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        박형규 목사의 삶과 신학 : 길을 열어간 발자취를 따라서

        최형묵(Hyung-Mook Choi) 한신대학교 신학사상연구소 2019 신학사상 Vol.0 No.187

        “나의 믿음은 길 위에 있다.” 회고록의 제목처럼, 한국 민주화 운동의 실질적 구심이자 상징인 박형규 목사의 삶과 신학은 과연 길 위에 있었다. 그는 언제나 길을 열어가는 대열의 선두에 있었다. 박형규 목사의 삶을 돌아보면, 굴곡진 한국 현대사에서 정말 절묘하게도 필요한 때 필요한 자리에서 주어진 상황을 돌파해나가는 역할을 맡았다. 1973년 남산 부활절 사건으로 처음 투옥된 이래 여섯 차례에 걸친 투옥, 그리고 감옥행보다 더 고통스러운 노상 예배의 여정은 그가 어떤 의미에서 길을 여는 대열의 선두에 서 있었던가 하는 것을 잘 보여주고 있다. 박형규 목사는 민중 선교의 선구로서, 민중 사건의 유발자로서 민중신학의 원천을 형성하는 역할을 맡았다. 박형규 목사는 사실상 한국 민중신학을 탄생시킨 실질적 주역이었다. 이 논문은 민중신학을 형성한 한 기원으로서 박형규 목사의 삶과 신학을 조명한다. 그의 장쾌한 발걸음이 일궈낸 신학 사상에서 우리는 진정한 민중 해방의 복음이 갖는 역동성을 실감한다. 우리가 그의 신학 사상을 논하는 것은 그 역동성을 오늘의 교회와 삶의 현실에서 되살리고자 하는 데 그 뜻이 있다. “My faith is on the road.” Like the title of his memoirs, the life and theology of Pastor Hyung-Kyu Park, the real center and symbol of the Korean democratization movement, was on the road. He was always at the forefront of the democratic movement. Looking back at Pastor Hyung-Kyu Park’s life, he took on the role of breaking through the given situation in the most necessary time and necessary place in Korea’s twisted modern history. The six experiences of imprisonment since his first imprisonment for the 1973 Namsan Easter Incident and his experience of street-worship show how was a leader. Pastor Hyung-Kyu Park played a role in shaping Minjung theology as a pioneer of people’s mission and as a cause of people’s events. Pastor Hyung-Kyu Park was in fact a real protagonist who gave birth to Korean Minjung theology. This article highlights Pastor Hyung-Kyu Park’s life and theology as a source of Minjung theology. In the theological thought formed in his great steps we realize the dynamism of the gospel of true people’s liberation. Our discussion of his theology is meant to bring that dynamism to life in today’s church and life.

      • 영어의 g/b-삭제 규칙: 계층적 최적성 이론과 이중 음운론 이론에서의 분석

        조형묵 한국교통대학교 2017 한국교통대학교 논문집 Vol.52 No.-

        This paper examines and compares analyses of g/b-deletion in English in Stratal Optimality Theory and Cophonology theory. English g/b-deletion is the phonological process where voiced stops /g/ and /b/ are deleted when the base is unaffixed (e.g. bomb→[bɑm], sign→[sain]) or a level 2 affix is added to the base (e.g. bombing→[bɑmɪŋ], signing→[sainɪŋ].) However, when a level 1 affix is added to the base, this rule does not apply (e.g. bomb+ard→[bɑmbɑrd], sign+ature→[sɪgnɪʧər]. Stratal Optimality Theory is the combination of the theory of Lexical Phonology and Optimality Theory. In the model of Stratal Optimality Theory, the input generates candidates via Gen 1 that are evaluated by Eval 1 in level 1 (i.e. stem level). The selected optimal output of level 1 becomes the input to level 2 (i.e. word level). It generates candidates via Gen 2 and the candidates are again evaluated by Eval 2. This process continues until the final optimal output is selected. However, Stratal Optimality Theory is the theory still in the stage of development so that the theory has many stipulations such as non-cyclicity and blocking. The complicated stipulations in Stratal Optimality Theory weakens persuasiveness of the theory. On the other hand, Cophonology is the phonological function associated with a morphological construction and a constraint ranking. Both the underlying form and the constraint ranking are morphological construction specific. That is, in Cophonology Theory, the distinct phonological structures have different constraint rankings. Therefore, different levels in English have different constraint rankings and the candidates generated in level 1 and level 2 are evaluated by different constraint rankings. Compared to the analysis in Stratal Optimality Theory, Cophonology offers a relatively simple analysis so that the analysis in Cophonology Theory is evaluated to have more persuasive power.

      • 영어의 중첩현상: 분류와 특징들

        조형묵 韓國交通大學校 2013 한국교통대학교 논문집 Vol.48 No.-

        Reduplication is the phonological repetitions of segmental materials triggered by a morphological source (Raimy 2011) and it is found in a quite lot of languages with various types and uses. The reduplication forms are composed of at least two linguistic forms, the base and reduplicant and the part that copies the base is called reduplicant. This paper discusses the classification and features of the reduplication constructions in English. In addition to total (echo) reduplication, ablaut reduplication, and rhyme reduplication which are frequently found in English, English reduplication constructions include multiple partial reduplication, deprecative reduplication, intensive reduplication and contrastive reduplication. As to the features of reduplication constructions in English, it is explained that ablaut reduplication and rhyme reduplication in English have the characteristics of positing perceptually maximally distinct segments in their first half and second half. Semantically, the reduplication constructions in English have the various meanings of disparaging, emphasis, quality, description and it is shown that the meaning of quality is most prevalent in the reduplication constructions in English.

      • 음운/형태 이론과 영어 교육

        조형묵 忠州大學校 2007 한국교통대학교 논문집 Vol.42 No.-

        The purpose of this paper is to investigate the ways we can apply the theories of phonology and morphology to practical English education. In addition, we attempted to find out what should be taught to the students among the various aspects and contents of phonology and morphology. When linguists perform their theoretical research, they don't always consider applicability of research results to language education. However, it is generally agreed that application of linguistic theories to practical language education is as important and meaningful as theoretical pursuit itself. Therefore, we, in this paper, examined the theories and methods that can be effectively used in English education of Korean students. Especially, we explained that the concepts of segments, syllable and syllabification, prosodic units, including prosodic word and utterance, are very helpful to the students in their improvement of pronunciation and comprehension of phonological rule applications. In addition, we content that the explanation about the concept of morpheme, the unique meaning of each morpheme, different kinds of affixes is also a very effective way to enhance the students' understanding of word-formation and word-structure.

      • 표면 대응 이론의 특징과 문제점

        조형묵 한국교통대학교 2021 한국교통대학교 논문집 Vol.56 No.-

        This paper examines the traits of Surface Correspondence Theory and analyzes some English phonological phenomena within this framework. In this process of the analysis, certain problems of Surface Correspondence Theroy are indicated. The Theory of Surface Correspondence developed to analyze Consonant Harmony, however, recently, Inkelas and Shih (2014), Cho, (2017) did unified analyses of consonant harmony and local assimilation. Although Hansson (2001, 2010) among others suggest that consonant harmony differs from local assimilation in that it is a copying process. That is, while consonant harmony is the independent repetition of articulatory gestures, local assimilation is the anticipatory movement of articulatory organs. However, recent studies of Consonant Harmony Systems tend to perform unified analyses of consonant harmony and local assimilation and the distinction between them is one of the problems. In addition, in the anslysis of phonological processes, the same representation of the different output candidates is another problems of Surface Correspondence Theory. This paper indicates those problems of the theory and proposes that it would promote the further development of the theory if these problems are solved immediately.

      • 영어의 동의어 생성 저지 현상

        조형묵 忠州大學校 2010 한국교통대학교 논문집 Vol.45 No.-

        Synonymy blocking is the phenomena whereby a lexical item with a particular meaning prohibits the formation of another lexical item with the same meaning. For instance, Aronoff (1976) argued that the nonexistence of *furiosity and *gloriosity can be explained by the blocking of the corresponding abstract nominals fury and glory. This paper examines aspects of synonymy blocking in English, especially the relationship between blocking and level ordering. As to the relationship between blocking and level ordering, Giegerich (2001) argues that they are not independent concepts and provided some analyses about the relationship between blocking and level ordering. However, his analyses are based on the assumption that the blocking items and the victims of blocking have the same meaning. Therefore, taking into consideration the fact that a lot of studies show non-synonymous nature of the blocking items(e.g. abstract nominals) and the victims of blocking (e.g. the words with level 1 affixes or level 2 affixes), the relationship between blocking and level ordering cannot be defined in absolute terms. In addition, Aronoff (1976) explained the existence of the words with level 2 affixes(e.g. gloriousness, variousness) regardless of the existence of the corresponding abstract nominals(e.g. glory) or the words with level 1 affixes(e.g variety) in terms of the productive nature of level 2 affixes. However, this paper proposes that the existence of the words with level 2 affixes regardless of the existence of the corresponding abstract nominals or the words with level 1 affixes should be accounted for both by the full productivity of level 2 affixes and the non-synonymous relation between them.

      • 음운 규칙의 적용에 관련된 요인들

        조형묵 한국교통대학교 2020 한국교통대학교 논문집 Vol.55 No.-

        There are several factors that influence the application of phonological rules. This paper provides analyses of those factors that are related to the application of phonological rules. The first one is similarity between the trigger and target in phonological rules. That is, as the trigger and target are more similar, phonological rules are more likely to apply. For instance, Nasal Assimilation in English applies in /in+legal/→[illegal], however, it does not apply in /in+surmountable/→[insurmountable]. The different applicability is resulted from similarity difference between the trigger and target. In /in+legal/→[illegal], the triggering sound /l/ and the target /n/ share phonetic similarity. However, in /in+surmountable/→[insurmountable], the triggering sound /s/ and the target /n/ share little phonetic similarity. Secondly, the distance between the trigger and target influences the applicability of phonological rules. The case of Liquids Dissimilation shows the role of distance in the application of phonological rules. To be specific, English Liquid Dissimilation applies in /module+al/→[modular], but its application is blocked in /alga+al/→[algal]. The different application mode can be accounted for by the distance between the trigger and target. In /module+al/→ [modular], the triggering sound /l/ in the base and the target /l/ in the suffix are in the same syllable so that the distance between the trigger and target is relatively short. However, in /alga+al/→[algal], a syllable is between the triggering sound /l/ in the base and the target sound /l/ in the suffix. Therefore, the distance between the trigger and target is relatively long. Finally, this paper explained the different level of affixes as the source of the different applicability in phonological rules. In sum, this paper analyzed the factors that influence the applicability of phonological rules with the proper examples of phonological processes in English.

      • 영어의 형태규칙에 음운부가 미치는 영향

        조형묵 한국교통대학교 2016 한국교통대학교 논문집 Vol.51 No.-

        Since the linguistic component is assumed to consist of subcomponents, the interaction among the subcomponents has attracted the attention of linguists. This paper discusses the interaction between the phonological component and morphological component, and particularly, pays specific attention to the effect of phonological structures on morphological processes. In most cases, phonological rule applications are conditioned by the morphological structure or morphological domains. However, there are some cases where phonological structures influence morphological rule applications. For example, addition of stressed suffixes is influenced by final stress of the base. In this case, addition of certain stressed suffixes is blocked to avoid consecutive stressed syllables. This paper discusses the influence of the phonological component on the morphological component, which makes basic material for the analysis of blocking in the word-coinage processes, and furthermore, for the education of word-formation rules and their characteristics. In addition, by providing the analyses of specific cases in Raffelsiefen (1999) within the framework of Optimality Theory, this paper accounts for the merits of Optimality Theory. That is, this work shows the strengths of Optimality Theory that the features of processes are well-represented in the constraints employed for the analysis and the constraint rankings.

      • 영어의 음운 강화와 약화 현상

        조형묵 韓國交通大學校 2022 한국교통대학교 논문집 Vol.57 No.-

        This paper attempts to analyze the fortition and lenition processes in English within the framework of Optimality Theory. Fortition refers to the processes by which a segment becomes stronger whereas lenition refers to the opposite processes. Specifically, lenition is characterized as instances of substantive oral stricture reduction. In addition, lenition is defined as a decrease in duration and magnitude of gestures in Articulatory Phonology. To the contrast, fortition processes have the opposite characteristics. For example, voicing, degemination, flapping, spirantization, and consonant reduction to approximants are lenition processes, while dissimiation, and aspiration are examples of fortition. This paper provides analyses of flapping as an example of lenition and of aspiration in English as an example of fortition. Through analyzing the two phonological processes within the framework of Optimality Theory, this paper shows that relevant constraints and constraint rankings in the analyses reveal traits of the phonological processes that are analyzed.

      • 이화에 관한 연구

        조형묵 한국교통대학교 2014 한국교통대학교 논문집 Vol.49 No.-

        Dissimilation is the process to avoid similar sounds in the phonological structures so that the neighboring sounds become different by this process. Although this process is not so much prevalent as assimilation, it has been regarded as one of the significant testing grounds for linguistic theories. Especially, in Optimality Theory, the process of dissimilation made an important ground for the study of markedness and constraint interaction. This paper discusses the aspects of dissimilation and review the features of dissimilation. Especially, this paper examines liquid dissimilation in English. In English, the suffix –al changes into –ar when the stem already contains /l/, and this phenomenon has been analyzed in various linguistic theories. The early generative approach to dissimilation was criticized because of the arbitrariness of the structural change and environment in the rule scheme. The non-linear approach was criticized by the problem of interpretation of locality and the representation of tier and plane. Compared with the previous approaches, the Optimality-Theoretic approach describes the dissimilation process in English neatly with the constraint interaction, thereby, showing itself to have more explanatory power.

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