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        한국의 정신분열병 외래 환자의 직ㆍ간접비용

        박종익,송선희,서동우,장현종,이종국,장안기,김윤,이철,홍진표 大韓神經精神醫學會 2000 신경정신의학 Vol.39 No.3

        연구목적 : 정신분열병 외래 환자의 직접 비용과 간접 비용을 추산해 보고, 의료 자원의 적절한 운용과 효과적인 배분을 위한 보건 정책의 기초자료로 사용하고자 한다. 방 법 : 정신분열병 진단을 받은 289명의 환자를 대상으로 6개월간 외래를 방문하면서 사용한 의료비와 시간을 조사하여 직접 비용을 추산하였고, 이 기간 동안 소실된 생산성을 간접 비용으로 환산하였다. 만성질환인 관상동맥 질환을 앓고 있는 환자 82명을 대조군으로 하여 비용을 비교하였다. 결 과 : 정신분열병 환자의 실업률은 72.1%였으며, 직장을 가지고 있는 경우에도 단순노무직의 비율이 64.5%로 매우 높았다. 정신분열병의 직접 비용은 평균 81.5만원으로 관상동맥 질환의 평균 71.5 만원보다 상대적으로 많이 추산되었으나 유의하지는 않았다. 간접 비용은 평균 645.6만원, 258.9 만원으로 정신분열병군이 2.5배 정도 높았다. 결 론 : 정신분열병은 다른 만성질환에 비하여 상대적으로 매우 고비용이 요구되는 질환이며, 보다 체계적인 비용의 추산을 통하여 양질의 정신 보건 서비스를 제공할 수 있는 토대가 마련되어야 할 것이다. Objectives : We have aimed to estimate the direct and indirect costs of treating out-patients with schizophrenia in Korea, to use this fundamental data for the effective management and proper distribution of the medical resource. Method : To estimate the direct cost, we surveyed the medical cost and time of two hundred and eighty-nine out-patients with schizophrenia for six months. And the lost productivity as many months was converted into the indirect cost. Those of eighty-two coronary heart disease patients were also estimated as a comparison group. Results : An unemployement rate of schizophrenic patients was 72.1 percent. Moreover the ratio of the laborer in the sample was, even if employed, 64.5 percent. The mean direct cost of schizophrenic patients was, about 815,000 won, higher than that of coronary heart disease, 715,000 won however it was not statistically significant. The former was also estimated 2.5 times more than the latter for the indirect cost, or 6,456,000 won versus 2,589,000 won. Conclusion : Schizophrenia is a relatively costly illness compared to other chronic illness, so the systematic estimation of the cost is necessary to provide mental health service of high quality.

      • KCI등재

        한국 정신장애의 역학 조사 연구[I] : 각 정신장애의 유병률

        조맹제,함봉진,김장규,박강규,정은기,서동우,김선욱,조성진,이준영,홍진표,최용성,박종익,이동우,이기철,배재남,신정호,정인원,박종한,배안,이충경 大韓神經精神醫學會 2004 신경정신의학 Vol.43 No.4

        Objectives : This study aims to estimate the prevalence of the DSM-IV psychiatric disorders in Korean population using the Korean version of Composite International Diagnostic Interview (K-CIDI). Methods : Subjects were selected by taking multi-stage, cluster samples of 7,867 adult household residents, 18 to 64 years of age, in ten catchment areas. Total 78 trained interviewers administered the K-CIDI to the selected respondents, from June 1 to November30,2001. Results : Total 6,275 respondents completed the interview. Some 33.5% of respondents reported at least one lifetime disorder, 20.6% reported at least one-year disorder, and 16.7% reported at least one-month disorder. The most common lifetime disorders were alcohol abuse/dependence (17.24%), nicotine dependence/withdrawal (11.19%), specific phobia (5.16%), and major de-pressive disorder (4.25%). The lifetime prevalence of substance abuse/dependence (0.25%) and schizophrenia (0.16%) was very low. Nicotine and alcohol use disorder showed very high male/female ratio. Mood disorder and anxiety disorder were more prevalent among female than male. Conclusion : The prevalence of psychiatric disorders was high. In comparison with other studies, remarkable differences in distributions of psychiatric disorders across the areas and times were observed.

      • KCI등재후보
      • 잡종기원의 Cobitis sinensis-longicorpus comples(Pisces, Cobitidae)에 대한 생식소의 조직학적 연구

        김익수,박종영 全北大學校 基礎科學硏究所 1994 基礎科學 Vol.16 No.-

        낙동강 상류에서 서식하는 기름종개 Cobitis sinensis와 왕종개 C.longicorpus 사이의 잡종에서 유래된 집단이라고 생각되는 C. sinensis-longicorpus complex의 생식소에 대하여 조사하였다. 이들 집단은 조사시간 중 272개체가 채집되었는데 그 가운데 암컷이 266개체로 거의 대부분을 차지하였고 수컷은 오직 6개체만 발견되었다. 암컷의 난소조직은 정상적인 발달단계를 보이는 생식 능력있는 난소였다. 그러나 수컷의 정소는 testicular lobule에 텅 빈 vacuole 구조가 많이 포함된 조직에 정원세포나 정모세포는 있지만 정세포와 정자가 생기지 않는 점으로 보아 생식능력이 없는 비정상적인 정소라고 생각한다. 이와같은 결과는 C. sinensis-longicorpus complex의 암컷 집단이 유연종들의 수컷의 도움으로 생식이 유지되는 독특한 체계를 지니고 있음을 시사해 주고 있다. Cobitis sinensis-longicorpus complex considered as hybrid origin between C. sinensis and C. longicorpus coccurred ommonly in the upper streams of the Nakdong River, Korea. Histological examinations of their gonad were accompanid with 272 individuals of C. sinensis-longicorpus complex collected. Most of fishes collcted were females, however, only 6 individuals were found males. The ovarian tissues of females are completely fertile undergoing normal oogenensis. In the male gonads, testicular lobule structure with abnormal vacuolar tissues were observed. Spermatogonia and spermatocytes were also observed of their testis however spermatids or sperms were not shown in their developmental stages. From these facts, we infer that female population of C. sinensis-longicorpus complex may be unique reproductive hierarchy accomplishing their reproduction with participation of males of their closely related bisexual species.

      • 지역사회의 정보포탈센터를 위한 컨텐츠개발

        안종근,박두순,오동익,이상헌 호서대학교 반도체제조장비국산화연구센터 2001 반도체장비학술심포지움 Vol.2001 No.-

        지방자치제 시대에 발맞추어 정보통신부와 행정자치부에서 추진중인 지역정보화 사업에는 지역의 특성을 살린 정보제공을 목표로 한 지역 정보화 센터를 설립하여 지역 주민들에게 생활정보, 산업정보, 행정정보를 제공할 수 있도록 계획하고 있다.현재 지방자치단체에서는 이러한 업무를 수행할 수 있는 정보화 관련 인력이나 예산은 물론이고 장기적인 계획조차 수립하고 있지 못하고 있는 곳이 많으며, 또한 현재의 조직과 예산으로는 지방자치단체의 자체 개발은 어려운 실정이다. 따라서, 본 연구에서는 각 지역에 소재한 중 · 소기업들에게 제공할 수 있는 산업정보와 일반 시민들이 필요로 하는 생활정보의 기본적인 내용과 틀을 마련하여 전국의 232개 시 · 군 · 구의 지역 정보화 센터에서 활용할 수 있는 생활/문화, 무역/기업, 산업/경제, 열린 마당에 관한 컨텐츠를 개발하였다.

      • 도형의 위상적 성질에 의한 부동점에 관한 연구

        현종익 濟州敎育大學 科學敎育硏究所 1985 科學敎育硏究誌 Vol.9 No.-

        The propriety existence of Fixed point in the topological property of a figure is related with the topological property of set or the continuity of function; It will be explained in details in example(Ⅳ-A-1) and example (Ⅳ-A-2). If set X is considered as closed segment, at least the closed segment, in its own continuity of function, has one Fixed point. It will be testified in the theorem(Ⅳ-B). If this theorem(Ⅳ-B) is generalized in Euclidean space of "n" dimension, it has Fixed point above itself in "I". This fact is induced by the theorem(Ⅳ-C)

      • 산수와 도형지도 내용 및 그 지도계통에 관한 연구

        현종익 濟州敎育大學 科學敎育硏究所 1988 科學敎育硏究誌 Vol.12 No.-

        The arithmetic Figure in Primary School is not only Extensive but indispensible in our every day life. For the purpose of improving the Figure ability, the four rules of arithmetic is systematized step by step from the first-gear ; to the Sixth-gear grade. Sine most teachers are chiefly conerned with a partiular grade 1 of which they are in charge, children are being taught apart from systematic teaching. As a result, we are sure to produce a number of children who are slow in learning and in that case it is almost impossible to remedy them. The study contains the whole Figure area in arithmetic which gives us clear information as a whole and is summarized as a proper material that might be covered accoring to the semestes and the school year. The aim of the study is that the contents of the study is to be used in teaching arithmetic in primary school systematically and step by step, the content of the study is to be caried out from first grade to sixth grade.


        뇌동맥류 수술시 Fenestrated Clip의 사용에 대하여 : Report of Four Cases

        이익모,박순필,김상진,도종웅 대한신경외과학회 1988 Journal of Korean neurosurgical society Vol.17 No.5

        Some aneurysms with peculiar shapes, large sized or in unusual location cannot be obliterated by ordinary methods. We present four cases using two kinds of fenestrated clips. There were 4 aneurysms in the 4 patients : 3 saccular and 1 fusiform aneurysm. Two aneurysms were located in anterior communicating artery, one left carotico-opthalmic artery, and one distal middle cerebral artery. All of the aneurysms were successfully obliterated. Our results suggest that the various shape of fenestrated clips may be benefit for clipping difficult aneurysms, which would not be clipped with ordinary one.

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