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      • KCI등재

        시적 이상과 사회적 현실의 갈등 - 교양소설로서의 임머만의 『에피고넨』

        조규희 ( Cho¸ Kyuhee ) 한국독일어문학회 2020 독일어문학 Vol.91 No.-

        19세기 전반의 독일문학은 ‘복고와 개혁’이라는 과도기 사회의 야누스적 양상을 반영하듯이, ‘자유에 대한 갈망’과 동시에 ‘자유에 대한 불안’을 드러내었다. 무엇보다 19세기 초까지 지속된 고전주의와 낭만주의라는 ‘예술시대’가 막을 내린, 괴테의 죽음 이후의 독일문학은 위대한 전통에 대한 감정적 애착과 동시에 도래한 산업시대에 대한 각성이 뒤섞인 혼종의 경관을 이루어낸다. 이 시기의 작가들 다수가 스스로 ‘에피고넨’(아류)의 운명을 타고났다고 느낄 만큼, 시대가 바뀌었어도 그들의 머릿속에는 여전히 괴테의 교양소설과 같은 과거의 이상적 문학전형들이 생생하게 자리 잡고 있었기 때문이다. 이른바 시적 예술 시대에서 산문의 역사기술(記述) 시대로 변화되는 이 시기에 집필된 임머만의 『에피고넨』에서는 예술적 이념의 형상화와 함께 당대 현실사회의 서술에 방점이 주어지면서 일련의 혁신적인 요소들이, 즉 전통적 시문학 서사의 틀을 벗어난 시대기술의 특징들이 나타난다. 임머만은 괴테의 교양소설의 틀을 빌어 주인공 헤르만으로 하여금 세상을 떠돌게 하지만, 그의 아류적 횡보는 빌헬름 마이스터 식의 교양과정에서 벗어나 있으며, 1830년대 독일의 과도기 사회를 배경으로 전개된다. 작가의 문학적 시대 성찰이 투영된 이러한 서사관점의 변화에 주목하여 필자는 『에피고넨』의 ‘아류적’ 인물의 형상화와 변화된 예술과 교양의 위상을 분석하고, 이를 통해 이 소설에 나타난 전통적 ‘포에지’와 ‘시대기술’의 서사적 갈등 관계를 밝혀내고자 한다. Bei dieser Untersuchung geht es darum, den narrativen Konflikt zwischen der traditionellen ‘Poesie’ und der modernen ‘Geschichtsschreibung’ in Immermans Roman Die Epigonen zu erschließen. Die deutsche Literatur befand sich in der ersten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts in dem zwiespältigen Zustand der Übergangsgesellschaft von Restauration und Reform. Vor allem bietet die deutsche Literatur nach Goethes Tod, der das Ende der bis ins frühe 19. Jahrhundert andauernden ‘Kunstperiode’ der Weimarer Klassik und der Romantik signalisierte, eine literarische Landschaft, in der emotionale Bindung an die große Tradition und die Ernüchterung über das ankommende Zeitalter der Industrie aufeinandertrafen. Viele Autoren dieser Zeit hatten somit das Gefühl, mit dem Schicksal von ‘Epigonen’(Nachgeborenen) geboren zu sein, weil die idealen literarischen Vorbilder der Vergangenheit immer noch lebendig in ihren Köpfen waren. Immermanns Roman Die Epigonen wurde in diesem geistigen Klima des Epochenwandels von der sogenannten poetischen Kunst zur prosaischen Weltdarstellung geschrieben. In diesem Roman zeigt sich das ambivalente Verhältnis des Autors zum klassischen und romantischen Erbe: Zwar weist der Roman besonders eine auffällige Parallelle zu Goethes Bildungsroman auf, aber es ist zugleich nicht zu übersehen, dass sich der Autor gegenüber den zeitgeschichtlichen modernen Erfahrungen aufgeschlossen verhielt. Unter Berücksichtigung dieser Merkmale der Übergangszeit wird in dieser Studie die Gestaltung des Zeitschicksals der Epigonalität und der sich darin auftuende Gegensatz von Poetisierung und Zeitbezug unter die Lupe genommen.

      • KCI등재

        숭불(崇佛)과 숭유(崇儒)의 충돌, 16세기 중엽 산수 표현의 정치학 ―〈도갑사관세음보살삼십이응탱〉과 〈무이구곡도〉 및 〈도산도〉

        조규희 ( Cho¸ Kyuhee ) 미술사와 시각문화학회 2021 미술사와 시각문화 Vol.27 No.-

        이 논문은 그동안 불교 회화와 유교 관련 산수화로 각기 논의되어 온 〈도갑사관세음보살삼십이응탱(道岬寺觀世音菩薩三十二應幀)〉과 〈무이구곡도(武夷九曲圖)〉 및 〈도산도(陶山圖)〉가 숭불(崇佛)과 숭유(崇儒)가 충돌하던 16세기 중엽의 조선 사회가 배태한 정치적 산수화임을 논증한다. 16세기 중엽은 국시(國是)로 내건 성리학에 대한 이해가 조선 사회에서 심화되었던 시기로 언급되고 있다. 그러나 실제로 이 시기는 유학자가 아닌 승려를 보필로 삼아 ‘여성’이 ‘숭불정책’으로 나라를 다스리던, 당시로서는 ‘부자연스러운’ 시기였다. 12세의 나이에 즉위한 명종(明宗, 재위 1545-1567)을 대신하여 모후인 문정왕후(文定王后, 1501-1565)가 8년간 섭정하면서 억불(抑佛)정책을 폐지하고 1550년에는 유생과 사대부들의 반대에도 불구하고 숭불정책을 공식화하였다. 이와 같이 불교의 위세가 대단하던 1550년에 왕실의 후원으로 제작된 그림이 〈도갑사관세음보살삼십이응탱〉이다. 그런데 이 작품은 대폭의 비단 화면의 5분의 4가량이 산수로 채워져 있는, 기존 관음보살도에서는 유래를 찾아볼 수 없는 형식을 하고 있다. 즉 이 작품의 관음보살은 바로 뒤의 봉우리가 후광(後光)처럼 가장 높이 부각되어 그려진 오봉산을 배경으로 하단의 산악 위로 홀로 솟은 높은 바위 위에 앉아 있는, 이 땅에 내려와 군림하는 이미지로 표현되어 있다. 그런데 이렇게 중봉이 높게 표현된 오봉산의 표현은 조선시대 어좌 뒤에 설치된 ‘오봉산병풍(五峯山屛風)’의 이미지이기도 하였다. 그뿐만 아니라 산악 아래 펼쳐진 세상을 내다보는 관음의 이미지는 관음의 화신으로 자신의 이미지를 구축한 세조(世祖, 재위 1455-1468)가 그리게 한 ‘관음현상(觀音現相)’의 이미지와도 관련된다. 따라서 이 작품은 오봉산을 배경으로 산악으로 둘러싸인 세상을 내다보는 관음의 이미지가 곧 통치자로 읽히던 조선적 시각문화 속에서 이해될 수 있는 그림이라는 점에서 주목된다. 아울러 오봉산을 배경으로 산악을 내다보며 ‘국토’ 위에 군림하는 이미지로 관음보살이 그려진 1550년은 수렴청정(垂簾聽政)하던 문정왕후의 권력이 정점에 이른 해였다. 이 논문은 이렇게 관음보살 탱화가 특이하게 한 폭의 산수화와 같이 표현되었을 뿐 아니라 산악 아래로는 뭇 재난에 고통받는 중생을 구제하는 32응신 장면이 그려진 이유를 문정왕후 통치기의 정치·사회적 맥락 속에서 섬세하게 살펴본 글이다. 즉 이 글에서는 작품이 제작된 시기와 봉안될 장소에 대한 의미를 검토하여 이 작품이 한 폭의 산수화와 같이 그려진 의미가 심도 있게 논의되었다. 동시에 이 시기에 〈무이구곡도〉와 〈도산도〉라는 도갑사 탱화와는 전혀 다른 성격의 산수화가 영남 사림을 대표하는 이황(李滉, 1501-1570)과 연관되어 처음으로 등장한 연유 역시 왕실 주도의 숭불과 이황 일파의 숭유가 첨예하게 부딪히던 당시 ‘산수’ 현장과 관련된다는 사실은 매우 주목할 만하다. 도갑사 탱화와 〈무이구곡도〉의 화기(畵記)와 발문(跋文)이 각기 인종(仁宗, 재위 1544-1545)과 을사사화(乙巳士禍)를 환기하고 있는 이유도 이 점에서 이해된다. 16세기 중엽에 그려진 ‘산수’가 당시 여론의 향방과 직결된 정치적 산수화였음을 규명한 것이 본 논문의 의의다. This paper argues that Thirty-two Responsive Manifestations of Avalokites´vara from Dogapsa Temple, Muigugokdo and Dosando, which have been discussed as a Buddhist painting and Neo-Confucianism-related landscape paintings, are, in fact, political landscapes of mid-sixteenth- century Joseon Korea when partisan sungbul (boosting Buddhism) and sungyu (promoting Neo- Confucianism) policies and attitudes clashed. The middle of the 16th century is mentioned as a period when the understanding of Neo-Confucianism was deepened in Joseon society. However, this period was actually the time when Buddhism prevailed. On behalf of King Myeongjong (r. 1545-1567), who was enthroned at the age of 12, Queen Dowager Munjeong (1501-1565) was regent for eight years. She pushed the policies to promote Buddhism in the Confucian nation. Monk Bou (1509-1565) as her political and religious ally played a key role in the promotion of Buddhism during her reign. She revived an official system of training and selecting monks in both the Seon (Ch. Chan; J. Zen Buddhism) and Gyo (Textual School) sects despite the severe opposition of the officials and Confucian scholars in 1550. In the same year when Buddhism was so powerful like this, Thirty-two Responsive Manifestations of Avalokites´vara from Dogapsa Temple was created. It was a royal family-sponsored Buddhist painting. Unusually for the image of the Gwaneum (Ch. Guanyin) Bodhisattva (Avalokites´vara), the mountain is depicted in four-fifths of the entire painting. Therefore, although it is a Buddhist painting, it is more like a landscape painting. The image of Gwanseeumbosal (Avalokites´vara) itself represents the Water and Moon Gwaneum. However, the most striking disparity is the usage of landscape. Avalokites´vara dominantly sits on the towering cliff at the center with the five mountain peaks in the background. In other words, the Gwaneum Bodhisattva in this work is depicted as an image of descending to this land and ruling the world while sitting alone on a high rock above the hills and mountains at the bottom against the background of Mount Obong (Five Peaks). The image of Avalokites´vara against the backdrop of the Five Peaks, in which the middle peak was depicted high, was also that of the Obongsan byeongpung, a folding screen of the Five Peaks, installed behind the king's chair during the Joseon dynasty. In addition, the image of the Gwaneum Bodhisattva overlooking the world under the mountains is also related to the image of Avalokitesvara created by King Sejo (r. 1455-1468), who invented his image as the incarnation of Gwanseeumbosal, the bodhisattva of compassion. Therefore, it is noteworthy that this work can be understood in the Joseon visual culture, where this image of Avalokitesvara was read as a ruler. The year 1550, when Avalokitesvara was painted as a divine Buddhist deity overlooking the world against the backdrop of Mount Obong, was the year when the power of Queen Dowager Munjeong reached its peak. This paper examines the reason why Thirty-two Responsive Manifestations of Avalokites´vara from Dogapsa Temple is not only created as a unique landscape painting, but also a scene depicting 32 different incarnations in the mountains to save those suffering from disasters. In other words, examination of the crisis of the time when the work was produced and enshrined in Dogapsa Temple will shed light on the intention of this work drawn like a landscape painting. At the same time, during this period, The Nine-Bend Stream of Mount Wuyi (Muigugokdo) and Mount Do (Dosando), which are landscape paintings with a completely different character from Thirty-two Responsive Manifestations, first appeared in connection with Yi Hwang (1501- 1570), a representative of the Yeongnam sarim (literati in the Yeongnam area). The Yeongnam region was the area in which the court policy of promoting Buddhism and the upholding of Neo-Confucian fundamentalism by Yi Hwang and his followers clashed. Based on a new interpretation of these three works, this thesis argues that the landscape paintings of the mid-16th century were political paintings directly connected to the conflicts between Buddhism and Neo-Confucianism.

      • KCI등재

        The Different Use of Motivational Strategies by Two Teachers with Different Teaching Professionalism

        Kyuhee Jo 한국초등영어교육학회 2020 초등영어교육 Vol.26 No.4

        This study aimed to explore elementary English teachers’ teaching professionalisms in terms of using motivational strategies as well as the influence of the teachers’motivational practices on learners’ motivated behavior and vocabulary achievement. Two English teachers with different degrees of teaching professionalism participated in this study. The teachers, teaching the same 6th grade and using the same textbook, recorded 11 lesson videos, which were subsequently analyzed to measure their teaching professionalism, their use of motivational strategies, and learners’ motivated behaviors. The results indicated that the teachers differed in both their teaching professionalism, measured by the TEE evaluation tool developed by Imm et al. (2011), and the use of motivational strategies, measured by the Motivation Orientation of Language Teaching (MOLT) developed by Guilloteaux and Dörnyei (2008). In addition, differences emerged in learners’motivational behaviors and vocabulary achievement, suggesting that the teacher with a greater degree of teaching professionalism who used more motivational strategies increased learners’ motivated behaviors and learning outcomes. These results support the possibility that teachers’ teaching professionalism can be revealed through their use of motivational strategies; furthermore, teachers’motivational practice can have a positive effect on learners’ learning motivation and achievement.

      • KCI등재

        Redescription of Two Species of Triconia (Copepoda, Cyclopoida, Oncaeidae) Based on Their First Records in the Tropical Pacific

        Kyuhee Cho,Woong-Seo Kim,Wonchoel Lee 한국환경생물학회 2017 환경생물 : 환경생물학회지 Vol.35 No.1

        Two species of the minuta-subgroup within the oncaeid copepod genus Triconia Böttger-Schnack, 1999 collected in the equatorial Pacific Ocean are newly recorded. A female T. minuta (Giesbrecht, 1893 [“1892”]) and both male and female T. umerus (Böttger-Schnack and Boxshall, 1990) from the northeast equatorial Pacific are redescribed with the comparison of its morphological details, which differs from previous studies, in terms of the larger body size, the length to width ratio of the genital double-somite, the relative length of the outer basal seta on P5, and the ornamentation of the appendages. The characters, which are used for identification, such as the length ratio of the outer subdistal and outer spine versus the distal spine on P3-P4, and the outer spine length of the middle exopodal segment on P3 and P4 are reported for the first time. Information on the variations in the endopodal spine lengths of swimming legs 2-4 is also provided for T. minuta and T. umerus, with the summary of the wide zoogeographical distribution of these two species.

      • KCI등재

        New Record of Oncaea prendeli (Copepod, Cyclopoida, Oncaeidae) in Korean Waters

        Kyuhee Cho,김종국,이지민 한국해양과학기술원 2020 Ocean and Polar Research Vol.42 No.4

        Oncaea prendeli Shmeleva, 1966 is redescribed here based on a specimen collected using a fine-mesh net in the epipelagic layer in the south sea of Jeju Island, Korea. The Korean specimen is generally similar to Mediterranean specimens in terms of morphological characteristics, but it shows a few minor differences in a slightly larger length-to-width ratio for the distal endopod segment of the antenna, a relatively shorter caudal seta IV, and additional ornamentation on the maxillule and maxilla. This species is distinguishable from the most similar congeneric species, O. tregoubovi Shmeleva, 1968, and three species of the genus Spinoncaea Böttger-Schnack, 2003 by the distal and lateral armature of the antenna, ornamentation on the female maxilliped, spine number on the endopod of leg 2, and proportional length of setae on the caudal ramus. Moreover, spine lengths on the exopods of legs 2–4 are proposed as new morphological characters for the identification of congeners. This is the first record of O. prendeli in Korean waters.

      • In-vitro Valuation of Anti-Inflammatory Effect of Panax Ginseng by Inhibition of Albumin Denaturation Experiment

        Kyuhee Jo 국제과학영재학회 2017 APEC Youth Scientist Journal Vol.9 No.1

        Inflammation is self-defense mechanism of our body as a response to harmful chemical or physical agent that is involved in pain. Chronic inflammation may result in serious diseases, most notably cancer. This research aims to evaluate the anti-inflammatory capacity of Panax ginseng, which is a medical plant frequently used in Korean traditional medicine. In vitro anti-inflammatory activity was assessed using albumin denaturation assay at different concentrations. The absorbance of 50 μg/ml, 100 μg/ml, 200 μg/ml was measured at 280nm by UV spectroscopy, yielding results of 0.240.026, 0.150.032, 0.10.008. Correspondingly, the percent inhibition of each sample were measured as 97.04%, 98.04%, and 98.7% respectively. This result amply demonstrates Panax ginseng’s ability to inhibit inflammation as well as possible mechanism by which Panax ginseng promote anti-inflammatory effects. Further studies may include the evaluation of Panax ginseng as anti-inflammatory agent in in vivo experiment or other in vitro experiments.

      • KCI등재

        ‘초등영어교육’ 학술지 연구 동향 토픽모델링

        조규희(Kyuhee Jo),심창용(Chang Yong Sim) 한국초등영어교육학회 2022 초등영어교육 Vol.28 No.2

        This study aims to analyze the research trend in Primary English Education from Volumes 1 to 27, focusing on its relation with the English education policies to examine the relationship between academic research and education policy. To this end, English abstracts of the entire research in the journal corresponding to the investigation period were collected as digital texts, preprocessed, and analyzed by LDA topic modeling using the R program. The results revealed that research topics such as teacher education and teaching methods were constantly investigated. It also confirmed that the English education policies at a particular time had a direct impact on the research trend (e.g., immersion program and TEE policy) or the concepts derived from the specific policies had an indirect impact on the research (e.g., teacher and learner variables). In addition, this study found that researchers were steadily interested in literacy education, learner assessment, and textbook analysis regardless of the policies, as the topics are significantly related to teaching and learning. Finally, the implications for the necessity of simultaneous interaction with research and policy were discussed based on the findings.

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