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        체간안정화 훈련이 만성 뇌졸중 환자의 호흡기능에 미치는 효과

        이경진(Kyeong-Jin Lee),정주현(Ju-Hyeoun Jeong),조명래(Myeong-Rae Jo),김세윤(Se-Yoon Kim),김난수(Nan-Soo Kim) 대한심장호흡물리치료학회 2019 대한심장호흡물리치료학회지 Vol.7 No.1

        Purpose : The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of trunk stability training on improving trunk control, respiratory function, and respiratory muscle activation in stroke patients. Methods : The subjects were assigned to two groups: the intervention group (n=15) and the control group (n=15). Both groups participated in a conventional stroke rehabilitation program, but the intervention group also received trunk stability training for 30 minutes a day, 3 times a week, for 6 weeks. The main trunk stability exercise consisted of the dead bug exercise. Trunk control was assessed using a trunk impairment scale, and respiratory function (pulmonary function and respiratory muscle function) was assessed using spirometry. The data were analyzed using the Pearson correlation, independent t-test, and paired t-test. Results : Trunk control was significantly positively correlated with pulmonary function and respiratory muscle strength. Both groups showed a significant increase in trunk control and respiratory function. Conclusion : This study demonstrated that a conventional stroke rehabilitation program and trunk stability training have positive effects on respiratory function and respiratory muscle activation in stroke patients.

      • KCI등재

        高麗中期 田園詩 硏究

        朱慶烈 한국한문교육학회 2004 한문교육논집 Vol.22 No.-

        本稿는 무신집권기(1170-1270년)로 명명되는 고려중기 대표적 작가들의 전원을 제재로 창작된 시들을 연구·분석하는 과정을 통하여, 개별 작가들의 작품에 드러난 자연의식과 미의식을 추출하고 이 시기 전원시의 槪括的인 성격을 구명하는 것에 목적을 둔다. 이전 시기에는 우리 시단에서 발견되지 않았던 전원시가 중기로부터 발견되기 시작한 것은 농민의 생활에 관심을 갖고 본격적인 시의 제재로 삼기 시작한 것에서 비롯된 것으로 추정된다. 전원이라는 공간은 인간의 존재가 개입되어 있는 영역이기에 전원시는 전원의 주체인 농민이 그들의 생활터전을 기반으로 펼쳐내는 다양한 모습에서 그 미적 요소를 포착하여 이루어진 것이다. 전원시에는 필연적으로 인간의 모습이 드러나게 되는데 그 양상은 전원생활의 직접체험을 통한 묘사와 일시적 관찰자의시점을 통해 묘사된 경우로 兩分된다. 이 시기 대부분의 작가들은 여말의 處士처럼 장기적으로 전원에 거주하며 직접적으로 노동에 참여하지는 않았다. 아직은 관직등용을 위해 일시적으로 전원생활을 체험하거나 行遊하는 過程에서 전원을 관찰하며 얻어낸 幽閑한 합의 정취를 吟詠하는 단계에 머물러 있었다고 하겠다. 이 시기 작가들은 전원생활의 체험을 통해 自足과 自樂을 체득하는 동시에 관직등용에의 열망과 현실적 체념이 부단히 교차되는 내면의 갈등을 형상화 시키기도 하였다. 한편 관찰자의 입장에서 전원을 바라보며 섬세한 美感을 바탕으로 田園美를 구현했으며 전원의 주체인 농민의 삶에 시선을 밀착시켜 사실감과 생동감이 뛰어난 작품들을 창작하기도 하였다. 고려 중기는 정치 사회적인 제반요인을 인해 자연에 대한 친밀도가 심화되면서 자연을 심미의 대상으로 인식하는 경향이 강해진 시기였다. 이를 기반으로 전원의 아름다움을 섬세한 감각으로 포착하고 전원의 주체에 대한 관심을 확대하는 과정을 통하여 한층 다양한 형태의 전원시를 창출할 수 있었다. This paper is for extracting the middle Koryo period's tytpical poets' sense of nature and beauty by analyzing their individual landscape poems, and for examining closely its general character. The middle Koryo period, so-called the Soldiers Occupation period (1170-1270), was a time of ordeals to literary men. Surviving men of letters had social and political oppression and frustration in common one another so that they came to face the alienation from power temporarily or permanently. Owing to this, they naturally became familiar with nature. They recognized it as esthetic object, extracted and melted it into their works. The realm of this study is the works of those who worked with landscape living in this period, focusing on such poets as Yi Gyubo(李奎報), Kim keukki(金克己), Yi Inro(李仁老) and Jin Wha(진화). They embodied their internal conflicts in their works which had been interwoven with aspiration for coming into power and realistic resignation as well as self satisfaction and pleasure through experiencing rural life. In the meantime, they not only gave shape to rural beauty on the basis of delicate sense of beauty but also created works full of reality and vitality by sticking to farmer's life, the subject of rural live. The middle Koryo age was a time when writers came to be even more familiar for various political and social elements so that nature tended to be strongly recognized as esthetic object. On this basis, poets were able to grasp rural beauty with a delicate sense and create more forms of pastorals through the course of enlarging the interest in the subject of rural lives.

      • KCI등재

        高麗中期 山水詩 硏究

        朱慶烈 한국한자한문교육학회 2004 漢字 漢文敎育 Vol.12 No.-

        本稿는 고려중기 대표적 작가들의 산수시를 연구 분석하는 과정을 통하여 개별작가들의 작품에 드러난 자연의식과 미의식을 추출하고 이 시기 山水詩의 槪括的인 성격을 구명하는 것에 목적을 둔다. 무신집권기(1170-1270년)로 명명되는 고려 중기는 문인들의 수난기였다. 생존 문민들은 정치적·사회적 대변혁의 결과로 인해 생성된 시대적 억압감과 좌절감을 共有하며 일시적 혹은 장기적으로 권력으로부터 소외되는 상황에 봉착하게 되었다. 이로 인해 그들은 자연스럽게 산수와 친밀해졌고 그 결과 자연을 미적 대상으로 인식하고 그 미적 요소를 추출하여 작품 속에 용해시킬 수 있었다. 본고는 이 시기에 공존했던 李奎報 ·金克己 ·率仁老 진화등 4人의 작가를 중심으로 그들이 산수를 대상으로 창작했던 작품들을 연구범위로 삼았다. 자연시는 심미의 주체인 인간과 심미의 객체인 자연 경물 간의 결합으로, 심미의 객체인 자연 경물이 주된 위치에 놓여지는 것이 山水詩이다. 객관적인 景物의 묘사 속에 작자의 情懷가 자연스렵게 녹아들어 情景이 자연스럽게 조화를 이루는 情景交融의 경지가 산수시가 성취해야 할 도달점이다. 고려 중기의 산수시에는 이러한 도달점에 접근한 작품들이 발견된다. 산수의 흥취에 몰입하여 自適을 체험을 노래한 시와 閑寂과 安穩은의 情調를 바탕으로 산수의 세밀한 부분을 관찰하여 山水美의 본질을 포착했던 시들이 그것이다. 또 일시적이나마 자신이 속한 현실세계에서 느낀 비애감과 좌절감에서 탈피하기 위해 山寺나 仙界를 찾아 吟詠하는 일이 많았다. 그러나 단순히 불가의 法理나 사찰 자체, 신선을 동경하는 것에 음영의 목적이 있는 것이 아니라 자연과 조화를 이룬 山寺와 신선의 경계가 내포하고 있는 탈속적 분위기 속에 지친 자아를 慰撫하려는데 목적이 있었다. 이 시기 작자들의 산수시에서 山寺와 선계의 空間을 찾아 탈속을 희구했던 시들이 많이 발견되는 이유는 그들의 현실적 처지와 긴밀히 연계되어 있다고 하겠다. This paper is for extracting the middle Koryo period's tytpical poets' sense of nature and beauty by analyzing their individual landscape poems, and for examining closely its general character. The middle Koryo period, so-called the Soldiers Occupation period (1170-1270), was a time of ordeals to literary men. Surviving men of letters had social and political oppression and frustration in common one another so that they came to face the alienation from power temporarily or permanently. Owing to this, they naturally became familiar with nature. They recognized it as esthetic object, extracted and melted it into their works. The realm of this study is the works of those who worked with landscape living in this period, focusing on such poets as Yi Gyubo (李奎報), Kim Keukki(金克己), Yi Inro(李仁老) and Jin Wha(진화). A poem of nature is the combination of humans, the subject of esthetics, with nature, the object which takes up the main part of songs of nature. The goal Sansu-shi(Songs of Mountain and Rivers) should attain is a state, an situation where the poet's emotion melts into objective scenery and be in harmony with it. Many of Sansu-shi made in the middle Koryo age approximately approached this state. Some are songs in which poets sang self-satisfaction experienced when being absorbed in nature. Others are ones which caught the substance of natural beauty through observing on the basis of tranquility and welfare. And often poets visited temples and fairy lands to escape woe and frustration they felt in . real world. But their songs aimed not just temple itself, Buddjist truth, longing for Toaist hermits but cure of tired ego in unworldly mood temples implied. Close relation with poets' realistic surroundings was why there were many poems of unworldliness poets sought in the space of temples and fairly lands.

      • 合金工具鋼의 最適熱處理

        黃慶周,李在鉉,郭士濩 조선대학교 생산기술연구소 1993 生産技術硏究 Vol.15 No.2

        This paper aims to find out the optimum heat-treatment condition for alloy tool steels (STS3). The influence of heat-treating temperature and time on the impact resisntance and hardness best suitable for the STS3 alloy tool steel was investigated. Tempering heat-treatment following oil quenching at 830℃ to 65℃ was carried out at each temperature 100, 200, 400, and 600℃ for 1, 3, 5, and 10 hrs, The values of impact resistance and hardness were measured by Charpy impact tester and Vickers hardness tester. The results obtained are summarized as follows : 1) Both impact resistance value, 1.6㎏ - m/㎠ and hardness,830 Hv best suitable for this alloy tool steel were obtained at 200℃ for 1 hour-tempering. 2) The value of impact resistance increases as tempering temperature rises from l00℃ to 600℃. 3) Hardness reveals the highest value at 100℃, but tempering temperature abruptly decreases above around 400℃ and up to 600℃. That's because the longer and higher temperature permitted the development of larger and fewer coalescent carbides.

      • 효율적인 부부의사소통 교육프로그램 개발을 위한 기초연구

        박은주,김경신 全南大學校家政科學硏究所 1996 生活科學硏究 Vol.6 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to provide the basis for the development of an education program for effective marital communication. To develop the program, several issues in marital relationships must be identified and unique aspects of education should be examined. An effective marital communication program was showed, that was consisted of the understanding method of spouse and effective communication skills between husband and wife. Also this program suggested characteristics of marital relationships and some practical implications. To develop the education programs for effective marital communication, further studies should be done in systematic theory and practice.

      • 복숭아 품종별 경지 삽목에 있어서 삽수기부의 Wounding이 발근 및 활착에 미치는 영향

        林敬鎬,金炳三,金月洙,羅良基,鄭淳柱 전남대학교 농업과학기술연구소 2000 農業科學技術硏究 Vol.35 No.-

        The effect of wounding method on rooting and field adaptation was studied in 'Sunaga Wase' peach and several cultivars in order to establish mass production system of rooted cutting. Rooting was more than 90% in 'Sunaga Wase', 'Kurakata wase', 'Wolbongjosaeng' and 'Wolmijosaeng', and Root number, weight and length showed similar tendency, however, taking root in field was the highest, as much as 75.8% 'in Sunaga Wase'. Modified wounding tool (MWT) was more effective than current method because rooted cutting with MWT showed high root growth including rooting, root number, root weight and saved wounding time.

      • KCI등재

        급성췌장염을 동반한 특발성 양측성 횡격막 마비 1례

        박주경,소정일,류진호,김성근,허탁,민용일 大韓應急醫學會 1998 대한응급의학회지 Vol.9 No.4

        Bilateral diaphragmatic paralysis(BDP) is a rare disorder, which can be secondary to spinal cord injury, motor neuron disease, myopathy, noninfectious polyneuropathy, infection, iced saline cardioplegia performed during cardiac surgery, or idiopathic causes. There may be typical presentations such as dyspnea, paradoxical respiratory movement, and hypercapnic respiratory failure. It needs to exclude above secondary causes to consider idiopathic bilateral diaphragmatic paralysis. We report a 51-years-old man who presented with idiopathic bilateral diaphragmatic paralysis combined with acute pancreatitis. We couldn't find out the association of these two clinical conditions. The patient was improved by mechanical ventilation.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • 큰눈물버섯 등 한국산 담자균류의 렉틴 활성

        정경수,정연주 忠南大學校 生命科學硏究院 醫藥品開發硏究所 2006 藥學論文集 Vol.21 No.-

        As an effort to develop noble antitumor lectins from Korean basidiomycetes, wild mushrooms were collected and their cold-water extracts were subjected to a screening test for their lectin activities using hemmagglutination assay on BALB/c mouse erythrocytes. Of the nine species tested, three species, Psathyrella velutina, Fomitella fraxinea and Russula compacta, showed strong hemmagglutinating activities, while the other six species showed minimal or no activities. Of these, partial purification of the lectin components of P. velutina and R. compacta were attempted by precipitation with saturated ammonium sulfate followed strong hemmagglutination activity unlike that of R. compacta, which lost its lectin activity after the purification process. Moreover, the partially purified P. velutina lectin exerted cytotoxic effect on sarcoma 180 cells when assessed by flow cytometric analysis.

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