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      • KCI등재

        임신부 체중증가와 신생아 체중과의 관계

        정효지,김은정,최봉순,최경호,신정자,윤성도 동아시아식생활학회 2000 동아시아식생활학회지 Vol.10 No.6

        This study was carried out to find the factors which are related to the weight gain during pregnancy of women and infant birth weight. The information of the general characteristics and pregnancy outcomes of the 506 women who had a delivery during Jan to Dec. 1997 in a hospital at Taegu area were collected from the medical records. The results are as follows. The mean age of the subjects was 29 years old and the average prepregnancy weight was 52.75㎏. They gained 13.51㎏ of weight during the pregnancy. The weight gain during pregnancy was higher in prepregnancy BMI <20kg/m^(2), the infant weight was heavier in groups that had over 14kg of weight gain during the pregnancy than other groups. The prepregnancy BMI was negatively correlated to weight gain during pregnancy (r=0.2825), and positively correlated to number of pregnancy (r=0.2146), number of living delivery (r=0.1409), and infant weight (r=0.1250). The baby weight was positively correlated to weight gain during pregnancy (r=0.1392) and Apgar score(r=0.1627). The results showed that the prepregnancy BMI and weight gain during pregnancy may be the influential factors on the infant weight, thus we need to develop the specific nutritional management program according to the status of prepregnancy weight.

      • '남성성'의 사회적 구성과 현대 남성성의 변화 고찰

        정윤희 동덕여자대학교 한국여성연구소 2008 젠더연구 Vol.- No.13

        In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird versucht, wie Männlichkeiten sozial konstruiert werden/worden sind, in welcher Weise das Bild des Mannes verändert wird, zu untersuchen. Zuerst werden die wichtigsten Ansätze einer Männlichkeitswissenschaft in diesem Jahrhundert betrachtet, vor allem aufgrund des 'hegemonialen Männlichkeit'-Konzepts von Robert W. Connell. Klare und eindeutige Bilder der Mskulinität ― die Art und Weise, wie Männer ihre Männlichkeit definieren - finden sich in der gesamten westlichen Kultur. Wie sehr das männliche Stereotyp im Detail variierte, wo immer die Mskulinität in der heutigen Zeit zu einer wichtigen politischen und gesellschaftlichen Kraft wurde, war sie auch ein Symbol fur die Ideale und Hoffnungen der Gesellschaft. Eine Veränderung trat erst vor kurzem auf, als wichtige Segmente der Gesellschaft auf einen gänzlich neuen Kurs einzuschwenken schienen, dessen Richtung noch nicht absehbar ist. Die Männlichkeit sollte die existierende Ordnung vor den Gefahren der Moderne schiitzen, aber man hielt sie auch fur ein unabdingbares Attribut all jener, die Veränderungen bewirken wollten. Männlichkeiten entstehen immer zu bestimmten Zeiten und an bestimmten Orten und sind permanent Veranderungen unterworfen. Männlichkeiten sind ― mit einem Wort ― historisch. Um die heutigen Männlichkeitsformen zu begreifen, muss man nicht nur die Zeit ihrer Entstehung betrachten, sondern auch die Jahrhunderte davor. Weil Männlichkeit nur innerhalb eines komplexen Geschlechterverhältnisses existiert, miissen wir sie auch mit der Formierung der modernen Geschlechterordnung insgesamt in Beziehung setzen.

      • 음향방출법에 의한 탄소섬유강화 플라스틱의 파괴 특성에 관한 연구 (1)

        윤종희,박성완,이장규,우창기 한국공작기계학회 2003 한국공작기계학회 추계학술대회논문집 Vol.2003 No.-

        The object of this study is to investigate a fracture characteristics of static tensile test as a function of acoustic emission according to the fiber orientation θ=0?in carbon/epoxy composites, CFRP. On tensile loading, it was recognized that the fracture characteristics of CFRP in a unidirectional composites. Using the results of the AE analysis(a=2㎜), it was found that the amplitude distributions of AE signals corresponding the matrix cracking, fiber debonding or delamination, and fiber breaking are 55~70㏈(<200sec), 100㏈(200~600sec), and 80㏈(>600sec).

      • 國際去來紛爭과 外國判決의 承認·執行에 관한 硏究

        尹鍾珍 청주대학교 대학원 1996 우암논총 Vol.14 No.-

        The purpose of the study of this thesis is to consider mutual guarantee on the Recogni tion and Enforcement of foreign Judgments. The First, presented to the question of this articles. The Second, studieded the requisite of the Receunition and Enforcement of foreign Judgments. On effect of judgment rendered by a foreign court, Article 203 of our Code of Civil Procedure lays down, that a foreign judgment which has been final and conclusive shal1 be valid only upon the fulfilment of the following conditions : 1) That the jurisdiction of the foreign court is not denied in laws or treaty: 2) That the defeated defendant being a citizen of the Republic of Korea, received service of summons or any other orders necessary for the commencement of the suit otherwise than by public notice or that he responded to the suit without being served: 3) That the judgnent of the foreign court iscompatible with good morals and public order of the Republic of Korea: and 4)That there is mutual guarantee. The Third, studied on the effect of the Recognition and Enforcement of Froreign Judgments. The fourth, studied on the legislation of International Conventions and each Nations. A judgment given in a State shall be reconized and enforced in other State without any special procedure being required. However, a judgment shall not be recognized. The direct enforcement of Foreign Judgments is admitted in the relevant States by a number of bilateral treaties which are based on the principle of reciprocal treatment. The Finally, conclusion.

      • KCI등재

        에.테.아.호프만의 수코양이 무어 Kater Murr 에 나타난 텍스트 구성원리로서의 ' 상호텍스트성'

        정윤희 한국독어독문학회 2002 獨逸文學 Vol.84 No.1

        Inhaltliche Elemente anderer Werke, d.h. genaue oder nur angedeutete, unterstu¨tzend aufgenommene oder ironisch verstellte Zitate, Anspielungen werden als intertextuelle Elemente bei E.T.A. Hoffmann mit Vorliebe angewendet. Der Roman Kater Murr liefert sehr gute Beispiele fu¨r die Verwendung solcher Elemente. Kater Murr zeigt exemplarisch intertextuelle Schreibweise, und zwar durch alle Formen selbst- und fremdreferierender intertextueller Bezugnahme. Der ganze Roman bildet einen exemplarischen Fall von auf sich selbst bezogener Intertextualita¨t: das Ineinander, d.h. Inter-Textualita¨t von zwei Texten bildet das wichtigste Strukturprinzip des Werkes. Das Verfahren parodierender Dekonstruktion und beabsichtiger, aber hoffnungsloser (Re-)Konstruktion, das als wichtigstes Strukturierungprinzip des Romans funktioniert, ist selbst intertextuell. Vor allem die 'Kater Zitate' bieten Anlaß zu ironisch-parodistischen Umkehrungen, die sich besonders aus der Gegenu¨berstellung des philistro¨sen, selbstsicheren Murr-Diskurses und den urspru¨nglichen Bedeutungen der zitierten Texte ergeben. Das Moment des Aufzeichnens der Lebensgeschichte taucht zugleich auch noch auf, so verbindet die Bezugnahme auf diese intertexturelle Vorlage die wichtigsten strukturierenden Elemente und Verfahren im Kater Murr. das Erza¨hlen-Aufzeichnen der Lebensgeschichte, die palimpsestartig verwendete Schrift und das Fragmentarische. Kater Murr ist als offenes Eingesta¨ndnis der Nicht-Rekonstruierbarkeit und der Nicht-Erza¨hlbarkeit von Leben und Geschichte lesbar. Die intertextuelle und struktuelle Aufeinanderbezogenheit beider Teile la¨ßt aber ihren Gegensatz im ambivalenten Zwielicht der Parodie romantischer Grundannahmen u¨ber Bildung, Ku¨nstlertum, Vollsta¨ndigkeit, Fragment, Ordnung und Chaos aufgehen. Eine grundlegend intertextuelle Kompositionstechnik, die sich auf allen Ebenen der Texte, vor allem aber der des Erza¨hlens a¨ußert, erweist sich als wesentliches Mittel der Textkonstruktion bei Hoffmann und fu¨hrt den Text zur unendlichen Erweiterung der Schrift.

      • KCI등재후보

        자료표현 학습에서 자기조절 학습시스템이 학업성취도에 미치는 영향

        윤정희,이은경,한건우,이영준 韓國敎員大學校 敎育硏究院 2007 敎員敎育 Vol.23 No.2

        In order to understanding the principles of computer operation, students need to know data representations first. But most of students have difficulties in understanding it and their academic achievements are relatively low. Therefore, we developed a self-regulated learning system based on self-regulated learning strategies and implemented it in the high school. The experimental group was taught with the self-regulated learning system, while the control group was taught with a traditional teaching method. We found that teaching with the self-regulated learning system has more positive effects on academic achievement than teaching with a traditional method in data representation learning. 인문계 고등학교 ‘정보사회와 컴퓨터’ 과목의 ‘자료표현’ 영역은 컴퓨터의 작동원리를 이해할 수 있는 중요한 영역이지만 학생들은 이 영역 학습을 매우 어려워하며 성취도도 낮은 편이다. 따라서 학생들이 보다 쉽게 ‘자료표현’ 영역을 학습할 수 있는 지원시스템이 필요하며 본 연구에서는 개인의 능력에 따라 학습이 가능하고 실질적인 교수학습과정에 유용하도록 설계된 자가조절학습 프로그램을 적용한 자기조절학습시스템을 개발하였다. 개발된 시스템을 실제 교수 학습 현장에 적용하여 자기조절학습시스템을 활용한 수업이 학습자의 학업성취도에 긍정적인 영향을 끼쳤음을 확인하였다.

      • 일, 이차원적인 이미드 단량체의 합성

        윤중호 昌原大學校 基礎科學硏究所 1998 基礎科學硏究所論文集 Vol.10 No.-

        Six-membered naphthalic anhydrides are more stable and less reactive towards amine groups than their five membered ring counterparts. There is a great range of reactivity for aromatic polyamines which depends on the spatial relationship between the various amine groups. We have shown that six membered ring one dimensional oligomer imides and two dimensional macrocyclic imides.

      • 황정(黃精) 추출물의 화학구조결정에 관한 연구 (Ⅰ)

        윤중호,박주희,김정주,권기락,안철진,주우홍,강진호,신동수 Institute of Genetic Engineering Changwon National 1998 Gene and Protein Vol.2 No.1

        본 연구에서는 황정 속에 포함되어 있는 생리활성 물질을 hexane, CHCl₃과 n-butanol층에서 각각의 성분들을 추출하였고, hexane층에서 분리된 화합물 I과 H 중에서, 화합물 I의 봐학구조를 ¹H-nmr, ??, DEPT135, COSY, HMQC, HMBC 스펙트럼 및 MS 스펙트럼 등의 분광학적인 방법에 의해 결정하였다. 화합물 I의 구조는 9,12-(9E, 12E)-octadecadienoic acid 임을 확인하였다. In this Paper, biologically active compounds were extracted using organic solvents as hexane. CHC1₃, n-butanol to give each component. Chemical structure of compound I was characterized using ¹H-nmr, ??, DEPT135, COSY, HMQC, HMBC spectrum and MS-spectrum, in separated compound I and Ⅱ from hexane layer. Finally, chemical structure of compound I was determined as 9,12-(9E,12E)-octadecadienoic acid.

      • 음향방출법에 의한 탄소섬유강화 플라스틱의 파괴특성에 관한 연구 (2)

        윤종희,이장규,박성완,우창기,김봉각,조진호 한국공작기계학회 2004 한국공작기계학회 춘계학술대회논문집 Vol.2004 No.-

        This study is to investigate a fracture characteristics of carbon fiber reinforced plastics (CFRP) under the tensile loading as a function of acoustic emission (AE) according to the frequency analysis (transient mode) and AE source location (location mode). It was found that the fracture mechanism of AE frequency analysis was a useful tool for the estimation of different type of fracture in CFRP, i.e., matrix(epoxy resin) cracking, delamination and fiber breakage same as AE amplitude distribution.

      • KCI등재

        음향방출과 미세역학적시험법을 이용한 단일섬유강화 에폭시 복합재료의 비파괴적 섬유파단 위치표정 및 계면물성 평가

        박종민,공진우,김대식,윤동진 한국비파괴검사학회 2003 한국비파괴검사학회지 Vol.23 No.5

        섬유파단은 복합재료의 기계적물성을 규명하는 가장 중요한 현상 중 하나이며, 섬유파단 위치는 기지재료의 물성과 섬유표면 처리에 따라 광학현미경에 의한 방법 뿐만 아니라 음향방출법을 이용하여 확인 및 상호비교 할 수 있다. 두 개의 음향방출 센서를 단일섬유강학 에폭시 복합재료 시편 표면에 부착 시켜 연속적인 섬유파단 신호를 변형률과 측정 시간에 따라 감지하였으며, 계면전단강도는 단일섬유강화 복합재료 시험에서 광학적 방법과 음향방출법을 이용하여 측정하였다. 탄소섬유의 파단 수는 섬유표면을 전기증착으로 처리한 경우가 많았으며, 광학적인 관찰 시에 좀 더 많게 나타났다. 하지만 음향방출법과 광학적 방법에 의한 섬유파단의 위치는 작은 오차범위 내에서 상호 잘 일치하는 결과를 얻을 수 있었다. 음향방출법에 의한 섬유파단 위치표정과 파형분석은 투명, 반투명 및 불투명한 복합재료의 계면물성을 비파괴적으로 측정하기 위한 유용한 방법으로 사료된다. Fiber fracture is one of the dominant failure phenomena affecting the total mechanical performance of the composites. fiber fracture locations were measured through the conventional optical microscope and the nondestructive acoustic emission (AE) technique and then were compared together as a function of the epoxy matrix modulus and the fiber surface treatment by the electrodeposition method (ED). Interfacial shear strength (IFSS) was measured using tensile fragmentation test in combination of AE method. ED treatment of the fiber surface enlarged the number of fiber fracture locations in comparison to the untreated case. The number of fiber fracture events measured by the AE method was less than optically obtained one. However, fiber fracture locations determined by AE detection corresponded with those by optical observation with small errors. The source location of fiber breaks by AE analysis could be a nondestructive, valuable method to measure interfacial shear strength (IFSS) of matrix in non-, semi- and/or transparent polymer composites

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