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        형법이 도덕과 윤리를 대하는 자세

        크리스티안 퀼 ( Kristian Kühl ),홍영기(번역) ( Young Gi Hong ) 안암법학회 2021 안암 법학 Vol.- No.63

        도덕과 법, 특히 형법은 다양한 형태로 관계를 맺고 있다. 적극적인 관계를 유지하는 예는 독일형법의 모살죄가 규정하는 “행위동기의 비열함” 표지의 해석론에서 찾아볼 수 있는데, 이를 평가할 때 행위자의 도덕적 내심에 대한 판단을 하지 않을 수 없기 때문이다. 독일형법에는 또한 상해행위에 대해 피해자가 승낙했다면 위법성이 조각되지만, 그것이 “선량한 풍속에 반하는” 때에는 불법이 존속하는 것으로 규정하고 있다. 여기서는 판례와 학설의 해석에 앞서 입법자가 미리 윤리적 평가를 하도록 명시하고 있는 것이다. 이 경우에 평가기준이 되는 윤리는 특정한 가치관을 갖고 있는 일부 구성원들에 의해 형성되는 것이 아니라, 보편적인 도덕의식을 갖고 있는 모든 이들의 가치관에 따른 것이어야 한다. 외국문화권의 가치에 경도된 행위를 평가할 때에도 그 문화 고유의 가치만을 적극적으로 고려하는 것은 바람직하지 않으며, 독일법의 기준에 따르더라도 책임영역에서 이를 고려할 여지가 충분히 남아 있다. 민법에서도 그러하듯, 법과 도덕의 교류가 이처럼 도저히 피할 수 없는 것이기는 하지만, 적어도 형법에서는 순수한 도덕과 윤리에 근거하여 처벌이 곧바로 이루어질 수는 없다. 비윤리적인 행위속성이 곧바로 가벌성의 조건을 충족하는 것으로 본다면 죄형법정주의 가운데 특히 명확성원칙에 위배된다. 법과 도덕이 준별되는 모습은 특히 법익구상을 통해 잘 드러난다. 그동안 법익개념이 여러 양상의 비범죄화를 담당해왔다는 점에서는 공로를 인정해야 하며, 동성애 등을 처벌하는 데에 이용된 형법조문을 폐지해 온 역사에서 그 예를 찾아볼 수 있다. 그러나 근친상간을 여전히 합헌적인 것으로 본 헌법재판소의 결정은 이러한 법익사고에 어울리지 아니하는, 순수한 반도덕적인 행위를 처벌하려는 경향에서 벗어나지 못하고 있다. Es gibt im Verhältnis von Strafrecht und Moral Trennendes und Verbindendes. Das Trennende ist durch das Theorem von Legalität, nach der sich das Recht mit der Gesetzmäßigkeit des äußeren Verhaltens des rechtsunterworfenen Bürgers zufrieden gibt, und Moralität, die für moralisches Verhalten zusätzlich eine auf das Gesetz ausgerichtete innere Einstellung verlangt, belegt. Im Gegensatz dazu nimmt das Strafrecht die guten Sitten in Anspruch, um strafrechtliche Fragen zu beantworten. So etwa die Strafrechtsprechung, wenn sie bei der Definition des Mordmerkmals der „sonst niedrigen Beweggründe“ auf eine sittliche Wertung abstellt. Oder etwa das Strafgesetzbuch, wenn es die Rechtswidrigkeit einer Körperverletzung, die mit Einwilligung der verletzten Person vorgenommen wurde, mit Hilfe des Verstoßes „gegen die guten Sitten“ bestimmt. Maßstab dieser Sittenwertung soll das „Anstandsgefühl aller billig und gerecht Denkenden“ sein. Wenn man also abweichende kulturelle Wertvorstellungen bei der Bewertung von Beweggründen auf ihre Niedrigkeit hin nicht berücksichtigt, so weist man die Ablehnung von niedrigen Beweggründen zurück, die sich nach unseren sittlichen oder rechtlichen Wertmaßstäben als solche darstellen. Mit dieser Lösung ist dem Toleranzgebot ausreichend Rechnung getragen, ohne dass die deutschen Wertmaßstäbe auf dem Altar der Fremdenfreundlichkeit geopfert werden. Zumindest im Strafrecht darf die Strafe jedoch nicht direkt auf der Grundlage der reinen Moral und Ethik verlangt werden. Ein Vorzeigemodell des Aufsatzes ist das sog. Rechtsgutskonzept. Danach darf der Gesetzgeber die Freiheit der von der Strafnorm Betroffenen nicht vorschnell schon dann durch die Schaffung bzw. Nichtabschaffung einer Strafvorschrift beschneiden, wenn es erste und undeutliche Anzeichen für Schädigungen der potentiellen Opfer gibt. Diese Aufgabe des Rechtsgutskonzept, nach dem die Bestrafung von reinen Moralverstößen zu verhindern, ist nach wie vor sinnvoll.

      • KCI등재

        Effect of cone-beam computed tomography metal artefact reduction on incomplete subtle vertical root fractures

        Wang Andréa Huey Tsu,Panzarella Francine Kühl,Fontana Carlos Eduardo,Junqueira José Luiz Cintra,Bueno Carlos Eduardo da Silveira 대한영상치의학회 2023 Imaging Science in Dentistry Vol.53 No.1

        Purpose: This study compared the accuracy of detection of incomplete vertical root fractures (VRFs) in filled and unfilled teeth on cone-beam computed tomography images with and without a metal artefact reduction (MAR) algorithm. Materials and Methods: Forty single-rooted maxillary premolars were selected and, after endodontic instru- mentation, were categorized as unfilled teeth without fractures, filled teeth without fractures, unfilled teeth with fractures, or filled teeth with fractures. Each VRF was artificially created and confirmed by operative microscopy. The teeth were randomly arranged, and images were acquired with and without the MAR algorithm. The images were evaluated with OnDemand software (Cybermed Inc., Seoul, Korea). After training, 2 blinded observers each assessed the images for the presence and absence of VRFs 2 times separated by a 1-week interval. P-values<0.05 were considered to indicate significance. Results: Of the 4 protocols, unfilled teeth analysed with the MAR algorithm had the highest accuracy of incomplete VRF diagnosis (0.65), while unfilled teeth reviewed without MAR were associated with the least accurate diagnosis (0.55). With MAR, an unfilled tooth with an incomplete VRF was 4 times more likely to be identified as having an incomplete VRF than an unfilled tooth without this condition, while without MAR, an unfilled tooth with an incomplete VRF was 2.28 times more likely to be identified as having an incomplete VRF than an unfilled tooth without this condition. Conclusion: The use of the MAR algorithm increased the diagnostic accuracy in the detection of incomplete VRF on images of unfilled teeth.

      • KCI등재

        A comparison of photosynthesis measurements by O2 evolution, 14C assimilation, and variable chlorophyll fluorescence during light acclimatization of the diatom Coscinodiscus granii

        Erik Trampe,Per Juel Hansen,Michael Kühl 한국조류학회I 2015 ALGAE Vol.30 No.2

        Photosynthetic rates of the large centric diatom Coscinodiscus granii were measured by means of multicolor variable chlorophyll fluorescence imaging, single cell 14C assimilation, and optical O2 sensor measurements during light acclimatization of cultures grown at five different irradiances: 50, 150, 235, 332, and 450 μmol photons m-2 s-1. Photo-acclimatization was evident from changes of cellular chlorophyll a content, growth rates, and light response curves. Each of the applied methods evaluates different parts and reactions in the photosynthetic apparatus, which makes a direct quantitative comparison of rates difficult, although a different degree of correlation were found between all three methods. However, when used in combination, they provide information about the internal relationship of photosynthetic pathways as well as the variation in photosynthetic capacity between individual cells within a single algal culture.

      • KCI등재

        A Biodegradable Polymeric Matrix for the Repair of Annulus Fibrosus Defects in Intervertebral Discs

        Saghari Fard Mohammad R.,Krueger Jan Philipp,Stich Stefan,Berger Phil,Kühl Anja A.,Sittinger Michael,Sittinger Michael,Endres Michaela 한국조직공학과 재생의학회 2022 조직공학과 재생의학 Vol.19 No.6

        BACKGROUND: Tissue defects in the annulus fibrosus (AF) due to intervertebral disc (IVD) degeneration or after nucleodiscectomy have little self-healing capacity. To prevent progressive degeneration of the IVD, the AF must be repaired. Biological closure has not yet been achieved and is a challenge for the research community. In this study, a scaffold made of absorbable poly (glycolic acid) (PGA) and hyaluronan (HA) that exhibit excellent biocompatibility and cell colonization properties was used to repair AF defects in an ovine model. METHODS: A partial resection was performed in AF in L3/4 or L4/5 of 10 sheep and PGA-HA scaffolds were implanted on the defects (n = 5), while defects in the control group were left untreated (n = 5). Three months post-operation, the lumbar discs were sectioned and stained with hematoxylin and eosin and safranin-O/fast-green. Histological features including proteoglycan content, annular structure, cellular morphology, blood vessel ingrowth and tear/cleft formation were scored using a modified scoring scheme by 3 investigators and evaluated by a pathologist independently. RESULTS: The treated AF exhibited significantly enhanced repair tissue structure with signs of proteoglycan formation compared to the untreated group. The median scores were 4.3 for the treated and 9.8 for the untreated group. Cystic degeneration, perivascular infiltration, inflammation and necrosis were only present in the untreated group. Blood vessel ingrowth and tear/cleft formation were increased, though not significant, in the untreated group while cell morphology was comparable in both groups. CONCLUSION: PGA-HA scaffolds used for AF closure support repair tissue formation in an ovine lumbar disc defect model.

      • KCI등재

        Intraobserver and interobserver reproducibility in linear measurements on axial images obtained by cone-beam computed tomography

        Nathália Cristine da Silva,Maurício Barriviera,José Luiz Cintra Junqueira,Francine Kühl Panzarella,Ricardo Raitz 대한영상치의학회 2017 Imaging Science in Dentistry Vol.47 No.1

        Purpose: This study was performed to investigate the intra- and inter-observer variability in linear measurements with axial images obtained by PreXion (PreXion Inc., San Mateo, USA) and i-CAT (Imaging Sciences International, Xoran Technologies Inc., Hatfield, USA) CBCT scanners, with different voxel sizes. Materials and Methods: A cylindrical object made from nylon with radiopaque markers (phantom) was scanned by i-CAT and PreXion 3D devices. For each axial image, measurements were taken twice in the horizontal (distance A-B) and vertical (distance C-D) directions, randomly, with a one-week interval between measurements, by four oral radiologists with five years or more experience in the use of these measuring tools. Results: All of the obtained linear measurements had lower values than those of the phantom. The statistical analysis showed high intra- and inter-observer reliability (p=0.297). Compared to the real measurements, the measurements obtained using the i-CAT device and PreXion tomography, on average, revealed absolute errors ranging from 0.22 to 0.59 mm and from 0.23 to 0.63 mm, respectively. Conclusion: It can be concluded that both scanners are accurate, although the linear measurements are underestimations, with no significant differences between the evaluators.

      • KCI등재

        Effect of building direction and heat treatment on mechanical properties of Inconel 939 prepared by additive manufacturing

        Ivo Šulák,Tomáš Babinský,Alice Chlupová,Aleksa Milovanović,Luboš Náhlík 대한기계학회 2023 JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Vol.37 No.3

        This study investigated the effect of building direction (BD) and three-step heat treatment on the microstructure and mechanical properties of a nickel-based superalloy Inconel 939 produced by additive manufacturing (AM), and it revealed the differences to the conventional cast superalloy. Tensile specimens were printed in horizontal and vertical BDs, and tensile tests were performed at room temperature, 700 °C and 800 °C. Thorough microstructural scrutiny conducted through light and electron microscopy revealed microstructural differences between AM and cast Inconel 939. The columnar grain structure with a preferential orientation of <001> was typical for AM alloy, whereas polyhedral grain without any specific orientation was typical for cast alloy. Experiments showed that the AM material had much better mechanical properties than the cast material. Heat treatment resulted in a formation of a fine dispersion of spherical γ′ nanoprecipitates, triggering a considerable increase in tensile strength and a drop in ductility.


        Reorganization of Southern Ocean Plankton Ecosystem at the Onset of Antarctic Glaciation

        Houben, Alexander J. P.,Bijl, Peter K.,Pross, Jö,rg,Bohaty, Steven M.,Passchier, Sandra,Stickley, Catherine E.,,hl, Ursula,Sugisaki, Saiko,Tauxe, Lisa,van de Flierdt, Tina,Olney, Matthew,San American Association for the Advancement of Scienc 2013 Science Vol.340 No.6130

        <P><B>Southern Change</B></P><P>Antarctica has been mostly covered by ice since the inception of large-scale continental glaciation during the Oligocene, which profoundly altered the isotopic and mineralogical records of the sediments surrounding the continent. <B>Houben <I>et al.</I></B> (p. 341) found records of the corresponding living systems in the fossil marine dinoflagellate cysts, which revealed that a microplankton ecosystem, similar to the one that exists today, appeared simultaneously with the first major Antarctic glaciation approximately 34 million years ago.</P>


        Persistent near-tropical warmth on the Antarctic continent during the early Eocene epoch

        Pross, J철rg,Contreras, Lineth,Bijl, Peter K.,Greenwood, David R.,Bohaty, Steven M.,Schouten, Stefan,Bendle, James A.,R철hl, Ursula,Tauxe, Lisa,Raine, J. Ian,Huck, Claire E.,van de Flierdt, Tina,Jamieso Nature Publishing Group, a division of Macmillan P 2012 Nature Vol.488 No.7409

        The warmest global climates of the past 65 million years occurred during the early Eocene epoch (about 55 to 48 million years ago), when the Equator-to-pole temperature gradients were much smaller than today and atmospheric carbon dioxide levels were in excess of one thousand parts per million by volume. Recently the early Eocene has received considerable interest because it may provide insight into the response of Earth??s climate and biosphere to the high atmospheric carbon dioxide levels that are expected in the near future as a consequence of unabated anthropogenic carbon emissions. Climatic conditions of the early Eocene ??greenhouse world??, however, are poorly constrained in critical regions, particularly Antarctica. Here we present a well-dated record of early Eocene climate on Antarctica from an ocean sediment core recovered off the Wilkes Land coast of East Antarctica. The information from biotic climate proxies (pollen and spores) and independent organic geochemical climate proxies (indices based on branched tetraether lipids) yields quantitative, seasonal temperature reconstructions for the early Eocene greenhouse world on Antarctica. We show that the climate in lowland settings along the Wilkes Land coast (at a palaeolatitude of about 70째 south) supported the growth of highly diverse, near-tropical forests characterized by mesothermal to megathermal floral elements including palms and Bombacoideae. Notably, winters were extremely mild (warmer than 10??째C) and essentially frost-free despite polar darkness, which provides a critical new constraint for the validation of climate models and for understanding the response of high-latitude terrestrial ecosystems to increased carbon dioxide forcing.

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