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        신정아 사건을 계기로 본 한국 학벌 구조의 폐해

        정미량 ( Mee Ryang Jeong ) 한국사회사학회 2010 사회와 역사 Vol.0 No.86

        이 글은 2007년 ``신정아 사건``의 발생을 계기로 하여, 오늘날 한국 사회에서 학벌이 생산, 유지, 재생산 되는 구조가 일으킨 폐해를 분석하고자 하였다. 학력 위조사건은 학벌 구조로 인해 피폐화된 환경과 그 환경 속에서 길들여진 개인의 비정상적 행위가 만나 발생하는 것이기 때문이다. 이를 위해 구체적으로 우선 학력 위조사건의 역사적 흐름을 개관하였다. 그 다음 ``2007년 신정아 사건``을 통해 오늘날 한국 사회에 학벌 구조적 병폐가 고질화, 만연화 되었음을 드러내었다. 즉, 오늘날 한국사회에는 차별적이고 위선적인 학벌 체제가 구축됨으로써 첫째, 다양하고 창조적인 사회적 동력이 저하되었고, 둘째, 인격의 가치를 고양하는 교육적 기능이 소멸되었으며, 셋째, 가족 간의 사랑이 왜곡·단절되었음을 지적하였다. 그리고 이는 결국 인간 자신의 황폐화를 초래하게 되었음을 고발하였다. This research intends to analyze the harmful effects of the Korean academic clique structure that it is produced, maintained, and re-produced through the prism of an educational background forgery accident, ‘Shin Jeong-ah case’. Educational background forgery accidents occur through the mixture of the environment devastated by a perpetuated academic clique system and of the abnormal behavior of an individual tamed by the environment. Concretely, this paper overviews the historical flow of educational background forgery accidents, and then, it analyzes Shin Jeong-ah case in 2007. Through the analysis, it shows the harmful effects of the academic clique structure constructed by the Korean society, such as devastation of the Korean society, education, home background, and people. In other words, this paper reports that the discriminating and hypocritical academic clique system was constructed in the Korean society and this system created a few harmful effects that: educational power monopolizes the national power so various creative social powers are forcibly killed; personality value disappears, which results in the devastation of education; and feelings among family members become distorted or broken off and further, home gets devastated, which is continued to the devastation of human beings.

      • 임상실습 교육개선을 위한 간호학생의 간호활동시간 분석

        이애경,김정애,주미경,정안순,장은정,김정수,강정희,이정애 경복대학 2001 京福論叢 Vol.5 No.-

        신규간호사의 능력은 간호학생 때의 다양한 임상경험에 기초를 둔다. 따라서, 간호대학의 교수, 병원 지도자, 임상지도자는 간호학생들이 다양한 지식을 획득하고 간호기술을 경험할 수 있도록 도와주는 중요한 역할을 한다. 이 연구의 목적은 이러한 간호학생들의 임상실습에서 수행하는 간호활동과 간호활동 시간을 분석하고자 하는데 있다. 연구결과 간호학생 1인당 직접간호활동 시간은 185.5분(직접간호비율은 56.7%)으로 141.65분(간접간호 비율은 43.3%)인 간접간호활동 시간보다 많았다. 직접간호활동 시간 중 활력징후 측정이 51.9분으로 가장 많은 시간을 차지하였고, 간접간호활동 시간 중에는 차트보기가 22.98분으로 가장 많은 시간을 차지하였다. 전반적으로 기본적인 임상간호 수행기술에 소요되는 시간이 고도의 숙련된 간호기술을 수행하는데 드는 시간보다 많은 것으로 나타났다. 따라서, 본 연구결과를 토대로 간호대학의 지도자와 병원의 지도자 및 임상지도자가 함께 임상실습 교육과정의 지침서와 평가서를 평가할 필요가 있다고 제언하는 바이다. The competence of newly graduated nurses is based on various clinical experiences gained when they were students. Therefore, professors in nursing schools, directors in hospitals or preceptors must play a critical role in assisting them to obtain various knowledge and experienced nursing skills. The purpose of this study is to investigate nursing care activities and nursing care hours practiced by nursing students in clinical experience. The results of this study showed that the direct nursing care hours per each nursing student are 185.5 mins(direct nursing care rate 56.7%) and it is higher than indirect nursing care hours, 141.65 mins(indirect nursing care rate 43.3%). The hours of checking vital signs are the longest(51.9mins) among the direct nursing care activities, and the hours of reviewing chart are the longest(22.98mins) among the indirect nursing care activities. In general, the time of performing basic clinical nursing technique was higher than that of performing high skilled nursing technique. And nursing observation was higher than that of directly performing task. So, we suggest based on the results of this study as follows. It is needed for nursing instructors in nursing schools and hospitals together to evaluate the guidelines and check-list of clinical practice courses.

      • 일 전문대학 간호과 학생들이 인지하는 강의평가 기준에 대한 조사연구

        김정애,이애경,주미경,정안순,장은정,김정수,강정희,이정애 경복대학 2004 京福論叢 Vol.8 No.-

        일개 전문대학 간호과 학생들을 대상으로 강의평가 기준을 파악하고자 하였다. 개방형 질문지를 이용하였으며 7개의 교수관련 강의평가 문항 각각에 대해 좋은 점수 및 나쁜 점수를 부여하는 기준을 조사하였다. 각 문항별로 다양한 기준이 확인되었으며, 간호과 학생들의 강의 만족도를 높일 수 있는 교수설계를 위한 기초 자료로 활용할 수 있을 것이다. We aimed to set standards for the student evaluation of instruction for college students of Nursing. We used an open questionaire and surveyed the standards for how students judge the instruction good of bad by using seven questions related to the instructor. Various standards set from each question could be used as basic materials to meet the students' needs in the classroom when the instructors try to find out new instructional design.

      • 간호 학생의 임상실습 효율을 위한 기초 조사 연구

        이애경,김정애,주미경,정안순,배경진,김정수,이정애,장은정 경복대학 2000 京福論叢 Vol.4 No.-

        임상실습 교육은 간호이론을 실무에 적용하는 기회를 제공하는 과정으로서 임상실습이 간호교육의 중요한비중을 차지하고 있다는 것은 주지의 사실이다. 이러한 중요성에도 불구하고, 임상실습 교육에 즉각적인 해결이 어려운 많은 문제점이 있음도 이미 알고 있는 사실이다 이에 임상실습 교육의 기초 자료로 활용되고 있는 실습목록표에 대한 간호 학생들의 실습목표의 명확한 이해와 더불어 이론과 실습의 연계성을 강화시키고자 하였다. 성인간호, 모성간호, 이동간호 3개 영역 모두에서 공통적으로 기본임상간호 항목이나 기본간호술과 관련된 항목에서 직접수행의 빈도가 높았고 숙련된 기술적인 처치나 전문성을 필요로 하는 항목에서는 관찰과 수행경험이 부족한 것으로 나타났다. Clinical performance is not only the process of providing the opportunity for applying nursing theory into practice but also it is a well-known fact that clinical performance is an important part in nursing education. lnspite of this importance, it is also true that many problem with no immediate solution exist in clinical performance of nursing students. thus, through measuring and analyzing the degree of clinical experience of the nursing students, on the nursing checklist that is being used as the basic guide in clinical education, we tried to clearly understand the objectives of clinical performance and to emphasize the connection between theory and clinical performance. The results of the study showed that the frequency of directly performing tasks was high in all areas of adult health nursing, maternity nursing, and child nursing for the items of basics clinical nursing and items related with basic nursing techniques, and that the experiences of observation and execution were lacking in the items needing skilled treatment or speciality.

      • 토익 듣기 전략과 효과적인 지도 방안

        송정미 한국교통대학교 2017 한국교통대학교 논문집 Vol.52 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the TOEIC listening strategies and find an effective way of strategy training in the regular university classroom. Previous studies on TOEIC listening strategy were reviewed and specific problem solving TOEIC listening strategy were selected. Then those strategies were applied to the 19 students who registered for a TOEIC listening class for 15 weeks. As a strategy training, students submitted weekly reports about strategy use when studying by themselves. They wrote immediate retrospective self-reports after taking weekly tests. Then those reports were analyzed to find an effective way of strategy training. To find the effect of these strategy training, pre and post mock tests were conducted, the pre and post surveys for meta cognitive and cognitive strategy were conducted. The survey for specific strategies for TOEIC listening were conducted to find the students' most used strategies. The result of the study showed that listening strategy training was effective to increase TOEIC listening score and specific problem solving strategy training for TOEIC Listening is more effective than general listening strategy training. This study suggests that courses should offer the opportunities for students to experience frequently occurring vocabulary and expressions, and practice listening strategies by taking more listening tests through various ways such as on-line programs. It also suggests that post study should be conducted to find more effective way of implementing teaching TOEIC listening in regular university classes so that students do not have to depend on extra-curricular programs.

      • 캠프기간이 참가자의 만족도와 정의적 영역에 미치는 영향

        송정미 忠州大學校 2012 한국교통대학교 논문집 Vol.47 No.-

        This university has held Elementary school English camp for 8 years and overall period of our camp has been 5 nights and 6 days. Previous research showed that participants were highly satisfied with our camp program. But this year we held two different camps; one for 6 nights and 7 days, and the other for 3 nights and 4 days. We, as teachers and counselors, had a difference in feeling from the two clearly different camps, but we do not know how it influenced the students. Thus the purpose of this study is to find out how the camp period influenced the students' satisfaction and affective factors, and to suggest the ideal camp period for the elementary school students to improve their affective factors such as interest, self-confidence, positive attitude, and anxiety level. The overall structure of the camp for two camps was the same, but the 6 night 7 days program can offer more content area learning as well as more special events such as hospital experience, happy market, and the restaurant experience. The data for this study was collected from the entrance and exit survey sheets, reflection papers from native teachers, counselors, and students. The results showed that students from the both camps were highly satisfied with most of the camp activities. It was very surprising to see the results of the survey which showed that the students from the 3 nights 4 days camp were slightly more satisfied with the camp activities than the other group. On the other hand, students from the 6 nights 7 days showed a more positive increase in the factors of affective domains such as interest, self-confidence, participation of classroom activities, and anxiety. Futhermore, they could establish better rapport with native teachers and counselors, so that they can develop deeper sense of self-confidence and motivation than the other group. The study can suggest that the 6 nights 7 days camp was more effective than the 3 nights 4 days camp to improve students' affective factors. However, if the limited financial support forced us to hold shorter camp, it would be just fine, because the study showed that it also had a positive effect.

      • 토익 수업에서의 듣기학습 보고서 효과

        송정미 한국교통대학교 2019 한국교통대학교 논문집 Vol.54 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of students’listening logs and suggest an effective way of applying them in teaching a TOEIC listening class. To achieve this goal, students’weekly journals, mid and final evaluation sheets, pre and post mock TOEIC tests are analyzed. Among 28 students who registered in this class, 19 students’ data which have complete resources to use this study were selected. To find out the influence of writing listening logs on TOEIC listening ability, pre and post mock tests were implemented and results were analysed in two groups, a well written group and poorly written group. The results showed that the average score of the well written group was higher than the poorly written group, but the average score of the poorly written group improved slightly more than the well written group. The reason the well written group writes better logs can be attributed to wanting to achieve a good grade in the class. Although it doesnt show a good result in improving TOEIC score, it showed positive effects in teaching TOEIC class. First, the instructor well understood student difficulties in TOEIC listening and gave proper feedback in class. Second, the instructor was able to teach effectively by getting familiar with all the names of the students, understanding individual student backgrounds, communicating with students, and giving proper advice to individual students. In the mid and final evaluation sheet, students expressed gratitude and their determination in achieving future goals.

      • Banach 공간에서 C-반군과 초기치 문제에 대하여

        정두환,천미경 동의공업대학 1999 論文集 Vol.25 No.1

        In this paper we study certain relationship between exponentially bounded C-semigroups and initial value problems. It's purpose the following (1) and (2). (1) We introduce the definition and characterization of exponentially bounded C-semigroup of operator that will be used in the paper. (2) We treat relationship between exponentially bounded C-semigroup and unique solutions of initial value problems.

      • 부모와 함께하는 유아 영어교육 프로그램 운영효과

        송정미 한국교통대학교 2015 한국교통대학교 논문집 Vol.50 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of parents participating in an early childhood English program which was held for 7 months, twice a week, 2 hours per day. We developed two programs; one was English language program focusing on child’s literacy development by means of story books and physical activities, and the other one an art program focusing on English language by means of visual, verbal, tactile, and kinesthetic cues. The data was collected by interviewing parents and children at the beginning and end, parents’learning diaries, reflection papers, and a questionnaire. A total of 15 children and their parents participated, but only 4 children participated in the program from the beginning to the end with their parents, 2 children came without their parents, 2 children with their parents joined in the middle. Thus the data was analyzed by focusing those 8 children, comparing the effects according to situation. The results indicated that 4 children with their parents showed higher positive interest in English language learning than other children, and improved their English language skills much more. It became natural that parents and children read English books, played with English language together, tried to read English language at any time, even outside the classroom. The two children who participated without their parents and two children who joined in the middle also showed high interest in English language learning, but their language improvement and level of interest were not as good as those other 4 children. The research results suggest that it could be very effective if we make early childhood English language programs which parents can participate in without difficulties, such as providing convenient transportation and accommodating class schedules.

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