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        이종기 동시의 시적 사유와 현실 대응

        김종헌(Kim, Jong Heon) 한국아동문학학회 2007 한국아동문학연구 Vol.- No.13

        이종기는 1949년 ≪어린이나라≫ 11월호에 동시 ?가을?을 발표한 이후 1950 년대 ≪소년세계≫와 1960년대 ≪새벗≫을 중심으로 활발하게 활동한 시인이 다. 그는 신인으로 등장하면서부터 동요의 형태를 벗어난 자유율의 동시를 발표 한다. 또한 그는 과학과 역사를 현실인식의 도구로 삼으면서 서정적 이미지로 동시를 형상화하고 있다. 이처럼 그는 줄곧 현실의 문제를 다루면서도 서정성 짙은 작품을 발표하였다. 이러한 점에서 그는 주목할 만한 아동문학가이다. 그러 나 이종기 동시에 대한 연구는 대체로 자유율의 동시와 ?하늘과 땅의 사랑?을 중심으로 실험적인 서사동시에 모아져 있다. 그의 시작(詩作)활동의 비중으로 볼 때 이와 같은 연구는 당연하다. 그러나 그의 동시는 세계와 자아의 갈등을 회복하고자하는 비동일적(disidentification)인 서정성이 짙게 배어 있다. 뿐만 아니 라 일제 강점기에 거치면서 왜곡된 역사를 배운 그는 이를 바로잡고자 하는 역사 의식도 그의 동시에는 내재되어 있다. 따라서 그의 동시에 깊게 밴 서정적 현실 대응을 간과한 채 자유율과 실험적 서사동시만을 담론의 한 가운데 놓는 것은 재고되어야 할 것이다. 이종기는 초기 서정시에서 후기 서사시에 이르기까지 그 시적사유가 매우 폭넓게 형성되었다. 그렇지만 그의 동시를 단계적으로 구분하여 볼 수는 없다. 그 이유는 그의 동시에서 소재와 형식의 변화만 있을 뿐 시적 대응태도는 일관되고 있기 때문이다. 즉 초기 서정시에서도 자아와 세계의 행복한 일치가 아니라 자아는 세계에 합일되지 못하고 있다. 이러한 시적대응이 후기의 장동시와 서사동시의 형식적 변화를 통해서 역사와 민족의식으로 옮겨가고 있을 뿐이다. 따라서 이 글은 이종기 동시의 서정적 주체가 어떻게 현실에 대응하는지를 살피고자 한다. Lee Jong-gee announced a juvenile poetry, Autumn(?가을?) in a magazine Childrens World and he was an active poet in magazines Childrens World(≪소년세계≫) in 1950s and A New Friend(≪새벗≫) in 1960s. As a budding poet, he published a juvenile poetry of free rhymes and his poem was beyond a form of nursery songs. And he gave a concrete shape to his juvenile poetry with the lyrical images while he thought of science and history as a means of recognition of realities. Likewise, he published some poems regarding the problems of human realities and strong lyrical characteristics. However, His discourses about juvenile poetry focused on the experimental epic juvenile poetry and they were concerned about a juvenile poetry of free rhymes and The affection of the sky and the earth(?하늘과 땅의 사랑?). Though he experienced the hard days of war and economic development, we could not find the any ideology and the conscious efforts for the children enlightenment in his poetry. In his poems, we could find disidentification for the recovering the conflict between the world and the self. Thus, we have to reconsider the emphasis on the experimental epic juvenile poetry and free rhymes in the controversy of discourse. From the early lyric poems to the late epic poems, Lee Jong-gee formed the way of poetic thinking very extensively but we cannot divide his juvenile poetry by stage. Because his reactions on his poetry was consistent in spite of a slight change in the subject and formation, the self was not united in the early lyrics -not in the harmony of a self and his world. These poetic reactions were shifted to the history and national consciousness by means of formational changes in his late long-length juvenile poetry and epic juvenile poetry. So wed like to inspect closely how the subject of his lyrics reacts to realities in Lee Jong-gees poetry.

      • KCI등재

        제주 오름에 대한 미학적 시선의 출현과 오름 ‘경관’의 형성

        진종헌(Jong Heon Jin) 한국문화역사지리학회 2016 문화 역사 지리 Vol.28 No.4

        오름은 최근 제주의 대표적 상징경관 중 하나가 되었다. 제주인들에게 오름은 오랜 전통생태적 상호관계로 연결된 삶과 죽음의 터전이자, 일상과 노동의 무대였다. 1990년대 이후 오름에 대한 미학적 시선의 출현은 오름경관에 대한 새로운 인식에서 가장 특징적인 변화였다. 본 연구는 이같은 ‘새로운’ 시선의 출현이 사회적으로 의미하는 바가 무엇인지를 탐구함으로써 제주의 문화 및 정체성의 구성과 사회변화의 매개체로서 오름(경관)의 역할을 강조한다. 이를 위해 故김종철의 『오름나그네』의 의미를 비판적으로 재해석하였다. 오름에 대해 새롭게 나타난 미학적 관점이 『오름나그네』에서 어떻게 드러나고 있는지를 알기 위해, 텍스트에 내재한 담론을 분석하고, 텍스트로서의 『오름나그네』가 생산된 맥락(context)을 분석하였다. 결론적으로, 김종철의 『오름나그네』에서 나타난 오름에 대한 미학적 관점은 ‘낭만주의적 반작용’으로서 경관에 대한 근대적 관점의 중요한 구성부분이라고 할 수 있다. Oreum has recently become one the main symbolic landscapes representing Jeju culture and identity. Oreum had historically been a significant site of life, work and death for Jeju people. Since the early 1990s, the appearance of aesthetic way of seeing Oreum was considered as one of the most critical changes among new viewpoints and ideas of Oreum landscape. The research examines the social implication of such a ‘new’ way of seeing Oreum by reinterpreting ≪OreumNagne≫ written by Kim Jong-Cheol, emphasizing the role of landscape as the medium through which Jeju culture and identity are being constructed and modified. To understand how the new aesthetic viewpoint is shown and signified in the text, three main discourses of the book are analyzed. It can eventually be said that the aesthetic viewpoint is one of the main components of modern way of seeing landscape as the ‘romantic reaction’ against modern development of nature.

      • KCI등재

        이종기의 1950년대 초기동시 연구

        김종헌(Kim Jong-heon) 우리말글학회 2010 우리말 글 Vol.49 No.-

        Lee Jong-gee announced a juvenile poetry, 'Autumn(「가을」)' in a magazine 'Children's World' and he was an active poet in magazines 'Children's World(『소년세계』)' in 1950s and 'A New Friend(『새벗』)' in 1960s. As a budding poet, he published a juvenile poetry of free rhymes and his poem was beyond a form of nursery songs. And he gave a concrete shape to his juvenile poetry with the lyrical images while he thought of science and history as a means of recognition of realities. Likewise, he published some poems regarding the problems of human realities and strong lyrical characteristics. However, His discourses about juvenile poetry focused on the experimental epic juvenile poetry and they were concerned about a juvenile poetry of free rhymes and ‘The affection of the sky and the earth’(『하늘과 땅의 사랑』). Though he experienced the hard days of war and economic development, we could not find the any ideology and the conscious efforts for the children enlightenment in his poetry. In his poems, we could find disidentification for the recovering the conflict between the world and the self. Thus, we have to reconsider the emphasis on the experimental epic juvenile poetry and free rhymes in the controversy of discourse. From the early lyric poems to the late epic poems, Lee Jong-gee formed the way of poetic thinking very extensively but we cannot divide his juvenile poetry by stage. Because his reactions on his poetry was consistent in spite of a slight change in the subject and formation, the self was not united in the early lyrics -not in the harmony of a self and his world. These poetic reactions were shifted to the history and national consciousness by means of formational changes in his late long-length juvenile poetry and epic juvenile poetry. So we'd like to inspect closely how the subject of his lyrics reacts to realities in Lee Jong-gee's poetry.

      • ActiveX와 Shockwave 技術을 利用한 電子商去來 System 構築에 關한 硏究

        朴鐘憲, 白点錫 영남대학교 사회과학연구소 2000 社會科學硏究 Vol.20 No.1

        인터넷이라는 시공을 초월하는 가상공간을 통해 전자쇼핑몰을 중심으로 활성화 된 전자상거래는 그 범위가 다양한 금융분야로 급속히 확산되고 있다. 이러한 배경하에 본 연구는 ActiveX와 Shockwave를 이용한 전자 상거래시스템의 프로토타입을 구축하여 그 유용성을 고찰하였다. 연구결과를 요약해보면 ActiveX와 Shockwave라는 신기술을 이용하여 전자쇼핑몰을 구축함에 있어 몇몇 문제점이 나타났지만, 이 기술을 이용하면 훨씬 동적이며 차별화 된 전자쇼핑몰이 구축이 가능하며, 짧은 쇼핑몰구축 기간, 서버의 불필요한 부하의 감소 등의 장점으로 인하여 그 만큼 서버에 투자되어야 할 비용과 개발비용을 줄일 수 있어 기업의 경제적인 측면에도 기여할 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        순천시 음식서비스에 대한 관광객 선호도의 컨조인트 평가

        강종헌 한국조리과학회 2003 한국식품조리과학회지 Vol.19 No.3

        The purpose of this study was to identify combinations of factors, with regard to the use of restaurants by tourists, and to establish the relative importance of these factors in terms of their contribution to the total usage. Of 250 questionnaires, 209 were utilized for analysis in this study. Crosstabs, conjoint analysis, paired-samples t-test, k-means fluster analysis, one-way ANOVA analysis, and the Friedman test were used for the statistical analysis. The findings from this study were as follows: First, the Pearson's R and Kendall's tau statisties show that the model fits the data well. Second, it was found that 209 tourists most preferred restaurants that provided excellent quality traditional food, with a high quality of service, at a cheap price for the suburb. The 81 tourists of the first cluster most preferred restaurant that provided excellent quality fusion food, at a cheap price for the suburb. The 65 tourists of tile second cluster most preferred restaurant that provided average quality national food. at an expensive Price for the suburb. The 63 tourists of the third cluster most preferred restaurant that provided excellent quality traditional food, at a reasonable price for the suburb. Third, it was found that all tourists and the three clusters groups regarded both the type of food and its price to be very important factors. Finally, the results used in this study have provided some insight into the types of marketing strategies and tourism policies that may be successfully used by the operators and policymakers managing a location, the quality. price and type of food, and quality of service required by tourists dining at restaurants.

      • KCI등재

        패스트푸드점에서 대학생들의 행동의도에 미치는 음식서비스 불평처리의 영향 평가

        강종헌,정항진 한국조리과학회 2003 한국식품조리과학회지 Vol.19 No.6

        The aim of this study was to test the behavioral intent-based model of the foodservice related complaint handling. Accordingly, this study examined the effects of complaint handling on the university students' behavior based on the word-of-mouth intent and repurchase intent. The findings from this study were as follows. KMO and Bartlett's test statistics showed the data fit factor analysis. The factor loadings, eigenvalues, % of variance, and communalities showed that the convergent validity was supported, the average variance extracted estimates and shared variance showed that the discriminant validity is supported, and composite alpha showed that the internal consistency was supported. It was found that some of main effects on the word-of-mouth intent and the repurchase intent were significant. It was found that some of interactional effects of the complaint type, the degree of correction effort, and the satisfaction with the complaint handling were significant. Overall, the results provide some insights into the types of foodservice related complaint handling strategies or the tactics that can be effectively employed by operators who manage complaint handling for customers dining at fast food restaurants.

      • KCI등재

        전남 동부권 패밀리레스토랑에 대한 대학생들의 선호도 평가

        강종헌 한국조리과학회 2003 한국식품조리과학회지 Vol.19 No.5

        The purpose of this study was to identify the combinations of factors combinations conferring the highest utility of family restaurants to university students, and establish the relative importance of these factors in terms of their contribution to total utility. 196 of 200 questionnaires were utilized for the analysis. (Eds note: to whom were the questionnaires administered) Frequencies, crosstabs, and the conjoint, max. utility, BTL and Logit models, K-means cluster and one-way ANOVA analysesis, and the Friedman test were the statistical methods used for this study. The findings from this study were as follows: 1) the Pearson's R and Kendall's tau statistics (Eds note: these were not mentioned earlier) show that the model(Eds note: which model is this) fits the data well. 2) it was found that of all the respondents, especially the first and third clusters, regarded both the type of food and the price as very important factors. 3) it was found that all the respondents, especially the third cluster, most preferred a family restaurant (design and simulation) that provided less than 6 fusion and traditional foods. The first cluster most preferred family restaurant (design) that provided over 10 traditional and less than 6 ethnic foods. The second cluster most preferred a family restaurant (design and simulation) that provided over 10 traditional foods. 4) the results of the study have provided some insights into the effective types of family restaurant designs that can be successfully developed by those who manage menu variety, quality and type of food, price, and quality of service to university students dining at family restaurants.

      • 지역경제 활성화를 위한 인터넷의 활용방안

        박종헌 영남대학교 지역발전연구소 2000 영남지역발전연구 Vol.26 No.-

        Our regional economic situation is worse and worse after the event of IMF. Many regional enterprises were under bankruptcy despite of years hard exertion. We undergo the crisis of regional economy collapse. In this situation the internet gives new chances of business to the relatively handicapped regional corporations. This study examines various internet utilizations as a means of regional economy reival.

      • KCI등재

        Al합금의 고속 원통가공에서 발생하는 치수오차와 진원도의 영향 고찰

        윤종학,서성원,이헌철 한국공작기계학회 2001 한국생산제조학회지 Vol.10 No.5

        Recently, the requirements for high precision and efficiency machining are gradually increased to raise international competitiveness at the industrial fields of die and molds. This trend had made effects on the industrial fields in Korea and which needs for studying of high precision and efficiency machining. This study is to investigate the effects of the run-out of end mill in the external cylindrical machining operated by solid carbide end mills with Al-alloy in high speed machining center relating to high spindle revolution and fast feed per minute on the dimensional precision, roundness of workpiece. From the results of experimentation followings are obtained; when Al-alloy is processed by the external cylindrical cutting of end milling through the high speed revolution, if the spindle revolution is higher relating to radial depth of cut, feed per tooth in very lower situation, finally, productivity can be raised because high precision and quality products are machined high efficiently.

      • 수중 가청음에 대한 멸치 어군의 행동 반응

        이창헌,문종욱,박용석,최찬문,서두옥 제주대학교 해양연구소 1998 해양자원연구소연구보고 Vol.22 No.-

        A field experiment was carried out to confirm the effect of underwater sound on the luring of fish school using a surface speaker at the coast of Cheju Island. Underwater sounds that were emitted for the luring of fish school were the pure sound of which frequencies were 200Hz and 300Hz. 1. The sound pressure level of 100Hz. 200Hz. 300Hz. 500Hz and 1000Hz classified by the depth of water at sea were 95dB. 100dB. l00dB 80dB and 60dB at 1m. 90dB. 95dB. 88dB. 70dB and 45dB at 10m. 87dB, 90dB. 82dB. 65dB and 42dB at 20m respectively. 2. The effect of the emitted pure sound of 200Hz and 300Hz was remarkable for luring of fish school in about 30 minutes after sound emission. Then Sound pressure was 120 - 130dB. The lured fish school was the shoal of anchovy 3. The fact that anchovy school geathered at 200Hz and 300Hz suggested that this fish school did not show sensitive response to the change of frequencies.

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