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      • 초등학교 수학 교과서에 나오는 자연수의 사칙 연산 문장제 분석

        노현옥,정은실 진주교육대학교 초등교육연구소 2005 科學敎育硏究 Vol.28 No.-

        본 연구에서는 초등학교 학생의 자연수 사칙 연산에 관한 문장제 해결 능력은 문장제 구성요소에 따라서 어떻게 다른지, 또 제7차 교육 과정에 의한 초등학교 수학 교과서와 익힘책에서 자연수의 사칙 연산 문장제의 구문론, 의미론, 소재별 특성은 단계별로 어떠한 빈도와 분포로 나타나는지를 알아보았다. The purpose of this study is to analyze the word problems of the four fundamental operations in elementary school mathematics textbooks and workbooks based on the 7th Mathematics Curriculum. In the study the components of the word problems are proposed as the syntax, the semantics and topics. The subjects of the study are 540 students(2nd and 3rd grade) selected from an elementary school located in Jinju and the 436 word problems of the four fundamental operations in the elementary mathematics textbook and mathematics workbooks(1-Ga stage to 4-Ga stage). The followings are the result of the study. First, children's ability to solve word problems is poor in word problems with long sentences, with inconsistency between the order of data mention and calculation order, and with unnecessary information. Second, as for the semantic, children easily solve Part-Part-Whole 1 type and Join 1 type of the addition, and Separate type of subtraction. It implies that it is difficult for children to solve the word problems with the unknown in the starting group. Word problem solving ability is poor at Compare type in subtraction, Cartesian Products type in multiplication, and Measurement type in division. Third, word problems with inconsistency between the order of data mention and calculation order, and with unnecessary information are rarely presented in the textbook and workbooks. The problems were biased to Part-Part-Whole type of the addition situation, Separate type of subtraction situation, and the Repeated Addition type of multiplication situation and and Measurement type of division situation. Considering that these types generally showed high success rate in problem solution, we can guess they can solve the problems easily similar to the ones presented in the textbook. Fourth, most topics in textbooks and workbooks are fairy books, fruits, stationery, number of people, transportation, food and animals. Summarizing the above study results, word problems presented in the textbooks were biased to specific syntax, semantics and topics. To nurture the problem solving abilities, we need to present diversified word problems considering the difficulties. Additionally, teachers need to reorganize teaching plans and establish evaluation methods considering the difficulty level of each component of the problem situation in order to develop the problem solving abilities, because students show different problem solving abilities according to operation type.

      • KCI등재

        20~21세기 한반도에서 국가적 성폭력과 그 희생제의로서 여성의 몸:일본군위안부, 여성빨치산, 그리고 여성탈북자의 삶을 중심으로

        최현실 釜山大學校 韓國民族文化硏究所 2013 한국민족문화 Vol.46 No.-

        Violence in the sacrifice of military sexual slavery by Japan, female partisans, and North Korean women defector’s body structure appeared in the 20~21 century, the Korean peninsula, there is a common feature of human rights exclusion. This study was to analyze the categorical content approach. The paper is organized as follows Deleuze’s agencement in the form of the major events of the life of the three study were placed into four steps. 1.Period of war and chaos in a woman’s body is reduced to sexual objectification. 2.Indelible traces of the body and trauma 3.Patriarchal society, anti-communist societies in a third country, life as a sinner, but a sinner 4.Gender go find a life worthy of human beings. Despite of the historical period and the beginning of the study subjects' discrimination, common symptoms of universal human rights and violence against a woman’s body was ruled out. Across the public and private areas of violence against a woman’s body, has created a space of exclusion of human rights. Despite of Individual distinctiveness, victims of violence put pressure on the woman’s body structure is characterized by repeated appear. For this shall continue to be a challenging task. 본 연구는 20~21세기 한반도에 나타났던 폭력에서 인권배제의 공통된 특징을 지닌, 일본군위안부와 여성빨치산, 여성탈북자의 몸의 희생 구조를 범주적 내용분석 중심으로 분석하였다.논문의 구성은 세 연구 대상의 생애의 주요한 사건을 들뢰즈의 아장스망(agencement)형식으로 네 단계로 배치하였다. 1.전쟁과 혼란의 시기에 여성의 몸이 성적 대상화로 전락, 2.지워지지 않는 몸의 흔적 그리고 트라우마, 3.가부장적 사회, 반공사회, 제3국에서의 죄인 아닌 죄인으로의 삶, 4. 젠더 인간다운 삶을 찾아가다 등이다. 연구 대상자들의 역사적 시기와 내용상의 차별에도 불구하고, 공통적으로 나타나는 현상은 여성의 몸에 대한 폭력과 보편적 인권의 배제이다. 여성의 몸에 대한 폭력은 공적 사적 영역을 넘나들며, 인권 배제의 공간을 창출하고 있다. 그리고 역사적 사건 속에서, 여성의 몸에 가하는 폭력의 희생 구조는 개별적 특수성에도 불구하고 반복되어 나타나는 특징이 있다. 이에 대한 도전 작업은 지속되어야 한다.

      • KCI등재

        아시아의 새로운 대안경제

        최현실(Hyeon Sil Cho) 한국아시아학회 2011 아시아연구 Vol.14 No.2

        본 연구는 아시아의 대안경제가 기존경제방식과는 다른 공동체와 신뢰에 기초하여 NGO 및 국제기구의 협력적 네트워크를 통한 경제형식으로 나타나고 있음을 설명하고 있다. 마이크로크레디트와 공정무역으로 대표되는 대안경제는 극 빈자의 경제적 자립과 인권향상에 기여하고 있으며, 이윤이나 이해관계를 넘어서 생산자와 소비자 간의 인격적 존중을 중시하는 거래관계의 변화를 지향한다. 이러한 대안경제는 (1) 국제기구의 아시아 저개발국가에 대한 경제원조의 다 변화에 따른 경제적 지원의 확대 (2) 아시아 각국의 마이크로크레디트와 공정무역에 연계된 국제적 NGO의 영향력 강화로 성장하고 있다. 따라서, 대안경제는 국제기구, 국제적 NGO 그리고 시민사회의 연대강화와 지속적인 관심과 지원이 필요하다. This study explores the change of Asian economy which takes the form of alternative economy, unlike the existing economic system, based on the trust of community and the cooperative network of NGOs and international organizations. Alternative economy represented as micro-credit and fair trade contribute to the economic independence and human rights of the poorest. It supports the change of business relations in which human respect between producer and consumer is valued beyond profits and interests of trade connection. This alternative economy is growing due to two constituents. The first is the increasing economic assistance toward the Asian developing countries. The second is that the influential power of the international NGOs connected to micro-credit and fair trade of Asian countries. has strengthened. Consequently, Enhancement of solidarity, consistent interest, and support of international organizations, NGOs, and civil societies will be required for the development of alternative economy.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재SCOPUS
      • KCI등재

        여성을 위한 국제적 대안경제 -공정무역, 소액대출, 사회적 기업을 중심으로-

        최현실 ( Hyeon Sil Choi ) 부산대학교 여성연구소 2007 여성학연구 Vol.17 No.1

        This thesis examines the International Alternative Economy for Women. With a research centered around the concepts of Fair Trade, Micro-credit, Social Enterprise, its main focus is to illustrate how international Alternative Economy affects women`s life. The research shows that the above three concepts have been useful in the improvement of females` economy conditions as well as their social positions more or less. In case of Fair Trade, although its affect is minor, a direct transaction of small-scale producers in under-developed countries with consumers in developed countries has made their life better. In case of Micro-credit, lenders for those whose life with low income can not be subsidized by commercial bank have given loans to help poverty females. This has led to the improvement of their abilities of self-supporting economy activities. In case of Social Enterprise aiming social welfare, hiring socially isolated and under-privileged low income people has made their life better as well as increased firms` profits. In addition to the above benefits, it has also helped diminish welfare expenses. In addition, this study has discovered that a producer group of Fair Trade was connected with Social Enterprise and especially with Micro-credit. The lenders have also given loans to Social Enterprise. In conclusion, this Alternative Economy has improved the situation of female economy as well as their positions and women`s power at their families. This has resulted in elimination of women`s poverty.

      • KCI등재

        최근 중국의 농민공 동향

        최현실(Hyeon-sil Choi) 숙명여자대학교 아시아여성연구원 2010 아시아여성연구 Vol.49 No.1

        본 연구는 중국사회가 자본주의적 시장경제의 활성화와 세계화과정에서 여성 농민공이 도시로 이주한 후 도시 빈민, 도시 하층노동자, 도시 소외계층으로 전락하는 구체적 상태를 상하이 여성 농민공을 중심으로 조사하였다. 여성 농민공은 저학력과 성별 분업적 취업특성으로 인해 도시 남성과 여성, 남성농민공 그리고 여성 농민공들 중에서도 연령별, 학력별, 미혼 기혼별로 계층화되고 있다. 직업 유형은 가정 복무원 37.2%, 상품판매원 20.7%, 식당 및 오락장소 복무원이 16.8%이며, 평균월급은 960위안 이하가 28.6%, 960-1500위안이 44.4%이다. 여성 농민공의 대다수는 비정규직에 취업하여 시정부의 산재ㆍ의료ㆍ양로 등 사회보험의 혜택과 법적 보호를 받지 못하는 노동계약의 사각지대에 놓인 경우가 많으며, 40.5%가 경제적 곤란을 겪고 있다. 특히, 직업생활에서 임신 및 출산휴가에 따른 제약을 가장 많이 받고 있어 모성보호가 제대로 이루어지지 못하고 있다. 여성 농민공의 가정에서의 지위도 도시 여성보다 낮으며, 남편의 경제력에 의존하는 경우가 많다. 이러한 여성농민공의 문제는 시장경제의 활성화로 더욱 가중되고 있으며, 경제성과의 편중된 분배에 대한 사회적 불만과 좌절감을 해결할 수 있는 구체적인 정책적 대안이 필요하다. 계층별로 차별화된 여성정책과 전통적인 여성노동에서 지식기술 집약형 산업으로 이동할 수 있는 적절한 여성교육과 지역사회의 사회활동 영역에 여성농민공이 참여할 수 있는 공간을 마련하여 도시의 주변인으로서 소외되는 불만을 해소하는 정책이 마련되어야 한다. This Thesis analyzes rural women's problems in their jobs and family life after they moved from rural to urban area in the process of the capitalistic economy maturity and globalization in china, focusing on the poor, the people of the lower classes, women in Sanghai. The peasant women migrants have gone through a sense of relative deprivation and alienation among inhabitants who were born in both cities and rural areas, due to several factors in sex distinction, educational backgrounds, disparity of age and a class. A range of their jobs lies in falling under 37.2% as home worker like housemaid, visiting housekeeper and baby-sitter, 20.7% as sales clerk, 16.8% as worker in entertainment spots. In average wages, 28.6% of them are not exceeding 960 yuan, and 44.4% earn their income between 960 and 1500 yuan They usually don't have social security such as industrial disaster, medical and old-age treatment from local officials and legal protection. Especially, maternity protection in them can't be ensured firmly, because they are restricted by the matter of pregnancy and maternity leave in the workplace. 40.5% of them are irregular workers who exist in dead zone of contract of employment, and suffering economic troubles. The peasant women migrants mostly can't keep their independent life, depending on their husbands' economic power. We should make political alternative proposals to solve unfair economical distribution, social dissatisfaction and senses of frustration of peasant women migrants. In addition to, it's time to need discriminative policies for women according to class and proper education for women so as to move them from traditional works to knowledge-technology intensive industries. Moreover, the policies can remedy their grievances alienated as marginal men by supplying some spaces that the peasant women migrants can join in social activities of local community.

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