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        자크 랑시에르의 "문학의 정치"의 재맥락화: 진은영의 문제제기를 중심으로

        정의진 ( Eui Jin Jung ) 국제비교한국학회 2015 비교한국학 Comparative Korean Studies Vol.23 No.2

        진은영이 『창작과비평』 2008년 겨울호에 발표한 「감각적인 것의 분배: 2000년대의 시에 대하여」가 한국문단에 불러 일으킨 파장은 컸으며, 이로부터 다양한 논의들이 촉발되었다. 이 글에서 진은영은 프랑스의 정치 학자이자 미학자인 자크 랑시에르의 『감각적인 것의 재분배: 미학과 정치』를 주로 참조하였다. 참조의 핵심은 문학과 정치의 관계를 새롭게 사고하는 것이었다. 이후로도 진은영은 시인의 현실참여와 시의 예술성 사이의 이분 법적인 대립관계를 생산적인 상호작용 관계로 전화시킬 수 있는 새로운 사고들을 랑시에르에게서 길어왔다. 문학예술적인 창조성이 사회적인 관습에 입각한 감각과 사고, 나아가 사회의 정치적인 지형도를 새롭게 재편해 나가는 기획과 실천을 위하여, 진은영은 ‘예술의 미학적인 체제’의 지속적인 재구성이라는 랑시에르의 입론을 한국적인 상황에서 재맥락화하는 다양한 실천을 수행하였다. 문인들이 용산참사, 두리반 등의 상황에 적극적으로 개입하면서도, 사건의 현장에서 소위 사회성과 예술성의 이분법을 넘나드는 다양한 경향의 시와 텍스트들을 공유하는 작업이 그 한 예이다. 시와 문학이 유동적이고 복합적인 사회현실에 지속적인 개방성을 유지하고, 이를 통해 시인 스스로의 감수성에 새로운 예술적, 정치적 계기를 부여하는 것, 나아가 문학과 정치의 관계를 새로운 지평속에서 재설정하고자 하는 것이 진은영의 입장이고 실천이었다. 사회경제적 맥락속에서 진은영의 작업을 되짚어 볼 때, 진은영의 작업은 2008년 촛불시위, 미국의 서브프라임 모기지론의 붕괴와 리먼브러더스 파산을 통해 확산된 전세계적 금융위기, 2009년 초입의 용산사태 등 일련의 국내외적 상황이 한국사회와 현재의 자본주의 경제체제를 근본적으로 새롭게 사고해야 할 필요성과 맞물려 있었다. 이러한 상황은 한국문학사의 현대적 전개과정속에서 강력하게 부상하였다가 1990년대에 접어들어 급속하게 퇴조한 경향, 즉 변혁지향적 문학의 기억을 새롭게 환기하게 되는 계기이기도 하였다. 그러나 이 기억은 문학을 변혁운동의 도구로 간주하는 사고와 실천의 폐해와도 맞물려 있다. 추상적인 사회과학적 관점에서 규정된 구조적인 사회경제적 모순에 대응하고자 한 문학적 실천은, 보다 다양하고 복합적이며 이질적인 상황의 공존과 상호침투라는 실제 사회의 현실을 단순화하기 일쑤였다. 사회경제적 토대 내지 구조적인 모순에 집착하기 보다는, 이의 극복을 위해서라도 문학예술의 창조적이고 주체적인 대응을 강조하는 자크 랑시에르의 입론을 진은영이 적극 수용하였던 이유를 이러한 맥락에서 이해할 수 있을 것이다. 결국 랑시에르에게서도 진은영에게서도, 프랑스와 한국이라는 서로 다른 사회역사적 맥락에도 불구하고 핵심은 가능성에 대한 탐구와 실천이다. 미리 결정된 진리는 없다라는 랑시에르의근본 관점에 진은영은 충실하다. 따라서 진은영의 랑시에르에 대한 이해를 이론적 정확성의 관점에서 비판적으로 검토하는 작업은, 필요하고 유의미하기는 하지만 한계를 가진다. 문제의 핵심은 가능성의 탐구이고 실천이기 때문이다. Eunyoung Jin`s “The Re-distribution of the Sensible: On Poetry of the 2000s,” which was published in the journal “Creation and Criticism (Winter, 2008)” caused a great stir in Korean literature and triggered various follow-up discussions. In this piece, Eunyoung Jin made references mostly from “Politics of Aesthetics: The Distribution of the Sensible” by Jacques Ranciere, a French scholar of politics and aesthetics. Her referential focus was to newly consider the relationship between literature and politics. Even afterwards, Eunyoung Jin had drawn from Ranciere new thoughts that could turn a dichotomously contrasting relationship between a poet’s participation in reality and poetry’s artistic value into a (more) productive interactional relationship. In order to plan and practice a reformation of senses and thoughts whose literary and artistic creativity are based on social customs and on a larger scale, a new reformation of the society’s political geography, Eunyong Jin underwent various activities to re-contextualize Ranciere’s argument on constant reformation of “The Aesthetic Regime of Art” for situations in Korea. Writers who actively engaged in situations such as the Yongsan disaster and the Duriban struggle, while choosing to share various poetic tendencies and texts that hover between a so-called dichotomy of art and society are one good example. Ensuring that poetry and literature will maintain a continuous openness toward fluid and complex realities of the society, thereby giving the sensibility of a poet himor herself new artistic and political motives and reset the relationship between literature and politics above a new horizon was the position held by and practiced by Eunyoung Jin. Looking back at Eunyoung Jin’s work from a socio-economic context, her work is interlocked with the need to fundamentally change the way of thinking in respect of Korean society and the current economic system based on capitalism and a series of domestic and foreign situations such as the 2008 Candlelight Protest (in South Korea), the Financial crisis of 2008 that originated in the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis and the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers and later spread worldwide and the Yongsan disaster in the beginning of 2009. These situations provided an opportunity to newly refresh in mind the Korean literature’s history of rapid advancement along with the modernization process of and also of rapid decline in the 1990s, i.e., the memory of literature`s revolutionary tendency. However, this memory is also connected with the evils of thought and practice that treat literature as a tool for revolutionary movement(s). Literary practice to confront the socio-economic contradiction that was structural and fixed from an abstract social-scientific perspective often simplified the reality of society where more diverse, complex and foreign situations coexisted and interpenetrated one another. In this regard, the reason Eunyoung Jin actively accepted Jacques Ranciere’s argument that emphasized the independent and creative confrontation of literary works, at least to overcome the abovementioned issue, rather than obsessing over the socio-economic foundation and the structural contradiction can be understood. In the end, regardless of the different socio-economic contexts between France and Korea, (it is clear that) the main idea for both Jacques Ranciere and Eunyoung Jin is the study and practice of possibilities. Eunyoung Jin is faithful to Ranciere’s fundamental principle that there is no pre-determined truth. Therefore, although the task of critically reviewing Eunyoung Jin`s understanding of Ranciere from a perspective of theoretical accuracy is necessary and has meaning, but is not without limitations as the focus of the problem is the study and practice of possibilities.

      • KCI등재

        (${\ll}$)상한론(傷寒論)${\gg}$ 양명병(陽明病) 제강(提綱)의 침구학적(鍼灸學的) 분경(分經) 및 정증(定證)의 운용방법(運用方法)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)

        김효정,정미경,이승우,백성욱,정기진,정웅채,황민섭,윤종화,Kim, Hyo-Jeong,Jeong, Mi-Kyeong,Lee, Sung-Woo,Baeg, Sung-Woog,Jeong, Gi-Jin,Jeong, Woong-Chae,Hwang, Min-Seob,Yoon, Jong-Hwa 대한침구의학회 2007 대한침구의학회지 Vol.24 No.2

        Objectives: The following study was undertaken in order to seek the acupuncture operation method of ${\ll}$Sang Han Lun(傷寒論)${\gg}$ Liu-jing-Bian-Zheng(六經辨證) Methods : Based on the documents quoted in ${\ll}$Sang Han Lun ${\cdot}$ Xu Wen(傷寒雜病論 ${\cdot}$ 序文)${\gg}$ of "Zhang, Zhong-jing(張仲景)", the relativity of the theory of jing-Mai(經脈) and Liu-Jing-Bian-Zheng of convalescence, and from the Liu-jing-Bing(六經病), the origin and implication that caused Yang-Ming-Bing(陽明病) to form was studied on the basis of acupuncture medicine publications and the commentary writing of ${\ll}$Sang Han Lun${\gg}$. Results: 1. ${\ll}$Sang Han Lun${\gg}$ Liu-jing-Bian-Zheng has succeeded and was developed based on Liu-jing-Fen-Zheng(六經分證) of ${\ll}$Su Wen ${\cdot}$ Re Lun(素問 ${\cdot}$ 熱論)${\gg}$. In addition, the summary of Liu-jing-Bing became the general principle of Fen-jing(分經) and Ding-Zheng(定證) that may be applicable to Fenghan(風寒), Wenre(溫熱), Lili and Zabing(雜病). 2. Most commentators of ${\ll}$Sang Han Lun${\gg}$ in the Song, Ming and Ching Dynasties of ${\ll}$Sang Han Lun${\gg}$ interpreted the Yang-Min-Bing in physiological and pathological aspects of Rong-Wei(榮衛) as the disease of the Stomach meridian and Large Intestine meridian. 3. From the Liu-Jing-Bing of ${\ll}$Sang Han Lun${\gg}$, the region of acupuncture treatment of Yang-Min-Bing is treated with the needle from the point of view of Bing-Zheng-Lun-Zhi(辨證論治) with the basis of the important region of acupuncture of the Stomach of meridian ${\cdot}$ Large Intestine of meridian.

      • KCI등재

        1630년대 심양 사행일기의 면모 -<심양사행일기>와 <심양왕환일기>를 중심으로

        신해진 ( Hae Jin Shin ) 택민국학연구원 2015 국학연구론총 Vol.0 No.16

        선약해(宣若海)의 <심양사행일기(瀋陽使行日記)>와 위정철(魏廷喆)의 <심양왕환일기(瀋陽往還日記)>의 연구를 통해 1630년대 심양 사행일기의 구체적 면모와 전반적특징을 살피고자 하였다. <심양사행일기>는 1630년 선약해가 위문사(慰問使)로서, <심양왕환일기>는 1631년 위정철이 회답사(回答使)로서 심양에 다녀온 일기이다. 둘다 사신으로서 공식 임무를 수행한 일지이자, 중원의 정세 정탐보고서이기도 하다. 먼저, 사신으로서 공식 임무 수행 과정에서는 공격적인 불손한 후금인들을 상대하며 목숨을 내놓고 임무를 수행하는 사신의 모습을 만날 수 있었다. 선약해는 ‘가도(가島)의 명군에게 쌀 제공 여부’를 놓고 집중적으로 추궁을 당하면서 또한 ‘변발한 사람을 쇄환하는 일, 후금의 잠상(潛商)들을 정벌한 일, 군사를 빌려주는 일’ 등에 대해 갈등과 마찰을 빚는 가운데 조선의 국서 전달 및 후금의 분노를 달래는 임무를 수행하였다. 반면, 위정철은 ‘가도의 변란 뒤에 일어날 상황’에 대한 관심을 갖고 있으면서 ‘예물의 감소에 대해 불만’을 품고 있으며 ‘변발한 사람의 쇄환’을 요구하는 후금에게 당당하게 대응하기도 하고 옹색한 사정을 들어 달래기도 하고 어쩔 수 없이 요구를 들어주기도하면서 조선의 국서 및 예물을 전달하는 임무를 수행하였다. 게다가 위정철은 후금으로부터 대금을 받고 약재(藥材)을 거래하기도 하고, 후금에 귀순한 조선인의 쇄환을 요구하기도 하였다. 하지만 둘 다 후금의 회답국서를 받지 못한 채 귀국해야 했다. 다음으로, 다양한 방법으로 명나라와 후금의 정세 등을 정탐한 첩보의 구체적 양상을 알 수 있었다. 뇌물을 주고 호인을 매수하기도 하고, 길에서 만난 농부에게 은근슬쩍 돌려 묻기도 하고, 호인들끼리 하는 말을 엿듣기도 하여 얻은 정보를 빠짐없이 기록하고 있다. 뿐만 아니라, 포로로 잡혀간 조선인들, 조선에서 죄를 짓고 후금에 투항한 자들의 근황에도 촉각을 세우고 있다. 향후 조선의 정치적 외교적 행보를 결정하는데 중요한 단초를 마련하고자 명과 후금의 정세를 상세하게 기록하고자 한 것이다. 그리고 <심양사행일기>와 <심양왕환일기>는 모두 후금의 차사들과의 대화를 그대로 옮겨놓음으로써 사신들의 고충과 노력에 대한 형상화를 극대화할 수 있었고, 포로조선인 및 후금인들과의 대화나 제보를 그대로 옮겨놓음으로써 첩보의 신빙성을 높일수 있었으니, 이는 사실성을 확보에도 기여하는 것이어서 실기로서 그 가치가 인정된다 하겠다. This paper studies Seon Yak-hae(宣若海)``s <Simyang sahaeng ilgi> (Consolation Messenger``s Diary about Shenyang Travel), and Wi Jeong-cheol (魏廷喆)``s <Simyang wanghwan ilgi> (Reconciliation Messenger``s Diary of Shenyang Travel) to examine Simyang sahaeng ilgi in the 1630s. <Simyang sahaeng ilgi> was written in 1630 by Seon Yak-hae after he visited Simyang as a consolation messenger, and <Simyang wanghwan ilgi> was written in 1631 by Wi Jeong-cheol after he visited Simyang as a reconciliation messenger. Both are diaries on official missions and intelligence reports on China at the same time. Seon Yak-hae was intensively questioned about whether Joseon(朝鮮) provided rice to Ming(明) troops in Gado(가島), and faced conflicts and confrontations over the repatriation of pigtailed people, subjugation of Later Jin (後金) smugglers(潛商), and the lending of troops, and yet carried out his missions of delivering Joseon``s credentials and appeasing Later Jin``s wrath. On the other hand, Wi Jeong-cheol boldly responded to Later Jin which was deeply concerned about possible civil war in Gado, which was dissatisfied over the reduced tributes, and which requested the repatriation of pigtailed people. He listened to their mean excuses and appeased them, reluctantly accepted their demands, and yet carried out his missions of delivering Joseon``s credentials and tributes. They as emissaries carried out their official missions, even risking their lives, as they handled the aggressive, impolite Later Jin officials. Seon Yak-hae and Wi Jeong-cheol tried to get the intelligence about the political situations of Later Jin and Ming in diverse ways. To do that, they bribed people, asked farmers on the roads, eavesdropped on the Chinese. In this way, they gathered and recorded all these intelligence. They also were keen about the captured Joseon people and Joseon people who defected to Later Jin after they committed felonies in Joseon. To determine Joseon``s future political and diplomatic strategy, the two emissaries recorded the political situations of Ming and Later Jin in detail. <Simyang sahaeng ilgi> and <Simyang wanghwan ilgi> recorded the emissaries`` talks with Later Jin``s officials to fully show their difficulty and efforts. They also recorded the talks with and intelligence about the captured Joseon people and Later Jin people so as to boost the reliability of the intelligence, but also contributed to securing the factual truth, offering tremendous values as actual records(實記).

      • KCI등재

        진도 북춤과 밀양 오북춤의 비교연구

        박진희 韓國舞踊敎育學會 1998 韓國舞踊敎育學會誌 Vol.9 No.2

        This study analyses the comparison of the southern west Jin-Do drum dance and the southern east Mil-yang give drum dance which has its own locational distinction and developmental procedure. The origin of Jin-do drum dance comes from the last act of the theatrical dance Jin-Do Dasire during the three nations period. It had formed as a recreational role but had been influxed into field hymn to enhance the field labor by following the drumbeats. Mil-Yang five drum dance had formed during the three provincial period as a ritual ceremony for the supplication of the harvest. Also it had formed as a recovery of the healthy life by dissolving the repression from the ruler by beating the drum. Both of these drum dances have similarities but have different origin motivations. In the form of Jin-Do drum dance, there are variety of patterns, subtle rhythms and high technical skilled movements, in which artistic value is hidden. On the other hand, in the Mil-yang five drum dance there are simple movement patterns with one count of beating, but the movements possess natural simplicity and dynamics. Performing Jin-Do dance, a drum is carried in the same way like so called Jang-Go. Instead of two drum sticks are used in Jin-do dance, in Mil-Yang dance there is only one stick is being used. These instrumental differences indicate that the Jin-Do dance reflects the social environment. In Jin-do Drum dance, there is no limitation not only of the number of members and the number of drums but also no differentiation of the gender as well. Contrary in Mil-Yang five Drum dance only men can attend, and there is storing limitation of the playing participants. However, besides the differences, two dances share some similarities. praying the nature's harvest and reflects the simplicity of peasant's movements. Beating drum, farmers threw away their labor repression nad sublimating to the tool of play.


        Comparison of the spatial-temporal distributions of the heterotrophic dinoflagellates Gyrodinium dominans, G. jinhaense, and G. moestrupii in Korean coastal waters

        Lee, Sung Yeon,Jeong, Hae Jin,Kang, Hee Chang,Ok, Jin Hee,You, Ji Hyun,Park, Sang Ah,Eom, Se Hee The Korean Society of Phycology 2021 ALGAE Vol.36 No.1

        Heterotrophic dinoflagellates Gyrodinium spp. are one of the major grazers of phytoplankton in many coastal waters. Gyrodinium dominans, G. jinhaense, and G. moestrupii have similar morphologies but different edible prey species. To explore the variations in the ecological niches of these three species, we investigated their spatial-temporal distributions in Korean waters. Because of the high similarity in morphology among these three Gyrodinium species, we used real-time polymerase chain reactions to quantify their abundance in water samples that were seasonally collected from 28 stations along the Korean Peninsula from April 2015 to October 2018. Cells of G. dominans were found at all sampling stations, G. jinhaense at 26 stations, and G. moestrupii at 22 stations, indicating that all three species were widely distributed in Korea. Furthermore, all three species displayed strong seasonal distributions. The largest numbers of the stations where G. dominans and G. jinhaense cells were present were found during the summer (26 and 23 stations, respectively), but that for G. moestrupii was found in the autumn (15 stations). The abundance of G. dominans was positively correlated with that of G. jinhaense, but not with that of G. moestrupii. The highest abundances of G. dominans (202.5 cells mL-1) and G. jinhaense (20.2 cells mL-1) were much greater than that of G. moestrupii (1.2 cells mL-1). The highest abundances of G. dominans and G. jinhaense were found in July, whereas that of G. moestrupii was found in March. The abundances of G. dominans and G. jinhaense, but not G. moestrupii, were positively correlated with water temperature. Therefore, the spatial-temporal distributions of G. dominans and G. jinhaense were closer than those of G. moestrupii and G. dominans or G. jinhaense. This differs from results based on the relative differences in ribosomal DNA sequences and the types of edible prey reported in the literature. Thus, the variations in spatial-temporal distributions and prey species of these three Gyrodinium species suggest that they may have different ecological niches in Korean coastal waters.

      • KCI등재

        『시진핑용전(習近平用典)』을 통해 본 중국 고전문학의 현대적 변용

        정진선(Jung, Jin-Sun) 중국문화연구학회 2018 중국문화연구 Vol.0 No.41

        The purpose of this study is to investigate how Chinese classical literature is transfigurated in the field of cultural politics with focusing on the publishing process and its background of Allusions of Xi Jinping. Until the beginning of the 21st century, the Chinese government began to explore ways to solve various social problems such as the widening gap between rich and poor and widespread corruption among officials, taking the human tradition as ‘now, here’ and encourages individual ethics. It is fully expanded the cultural politics through the classical literature by the Chinese government. I would like to consider a surface that has been used as a mechanism to classic literature to educate the moral consciousness of the people through the Allusions of Xi Jinping. First, I carefully examined the system and its contents of Allusions of Xi Jinping and analyzed the intertextuality between classical literature and political discourse. I have grasped the meaning of constructing a new combination of the method of citing the Xi Jinping classics centering on the heading sentence and speech and the scriptures. The reason why Chinese leaders, as represented by Xi Jinping, enjoys using classical literature in political discourse is that the quotation of the necessary poetry in the text that is “officialized” This is because it is possible to acquire “authority” by presenting that there is a “basis for”. Secondly, we analyzed the way in which the Chinese government uses the classics to inject governance ideology and ethics norms by using them as a mechanism of national personality education and moral education. In order to establish the legitimacy of governance, Xi Jinping introduced a moral model to the bureaucratic group and the public by explaining the humanistic spiritual virtue embodied in the classics at the official seats. Xi Jinping has given a new role to the era by choosing exemplary management from a historical point of view, and It can be understood that there is a willingness to persuade the opposing forces against government policies. Through this study, it will be possible to contribute to the understanding of China by understanding various aspects of cultural politics using the classics of Chinese government.

      • Jini 기반의 이동 에이전트 시스템

        구형서(Hyeong-Seo Koo),윤형석(Hyeong-Seok Yoon),김진홍(Jin-Hong Kim),유양우(Yang-Woo Yu),문남두(Nam-Doo Moon),이명준(Myung-Joon Lee) 한국정보과학회 2001 한국정보과학회 학술발표논문집 Vol.28 No.2Ⅲ

        Jini는 분산 컴퓨팅 환경에서 네트워크 플러그 앤 워크(Network Plug and Work)를 가능하게 해주는 기술로서, 실세계의 네트워크에 연결된 주변기기나 응용프로그램을 Jini 서비스로 등록하여 동적으로 작업환경을 구성할 수 있는 새로운 분산 패러다임으로 자리잡고 있다. 본 논문에서는 Jini 기반의 이동 에이전트 시스템을 설계하고 구현하였다. SMART, Grasshopper, Aglets같은 CORBA 기반의 이동 에이전트 시스템은 표준화, 동적 서비스 등록 및 에이전트의 영속성을 지원하기에 미흡하였으나, 개발된 시스템은 Jini 서비스를 이용하여 이러한 문제들을 체계적으로 해결하고자 하였다. 본 시스템은 Jini 서비스로 동작하는 이동 에이전트 시스템, 에이전트와 에이전트 시스템의 위치정보를 관리하는 위치정보제공자, 그리고 이동 불가능한 에이전트를 임시 저장하는 이동경로관리자로 구성된다.

      • KCI등재

        『흑치상지』론 : 민족을 상상하는 방식에 관하여

        양진오 한국어문학회 2005 語文學 Vol.0 No.87

        Hyun Jin Gun's literary practice excels in the colony modern writers who think the narrative writing of a nation. Hukchisangzy which includes the value of the theme about the opposition to Japan's imperialism asks the attention of researchers, although it is an incomplete literary work. This essay explains about Hukchisangzy's literary character and meaning, expecially, it concentrates upon the imaginable way of a nation. Originally, the nation is a product of the modernity, but Hyun Jin Gun thinks that the nation is an organic community. He judged the purity of an organic community is defamed by the plunder of Japan's imperialism, and he tried to restore the defamation through the work. The nation, the organic community, includes the energy of the creation and collapse, and the opportunity of the destruction and restoration at the same time. Hyun Jin Gun thinks that the present nation is destructive and the nation in the future can be creative and revivable, if the nation in the past was creative and revivable. In short, he believes that the nation is the systematic organism. However, Hyun Jin Gun limits the category of the organic community is the formation of the paternalism community. In detail, it illustrates that Hukchisangzy is the nation hero who leads the paternalistic community, and madame, Chang-Hwa, is exacted by the system of community. To sum up, Hyun Jin Gun, who thinks the nation through the way of the sexual distinction, separates that roles of the men and women are the subjective role and the conciliatory role. In this point, Hyun Jin Gun's nation narration could be criticized, because it grasps that the relationship of men and women is in the grade of ranks. In conclusion, although Hyun Jin Gun's nation narration has a problem, it has the literary significance and effect which oppose to Japan's colonization.

      • KCI등재후보

        문학 : <□ □영 명긔 명션이라>의 욕망 구조 고찰 -그레마스 행위소 모형을 중심으로-

        박수진 ( Su Jin Park ) 온지학회 2016 溫知論叢 Vol.0 No.47

        본고는 19세기 기생 가사인 < □ □영 명긔 명션이라 >의 구조를 분석하고, 그레마스의 행위 모형소를 이용하여 인물들의 욕망 구조를 살펴보았다. < □ □영 명기 명션이라 >는 기생 명선의 일대기를 다룬 작품이며, 작품의 구조는 ‘명선이 기생이 된 동기(起)- 기생이 된 이후, 김진사를 만나 사랑하고 이별하는 부분(承)- 님의 기별을 듣고 서울로 올라가는 부분(轉)- 벗에게 남기는 말(結)’의 구조로 이루어졌다. 작품의 주된 인물은 ‘명선’과 ‘김진사’이다. ‘명선’은 운명에 순응하며 자신의 삶을 살아가는 기생이며, 김진사를 만나 아이를 낳고, 자신의 욕망을 추구한다. 김진사는 외모, 문장, 풍채를 고루 갖춘 양반 남성이며, 약간은 냉정해도 따뜻한 정을 느낄수 있는 인물이다. 본고에서는 그레마스의 행위소 모형으로 주체와 대상, 발신자와 수신자, 협조자와 반대자로 나누어 설명하였다. 기생 명선이 주체일 때, 대상은 김진사가 되고, 발신자는 박동 사또 혹은 관아, 규방이나 김진사의 기별이다. 수신자는 명선 혹은 신분상승이고, 협조자는 아들과 절개이며, 반대자는 이별, 신관 사또의 수청이다. 그런 반면, 김진사가 주체일 때도명선의 욕망 구조와 같다. 하지만, 협조자는 아들 혹은 약속이고, 반대자는 이별이다. 작품에 드러난 두 인물의 욕망 양상은 다르다. 기생 명선은 내적 욕망과 외적 욕망으로 나눌 수 있다. 내적 욕망은 ‘신분상승’이고, 외적인 욕망은 ‘김진사와의 사랑’이다. 기생 가사에서 주체인 기생이 가장 원하는 욕망은 신분 상승이다. 이렇듯 기생 가사라 일컫는 < □ □영 명긔 명션이라 >를 기본으로 삼아 19세기 창작된 여러 기생 가사들의 사회문화적 차원에서 기생의 역할을 살펴볼 수 있을 것이다. This study was analyzed structure of < Chan Heayoung Myungki Myungsunira( □ □영 명긔 명션이라) > that was called Kisaeng Gasa in 19century. and was considered desires structure of characters using Greimas`s actant model. < Chan Heayoung Myungki Myungsunira( □ □영 명긔 명션이라) > was a work that a life story of Kisaeng Myungsun. The work`s structurs was divided into 4 classes. ‘Myungsun was became Kisaeng.(起)- After, Myungsun was became Kisaeng, she loved and separated Kim, jinsa.(承)- Kisaeng was listened news, she went to Seoul.(轉)- She asked his friends to do something.(結)’ The character of work were Myungsun and Kim, jinsa. Myungsun was Kisaeng that lived in sympathy with her life. She loved Kim, jinsa, and she had a baby boy and accomplished her desires. Kim, jinsa was the yangban that possessed feature, sentence, appearance. and he has a cool and a kindly heart. I would explained using Greimas`s Actant Model that classified a subject and a object, a sender and a receiver, and a cooperator and an opponent. While Kisaeng Myungsun was a subject, a object was Kim, jinsa. A sender was Parkdong lord or a government office, Kisaeng`s living room or Kim, jinsa`s news. and a receiver Myungsu or The rise of the social class. A cooperator was a boy or a chastity. and an opponent was parting and serve the new lord’s magistrate. However, While Kim, jinsa was a subject, It was the same that Myungsun`s desires structure. But, A cooperator was a boy or a promise. and an opponent was parting. It was different that two characters in the work. The first, Myungsun could be divided inner desires and external desires. Myungsaun`s inner desires was the rise of the socail class, her external desires was the love with Kim, jinsa. At Kisaeng Gasa, the subject was Kisaeng, she want to the rise of the social class that Kisaeng best of all. Like this, It was called Kisaeng Gasa that was regarded as < Chan Nyungki Myungsunira( □ □영 명긔 명션이라) >. so, I looked round that sociocultural meaning of Kisaeng Gasa written by Kisaeng in 19 century.

      • KCI등재

        제이피아이헬스케어(주)에 대한 사례연구

        김진원(Jin-Won Kim),신제구(Je-Goo Shin) 한국경영사학회 2022 經營史學 Vol.102 No.-

        본 연구는 제이피아이헬스케어(주)의 기업역사에 대해 창업자인 김삼조 회장의 경영 시기(1980~2002)와 2세 경영자인 김진원 사장의 경영 시기(2002~2019) 중에서 회사의성과에 중요한 영향을 미친 사건들을 연대기별로 선정하여 경영자의 관점에서 서술하였다. 특히 김진원 사장의 경영 시기 동안 진행되었던 주요 사건들에 대해 실제 의사결정을했던 경영자가 직접 그 배경과 의사결정 이유, 그리고 그에 따른 성과에 대해 직접 설명한 논문은 매우 드문 만큼 이번 연구의 가치가 높다고 판단하였다. 또한, 이번 연구에서는 김진원 사장이 기업성과에 중대한 영향을 미치는 주요 요소로서 자원기반관점 이론을바탕으로 경영자의 자질, 기업 내부와 연관된 사람과 조직, 그리고 기업 외부와 연관된시장전략들과 관련한 주요 사건들을 선정하여 서술하였다. 그러므로, 이번 연구를 통해 실제 중소기업을 성공적으로 경영했던 경영자가 그 기업의 역사 중 주요 사건들에 대해 타인들은 알 수 없는 의사결정 과정을 직접 서술함으로써다른 중소기업 경영자들에게 실무적인 시사점을 전달하고자 하였다. 특히 2세 경영자가창업자의 사후에 어려워진 기업의 위기상황을 잘 극복하여 결국 수출중심의 강한 중소기업으로 회사를 성장시켜 나갔던 주요 과정들에 관한 서술은 유사한 상황에 있는 중소기업경영자들이나 가업을 물려받을 2세 경영자들에게 많은 시사점을 제시할 수 있을 것으로판단하였다. This study examines the history of JPI Healthcare during the period of leadership by the founder, Mr. Sam-Jo Kim (1980~2002), and by his successor, Mr. Jin-Won Kim (2002~2019). Mr. Jin-Won Kim carefully selected some key events that impacted the business performance of JPI Healthcare during his leadership period, annotating them with his own narratives about the internal reason and background behind his business decisions. Since primary self-study of a business leader is exceptionally rare, this study should be considered valuable. Additionally, Mr. Jin-Won Kim, a capable business leader himself, chose and described some important events related to three valuables that impact business performance: competency of executive, organizational culture and human capital, and effectiveness of market strategy based on Resource-based view theory. Therefore, this study will aid business leaders in SME(Small-Medium Enterprise) who are seeking appropriate solutions to overcome difficult business situations or strategies to develop their companies into strongly globalized SMEs. Furthermore, there are many practical implications available for future business leaders who are planning to succeed enterprises.

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