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        景福宮·昌德宮·點景物 紋樣에 관한 硏究

        최준형,이석래,이재근 한국정원학회 2002 한국전통조경학회지 Vol.20 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to present basic materials on garden ornaments and their symbolism in traditional spaces. The subjects for this study are the Kyongbok Palace and the Changduk Palace that were the palaces of the Chosun Dynasty. The patterns of the garden ornaments in those palaces were investigated by comparison with past literature and traditional pattern collections. The findings of the research are as follows. Animal patterns were found on most of the stone statues and symbolized the expulsion of evil and the protenction of the King. They were used mainly in King’s Palace to emphasize the expulsion of evil and the protection of the King in official ceremonies. A stone mortar filled with water was used as a mirror and stonework, stone pedestals, chimneys, and stone boxes were mainly decorated with botanical patterns and used a lot in the royal villa and the living space for praying for the luck the user of the space. As shown above, there was a close correlation to space, the type of garden ornament, classification, and the symbolism of the patterns. A stepping stone used in mounting or dismounting a horse was used practically rather than ornately and there was usually no special ornament on the stone. However, on the stepping stone in the Sujung Annex, a decorated lotus pattern symbolized creation and prosperity with the purpose of calming the minds of the ministers. There were grass and flower patterns on only three sides of the stone box of Yonkyung Hall and therefore, it was considered functional and practical. The flag pedestal that measured the direction and velocity of the wind by using a flag was decorated with a wave pattern to sttongly emphasize the government. The stone mortar of Okrychun where common people enjoyed their lives and partied showed no special patterns and was located in the waterway to divert the flow of the water.

      • KCI등재

        골격성 제3급 부정교합환자의 하악지 시상분할 골절단술후 하안면 폭경 및 고경의 변화에 대한 두부계측 방사선학적 연구

        장현석,임재석,권종진,이부규,손형민 대한악안면성형재건외과학회 2000 Maxillofacial Plastic Reconstructive Surgery Vol.22 No.3

        Purpose : The purpose of this study was to analyze the lower third facial changes in frontal view after mandibular setback surgery. Materials and Methods : In this study, fifteen subjects(6 males and 9 females) with class III dental and skeletal malocclusions who were treated with BSSRO(Bilateral Sagittal Split Ramus Ostetomy) were used. Frontal cephalometric radiographs were taken preoperatively and more than 6 months postoperatively, and hard tissue(H2-Hl) and soft tissue changes (S2-S1) were measured on vertical and horizontal reference lines. In 15 cases, changes which developed more than 6 months after surgery were studied. Results : The results were as follows. 1.In the facial height, hard tissue decreased(2.46±2.76mm) with statistical significance(P<0.01), and soft tissue also decreased(1.64±3.66mm). As a result, the facial height generally becomes shorter after sagittal split ramus osteotomy. 2.In the mandibular width, hard tissue decreased(2.08±3.59mm) with statistical sgnificance(P<0.05), but soft tissue increased (2.14±5.73mm) without statistically significant difference (P>0.05) postoperatively. 3.In the facial index, hard tissue decreased(0.23±2.21%), but soft tissue increased(2.41±3.46%) with statistical significance. Conclusion : One of the main purpose of orthognathic surgery is to achieve facial esthetics and harmony. In order to fullfill this purpose, it is important to carry out a precise presurgical treatment planning by estimating the changes of frontal profile after surgery.

      • KCI등재

        〈蕙風詞話〉'中拙大' 意味辨析

        李奭炯 한국중국어문학회 2000 中國文學 Vol.33 No.-

        重拙大是況周願蕙風詞話的論詞核心. 爲了明白況周願的詞論, 應先理解重拙大的意味. 一般辭典裏減不到重拙大這個詞語的名目或解釋. 按漢語大詞典拘解釋, 重的含意近於莊重穩重, 拙就是筆拙或質朴自然的意味, 大是與小相對的槪念. $lt;蕙風詞諸$gt;裏沒有對重拙大的直接說明, 可是按其評語可以探到重拙大意味的端緖. $lt;蕙風詞話$gt;裏況周顚提出重拙大就是作詞的三要. 重就是沈着, 可謂是深厚的作品內容充分地發現於作品之外表的. 拙是博統美學槪念上之巧不如拙的拙, 要求表現方面的自然和內容方面的眞率. 大是作品的氣象或意境的廣大, 這就誤寄託有密切關係. 況周願把重拙大析爲三個名辭, 而其意味領域難以分開. 從(蕙風詞話)的評語看, 況周願把重拙大看是一個統一槪念的詞語. 按筆者的分析,重拙大的意味領城包含如何的幾個特徵. 一, 作品裏充滿著作家深厚的情感而內容豊雷, 作品的可容性浿大. 二, 筆法裡自然, 作家的眞函貌具現得眞率, 因而充滿著生機. 三, 作品之外表洋濫著深遠的韻致,餘談無窯窮.

      • 진화프로그래밍에 의한 반도체 웨이퍼 운반시스템의 스케쥴링 알고리즘

        한석원,박태형 충북대학교 컴퓨터 정보통신 연구소 2000 컴퓨터정보통신연구 Vol.8 No.1

        다수 대의 자성운반체에 의하여 웨이퍼의 공급 및 반송이 이루어지는 반도체 제조시스템의 생산성 향상을 위한 스케쥴링 방법을 제안한다. 진화프로그래밍의 사용을 위하여 염색체의 정의하며, 교배 및 돌연변이 함수를 새로이 정의한다. 또한 각 자성운반체의 충돌회피를 위한 시간 창 기법을 적용한다. 기존 방법과의 비교 시뮬레이션을 통하여 제시된 방법의 유용성을 검증하며, 실제 생산라인에의 적용방법을 제시한다. We propose a new path planning method for multiple magnetic carriers in wafer handling systems. The chromosome and the genetic operators are defined to solve the problem by genetic algorithms. The time-window technique is also applied to the method to generate a conflict-free path of each magnetic carrier. Simulation results are then presented to verify the usefulness of the proposed scheme.

      • KCI등재

        朱彛尊 詞論 硏究

        이석형 韓國中國語文學會 2003 中國文學 Vol.39 No.-

        朱이尊的詞學理論是爲了糾正淸初詞學中興時期詞壇出現的弊端而提出的. 他廣博閱讀詞籍,幷將主意力集中干南宋詞的變化上, 對慢詞體表現技法的巧妙給子了高度的評价,糾正了只重視五代北宋詞的云間詞派的狹益觀点, 將姜?推崇爲成就最高的作家, 從而明確了與主張學習辛棄疾的陳維崧 · 學習李煜的納蘭性德等的詞學路線的區別, 提出了浙西詞派的理論方向. 同時糾正了淸初詞壇低俗的氣韻及不和諧的音律, 爲了在詞中能구體現出雅正的情緖, 將醇雅列爲論詞的最高標准. 但是他的醇雅論只集中干詞的言語 · 音律的和諧 · 表現技法等形式方面的問題, 而忽略了對內容方面的論述, 因此他的理論幷不徹底. 其原因可歸干淸朝文字獄等森嚴的思想統治社會背景下有意識地回避現實問題的明哲保身的漢族出身知識分子自我保護的本能. 朱이尊在詞的創作上爲他人作出了傍樣, 提出了符合時宣的詞學理論, 一掃當時沈干鄙俗的詞風, 倡導了浙西詞派, 可謂爲其功; 但浙西詞派的詞風內容空洞逐漸流干空疏, 陷干두정, 這些與其理論的不徹底性又是分不開的.

      • KCI등재후보

        톨루엔 노출 근로자에서 요중마뇨산 배설농도로 평가한 호흡보호구 착용효과에 관한 연구

        김범석,박정일,임현우,김형아,오상용 大韓産業醫學會 2001 대한직업환경의학회지 Vol.13 No.4

        목적 : 보호구 착용 효과에 대한 실제적, 구체적자료를 제시함으로서 예방목적의 보호구 사용에 대한 근로자들의 인식을 제고시키기 위함이다. 방법 : 서울시내에 소재한 일부 그라비아 인쇄소에서 톨루엔이 함유된 잉크 및 희석제를 취급하는근로자 26명을 대상으로 본 연구를 수행하였다. 유기가스용 방독마스크 미착용 상태와 유기가스용 방독마스크 착용후 작업환경 중 톨루엔 개인노출농도와 요중 마뇨산 시간별 농도를 측정, 비교하였다. 결과 : 그라비아 인쇄소의 공기중 톨루엔 개인노출농도는 유기가스용 방독마스크 미착용일과 착용일에서 각각 147.52+57.34 ppm 및 134.55+52.44ppm으로 통계학적으로 유의한 차이는 없었다. 방독마스크 미착용일파 착몽일의 작업종료 후 요중 마뇨산 농도의 기하평균값은 각각 1.5) 10.33:1 g/L 및0.49(0.14) 하였으며 두 일간에 유의한 차이를 보였단. 방독마스크 미착용일에서 요중 마뇨산 농도는 근무시작 4시간 후(오후 작업시작전, 13:00)부터 유의하게 증가하기 시작하였으며, 착용일에서는 근무종료시까지 유의한 증가를 보이지 않았다. 유기가스용 방독마스크 착용 효과를 톨루엔 대사산물인 요중마뇨산 농도로 평가하면 착용시 농도가 미착용시에비하여 89.3% 감소하였다. 보호구 미착용일에 있어서 공기중 톨루엔 개인노출농도와 요중 마뇨산 농도는 유의한 상관성을 나타났으며 회귀방정식은 Y(요중 마뇨산, g/L) =0. OO7x (공기중 톨루엔, ppm)+0.665로 계산되었다. 결론 : Fit Test등 올바른 보호구 착용 교육을 통한 전 작업시간에 걸친 유기가스용 방독마스크 보호구 착용은 직업적인 톨루엔 노출의 호흡기 흡수를거의 대부분 차단하였다. Objectives : This study was carried out in order to raise workers' recognition of the effects of respirator use by providing concrete and practical data. Methods : Twenty-six workers who dealt with toluene based ink and diluents at a gravure printing office in Seoul were investigated. The toluene exposure level and urinary hippuric acid level were monitored under respirator non-wearing (RNW) and under respiratory wearing (RW) conditions. Results : The mean concentrations of toluene exposed to each worker through the air of gravure printing office were 147.52±57.34 and 134.55±52.44 ppm on respirator non-wearing day and respirator wearing day, respectively. There was no significant difference in toluene exposure concentration for the two days. The mean concentration of urinary hippuric acid in RNW and RW groups were 1.51 (0.53) g/L and 0.49 (0.14) g/L, respectively, as measured at the end of the workday. There was a significant difference seen in urinary hippuric acid concentration between the two days. The urinary hippuric acid concentration began to increase at 4 hours after the start of the workday (13:00) in RNW. However, there was no significant increase until the end of the workday in the case of RW. The urinary hippuric acid concentration in RW reduced 89.3% as compared with the concentration seen in RNW. There was a significant correlation between the toluene concentration and the urinary hippuric acid concentration in RNW. The regression equation was Y (urinary hippuric acid concentration, g/L) = 0.007 ×χ(toluene concentration in the air, ppm) + 0.665. Conclusions : Our results indicate that the respirator intercepted most toluene that may have been absorbed Into the respiratory organs, and suggested that properly wearing a respiratory such as wearing the respirator during the entire workday and performing a proper fit test played an important role in the protection from toluene exposure

      • 2축 휨과 축력을 받는 철근콘크리트 원형단면 기동의 연성에 관한 연구

        최형범,모귀석 대불대학교 2000 論文集 Vol.6 No.1

        Twenty short concrete columns reinforced with longitudinal steel and circular spirals were tested for ductility under bi-axial bending moment and axial force. Effects of different variables, such as the amount and spiral steel spacing, spiral steel strength, and concrete strength, on the behaviour of columns were investigated. the relation between bending moment on short concrete columns and curvature ductility enhancement, and the variation of spiral steel stress were also investigated. An increase in the volumetric ratio of spiral steel was found to significantly improve both the strength and the ductility of confined concrete, with the effect on ductility being more pronounced. The maximum effect of spiral steel spacing was observed for the amount of spiral steel, which was approximately equal to that required by the ACI Code. The lateral steel strength appeared to have a significant effect on the behaviour of similarly confined columns of differing strength.

      • 체벌에 관한 연구

        이형석 원광대학교 대학원 2007 論文集 Vol.39 No.-

        The purport of education is to help students-as educational target-recognize and turn values. The real value of education lies in motivating students to achieve their desired goals for themselves with sound sense of value and intelligence. That is why we must correctly recognize and institutionalize teacher's educational authority and student's human rights before addressing the priority between the two rights. In view of the history of human rights, children and students were considered beneficiary of rights before their own rights were legitimately accepted in public, but they were not recognized as independent persons who can enjoy or claim their own rights. The Constitution of Republic of Korea assures human respect, values and personal rights. These are basic rights that everyone must enjoy, and our right derives from human respect, values and personal rights. Regardless of these essential aspects, our current educational sites commit corporal punishment in the name of 'whip of love', 'fair club' or the like, and such bodily punishment is actually understood in the context of standing and assurance of educational authority. In addition, according to feasible theory of educational authority or subrogation of parental authority, the rights of children or students are considered as a subordinary right subject to parental custody, and bodily punishment is indeed justified by the logics advocating educational authority substituted for this parental custody. The necessity and effects of corporal punishment have been reported in form of theory and findings associated with Law of Reinforcement from the perspective of pedagogy and psychology. Moreover, the behavioral practices of some teachers who blindly believe the effectiveness of such punishment also bring about many issues. Thus, it is required to make jurisprudential review of human rights and respect before addressing pedagogic efficiency of bodily punishment.

      • KCI등재

        謝章鋌 詞論 硏究 : 詞의 문학성 회복과 관련하여

        李奭炯 韓國中國語文學會 2000 中國文學 Vol.34 No.-

        謝章鋌是淸末민詞壇的領油人物, 被評爲堅持比軟公正而客觀的論詞態度. 其<賭棋山莊飼話>所錄的論詞觀點是博看歷代詞籍而取捨選揮的結果. 他對詞的認識大體上以浙西詞派爲中心而折衷常州詞派的看法. 他親自體會淸末混亂的社會和失去方向的詞壇, 謨求詞學的未來發展方向. 本稿就是以謝章錠對未來詞學應該如何發展的深求爲重要問題來商討的. 詞本來是音樂的歌詞. 在淸末雖然詞樂佚傳已經?久了, 可是詞人仍然注意詞的音樂成分. 詞樂佚傳的情況, 詞的合律典否賞際上不可證賞, 因而對詞音樂性的論議흔可能流於空論. 謝章綎親眼看到浙西詞派末流和常州詞派末流所呈現的文學性破壞現狀的嚴重性, 看淸了重視音樂性的詞學態度是沒意義的, 主張要恢復詞的文學性. 其內容槪括了對性情的强調和題材範園的績大. 這些主張對於提高從來被認爲小道的詞文學地位和社會償値設服力復張. 可是這使詞失去其整體性, 反而加速詞的詩化.

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