance health, but they were not content with it and wanted women themselves to fight against social prejudice and gender inequality and men’s vested rights for women’s liberation. Martha Thurm was the first woman who mentioned at Turnfestival in Nurnberg that women also needed the same duties and rights like their male counterparts enjoyed at the association, the formation of a committee for women’s gymnastics and issuance of gymnastics newspaper for German women. Such endless efforts made a remarkable difference in many ways including gymnastics classes for girls’ schools, activities of female gymnas-tic teachers and establishment of women gymnastics clubs. In the aftermath of the World War I, as women were granted a right to vote, the German Gymnastics Association also recognized rights of female mem-bers and more than 2,600 female gymnasts were able to participate in German gymnastics festival in 1923, which led to the establishment of Women Gymnastics Committee at German Gymnastics Association (1926), Women Advisory Group (1927), “official announcement of female gym-nasts’ requirements” by Henny Warninghoff and election of Els Schroder as the association’s female gymnastics teacher. It resulted in development in female gymnastics organizations and women’ s active participation in civic movements. The Women Gymnastics Committee of the association served as a women’s committee that represented women’s issues regardless of fields. At that time, the number of female members who joined the association exceeded that of German Olympic Sports Confederation. Currently, the association has 3,414,434 female members (68.7%) out of 4,970,104, which is the second largest sports association after the German Football Association (6,889,115 members). Gymnastics was the produce of German women’s efforts to enjoy physical culture and free though in the past, and is and will be the foundation for communities only for German women now and down the road.

      • KCI등재

        Comparing Results of Five Glomerular Filtration Rate-Estimating Equations in the Korean General Population: MDRD Study, Revised Lund-Malmӧ, and Three CKD-EPI Equations

        Misuk Ji,이윤희,허미나,김혜선,조한익,양현석,Silvia Navarin,Salvatore Di Somma 대한진단검사의학회 2016 Annals of Laboratory Medicine Vol.36 No.6

        Background: Estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) is a widely used index of kidney function. Recently, new formulas such as the Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration (CKD-EPI) equations or the Lund-Malmӧ equation were introduced for assessing eGFR. We compared them with the Modification of Diet in Renal Disease (MDRD) Study equation in the Korean adult population. Methods: The study population comprised 1,482 individuals (median age 51 [42-59] yr, 48.9% males) who received annual physical check-ups during the year 2014. Serum creatinine (Cr) and cystatin C (CysC) were measured. We conducted a retrospective analysis using five GFR estimating equations (MDRD Study, revised Lund-Malmӧ, and Cr and/or CysC-based CKD-EPI equations). Reduced GFR was defined as eGFR <60 mL/min/1.73 m2. Results: For the GFR category distribution, large discrepancies were observed depending on the equation used; category G1 (≥90 mL/min/1.73 m2) ranged from 7.4-81.8%. Compared with the MDRD Study equation, the other four equations overestimated GFR, and CysC-based equations showed a greater difference (-31.3 for CKD-EPICysC and -20.5 for CKD-EPICr-CysC). CysC-based equations decreased the prevalence of reduced GFR by one third (9.4% in the MDRD Study and 2.4% in CKD-EPICysC). Conclusions: Our data shows that there are remarkable differences in eGFR assessment in the Korean population depending on the equation used, especially in normal or mildly decreased categories. Further prospective studies are necessary in various clinical settings.

      • KCI등재

        Endothelin Receptor Overexpression Alters Diastolic Function in Cultured Rat Ventricular Myocytes

        ( Misuk Kang1 ),( Jeffery W. Walker ),( Ka Young Chung ) 한국응용약물학회 2012 Biomolecules & Therapeutics(구 응용약물학회지) Vol.20 No.4

        The endothelin (ET) signaling pathway controls many physiological processes in myocardium and often becomes upregulated in heart diseases. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of ET receptor upregulation on the contractile function of adult ventricular myocytes. Primary cultured adult rat ventricular myocytes were used as a model system of ET receptor overexpression in the heart. Endothelin receptor type A (ETA) or type B (ETB) was overexpressed by Adenoviral infection, and the twitch responses of infected ventricular myocytes were measured after ET-1 stimulation. Overexpression of ETA exaggerated positive inotropic effect (PIE) and diastolic shortening of ET-1, and induced a new twitch response including twitch broadening. On the contrary, overexpression of ETB increased PIE of ET-1, but did not affect other two twitch responses. Control myocytes expressing endogenous receptors showed a parallel increase in twitch amplitude and systolic Ca2+ in response to ET-1. However, intracellular Ca2+ did not change in proportion to the changes in contractility in myocytes overexpressing ETA. Overexpression of ETA enhanced both systolic and diastolic contractility without parallel changes in Ca2+. Differential regulation of this nature indicates that upregulation of ETA may contribute to diastolic myocardial dysfunction by selectively targeting myofi lament proteins that regulate resting cell length, twitch duration and responsiveness to prevailing Ca2+.

      • KCI등재

        Effect of Soil Water Contents on Urea Hydrolysis and Nitrification in a Newly Reclaimed Tidal Soils

        Misuk Park,Hye Jin Kim,Doug Young Chung 한국토양비료학회 2011 한국토양비료학회지 Vol.44 No.1

        The effect of soil water content on the transformation potential of N compounds derived from hydrolysis of urea applied in a reclaimed tidal soils which was saline-sodic was observed to evaluate nitrification rates of urea. Soil samples were collected from Moonpo series at the newly reclaimed area in Saemanguem. For the transformation potential of N compounds from urea (46% N), newly reclaimed tidal soils (RS) were amended with urea at the rates of 0, 10, and 20 kg 10a<SUP>-1</SUP>. With leachate obtained from the incubated RS in a leaching tube at 25°C, urea hydrolysis and nitrification were measured for a total of 30days. The cumulative amounts of NO3<SUP>-</SUP>-N in each of the four soils treated with urea was linear with time of incubation. Results showed that increase in pH occurred with increasing application rate of urea and volumetric water content due to hydrolysis of urea. The total N in the RS was decreased with incubation time, indicating that rates of urea hydrolysis was influenced by soil moisture conditions. Also, the cumulative amount of nitrate in RS gradually increased with increase in time of incubation.

      • KCI등재

        The Effect of Housing Choice Factors on Residential Satisfaction, Country Image and Continual Residence Intention: Focusing on Foreigners Dispatched to Defense Contractors

        Misuk Yang(양미숙),Jaesin Oh(오재신) 한국인터넷전자상거래학회 2019 인터넷전자상거래연구 Vol.19 No.6

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of housing choice factors on the residential satisfaction and the country image and the permanent residence intention of foreigners dispatched to defense contractors in Korea. A total of 105 questionnaires were used for the analysis, and SPSS 22.0 and AMOS 22.0 were used for the hypothesis test. The specific analysis method was frequency analysis to confirm the characteristics of the sample, and the composite reliability and variance extraction through the confirmatory factor analysis. In addition, correlation analysis was conducted to confirm the discriminant validity. Finally, covariance structure analysis was performed for hypothesis testing. In addition, in-depth interviews were conducted with the staff in charge to interpret the results of the empirical analysis. The results of this study are summarized as follows. First, among the housing choice factors, education and cost had a significant effect on residential satisfaction, but the location did not have a significant effect on residential satisfaction. Second, it was analyzed that residential satisfaction had a significant effect on the country image, and foreigners who were satisfied with their housing had a positive effect on the image of the dispatched country. Finally, it was analyzed that residential satisfaction had a significant effect on the continual residence intention.

      • KCI등재

        Establishment of Reference Intervals for Soluble Suppression of Tumorigenicity 2 in the Elderly South Korean Population

        Misuk Ji,Eunsin Bae,Youn Mi Choi 대한임상검사정도관리협회 2023 Journal of Laboratory Medicine And Quality Assuran Vol.45 No.2

        Soluble suppression of tumorigenicity 2 (sST2) is a novel biomarker for heart failure (HF). It is known that the prevalence of HF increases with age. This study aimed to determine the reference intervals (RIs) of sST2 in South Koreans aged 60 years and above. From November 2018 to March 2019, serum sST2 levels were measured with the Presage ST2 enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (Critical Diagnostics, USA) in 153 study participants (99 men and 54 women) with a mean age of 73.4±7.8 years. The median sST2 level was 32.9 ng/mL (interquartile range [IQR], 25.1–39.7 ng/mL) for men and 26.9 ng/mL (IQR, 23.5–34.4 ng/mL) for women. sST2 levels were higher in males than in females (P=0.0117). The central 95% RIs were 10.5–54.7 ng/mL for men and 9.1–46.7 ng/mL for women. The 97.5 percentile upper reference limits were higher in both sexes compared with those of the manufacturer and previous studies. The proportion of the study participants exceeding the cut-off of 35 ng/mL for HF was 33.1% (37 men and 10 women). One must exercise caution when interpreting the sST2 results in the elderly.

      • Proposal to enhance the fairness of judges

        ( Misuk Kim ) 한국체육학회 2016 국제스포츠과학 학술대회 Vol.2016 No.1

        Purpose: The purpose of this study is to enhance fairness and professionalism of referees through identifying a status and problem of domestic referee operation. Acquisition of fairness and professionalism of referees makes transparent circumstances in sports and contribute to normalization on it as well. Method: Survey and discussion with experts were conducted in this study. Survey contains training, regulation, and activity related to operation of referees. In case of global practices, the implication has been derived from U.S., Canada. Result: Three pillars of sports events can be considered as athlete, coach, and referee. The referee judges the rule of competition, decides the outcome of the game with leading sports competition. But the recent biased judgement, match fixing, lack of expertise and bad call by a referee were brought up continuously. And, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism and the Korean Sport Olympic Committee have planned normalization for operation of referee by providing detailed measures. Conclusion: A Suggestion for strengthening the referee``s fairness and expertise is as follows. First, we have to consider developing and operating automation system of referee assignments, introducing evaluation system and appraisal system of referee, adoption of promotion and relegation, strict restrictions on referee with biased judgment, the principle of non-intervention between Sports Federation and the Referee Committee, modernization of equipment, reinforcement of reward and punishment in order to strengthen referee’s fairness. Second, operating permanent referee system for 10 targeting sports and payment of allowance to improve treatment with establishing referee academy, regular mandatory training, training retired athletes as referee, providing opportunity of referee training to the public, required increase of referee activity and training for each sports federation could be considered in order to improve the referee``s expertise. Those systems have helped to create fair sports environment through improvement of referee’s expertise and fair operation of referee activity.

      • KCI등재

        How a Convergence Product Affects Related Markets: The Case of the Mobile Phone

        Misuk Lee,이종수,Youngsang Cho 한국전자통신연구원 2009 ETRI Journal Vol.31 No.2

        Analyzing the diffusion of a convergence product is a new and challenging research field. It is very difficult to find research dealing with this issue due to the inherent complexity and lack of data. In analyzing the diffusion of a convergence product, we should simultaneously take into account its relationship with related single-function products because of their similarities in terms of technology and functionality. In this study, we empirically analyze the diffusion of the convergence mobile phones in South Korea and find that the convergence products can affect the diffusion of MP3 players and digital cameras positively or negatively. This research may be significant for business strategies in technology management and product development.

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