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      • 아동들의 태권도 수련활동참가에 따른 열등감 및 자아존중감의 관계

        정재엽,정국현,김지영,김현철,이용국 한국스포츠리서치 2004 한국 스포츠 리서치 Vol.15 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to identify the relationship between children's Inferiority and self-esteem during Taekwondo practice. In order to achieve this purpose, 480 subject were selected among participants of Taekwondo activity programs in the Seoul area by using the stratified cluster random sampling method. Out of the 480 questionnaires responded to. only 414 were used for data analyses because 66 were responded to incompletely or incorrectly. The instrument for data collection was a questionnaire in which Inferiority and self-esteem consisted of items identified by Jun(1999) and Jun(1993), respectively. The statistical methods utilized in the study for analyzing the collected data were reliability analysis, descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA, standard multiple regression analysis and the following results were obtained: First, both Inferiority and self-esteem differ statistically and significantly according to both sociodemographic variables. Second, both Inferiority and self-esteem differ statistically and significantly according to Taekwondo practice. Third, Inferiority statistically and significantly influences self-esteem.

      • 炭素鋼의 摩擦熔接에서 熔接面의 形狀에 관한 硏究

        鞠賢雨,閔宅基,金光日,金茂成 忠南大學校 産業技術硏究所 1994 산업기술연구논문집 Vol.9 No.2

        This report deals with a study on figure of friction welding of carbon steel. It is investigated to vary figure. Main result obtained in this study are as follows; 1) In friction welding of carbon steel, the optimization of figure experiments on several type [C(120 )>A(180 )>B(150 )>D(90 )type]. The optimization of figure is C-type(120 ) 2) The tensile strength under 1.0-1.4sec heating time is shown 43.2kgf/㎟, which is the higher than base metal (42kgf/㎟) in C-type. 3) The horizontal hardness is similar to base metal. Heat affected zone where hardness is lower than base metal spreads 3mm far from the friction weld interface in C-type

      • Phage 항원성에 미치는 trypsin의 영향

        이현국,양남웅,서재홍 朝鮮大學校 附設 醫學硏究所 1992 The Medical Journal of Chosun University Vol.17 No.1

        In order to investigate the effect of trypsin(TP) on the phage antigenicity, the Klebsiella phage-host cell system and sheep red blood cells were used, and the results were as follows. The neutralization velocity of Tp-treated phage(Tp phage) by anti-normal phage serum was faster than that of normal phage. And, the neutralization of normal phage by anti-Tp phage serum was remarkably worse than that of Tp phage. The normal phage - neutralizing activity of the anti-normal phage serum absorbed with Tp phage was very weak. However, the anti-Tp phage serum absorbed with normal phage still considerably neutralized the Tp phage. The cold phage hemagglutination(CPH) by normal and Tp phage was most favourable when the reactions are carried out with each phage-correspondig antiserum. The anti-normal phage serum absorbed with Tp phage and the anti-Tp phage serum absorbed with normal phage still formed, with each corresponding phage, the CPH. The neutralization of Tp phage, by anti-normal phage serum, Passed two times through host bacteria and that of Tp phage, by anti-Tp phage serum, Passed three times through host bacteria were similar to the neutralization of normal phage by each antiserum. If the Tp phage is passed two times or three times through host bacteria, the forming capability of CPH by each phage bacame similar, under the anti - normal and anti - Tp phage sera, to that of normal phage. The absorption of Tp phage to host bacteria was a little faster than that of normal phage. If the Tp tretment of phage is done for 48hours at 37℃, the surviving titer was reduced to around 40%.

      • KCI등재

        동독의 언어 및 문법 연구에 나타난 기능의 의미

        조국현 한국독어독문학회 2002 獨逸文學 Vol.83 No.1

        Seit der Mitte der 20. Jahrhunderts spielt der Funktionsbergriif in der Sprachauffasssung und -beschreibung der ehemaligen DDR eine zentrale Rolle. Das Funktionskonzept geht davon aus, sprachliche Ausdru¨cke als Mittel bzw. Instrument zum Erzielen bestimmter kommunikativer Effekte zu betrachten. Die Vielschichtigkeit und Uneinheitlichkeit des Funktionsbegriffs ha¨ngt damit zusammen, dass die Sprach- und Grammatiktheorien, die der funktionalen Sprachforschung in der DDR zugrunde liegen, unter verschiedenen Gesichtspunkten sta¨ndig modifiziert worden sind. Danach la¨sst sich der Funktionsbegriff zuna¨chst auf zweifacher Weise charakterisieren: einerseits als sprachsystembezogene Kategorie, andererseits als sprachverwendungsbezogenen Kategorie. In der Anfangsphase der funktionalen Grammatik, die sich in den 60er Jahren etablierte, geht man einfach von der Wechselbeziehung zwischen Form besonders grammatischer Form und Funktion aus und bezeichnet grammatische und begriffliche Inhalte grammaticher Mittel als Funktion, wie Schmidt z.B. 'logischgrammatische Funktion' oder 'kommunikativ-grammatische Funktion' nennt. Dabei wird die Funktion in erster Linie auf die Wortebene bezogen, und zwar im grammatischen Bereich. Spa¨ter umfasst der Funktionsbegriff zwar noch die grammatische und lexiklasiche Entita¨t sprachlicher Ausdru¨cke, aber er wird lediglich im Rahmen des Sprachsystems verwendet. Erst in der funktional-kommunikativen Sprachbeschreibung, die seit den 70er Jahren fu¨r den Muttersprachen- und Fremdsprachenunterricht entwickelt worden ist, wird die Funktion nicht mehr nur als sprachintermes Pha¨nomen betrachtet. Unter holistischem Aspekt ist die Funktion der Sprache demnach die Zielgerichtetheit sprachlich-kommunikativer Ta¨tigkeit und ihrer konkreten Realisationen, die man Kommunikationsverfahren wie Bitten, Berichten, Vorschla¨gen, Zusammenfassen, Ero¨rtern usw. nennt, und zugleich die Zweckbestimmtheit des Sprachsystems, Textes und einzelner sprachlicher Mittel in ihrem anteiligen Zusammenwirken bei der Erreichung des Kommunikationsziels. Es wird dazu betont, dass Form und Funktion keinenfalls in der 1:1 Beziehung zueinander steht und dementsprechend ein bestimmtes Mittel oder ein bestimmtes Kommunikationsverfahren in einer Kommunikationssituation zur Realisierung des u¨bergeordneten Ziels pra¨ferentiell einzusetzen ist.

      • KCI등재

        메타의사소통은 의사소통의 '수호천사'인가?

        조국현 한국독어독문학회 2003 獨逸文學 Vol.87 No.-

        Im vorliegenden Artikel wird ein fu¨r die Kommunikationsforschung a¨uBerst relevantes Thema behandelt, i.e. die Metakommunikation. Die Metakommunikation kann im Rahmen eines Dialogs oder Texts dem Erfolg der kommunikativen Handlung dienen, indem sie vor allem auf Probleme des Verstehens und Akzeptierens von A¨uBerungen verweist. Die Kommunikationsteilnehmer reflektieren u¨ber die laufende Kommunikation und bringen dabei gegebenenfalls ihre Reflexionen zum Ausdruck. Metakommunikative A¨uBerungen sind also Resultate von derartigen Akten der Bewusstmachung. Metakommunikation ist zwar das Moment, das die menschliche Sprache von z.B. tierischen Kommunikationssystemen oder anderen Informationssystemen abhebt, aber im Alltagsleben ist ihr Gebrauch oft belastend. Denn die Direktheit oder das Deutlich-Machen der Metakommunikation kann in bestimmten Situationen beim Kommunikationspartner auch auf emotionale Barrieren treffen. Daher ist Metakommunikation je nach Dialog- bzw. Texttyp unterschiedlich institutionalisiert.

      • 태권도 겨루기 준비자세에 따른 앞돌려 차기 시간의 분석

        丁局鉉,鄭樂喜 韓國體育大學校 1997 論文集 Vol.20 No.-

        This study was under taken to identify the speed times among Free fighting stance Knee joint straighted stance, Knee joint bented stance, and Bouncing stance in TaeKwon-Do, by utilizing a high-speed camera(HSV 200 made from NAC Company in Japan), which will be able to take 200 frames per second. The 15 subjects employed for this study were selected form the Korean National TakKwon-Do players in 1995. In order to accomplish the purpose of this study, The data were analyzed with One-way ANOVA to determine the speed time of each stance. The results showed that there were statistical differences between the four stances each other. Therefore, to test the differences, Scheffe-test foe post-hoc comparisons was applied to the four dependent variables. The results of the study were as follows: 1. The Knee joint bented stance is the fastest motion(0.571 sec). 2. The Free fighting stance is the 2nd fastest motion(0.626 sec). 3. The Bouncing stance shows the 3rd rank of the fast motion(0.627 sec). 4. The last rank of the stance motion is the knee joint straighted stance(0.654 sec). According to the above-mentioned results, the implications of the study suggest that the Knee joint bented stance and the Bouncing stance will be applicable to the competition effectively, and especially, the Knee joint bented stance will be beneficial against the count-kick in the competition.

      • KCI등재

        瞿秋白의 <魯迅雜感選集序言> 硏究

        趙顯國 한국중국문화학회 1998 中國學論叢 Vol.7 No.-

        本文從現實主義(realism)角度硏究了瞿秋白的<魯迅雜感選集序言>. 瞿秋白在<序言>裏將魯迅文學的現實主義特徵定爲"淸醒的現實主義". 這個槪念在兩個方面上具有其意義與局限. 首先瞿秋白從唯物論o反映論角度解讀魯迅文學和他的思想變化軌迹, 這點置得我們注意. 他以 "正視"和 "熱情"這兩個槪念槪括魯迅現實主義的特徵. 盡管如此, 他過度强調唯物辨證法, 甚至主張사是唯一的世界觀, 從而露出了其局限. 但是他在解讀魯迅文學過程當中, 不但論述了魯迅不斷地關注當時社會現實和人生問題, 以諷刺和幽默對사們進行客觀再現, 進一步還指出了魯迅作品幷不是單純的客觀再現, 而是客觀再現裏삼透着其主觀熱情. 這個觀念是흔耐人尋味的. 瞿秋白認爲這些是淸醒現實主義的基本因素. 령一方面, 瞿秋白在<序言>裏提到了魯迅的思想和文學幷不停留在個人存在和意識的範疇, 而是사還包括魯迅對集體的關心和他個體參與集體的問題, 這點令人注意. 但是瞿秋白對魯迅個人存在意識的複雜性與集體系着如何關係沒有進行更細緻的探討, 這是他的局限.

      • 고환수염전과 동반된 고환미석증 1예

        양상국,신현준,김홍섭,정상원,노용수,김상윤 건국대학교 의과학연구소 1999 건국의과학학술지 Vol.9 No.-

        Testicular microlithiasis is a rare disease characterized by calcifications within the seminiferous tubules. Testicular microlithiasis has been found with a wide variety of testicular pathology, but to our knowledge its association with torsion of appendix testis has been reported only one case. Therefore, we report on an 13-year-old boy with torsion of testis appendix and bilaterally diffusely echogenic testes on sonography.

      • Markovian queueing network의 구조 안정성

        조국현 光云大學校 1988 論文集 Vol.17 No.-

        This thesis presents the structural stability of OMQN and CMQN(Open and Closed Markovian Queueing Network). Namely, the concept of ergodic and stationary stability is introduced as the structural stability on the pertubation of routing matrix, mean arrival rate, and service rate vector which stipulate a structure of OMQN and CMQN, they are used as the method of structural stability analysis of Markovian system. Here, the stability of OMQN and CMQN is a equivalent concept and decribed as a general attribute of ergodic Queueing Markovian Network.

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