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      • KCI등재

        남송(南宋) 륙유(陸游) 차자문(劄子文) 소고(小考) -「대걸분병취산동차자(代乞分兵取山東劄子)」와 「상이부론도읍차자(上二府論都邑劄子)」를 중심으로

        이기훈 ( Lee¸ Kihoon ) 한국중국산문학회 2020 중국산문연구집간 Vol.10 No.-

        In the text above, the definition of Zhaziwen, the characteristics of Zhaziwen in Southern Song Dynasty, and the stylistic features of Lu You Zhaziwen were discussed. Lu You, also known as a patriotic poet, is not the only expression of his ideas in poetry. His prose works, especially those of government officials, and his participation in various political issues, are more deeply imbued with his ideas. With this premise, I analyzed the Zhaziwen of his reading. First of all, through the two sentences covered in this book, the stylistic characteristics of the Zhaziwen text can be summarized in several ways: First, it is as formal as possible when posting to the emperor or superior. Second, let's look at the opponent's arguments first. Third, since it is an official document, the basis of logic is essential.

      • KCI등재

        1970년대 전반 연세대학교 학생운동의 전개와 성격

        이기훈 ( Lee¸ Ki Hoon ) 연세사학연구회 2021 學林 Vol.48 No.-

        3선 개헌 이후 박정희 정권은 영구집권을 모색하며 사회적 저항을 약화시키는 것에 주력하고 있었다. 대학과 학생운동을 통제하기 위해 정권은 군사교육인 교련과목을 필수과목으로 지정하고 현역 군인을 교관으로 배치하는 방침을 발표했다. 학생운동은 민주화의 보루로서 학원의 자율성을 지키기 위해 교련반대 투쟁을 맹렬히 전개했다. 1970년 말부터 1971년 연세대 학생운동도 다른 대학 운동과 연대하여 대규모 집회와 시위, 단식농성을 전개하며 교련반대 운동을 전개하였으나, 정권이 위수령을 발동하여 대학을 휴교시키고 학생운동 주도자들을 강제 입영시키며 저항을 무산시켰다. 이후 1972년 10월 유신체제가 성립하자 학생운동은 각 대학을 연대하여 조직적인 반유신 운동을 시도하였는데, 1974년 민청학련이 대표적인 사례다. 연세대 학생들도 민청학련의 조직과 활동에 참여하다 구속되었다. 연세대학은 1974년 하반기부터 교수, 학생과 대학 당국이 모두 참여하는 대학 행정 개혁을 추진하여 성과를 거두었다. 이를 바탕으로 1975년 민청학련 사건 관련 교수 학생의 복직, 복교에 대한 정권의 탄압에 대해 대학 공동체가 함께 저항하는 면모를 보였다. 학원 자율성의 수호 이면에서는 학생운동의 새로운 이념과 지향이 성숙하고 있었다. 학생들은 자유민주주의의 실현에 그치지 않고 민주주의의 실현 주체로서 민족-민중을 발견했다. 이는 주체의 확장에 그치는 것이 아니라 현대 세계를 해석하는 시야의 확장이었고, 역사와 공간을 민중운동과 변혁의 시각에서 바라보는 것이었다. 여전히 실존적 지식인의 상을 지니고 있었지만, 이념적 측면에서 학생운동은 학원을 벗어나 민중을 바라보기 시작했다. Following the 1969 constitutional amendment that allowed a third term of presidency, the Park Chung-Hee administration cracked down on any civil resistance, so it could hold on to political power indefinitely. To suppress student movement and discipline universities, the Park administration ordered compulsory military training at all universities and planned to place military officers as teachers for the training. The students staged a severe protest against such a move, in order to guard the independence and freedom of university campuses as the last bastion of democracy. From the end of 1970 to 1971, student activists at Yonsei University formed a coalition with other universities and staged massive street rallies, demonstrations and hunger strikes to protest against forced military training on campus. The government, however, crushed all resistant attempts by issuing a garrison decree (a soft martial law), closing down universities and forcefully enlisting the student movement leaders to military service. When the Yushin Regime was established in October 1972, the student activists from different universities again formed a coalition and staged organized protests against the Yuhsin regime. The activity of the student organization National Democratic Youth-Student League (전국민주청년학생총연맹민청학련) is most representative. Many Yonsei University students also participated in its activities and were arrested. In the late half of 1974, Yonsei University conducted a major administrative reform, where faculty, student and university administration all participated, and achieve successful outcomes. This encouraged the university community to join forces and stand up against political oppression in the 1975 reinstatement of faculty and students who had to leave the school for their involvements in the National Democratic Youth-Student League incident. While guarding freedom on the university campus, student movement was also maturing in terms of its ideology and overall direction. The students went beyond striving for achieving liberal democracy;they discovered national identity and the people as an important player in realizing democracy. This implied more than just broadening the students’ understanding of the key players in the movement, but also of their whole viewpoint on modern history; the students came to see history and its physical space from the perspective of civil movement and revolution. While still portrayed as existential intellectuals, the student activists and their movement started to look beyond the university campus, to the outside world, and embrace the people in their ideological concepts.

      • Hedge Fund Strategies in Korean Market: Pair Formation Methods and the Profitability of Pairs Trading with KOSPI100 Stocks

        KiHoon Jimmy Hong 성균관대학교 경영연구소 2013 자산운용연구 Vol.1 No.1

        This paper quantifies the conditions of buying and selling according to three criteria (correlation of stock prices, sum of squared price spreads, and parameter estimates of OU process) without relying on charts or intuitions in pairing the pair trading strategy. Profitability was investigated. As a result of empirically analyzing the trading strategies from January 2011 to June 2012 for pairs made up of KOSPI 100 stocks, the pair formation strategy using the parameter estimates of the OU process showed the highest average return and the lowest profit. It showed a downside risk roll. These results suggest that the new pair formation method using the OU process may be more useful for asset managers who frequently use pair trading or managers of newly launched long-short Korean hedge funds. This paper looks into pairs trading strategy. Stocks in KOSPI 100 are matched into pairs using three different pair formation methods. Ornstein Uhlenbeck process is employed to model the normalized price spreads. The parameters of Ornstein Uhlenbeck process are proposed as a new pair formation method. The empirical result supports that the newly proposed method is suited to Korean market where investors are very risk averse.

      • KCI등재

        Performance Analysis of the Anti-Spoofing Array Antenna with Eigenvector Nulling Algorithm

        Kihoon Lee,Min Kyu Song,Jang Yong Lee 항법시스템학회 2022 Journal of Positioning, Navigation, and Timing Vol.11 No.3

        The public open signals from Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) including Global positioning system (GPS) are used widely by many peoples in the world except for the public regulated restriction signals which are encrypted. Nowadays there are growing concerns about GNSS signal spoofing which can deceive the GNSS receivers by abusing these open services. To counter these spoofing threats, many researches have been studied including array antenna techniques which can detect the direction of arrival by means of Multiple Signal Classification (MUSIC) algorithm. Originally the array antenna techniques were developed to countermeasure the jamming signal in electronic warfare by using the nulling or beamforming algorithm toward a certain direction. In this paper, we study the anti-spoofing techniques using array antenna to overcome the jamming and spoofing issues simultaneously. First, we will present the theoretical analysis results of spoofing signal response of Minimum Variance Distortionless Response (MVDR) algorithm in array antenna. Then the eigenvector algorithm of covariance matrix is suggested and verified to work with the existing anti-jamming method. The modeling and simulation are used to verify the effectiveness of the anti-spoofing algorithm. Also, the field test results show that the array antenna system with the proposed algorithms can perform the anti-spoofing function. This anti-spoofing method using array antenna is very effective in the view point of solving both the jamming and spoofing problems using the same array antenna hardware.

      • KCI등재

        해양경찰 파출소 조직 및 운영 개선 방안: 연안사고 예방기능을 중심으로

        김은기 한국해양경찰학회 2022 한국해양경찰학회보 Vol.12 No.4

        The purpose of this study is to derive an improvement plan for the organization and operation to strengthen the coastal water management function of the Coast Guard branch office in consideration of the special characteristics of the Coast Guard. To achieve the purpose of this study, we reviewed the current “Public Police Box and Branch Office Operation Rules” and analyzed the current status of coastal accidents to derive problems. As results, First, the expansion of personnel and equipment of the maritime police department and equipment, second, the scientification of the allocation standards for the branch offices, third, prevention of public security gaps through minimization of civil complaints, fourth, the specification of the work of the branch offices to prevent risks, Fifth, the substantive implementation of the cooperative security system was presented as a policy alternative. This study did not even suggest a specific amendment to the regulations related to the maritime police department and branch offices, and there is a limitation in that it merely suggests the need for improvement and alternative measures. However, there has been no research on the branch offices of the Coast Guard, which is the frontline organization of the Coast Guard, and raises the question that the Coast Guard follows the organizational structure of the Land Police, despite having special characteristics that distinguish it from the Land Police. It is meaningful in that it suggests an improvement plan. 이 연구는 해양경찰의 특수성을 고려하여 해양경찰 파·출장소의 연안해역 관리 기능 강화를 위한 조직 및 운영에 관한 개선방안을 도출하고자 함을 목적으로 한다. 연구목적 달성을 위해 현행 「파출소 및 출장소 운영 규칙」을 검토하고 연안사고 현황을 분석하여 이를 통한 문제점을 도출하였으며, 국내외 사례검토를 통해 대안을 찾고자 하였다. 연구결과 첫째, 해양경찰 파·출장소의 인원 및 장비 확충, 둘째, 파·출장소 배치 기준의 과학화, 셋째, 민원업무의 최소화를 통한 치안공백의 방지, 넷째, 위험방지를 위한 파·출장소 업무의 구체화, 다섯째, 협력치안제도의 실질화 등을 정책적 대안으로 제시하였다. 이 연구는 해양경찰 파·출장소와 관련한 규정에 대한 구체적 개정안까지 제시하 지는 못하였으며, 개선 필요성과 대체적인 방안을 제시하는데 그치고 있다는 한계가 존재한다. 그러나 그간 해양경찰의 최일선 조직인 해양경찰 파·출장소에 관한 연구가 전무하며, 해양경찰은 육상경찰과 구분되는 특수성을 지님에도 불구하고 육상경찰의 조직구조를 그대로 따르고 있다는 문제를 제기하면서, 대강의 개선방안을 제시하였 다는 점에 의의가 있다고 하겠다.

      • Delay-dependent H<SUB>∞</SUB> control for linear systems with a time-delay and interval randomly varying disturbances

        Kihoon Kim,Myeongjin Park,Ohmin Kwon 제어로봇시스템학회 2013 제어로봇시스템학회 국제학술대회 논문집 Vol.2013 No.10

        This paper considers a delay-dependent H∞ problem for linear systems with a constant time-delay and interval randomly varying disturbances. It is assumed that the variance probability of disturbances satisfies the Bernoulli distribution. By constructing a suitable Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional, an H∞ control criterion for the system is proposed in terms of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs) which can be easily solvable by effective optimization algorithms. One numerical example is included to demonstrate the effectiveness of the presented criterion with designed controller.

      • Investigating the Impact of Autocorrelation on Financial Market Information Efficiency via Intervalling Effect

        KiHoon Jimmy Hong 한국재무학회 2012 한국재무학회 학술대회 Vol.2012 No.11

        This paper investigates the impact of equity return autocorrelation on financial market efficiency via intervalling effect. A simple model is proposed to show that the degree of intervalling effect is related to the security return autocorrelation. A general version of levy and Levhari hypothesis is proposed to find that the degree of the autocorrelations of the security and the market returns determines the existence and the direction of the intervalling effect and The size of the intervalling effect is dependent on the degree of the security autocorrelations. Empirical eveidence of the latter is presented.

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