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        Characteristics of Korean ginseng varieties of Gumpoong, Sunun, Sunpoong, Sunone, Cheongsun, and Sunhyang

        Jang-Ho Lee,Joon-Soo Lee,Woo-Saeng Kwon,Je-Yong Kang,Dong-Yun Lee,Jun-Gyo In,Yun-Soo Kim,Jiho Seo,In-Ho Baeg,Il-Moo Chang,Keith Grainger 고려인삼학회 2015 Journal of Ginseng Research Vol.39 No.2

        Background: Ginseng (Panax ginseng Meyer) is an important medicinal herbs in Asia. However, ginsengvarieties are less developed. Method: To developed ginseng varieties, a pure line selection method was applied in this study. Results: Gumpoong was testing of 4-yr-old specimens in 2002, the proportions of the below-groundroots that were rusty colored for Gumpoong was 1.29 in Daejeon and 1.45 in Eumseong, whereas theproportions for its yellow berry variant were 2.60 and 2.45 in the two regions, respectively. Thus theGumpoong was resistant to root rust. Sunpoong has a high yielding property. Its average root weight is70.6 g for 6-yr-old roots. Its yield is 2.9 kg/1.62m2 and the rate of heaven- and earth-grade product is20.9%, which is very high compared to 9.4% for Yunpoong. Sunone is resistance to root rot and thesurvival rate of 4-yr-old roots was 44.4% in 1997, whereas that of the violet-stem variant landrace was21.7%. Sunhyang has content of arginyl-fructosyl-glucose (AFG), which produces the unique scent of redginseng, is 95.1 mmol/g and greater than the 30.8 mmol/g of Chunpoong in 6-yr-old plants. Sunun andCheongsun are being nurtured to protect genetic resources. Conclusion: Developed ginsneg varieties will be used as the basis for the protection of genetic resourcesand breeding. Jang-Ho Lee

      • KCI등재

        張錫純의 『傷寒論講義』 연구

        Jang Woo-chang(張祐彰) 대한한의학원전학회 2009 대한한의학원전학회지 Vol.22 No.2

        Jangseoksun(張錫純), a noted doctor of China in the early 20th century, has influenced the establishment of Contemporary Chinese Medicine greatly. <Uihakchungjungchamseorok(醫學衷中參書錄)>, which is an accumulation of Jang's lectures and publications, contains the essence of his medical spirit to fuse his theory and experience of Traditional Medicine and the newly imported Western Medicine knowledge of his time. <Sanghanrongang-ui(傷寒論講義)> is especially important, presenting the core of Jang's academic theory. In this book he gives full play of his unique experience of treating the Eum(陰, Yin) Deficiency Syndrome which is presented as excess in the upper and deficiency in the lower[上盛下虛]. He also shows the importance of merging theory and practice, the pliability to collaborate the Sanghan(傷寒, Damage from Cold) theory and Onbyeong(溫病, Epidemic Febrile Disease) theory and the study of the blended affect of external and internal pathogens.

      • KCI등재

        단어출현빈도분석과 AHP를 통한 기술 연구 동향과 기대 효과 분석: 바이오 에너지 분리막을 중심으로

        이인우(Lee, In-Woo),서한결(Seo, Han-Gyeol),장수진(Jang, Soo-Jeen),조철희(Cho, Churl-Hee),정양헌(Chung, Yang-Hon) 한국경영교육학회 2020 경영교육연구 Vol.35 No.5

        [연구목적] 본 연구는 과학 기술 연구 동향과 기술 도입 기대 효과를 함께 분석하는 방안을 바이오 에너지 분리막 분야에 적용하여 연구개발 전략 제시에 도움이 되는 연구 방안을 제시하고자 하였다. [연구방법] 본 연구는 분리막 기술 연구 방향과 기대효과를 분석하기 위해 각각에 대해 두 가지 연구방법을 이용하였다. 우선 텍스트 마이닝을 통해 단어출현 빈도분석으로 선행연구의 연구 방향을 확인하였고, AHP를 통해 기대효과를 알아보았다. [연구결과] 분석결과 분리막 기술의 연구 방향은 주로 분리막 관련 다양한 공정과 공정개선을 통한 성능 향상에 있는 것으로 확인되었다. 분리막 기술을 통한 기대 효과는 바이오 에너지 공정에서 발생하는 환경 문제 해결이 주된 것으로 나타났다. [연구의 시사점] 분리막 관련 연구는 분리막 성능에 중점을 두고 진행되고 있으며 분리막을 실제 공정에 도입하는 측에서 기대하는 부분은 분리막 도입으로 인한 효과와 분리성능 향상에 의한 효과에 중점을 두고 있음을 확인하였다. 이는 분리막 기술 연구가 실제 니즈를 잘 반영하여 이루어지고 있음을 보여준다. 이처럼 특정 기술의 연구 방향과 도입에 따른 기대효과를 함께 분석할 수 있으며, 이는 연구개발 전략 제시에 도움이 될 수 있음을 확인하였다. [Purpose] Purpose of this study is to propose a research methodology that is helpful in presenting the R&D strategy by applying analysis on research trends and expected effect of technology introduction together in the field of bioenergy membranes. [Methodology] For this purpose, we used two research methodologies. Word frequency analysis of text mining was used to analyze the research trends of previous studies, and the expected effect was investigated through AHP. [Findings] This study found that the research trends of membrane is mainly to improve performance through various processes and expected effect focus on environmental problem solving arising from bioenergy process. [Implications] It was confirmed that main research trends of membrane is performance of membrane and expected effect is performance improvement by introduction of membrane in bioenergy processes. This shows that research on membrane is well reflected in actual needs. This methodology can be helpful in presenting the consumer-oriented R&D strategy.

      • 최인규 감독의 친일논란에 대한 고찰

        장인우 ( In Woo Jang ) 한양대학교 대학원 논문집(영화학과) 2006 시네마 Vol.2 No.-

        본고는 일제말기에서 해방이후까지(1939년~1949년) 10편의 장편극영화와 3편의 기록영화를 남긴 최인규 감독에 대하여 기술한 기존의 평가에 대하여 재고하는 장을 마련하고자 한다. <자유만세>(1946)라는 작품으로 우리에게 알려져 있는 감독은 안석영 감독의 <심청>(1937)에서 이필우의 도움으로 `녹음` 분야로 처음 한국영화계에 발을 내딛게 된다. 이후 기술 분야에서 두각을 드러내며 점차 그 영역을 확대한 최인규는 일제 말기인 1939년 <국경>을 통해 감독의 자리에 올라, 해방 이후 49년 <파시>를 마지막으로 그 자취를 감추게 된다. 이후의 행적에 대해서는 분명하게 밝혀지지 않았고, 다만 한국전쟁 중 납북되었다고 한다. 앞서 말한 바와 같이 본고는 최인규 감독의 작가론을 펼치는 것이 아닌, 한국 리얼리즘의 계승자라는 기존의 여러 평가에 대하여 고찰하는 계기를 삼고자 함이며 또한 이를 통해 여타 친일 영화인들에 대한 논의의 영역으로 확장하고자 하는 데 그 의미를 두고자 한다. 최근 들어 한국영화사 서술에 대하여 기존에 답습해 오던 방식에서 벗어나 새로운 지평을 여는 노력들이 시도되고 있다. 최인규 감독은 `최초의 유성영화` <수업료>와 `해방 이후 최초의 광복영화` <자유만세>라는 작품으로 한국 영화사에 굵직한 자취를 남겼다. 이러한 최인규 감독에 대한 연구의 필요성은 명백한 것이다. 최인규 감독은 일제 치하에서 해방이라는 정치·사회적 급변 기에도 꾸준히 작품 활동을 지속한 인물이다. 이처럼 최인규는 일제말기에는 친일영화를, 해방 이후에는 <자유만세>와 <독립전야>를 통해 민족주의 영화를 제작하는 면모를 보여준다. 이러한 변화 과정은 최인규 본인의 내적 성찰을 통한 반성의 결과물로 볼 수도 있다. 본고에서는 현존하는 영화와 밝혀진 행적을 중심으로 기존에 기술된 논고를 토대로 할 것이다. 이를 위해 기존 한국영화사 서술에서 `최인규`에 관한 부분을 발췌하여 이러한 서술의 문제점에 대해 지적하고, 현재 남아있는 영화를 중심으로 면밀한 분석을 할 것이다. 특히 최근에 발굴된 <집 없는 천사>에 대하여 자세히 살펴보도록 할 것이다. 또한 그 외에 전해지지 않는 작품들은 문헌자료를 통해 최인규라는 인물에 대한 재고의 기회를 삼고자 한다. I try to make a chance to reconsider about the established estimation of Choi In Kyu, the director who made 10 film dramas and 3 documentaries from the last days of Japanese Imperialism to the time after Liberation(1939~1949) with this manuscript. The director, known to us for the movie, <Freedom Cheers>(1946), began his movie career as a recording engineer in <Sim-Chung> (1937, directed by An Suk Young) with the help of Lee Pil Woo. Since then, Choi In Kyu displayed his ability in the technical field step by step and expanded his sphere to the movie directing at the last period of Japanese Imperialism through the movie <The Border>(1939), but disappeared leaving his last movie, <PASSIE>(1949), behind after Liberation. Although we can`t reveal his life in the future, we can hear the rumor to be kidnapped to the North Korea. As previously stated, I don`t want to explain his artistic temperament as a movie dictector, but try to serve as a momentum to reconsider the several estimations about his aspect as the successor of `Korean Realism`. The new attempts to write the Korean Film History are made out of the existing ways to follow in recent days. Choi In Kyu left his deep traces behind in the Korean Film History through the 1st Korean talkie, <Tuition fee>, and <Freedom Cheers>, the 1st film of `the restoration of Korean Independence` after Liberation. The necessity for study about the director, Choi In Kyu, is clear. He had been making films steadily during the sudden turning time of the politics and society. He was the member of the pro-Japanese group, but changed to the nationalist with his movies, <Freedom Cheers>and <The previous night of Independence> after Liberation. This process of change can be seen as the consequence of reflection through his self-examination. I`ll use the established study, aimed at his existing movies and the traced achievements of his lifetime for the basis and make a close analysis by selecting the parts about `Choi In Kyu` among the existing descriptions of Korean Film History, therefore let you find the unnoticeable problems in those descriptions. The works not handed down will provide the chance to reconsider about the character named `Choi In Kyu` with you through the literatures.

      • 한의진단명과 진단요건의 표준화 연구 II (표준화 실례) : 2차년도 연구결과 중간 보고

        양기상,최선미,최승훈,안규석,박경모,박종현,김성우,신승호,정우열,전병훈,고현,김정범,신상우,김성훈,김동희,권영규,엄현섭,장혜옥 한국한의학연구원 1996 한국한의학연구원논문집 Vol.2 No.1

        The diagnostic requirements were suggested and explained regarding the systems of differentiation of symptoms and signs in the second year study of standardization and unification of the terms and conditions used for diagnosis in oriental medicine. The systems were as follows; - differential diagnosis according to condition of body fluid, differentiation of syndromes according to the state of qi and blood, differential diagnosis according to relative excessiveness or deficiency of yin and yang(氣血陰陽津液辨證) - differentiation of diseases according to pathological changes of the viscera and their interrelation - analyzing and differentiating of febrile diseases in accordance with the theory of the six channels(傷寒辨證) The individual diagnosis pattern was arranged by the diagnostic requirements in the following order : another name(異名), notion of diagnosis pattern, index of differentiation of symptoms and signs(辨證指標), the main point of diagnosis, analysis of diagnosis pattern(證候分析), discrimination of diagnosis pattern(證候鑑別), a way of curing a diseases(治法), prescription(處方), herb in common use(常用藥物), diseases appearing the diagnosis pattern(常見疾病), documents(文獻調査). This study was carried out on the basis of the Chinese documents and references.

      • Na+(H_2O)n, Mg^2+(H_2O)n(n=1~3)의 수화에너지 계산

        장우영,성은모 충북대학교 과학교육연구소 2002 과학교육연구논총 Vol.18 No.1

        The ab initio MO calculations were carried out for Na+(H₂O)n' Mg²+(H₂O)n(n=1~3). The structures of the compounds were optimized and the binding energies were calculated by the MP and CI methods with the various basis sets. The binding energies of Na+(H₂O)n calculated with larger basis sets gave better agreements with the experimental values. Considering the results of Na+(H₂O)n the calculated binding energies of Mg²+(H₂O)n are also expected to be close to experimental values.

      • 노랫말에 반영된 한국인의 음풍경 인식조사

        장길수,신훈,조우기 東新大學校 工業技術硏究所 2004 工業技術硏究 Vol.10 No.-

        It is required to understand the meaning of sound and cultural background of target spaces for soundscape design. The purpose of this study is to derive the general soundscape preserved in the mind of Korean people. Four kinds of traditional Korean songs, that is to say, Sijo (Korean verse), folk-song, Pansori (song for drama by Chang reciter), and popular songs, were used as tools of research subjects. That is because the sounds expressed in literature are very useful subjects for soundscape survey. Paragraphs containing description of sounds were selected from the lyrics of the songs. Then 11 sound categories were named, and 13 meaning categories were classified according to referential and emotional aspects, respectively.

      • RS485 직렬 통신 인터페이스를 이용한 BLDC 서보 전동기의 안전운전 영역에서의 운전에 관한 연구

        우광준,김장기,황규범 단국대학교 1999 論文集 Vol.34 No.-

        The servo motor systems is widely applied to the position and speed control system in modern process automation. In this paper, we design the H/W interface including RS232/485 converter and the control S/W interface including RS485 communication protocol for the real time operation of BLDC servo motor using half duplex asynchronous serial communication interface(ASCI). We confirm the servo operation for servo motor system in safety operation region by monitoring the servo status from the reply data of communication protocol and the possibility of real time operation in servo motor system using DIO method as well as ASCI method by the experimental results of proposed scheme.

      • 데스크탑 밀링기의 경량 ·고강성화 구조 최적설계

        장성현,정우영,홍정표,최영휴 한국공작기계학회 2009 한국공작기계학회 춘계학술대회논문집 Vol.2009 No.-

        This paper describes a case study on the structural design optimization of a desktop milling machine for microfactory. Actually, the structural dynamics analysis is necessary to machine tool design and development to secure high precision machining performance. In the preliminary design stage, one of design alternatives for a desktop milling machine was chosen according to F.E.M structural analysis. It had relatively stronger than others but unfortunately had not enough structural rigidity. After all, we carried out the static design optimization for the chosen design alternative to decrease compliance. The static design optimization problem, in this study, is to find out thickness of structural members which minimize the weight and the static compliance under several constraints. The optimization results showed a great reduction in the compliances, moreover, vibration amplitudes at the spindle nose of this machine tool was also reduced greatly. We successfully designed the machine structure having less static compliance than the critical value.

      • 데스크탑 밀링머신의 고속 스핀들 설계 해석

        장성현,황현영,정우영,홍정표,최영휴 한국공작기계학회 2009 한국공작기계학회 춘계학술대회논문집 Vol.2009 No.-

        During a decade, there are many researches on microfactory which is the miniature, flexible, and efficient manufacturing system for the micro/meso scale machining device. Moreover many micro machine tool has developed in Japan, U.S., Europe, and Korea. Already we are developing a desktop milling machine with 380×450×450 ㎣ machine size for microfactory or BT (Bio technology) factory. In this study, we carried out the design analysis of a high speed spindle system for our desktop milling machine by using ADROS, which is our own developed S/W for dynamic design analysis of rotor systems. As the result, we obtained some analyzed dynamic characteristics of a spindle system, such as natural frequency, whirl frequency, critical speed, and harmonic response.

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