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      • Effects of Sulfur Dioxide on Carbon and Sulfur Assimilation, and lon Uptake by Barley(Hordeum vulgare)and Corn(Zea mays)

        林善旭,柳長杰 제주대학교 방사능이용연구소 1985 연구보고 Vol.1 No.-

        아황산가스에 민감한 보리(향천과1호)와 저항성이 큰 것으로 알려진 옥수수(수원19호)를 사용해서 아황산가스의 식물체 지상부에 의한 흡수와 탄소동화작용 및 무기 이온들의 흡수와 전이에 미치는 영향을 광조건과 암조건에서 그리고 15℃의 저온과 25℃의 고온에서 관찰했다. 아황산가스 처리 수준은 0, 3, 10ppm이였고, 방사성동위원소를 이용한 추적자법으로 수행되었다. 시험결과를 요약하면, 1. 본 조건에서는 SO₂에 의한 가시피해가 두 가지 작물 모두에서 발견되지 않았고, 보리와 옥수수의 SO₂처리에 따른 엽록소 함량변화도 적었다. 2. 잎의 기공은 광 및 암조건 그리고 온도에 관계없이 SO₂처리에 의해서 닫혀졌고, 특히 보리는 옥수수보다 훨씬 더 많이 기공이 닫혔다. 3. 2일 간격으로 한 시간씩 SO₂를 처리하면서 3주간 생육시킨 보리 및 옥수수의 건물량과 초장은 모두 SO₂처리에 의해서 감소되었다. 이들의 무기물 조성을 보면 보리는 옥수수보다 인산, 망간, 아연의 함량이 많았고, 아황산가스 처리를 받은 보리 및 옥수수에서는 철(Fe) 함량이 현저히 증가되었다. 4. 3ppm의 SO₂로 처리했을 경우 보리는 옥수수 보다 많은 SO₂를 엽면 흡수했으나, 10ppm 농도에서는 오히려 옥수수가 보리보다 더 많은 SO₂를 흡수했었다. 고온(25℃)과 광의 조사는 SO₂흡수를 촉진시켰다. 지상부로부터 뿌리로의 유황전이는 3ppm의 SO₂처리가 10ppm에서 보다 컸다. 암조건은 광조건에 비해서 유황 전이율을 증가시켰다. 동화된 유황중에서 80% 알콜 추출분획은 15℃에서 보다는 25℃의 SO₂처리시에 더 많았고, 반대로 수용성분획은 15℃보다 25℃에서 적었다. 흡수된 SO₂의 아미노산으로의 전환율은 광조건 보다는 암조건에서 더욱 증가되었고 10ppm의 SO₂처리시에는 3ppm 경우보다 전환율이 낮아졌다. 5. 탄소동화작용 및 동화산물의 뿌리에의 이행은 SO₂처리에 의해서 현저하게 감소되었다. 옥수수는 보리보다 광합성능이 큰 것으로 관찰되었고 SO₂에 의한 광합성 저해 정도는 보리에서 더 크게 나타났다. 보리에서는 탄소의 glucose, sucrose 및 fructose로의 전환율이 3ppm 및 10ppm SO₂처리에 의해서 증가되었다. 아미노산을 주성분으로 하는 양이온 교환수지치환성 분획은 광조건에서 3ppm 및 10ppm SO₂처리에 의해서 보리나 옥수수의 지상 및 지하부에서 모두 증가되었다. 6. 뿌리를 통한 유황 ?? 의 흡수는 SO₂처리에 의해서 큰 영향을 받지 않았으나, 뿌리에서 지상부로의 전이는 광조건에서 많이 저하되었다. 80% 알콜 추출분획함량(%)은 SO₂처리에 따라 보리와 옥수수에서 모두 감소되었다. 보리뿌리중의 80% 알콜 추출분획은 옥수수 뿌리에서 보다 더 많았지만 수용성 분획은 그 반대의 경향이었다. 뿌리로 흡수된 유황의 아미노산 전환율은 3ppm 및 10ppm SO₂처리에 의해서 증가되었고, 보리보다는 옥수수에서 더욱 컸다. Cysteine은 모든 실험조건에서 methionine보다 더 많이 생성되었다. 7. 보리뿌리에 의한 Fe, K흡수는 3ppm 및 10ppm SO₂처리에 의해서 촉진된 반면에 H₂O, Cl, P, Cu, Zn의 흡수는 오히려 감소되었다. 보리에서 지상부로의 전이율은 Ca, Fe, K는 SO₂처리 농도가 높음에 따라 증가되었으나, H₂O, Cu, Mn, Cl, Zn, P는 감소되었다. 8. 옥수수뿌리에 의한 Fe, Cu, Ca, 흡수는 SO₂처리에 의해서 촉진된 반면에 H₂O, Zn, Mn, Cl, P는 감소되었다. 옥수수에서 지상부로의 전이율은 Ca, Fe의 경우 SO₂처리에 따라 증가되었으나, Zn, Cl, H₂O, K, Mn, S, Cu는 감소되었다. 9. 이상으로부터 보리는 광합성 능력이 옥수수보다 낮으며 SO₂에 의한 광합성 저해 정도가 더욱 심하였고 무기이온 흡수는 Cl, K를 제외한 다른 원소의 요구도가 옥수수보다 훨씬 컸으며 한편 SO₂에 의한 양분흡수 및 전이의 촉진(Fe, Ca) 또는 감소(H₂O, Cl등) 되는 정도 역시 옥수수보다 더 큼을 알 수 있었다. 이같은 특성이 보리의 SO₂민감성에 관계된다고 추리된다. 한편 80% ethanol 추출분획중의 유황성분 함량이 옥수수보다 더 큰 반면 함유황 아미노산으로의 전환율은 옥수수가 더 큰 현상이 SO₂에 대한 저항성과 어떠한 관련이 있는지에 대해서 본 실험결과로는 충분히 해석되지 않는다. The effects of sulfur dioxide (SO₂) on carbon and sulfur assimilation, and on absorption and translocation of various kinds of inorganic ions and water were studied introducing barley (Hordeum vulgare L., Hyangcheongua-1) susceptible to SO₂and corn (Zea mays L., Suwon-19) resistant species. Three levels (0, 3, and 10ppm v/v) of SO₂fumigation were carried out in light or dark condition, and at two different temperatures (15℃ and 25℃). Radioisotope techniques were employed to investigate the conversion percentage of inorganic sulfate, SO₂and CO₂into the organic compounds and to observe the degree of inhibition or acceleration of water and ion uptake by SO₂treatment.The results obtained are summarized as follows ; 1. Under the conditions of the present study no visible symptoms of the effect of SO₂on the plants were found. Little change of total chlorophyll content was observed from the barley and corn fumigated with SO₂. 2. Average stomatal opening was clearly influenced by fumigation of SO₂regardless of light and temperature conditions. Barley closed the stomata much more than corn. 3. Dry matter weight and plant height were measured for the barley and corn grown for three weeks fumigated with SO₂every day. Measurments showed that both barley and corn were affected by SO₂, losing their dry matter weight and plant height according to the fumigation dose. Concentrations of P, Mn and Zn in barley were higher than those of corn. Iron content increased with the fumigation dose of SO₂in barley and corn. 4. Barley absorbed much more SO₂than corn when fumigated with 3ppm SO₂but corn took up a higher amount of SO₂than barley at 10ppm SO₂High temperature and light condition accelerated SO₂absorption by plants. The translocation rate of sulful from shoot to root at 3ppm ofSO₂fumigation was much higher than that of 10ppm. Dark condition increased the translocation rate when compared with light condition. The percentages of ethanol soluble fraction at 25℃ of fumigation in the dark was found to be higher than that of 15℃ while the percentages of water soluble fraction of 25℃ fumigation was lower than that of 15℃. The conversion rates of the absorbed sulful dioxide to amino acids (methionine and cysteine) increased more in the dark than in the light. Fumigation of 10ppm SO₂reduced the conversion rate compared with 3ppm. 5. The fixation of carbon dioxide as well as the translocation of ?? C-compound from shoot to root was inhibited by SO₂fumigation. Corn had a higher capability of photosynthesis than barley which was severely affected by SO₂. Glucose formation as well as fructose plus sucrose in the barley was found to increase with SO₂fumigation. The fraction absorbed by cation exchange resin. composed mainly of amino acids, increased in the shoots and roots of barley and corn according to SO₂fumigation (3ppm and 10ppm) in the light. 6. Sulfate absorption by plant roots was not influenced by SO₂fumigation but the translocation of sulfate from root to shoot was reduced in the light. The 80% ethanol soluble fraction in the shoots of barley and corn decreased with SO₂fumigation in the light. The percentages of 80% ethanol soluble fraction in the barley roots were much higher than those in the corn roots while the water soluble fraction had the opposite tendency. The conversion rates of sulfate absorbed through the roots into methionine and cysteine increased with SO₂fumigation and were much higher in the corn plants than in the barley. There was always more cysteine produced than methionine. 7. Fe and K uptake by the roots of barley was accelerated but H₂O, Cl, P, Cu and Zn were reduced by SO₂fumigation. Translocation of Ca, Fe and K in the barley shoot was increased by SO₂while H₂O,Cu, Mn, Cl, Zn, and P were translocated less by SO₂fumigation. 8. Fe, Cu, and Ca uptake by the roots of corn was accelerated but H₂O, Zn, Mn, P and Cl were reduced by SO₂fumigation. Translocation of Ca and Fe in the corn shoot increased by SO₂fumigation while Cl, Zn, H₂O, K, Mn, S and Cu were translocated less by SO₂fumigation. 9. It can be concluded that SO₂sensitivity of barley resulted from its low photosynthesis which was much more inhibited by SO₂fumigation than that of corn. Barley absorbed more ions like ?? and ?? with the exception of ?? and ?? than corn while the degree of inhibition and stimulation in ion uptake by barley was more severe than that of corn. However the result can not correlate SO₂sensitivity of the plants with the fact that corn contained more sulfur in the 80% ethanol soluble fraction than barley while the rate of conversion into the sulfur containing amino acids was higher in corn than in barley.

      • SCIEKCI등재

        식물 원형질체에서의 marker gene 삽입

        유장걸(Zang Kual U),류기중(Key Zung Riu),소인섭(In Sup So),홍경애(Kyung Ae Hong) 한국응용생명화학회 1993 Applied Biological Chemistry (Appl Biol Chem) Vol.36 No.6

        The neomycin phosphotransferase II gene (nptII) was introduced into geranium (Pelargonium zonale hybrids) protoplast by using PEG or electroporation method. The presence of the introduced DNA in the protoplast and the expressions of the gene in the transformed cells were examined. The presence of the nptII DNA in the protoplasts were detected by polymerase chain reaction. The expressions of nptII gene in the transformed cells were confirmed by the nptII assay.

      • Effect of Sulfur Dioxide on Nutrition Uptake by Plants

        U, Zang-Kual 제주대학교 1980 논문집 Vol.12 No.-

        Barley and maize plants were fumigated in acryl chambers with different concentrations of SO₂gas in order to induce acute effects on the nutrients uptake. The treated SO₂ concentration ranged from control(without SO₂) to relatively high dosages (medium : 86mg/㎥ and high:172㎎/㎥) to magnify the fumigation effects for a short time. The upper parts of plants and shoots, were fumigated in the chamber, were separately dipped in the culture solutions labelled with ?? and ??. Nutrients uptake by roots of barley, known susceptable to So₂ gas, was not much influenced by SO₂fumigation for both ?? and ??. The translocation of ?? from roots to shoots in barley plants quite decreased with So₂treatment but ?? movement was little influenced. Apparently, contrasting with reports in the literature, maize seemed to be rather sensitive to SO₂treatment in aspects of ion uptake phenomenon at short term and acute dosages. SO₂fumigation reduced ?? uptake by maize roots remarkably, and depressed the translocation of ?? to shoots in both medium and high concentration treatments. In comparison with ?? maize plants received less effects of SO₂ treatment on ??uptake and translocation. Under the experimental conditions used it was found that maize was, with regard to nutrients uptake, more susceptable to SO₂fumigation than barley. The uptake and translocation of ?? showed much more severe influence by SO₂ fumigation than those of ??. The relationship between SO₂ sensitivity of plants and uptake of essential elements should be investigated further.


        U,Zang-Kual,Koh,Young-Hwan,So,In-Seop,Riu,Key-Zung,Lee,Sun-Joo 제주대학교 방사능이용연구소 1994 연구보고 Vol.8 No.-

        Several factors affecting Arhizogenes-mediated transformation of Populus were studied. The leaf section of Populus was more sensitive to kanamycin used for selection of transformant than the stem section. The soaking period for inoculation did not affect gall formation up to 2 hours. The optimum concentration of acetosyringone and pH of bacterial culture medium for inoculation were 50μM and 5.5, respectively. One day cocultivation after inoculation gave highest transformation rate. The visible hairy roots were formed from the transformed leaf sections within 3 weeks after culture on both of the media with and without growth regulators. The plantlets were regenerated from the infected leaf sections within 6 weeks after culture on the medium containing 0.005mg/1 of NAA and 0.5mg/1 of BA. The expression of the introduced opine genes in the plantlets were confirmed by analysis of agropine and mannopine.

      • KCI등재SCISCIE

        K ( 86Rb ) - bioassay 를 이용한 감귤나무의 가리영양진단법 개발

        유장걸(Zang Kual U),한해룡(Hae Ryong Han),문덕영(Duk Young Moon),김창명(Chang Myung Kim),임한철(Han Cheol Lim),문두경(Do Kyung Moon),송성준(Sung Jun Song) 한국응용생명화학회 1994 Applied Biological Chemistry (Appl Biol Chem) Vol.37 No.3

        Similar to the ^(42)K uptake, ^(86)Rb uptake by the roots of Hordeum distichum grown in the hydroponic culture was negatively correlated with the concentration of K supplied previously, showing that ^(86)Rb can be used for the K-bioassay. ^(86)Rb having longer half life (18.86 day) than ^(42)K (12.36 hr) allowed the use of larger number of root samples. ^(86)Rb uptake of 3 years old Citrus unshiu Marc. grown in water culture decreased drastically with the increase of K concentration of the culture solution, thus demonstrating that the nutrition status of K for citrus trees can be diagnosed by K-bioassay using ^(86)Rb tracer. ^(86)Rb uptake by the excised roots of Hordeum distichum grown in the pot with different K fertilizations was well correlated with the exchangeable K in soil. The amount of exchangeable K in soil for the optimal plant growth can be determined by its relationship. ^(42)K and ^(86)Rb-uptake by the Hmdeum distichum roots were markedly inhibited by 5×10^(-3) M KCN in the bioassay solution, indicating that uptake is energy-dependent. There was no significant relationship between K content in citrus leaves and K concentration in the water-culture medium. It is concluded that K-bioassay is a potentially useful tool for determining of K requirement in citrus trees.

      • KCI등재

        서양 심비디움 양액재배에서의 무기물 흡수

        유장걸,송성준,부창호 한국환경농학회 1999 한국환경농학회지 Vol.18 No.1

        양액 재배에서 서양 심비디움(Cymbidium Jungfrau)의 질소와 인 흡수 및 재분배양상을 조사하였고 양액 재배와 관행인 화분 재배간의 심비디움의 생육, 광합성, 엽록소함량, 무기물 함량을 비교하였다. 질소(^(15)N)의 흡수는 자연광의 60% 광도에서 보다 자연광에서 많았고, 인(^(32)P)의 흡수는 이와 반대의 경향을 나타냈다. 흡수된 질소(^(15)N)는 벌브에 가장 많이 존재하였고 인(^(32)P)은 뿌리와 벌브에 많이 있었으며 잎으로 재분배된 양은 10% 정도였다. 2년생 어미주보다는 0.5 또는 1년생 새끼 주에서 질소(^(15)N)와 인(^(32)P)의 흡수가 더 많았다. 심비디움의 인 흡수율은 보리의 경우 보다 약 350배 정도 낮았다. 심비디움의 초장, 벌브크기, 생체증가율, 광합성 능, 엽록소 함량은 바크 또는 입상 암면을 배지로 이용하는 양액 재배가 일반 관행재배보다 더 높았다. 특히 양액 재배에서 사용된 바크와 입상 암면간에 생육과 무기물함량이 차이를 보이지 않았다. 또한, 질소, 인, 칼륨, 마그네슘의 함량은 양액 재배에서 높았으나 칼슘은 관행과 차이가 없었고 무기물의 흡수는 주로 영양생장기간 동안에 이루어졌다. N(^(15)N) and P(^(32)P) absorption by 2 year-old Cymbidium Jungfrau in solution culture were investigated. Growth, photosynthesis rate, chlorophyll content and mineral composition of Cymbidium in the solution culture with bark or granular rockwool were compared with these parameters in the conventional pot culture. Nitrogen absorption by Cymbidium was higher in full sunlight than in 60% of sunlight while P absorption was higher in 60% of sunlight. Sixty seven % of N absorbed in plant was redistributed to the bulb(39%) and leaves(28%) while 46% of P absorbed was fund in the bulb (36.2%) and leaves (10.2%). Accumulation of P in leaves was 3-fold lower than that of N. N and P absorption in 0.5 or 1 year- old daughter plant Bowing vigorously were greater than in immature daughter or mother plant. The absorption rate of phosphorus in Cymbidium was 350-fold lower than that of barley. Greater shoot length and bulb diameter, and higher fresh weight, photosynthesis rate and chloroployll content were observed in the solution culture than in the conventional pot culture. Solution culture had-also more content of N, P, K and Mg in leaves, bulb and root than conventional pot culture but did not that of Ca. A large part of the nutrient absorption was occurred during vegetative growth. Also, There was no difference between bark and rockwool in the solution culture due to the improvement of poor dispersion of nutrient solution in bark.

      • SCIEKCI등재

        14C 추적자법(追跡子法)에 의한 감귤의 당과 유기산에 관한 연구 : C1- 과 SO 의 엽면처리효(葉面處理效果)과 Effects of Foliar Application of C1- and So

        유장걸,김형옥,강순선,유기중 한국농화학회 1983 Applied Biological Chemistry (Appl Biol Chem) Vol.26 No.3

        The effects of spraying Cl^- and SO₄^(2-) solutions on sugar, organic acid and amino acid levels in citrus(C. unshiu Marc.) fruit juice were examined using the ^(14)C-tracer method. Each ^(14)C-labelled compound under investigation was measured during the three weeks after ^(14)CO₂ assimilation. The total carbon compound, which was measured as the specific activity(cpm/㎖) of ^(14)C, was transported more into the fruit juice within one week after ^(14)CO₂ assimilation with the SO₄^(2-) treatment than with the Cl-treatment, The ^(14)C-specific activity changes of the sugar fraction were very similar in both Cl- and SO₄^(2-) treatments although the organic acid fraction was reduced more by SO₄^(2-). The specific activity ratio of the sugar fraction to organic acid was increased rapidly when treated with Cl-. This indicates that SO₄^(2-) plays a role in raising the ratio of sugar to organic acid. It was found that the ^(14)C-specific activity in the amino acid fraction was higher when Cl- was applied.

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