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        대학생의 여가스포츠활동 참여동기가 참여만족 및 생활만족에 미치는 영향

        어재석,정광령 이화여자대학교 사범대학 교과교육연구소 2013 교과교육학연구 Vol.17 No.1

        This study attempted to verify the effects of participation motivation in leisure sports activities on participation satisfaction and life satisfaction among university students. The data from 323 participants at 3 universities located in Gyeonggi-do were used for pragmatic analysis. Questionnaires were used as a research tool and multiple regression analysis was used to analyze the data. The results of this study were as follows. First, based on the effects of participation motivation on participation satisfaction, and with regard to psychological satisfaction, hobby and amusement, self-development, and friendship-oriented activities had statistically positive effects. With respect to effects on physical satisfaction, hobby and amusement, and health-oriented activity factors had statistically positive effects. With regard to effects on environmental satisfaction, friendship-oriented, and hobby and amusement activity factors also had statistically positive effects. With respect to effects on educational satisfaction, self-development, hobby and amusement, and family-oriented activity factors had statistically positive effects. With regard to effects on social satisfaction, friendship-oriented, hobby and amusement, and self-development activity factors had statistically positive effects. Second, as a result of examining the effects of participation on life satisfaction, friendship-oriented activity factors had statistically positive effects. Third, based on the results of examining participation satisfaction on life satisfaction, environmental satisfaction, social satisfaction, and psychological satisfaction factors had statistically positive effects. 이 연구는 대학생의 여가스포츠활동 참여동기가 참여만족 및 생활만족에 미치는 영향을 규명하는데 그 목적이 있다. 표집방법은 편의표본추출법을 이용하였으며, 표집단위는 2012년 경기도 지역의 대학교 3곳에서 총 323명의 자료를 실제분석에 사용하였다. 조사도구는 설문지를 사용하였으며, 자료처리는 중다회귀분석을 사용하여 자료를 분석하였으며, 그 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 참여동기가 참여만족에 미치는 영향력을 알아본 결과, 심리적만족에 미치는 영향에 있어서는 취미오락형, 자기개발형, 사교지향형 요인이 통계적으로 긍정적 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났으며, 가정지향형은 부정적 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 신체적만족에 미치는 영향에 있어서는 취미오락형, 건강지향형 요인이 통계적으로 긍정적 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났고, 자기개발형과 가정지향형은 부정적 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 환경적만족에 미치는 영향에 있어서는 가정지향형, 사교지향형, 취미오락형 요인이 통계적으로 긍정적 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 교육적만족에 미치는 영향에 있어서는 자기개발형, 취미오락형, 가정지향형 요인이 통계적으로 긍정적 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 사회적만족에 미치는 영향에 있어서는 사교지향형, 취미오락형, 자기개발형 요인이 통계적으로 긍정적 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났으며, 건강지향형과 가정지향형은 부정적 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 참여동기가 생활만족에 미치는 영향력을 알아본 결과, 사교지향형 요인이 통계적으로 긍정적 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났으며, 건강지향형과 취미오락형은 부정적 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 참여만족이 생활만족에 미치는 영향력을 알아본 결과, 환경적만족, 사회적만족, 심리적만족 요인이 통계적으로 긍정적 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났으며, 신체적 만족은 부정적 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다.

      • 서식지 단편화에 의한 야생동물의 차량충돌 피해

        김우룡,안현철,송재철,이정환 진주산업대학교 농업기술연구소 2001 農業技術硏究所報 Vol.14 No.-

        This study was focused on the damage and fragmentation of habitat of human activities and roadkill of animals by vehicles in the Gyeongsangnam-do Province. The goal of the Eco-bridge project is to maintain a nearly contiguous green network for wildlife. Because of existing roadways, dam, cities, farm land, recreation and leisure town, etc. in the habitat are divided into some patches. Before the construction of Ecobridge, we must know to the states of wild animals in which distribution, damage, roadkill and reserve area, etc. And then, We surveyed from monitoring and random observations that Korean wild boar, Korean water deer, Korean hare, Korean racoon dog, Siberian wease and Chinese Roe Deer have used corridors in habitats. 16 species were distributed in Gyeongsangnamdo. Most of them were found at forest, stream, road and cultivated land etc. by killed body, foot scar. To process this survey, the wild animal were sacrificed by the roadkill which were Korean water deer are 12 case, Korean racoon dog 20 case, Korean wild boar 1 case and Korean Squirrel 24 case in the road, respectively. In this paper, we are obtained the results what role ecobridge may have for the protection of threatened species and fragmentation of habitats.

      • 청소년의 여가활동 활성화 방안

        이재형,김찬룡,박상철 한국스포츠리서치 2003 한국 스포츠 리서치 Vol.14 No.4

        The objective of the research which it sees ' analyzed the leisure activity participation actual condition and a shedding of blood of the young people and with the drafter fee provision for a leisure activity activation further there is a place where it presents the leisure activity activation plan which is healthy ', in Pusan area. the south which is in the process of attending in the high school. 772 person schoolgirls (249 person junior high school students, is and and a question investigation in the object 239 person total high students whom it bites and 284 person industrial world high students) it did. It analyzes the leisure activity participation actual condition which it follows in sex and the school star and a shedding of blood and a leisure activity activation plan it uses SAS program with the method for, x² and with one-way ANOVA and time after death verification to execute Duncan test, the result which it analyzes, with afterwords escape it did a same conclusion. first, the leisure activity shedding of blood which the young people hope travels, relative visit, field activity and motion picture, play viewing, sports activity, the computer, shopping, sports viewing, music activity and the fine arts activity, appeared with group activity order. Second, when it presents the leisure activity activation plan which the young people is healthy it is a propulsion and support magnification back which magnification, leisure activity program development and supply, young people group activity and sports activity activation and young people policy of system leisure education execution, the gain and loss against the young people and leisure hour magnification, leisure facility expension, leisure leader arrangement and positive education is consistent.

      • 섬이 있는 포켓의 가공을 위한 최적공구경로의 결정에 관한 연구

        서만승,송재성,김혜령 동명정보대학교 2000 東明情報大學校論文集 Vol.3 No.-

        In area milling such as pocket machining with islands, optimal tool path planning is very difficult problem. In this paper, new algorithm is presented, which determine it. Our algorithm is consisting of three modules; (1)generating the offset curves, (2)constructing and removing the offset loop and between loops, (3)finding the shortest path for minimal tool movement, and the uncut areas. For optimal tool path planning, we make use of the concepts of loop entity, which is chain of offset curves of contour curves. It is an entity that treat systematically both the intersection of offset curves and detection of an unuseful offset curves. And our algorithm is also applied to path planning for uncut area without the modification of our algorithm. Emprical tests show that the proposed algorithm fulfils its requirements.

      • 고혈압치료제의 in vitro및 in vivo 이용률간의 상관성 연구(Ⅱ)

        서수경,강현구,조재민,박인숙,안미령,이선우,최흥석,유태무,손수정,이용복,양지선 식품의약품안전청 2000 식품의약품안전청 연보 Vol.4 No.-

        의약풍이 생체내로 흡수되는_파정에서 생리학적 인자 및 제제학적 인자들에 의해 생체이용률이 달라져 약물의 흡수과정을 연구함으로써 약물의 생체이용률을 예측하는 것이 가능하다. 그러나 제제학적 측면에서 용출시험과 흡수과정인. 장관막 투과도 나아가서 생체이용률간의 띤구가 미흡한 상태이다. 따라서 약물의 흡수과정을 연구하벼 생체이용률을 예측하기 위하여 장관막 투과도 및 혈중농도사이의 상관관계를 예견할 수 있는 모델을 개발하고자 1999년도 연구사업으로 고혈압치료제중 베타-차단약 (아테놀올, 메토프롤올, 프라프라놀꼴)을 선택하여 웅출시험과 장관막 투과도계수를 측정하여 사람의 흡수을을 예측할 수 있는 장관막 투파도 모델을 확림하였고, 2000년도에는 계속사업으로서 각 약물에 대한 횐쥐에서의 생체이용를 파라메타를 측정하고 1999년도 연구사업결과에서 얻은 장관막 투과도 시험결과를 가지고 생체이용률과의 상관섞을 구하고자 하였다. 각 베타-차단약을 경구 및 정맥투여하고 시간별로 채혈한 후 분리한 혈장으로부터 각 약물에 대한 EfLC를 이용한 분석준건을 확지하여 혈중농도를 측정하고 생체이용률 파라메타(AUC, Cma, Tme, 등)를 구하였다. 횐쥐의 소장을 이용하여 diffusion chamber 법으로 측정한 장관막 투과도계수와 각 생체이용률 파라미터 사이의 상관성을 구찬 결과 양호한 상관관계를 보였다. 이와 같은 연구결과를 통하여 약물의 특성에 따라 동물의 장관막 투도. 모델을 이용하여 사람의 생체이용률도 예측할 수 있을 것으로 사료된다. A biopharmaceutics drug classification system for correlation f'H uf'fro dissolution and rH ui'ㄴo bio3vailabi3ity is proposed based on recognizing that drug dissolution andgastrointestinal permeability are the fundamental parameters controlling rate and extent of drugabsorption. The objective of this stud)· was to assess whether partition coefficient and intestinalPermeabilit)'can be rorrelateo with l'H vluo bioalFaifability. Beta-blockers were administeredorall? and intrauenousl)· to rats and pkarrnacokinetlc parameters were calculated. The goodcorre)ations between fermeability and log P (n~octanol/buffer) was demonstrated in previous ratexpenments performed in our laboratory. In this study, good correlations were obseFYedbetuTeen panitlon coefficient and permeabilit)·· or I'n ui'vo bioayilability These resuats indiEatethat rat intestinal perme3bilit3T model couBd be used to predict intestinal absorption ofbeta-blockeTs f'H uiuo.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        화상환자에서 혈청중 가용성 Interleukin-2 Receptor의 변동

        이희성,이유진,이종량,백광진,하재성,전건수 大韓成形外科學會 1991 Archives of Plastic Surgery Vol.18 No.2

        Cell-mediated immunity frequently becomes severely impaired after burn. However, the cause of postburn immune dysfunction is unclear and controversy exists over both pathophysiology and clinical relevance of these abnormalities. This study was undertaken to invstigate the immune responses in vivo of patients with burn. Levels of soluble IL-2R, a sensitive marker of T-cell activation, were measured in 26 patients with burn. Serum soluble IL-2R levels in patients with burn were significantly higher than those of normal controls. Serum soluble IL-2R levels were correlated closely with the severity of the burn. The burn patients were classified according to the outcome. Patients with fatal outcom always showd a higher soluble IL-2R levels than survivors. Postburn sera significantly suppressed mitogen-indeced lymphocyte proliferation. These data indicate that soluble IL-2R might be useful parameters for monitoring of the clinical course in burn patients.

      • 뇌실주위 백질연화증 발생 위험인자

        이동환,서은숙,이우령,조명환,박재옥 순천향의학연구소 1998 Journal of Soonchunhyang Medical Science Vol.4 No.1

        The twenty newborn infants with periventricular leukomalacia(PVL) who were admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit of SoonChunHyang University Hospital from May 1, 1993 to July 30, 1997, were investigated for risk factors. Control group were the age matched 20 neonates who were admitted at the same time of study period. The results were as follows: 1) Mean gestational age was 31 week and mean birth weight 1665gm. 2) PVL's were located in the parietal region in 10 cases, fronto-occipital in 7 cases and parieto-occipital region in 3 cases. 3) Multiple logistic regression analysis for the risk factors of PVL showed that low birth weight, intraventricular hemorrhage, bronchopulmonary dysplasia, necrotizong enterocolitis and ventilator apply were the most significant contributing factor(P<0.05). 4) In a follow-up ultrasonograptic findings, 11 among 14 neonates with localized PVL were normalized whereas, all of 6 extensive PVL had the sequale of ventriculomegaly or cerebral atrophy. 5) In a follow-up neurologic examination, the poorer sequale including spastic diplegia or quadriplegia was associated with the larger, the more extensive PVL.

      • SCIEKCI등재

        ORIGINALARTICLE : Urinary excretion of β2-microglobulin as a prognostic marker in immunoglobulin A nephropathy

        ( Jae Ryung Shin ),( Seung Min Kim ),( Jung Sun Yoo ),( Ji Yoon Park ),( Seul Ki Kim ),( Joo Hee Cho ),( Kyung Hwan Jeong ),( Tae Won Lee ),( Chun Gyoo Ihm ) 대한내과학회 2014 The Korean Journal of Internal Medicine Vol.29 No.3

        Background/Aims: β2-microglobulin (β2-MG) is freely filtered at the glomerulus and subsequently reabsorbed and catabolized by proximal renal tubular cells. Urinary β2-MG is an early and sensitive biomarker of acute kidney injury; however, its utility as a biomarker of immunoglobulin A nephropathy (IgAN) is unclear. Methods: We included urinary β2-MG levels in the routine laboratory examination of all inpatients with biopsy-proven IgAN at our hospital from 2006 to 2010. We retrospectively analyzed the correlation between β2-MG levels and clinical parameters as a prognostic biomarker of IgAN. Results: A total of 51 patients (30 males, 21 females; mean age, 33.01 ± 12.73 years) with IgAN were included in this study. Initial demographic, clinical, and laboratory data for all patients are listed. The mean initial estimated glomerular filtration rate and 24-hour urine protein levels were 94.69 ± 34.78 mL/min/1.73 m2 and 1.28 ± 1.75 g/day, respectively. The mean level of urinary β2-MG was 1.92 ± 7.38 μg/mg creatinine. There was a significant correlation between initial serum creatinine (iSCr), urine protein creatinine ratio (UPCR), and the level of β2-MG (r = 0.744, r = 0.667, p < 0.01). There was also a significant correlation between renal function tests and the level of urinary β2-MG (p < 0.01). Cox regression analysis showed that albumin, β2-MG, iSCr, and UPCR were significant predictors of disease progression in IgAN. Conclusions: Urinary β2-MG levels showed a significant correlation with renal function and proteinuria in IgAN. Thus, we propose that urinary β2-MG may be an additional prognostic factor in patients with IgAN.

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