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      • 지속가능성 보고서 분석을 통한 기업의 환경교육 현황

        박혜경,정철 대구대학교 사범대학 부설 교육연구소 2007 敎育硏究 Vol.3 No.1

        Along with the spread of sustainability, world-class corporate have realized their vision and goals through focusing on sustainability management including environmental soundness and social responsibility. Although diverse methods are utilized for measuring the degree of environmental management by assessing sustainability management performance worldwide, it is hard to find researches about current environmental education of domestic corporate. Therefore, in this study, the current environmental education of domestic corporate was analyzed by collecting sustainability reports produced by 11 corporates. The results are as follows. The corporate publishing sustainability report in Korea recognized necessity and significancy of environmental education. They were aware of need and importance of environmental education in management, and endeavored to extend the portion of environmental education. They were also informing stake-holders of corporate management performance through sustainability report, and were rapidly coping with the worldwide trend by building an organization for pursuing sustainable management. The 11 corporates showed differences in environmental education activities and practice according to their manufacturing industry, corporate, service industry, and direct relationship with citizens. It would be necessary to reinforce sustainability management through the activation of the corporate's environmental education in the future. 최근 기업은 지속가능성의 강조와 더불어 기업의 비전과 목표를 지속가능경영에 중점을 두고 지속가능성 가이드라에 기초한 환경경영 실천과 기업의 이미지 쇄신과 대국민 홍보의 측면에서 기업 내외적으로 다양한 환경교육을 시행해오고 있다. 이연구는 우리나라 기업의 환경교육 현황을 조사해 봄으로써 현재 우리나라 기업의 환경교육에 대한 가능성을 진단해 보고자 한다. 이에 따라 2006년 현재 지속가능성 보고서를 발간하고 있는 11개 기업의 문헌 연구를 통하여 기업의 환경교육 현황을 분석하였다. 연구 결과, 첫째, 우리나라에서 지속가능성 보고서를 발간하고 있는 기업은 기업의 경영에서 환경교육의 필요성과 중요성을 인식하고 있었으며, 점차 그 비중을 확대하려는 노력을 하고 이었다. 둘째, 연구 대상 중에서 6개 기업은 환경적 측면에서는 주로 환경 경영시스템내에서 실시하는 환경교육, 환경 경영 실천을 위한 교육, 환경담당직원 대상의 환경교육을 실시하고, 사회적 측면에서는 지역 환경보전활동에 치중하고 있었으며, 다른 기업은 보고서에서는 제시하지는 않았으나, 기업특성에 맞는 환경보전활동을 실시하고 있었다. 셋째, 분석 대상 기업은 기업 특성에 따라 환경교육 내용과 실천에 차이가 있었다.

      • KCI등재

        도시와 농촌 지역 유아교육기관의 무용교육의 인식과 수행정도에 관한 연구도시와 농촌 지역 유아교육기관의 무용교육의 인식과 수행정도에 관한 연구

        이미경,임혜자 韓國舞踊敎育學會 2005 韓國舞踊敎育學會誌 Vol.16 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to examine how teachers who worked at early childhood education institutes in rural and urban regions, including kindergartens and daycare centers, perceived dance education, in which way more professional dance education could be provided and to what extent they actually offered dance education. After a survey was conducted, the responses from 202 teachers were gathered and analyzed with SPSS WINDOW 10.0 program. The major findings of the study were as follows: First, the preschool teachers in the urban and rural areas were well aware of the definition of dance education, and they placed high value on its merit and effectiveness. And they put emphasis on the necessity of professional dance education and of expert teachers. Second, as for how more professional preschool dance education could be provided, the rural teachers considered it more necessary for college dance departments to make research on the development of young children than the urban teachers did, and the gap between them was significant. Third, regarding the place of dance education, that was conducted the most in classroom, followed by auditorium and dancing room. Concerning clothes and frequency, plain clothes was most widely used, followed by sportswear and dancing costumes. And dance education was mostly provided once a week. Fourth, there was a gap between their preferences according to geographic region. The rural teachers found young children to enjoy dance education more than their counterparts did, and the former attached more importance to class atmosphere, provided more motivation through music and language, offered more dance classes and took more mini-courses in dance. The above-mentioned findings suggested that the geographic region made a more difference to the preschool teachers' outlook on the way of offering professional dance education and to their preference for dance education, and there was little significant regional gap between their views of dance education and the necessity of professional dance education. In the future, higher-quality dance education could be provided to young children, regardless of geographic regions, if early childhood education circles and dance education circles put concerted efforts into developing preschool dance education by taking advantage of the positives of interdisciplinary studies.

      • KCI등재

        외국어 독해활동과 학습자들의 사회적 표상

        김혜경 한국외국어대학교 외국어교육연구소 2001 외국어교육연구 Vol.- No.15

        La pe´dagogie de l´e´crit - seule de´marche re´aliste dans l'enseignement /apprentissage des langues-cultures e´trange`re`s e´loigne´es' - semble privie´gier, depuis quelques temps, deux pistes : celle de l'interlangue de l'apprenant de la LE et celle de l'activite´ de l'apprenant e´valuateur du texte en LE lequel, dans ce cas, devra d'abord savoir lire/comprendre. Pour notre part, nous avons choisi d'e´tudier les processus mis en oeuvre par l'apprenant core´en en LE, en l'occurrence en FLE15, pour (re)construire le sens d'un texte a` l'aide des sche´mas organisationnels du texte tels qu'ils fonctionnent en LE mais en s'inspirant aussi de ses qualite´s de lecteur de´ja` compe´tent voire expert en LM16. Pour mener a` bien cette ta^che, nous avons cru bon de partir d'un postulat, a` savoir : le texte est fondamentalement 'interaction' au centre duquel 're´fe´rents', 'the`mes' et 'proce´de´s textuels' forment l'essentiel du puzzle et dont l'un des objectifs majeurs vise a` produire un changement cognitif et me^me atteindre un changement de croyances(au sens large du terme) chez le lecteur. Quant au reste de la de´marche, il part de l'hypothe`se forte selon laquelle nous soutenons qu'en fin de compte, une lecture/compre´hension de textes on LE repose, de facon pre´e´minente, sur une double activite´ : d'une part, une activite´ symbolique socio-culturellement marque´e ; d'autre part, une activite´ de production de changement cognitif/changement de croyances a` partir, pre´cise´ment, de l'mpact de la trilogie : re´fe´rents/the`mes/proce´de´s textuels sur le repre´sentations sociales pre´existantes chez le sujet lisant. Sur le terrain, d'une part, nous avons emprunte´ des textes tire´s a` la fois de la presse e´crite francaise, notamment des extraits de journal Le Monde et paralle`lement de la presse e´crite core´enne, singulie`rement le journal Chosun Ilbo, et d'autre part, nous avons travaille´ avec des e´tudiants de 3e`me et 4e`me anne´es de l'Universite´ HANKUK des Etudes Etrange`res de Se´oul et 'un groupe te´moin´ d'e´tudiants natifs francais de Deug et Licence de l'Uriversite´ de Franche-Comte´/ Besancon. Les re´sultats sont mitige´s et me^me quelques fois surprenants dans la reconnaissance de certains facteurs ge´ne´raux pre´valant dana la (re)constuction du sens notamment chez les Core´ens et chez les natifs francais s'auto-e´valuant sur le me^me texte par rapport a` certains facteurs de´terminants pour acce´der au sans.

      • KCI등재

        창의성 관점에서 본 제 7차 초등 수학과 교육과정 : 규칙성과 함수를 중심으로 Focusing on Patterns and Functions

        서경혜,유솔아,정진영 한국수학교육학회 2003 初等 數學敎育 Vol.7 No.1

        The present study examined the 7th national elementary school mathematics curriculum from a perspective of mathematical creativity. The study investigated to what extent the activities in the Pattern and Function lessons in the national elementary school mathematics textbooks promoted the development of mathematical creativity. The results indicated that the current elementary school mathematics curriculum was limited in many ways to promote the development of mathematical creativity. Regarding the activities in Pattern lessons, for example, most activities presented closed tasks involving finding and extending patterns. The lesson provided little opportunities to explore the relationships among various patterns, apply patterns to different situations, or create ones own patterns. In regard to the Function lessons, the majority of activities were about computing the rate. This showed that the function was taught from an operational perspective, not a relational perspective. It was unlikely that students would develop the basic understanding of function through the activities involving the computing the rate. Further, the lessons had students use exclusively the numbers in representing the function. Students were provided little opportunities to use various representation methods involving pictures or graphs, explore the strengths and limitations of various representation methods, or to choose more effective representation methods in particular contexts. In conclusion, the lesson activities in the current elementary school mathematics textbooks were unlikely to promote the development of mathematical creativity.

      • 중학생의 역사 드라마 시청이 역사의식에 미치는 영향

        장희흥,차경호,구혜진 大邱大學校 師範大學 附設 敎育硏究所 2010 學校敎育硏究 Vol.5 No.2

        This study is aimed at proposing the specific plans to use history drama lessons through the study on the relations between reality, fascination and involvement that are sub-variables of history drama viewing and middles school students’ historical consciousness, and to raise their historical consciousness by using history drama lessons. In order to accomplish such a goal, the study selected respective 250 middle school students in Daegue and Gumi, Gyeongsangbuk-do as its subjects, and the surveyed and analyzed findings are obtained as follows. First, it is the result obtained by dividing the subjects’ general characteristics. Fascination and involvement among reality, fascination, and involvement that were sub-variables had a difference in the division by sex. Fascination was shown to be higher in female students while involvement was higher in male students. In addition, as to the region, history drama viewing had no difference in middle school students of Daegue and Gyeongsangbuk-do. Historical consciousness was higher in middle school students of Daegue that those of Gyeongsangbuk-do, while regarding the grade there was no difference in history drama viewing and historical consciousness. Second, it was the result regarding how reality, fascination, and involvement that were sub-variables of history dram viewing affected historical consciousness. With regards to types of history dram viewing, fascination, reality, and involvement significantly affected historical consciousness in order. According to the gender, male students’ reality, involvement, and fascination gave a significant effect on historical consciousness while female students’ involvement didn’t affect historical consciousness, and fascination and reality gave an effect on historical consciousness in order. As to the grade, the first graders’ reality, fascination, and involvement were not related to historical consciousness while the second graders’ reality and fascination except for involvement affected in order. Besides, the third graders’ fascination only affected historical consciousness. Regarding the region, fascination and reality of middle school students in Daegu affected historical consciousness in order while fascination, involvement, and reality of middle school students in Gyeongsangbuk-do influenced historical consciousness. Like this, there was a little difference in the gender, grade, and region, but reality, fascination, and involvement that were sub-variables related to history drama viewing affected historical consciousness, and the higher sub-variables related to history drama viewing were, the higher historical consciousness was. Due to the fact that history dramas had a fictional element, there was a discussion on educational efficiency. However, this study verified the fact that history dramas can be educationally used, instead of deciding whether history drams were true or not. Based on the findings of the study, the effective utilization methods of history dramas in history lessons are suggested as follows. First, the study of historical figures using history dramas is possible. Students can understand properties of characters through re-enactment and empathy, and approach various figures that don’t appear in textbooks. Second, they can raise critical view that is able to divide false and fact of history dramas and use it to the fact learning. Third, it is possible to learn historical terms. By learning unfamiliar and difficult historical terms in advance, they can increase interest in history lessons. Fourth, storytelling of historical materials is possible. Students can make their own new interpretation by constructing various historical materials in a way of history dramas. Fifth, they can use a decoration making of history dramas, a visiting of the set, and a clipping of TV screen capture in various manufacturing studies as materials. Sixth, they can have a mock trial and a role-playing lesson regarding behaviors decisions of history drama figures. Seventh, they can study the public life history through history dramas. 이 논문은 중학생의 역사 드라마 시청이 역사의식에 미치는 영향에 대한 것이다. 역사 드라마 시청과 관련된 하위변인인 현실감, 심취도, 관여도는 성별, 학년, 지역에 따른 차이는 있지만, 역사의식에 분명 히 영향을 미치고 있다. 영향력의 크기는 심취도, 현실감, 관여도 순으로 나타났다. 그렇기에 역사 드라 마 시청과 관련한 역사 수업은 중학생의 역사의식 향상에 도움을 줄 수 있을 것으로 보인다. 역사 드라마를 시청하려는 의도와 시청하는 동안의 관여도 정도는 남학생의 경우 역사의식에 유의한 영향을 미쳤지만, 여학생의 경우 유의한 영향을 미치지 않는 것으로 나왔다. 학년별로 결과를 살펴보면 모든 학년에서 관여도는 역사의식에 통계적으로 유의한 영향을 주지 않는 것으로 나타났고, 제일 고학 년인 3학년에서 심취도만이 영향을 주는 것으로 보아 역사 드라마를 시청함에 있어 역사적 사실과 허구를 구별하는 능력이 아래 학년보다 발달하여 현실감의 영향을 덜 받은 것으로 보인다. 역사의식은 대구광역시 중학생이 경상북도 중학생보다 다소 높다. 그리고 실제 사극의 선호도는 퓨전 이나 판타지를 선호하지만 실제 전통사극이 역사의식에 더 높은 영향을 미쳤다. 이것은 현장 교사의 경 험담과 일치한다.

      • 중등학생들의 기후 소양 함양을 위한 교수 자료 개발 및 현장 적용에 관한 연구

        박종근,정철,손미희,육혜경 大邱大學校 師範大學 附設 敎育硏究所 2010 學校敎育硏究 Vol.5 No.2

        본 연구는 국⋅내외적으로 기후 변화에 대한 관심의 증대와 기후 변화 교육에 대한 필요성이 요구되는 시점에서 중등학생의 기후 소양 함양을 위한 교수 자료의 개발과 중등학교 현장에서의 적용 가능성을 파악하는 데 그 목적이 있다. 이를 위하여 국내⋅외 기후 변화 교육의 현황을 조사하였으며, 기후 변화 교육 연구와 관련한 선행 연구들을 조사 분석하여 중등학생의 기후 소양 함양을 위한 교육 목표와 교육 내용 체계를 수립한 후 현장에 적용 가능한 방안을 제시하였다. 연구 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 기후 소양 교육 목표를 “기후 변화에 따른 환경 변화를 인식하고, 탐구를 통하여 기후 변화에 관한 종합적인 이해와 의사소통 능력을 함양하여 기후 변화 대응 및 적응을 위한 방안을 제시하며, 이 를 지속적으로 실천한다”로 설정하였다. 둘째, 기후 소양 교육 내용의 영역을 ‘기후 변화 과학의 원리’, ‘기후 변화와 인간 생활’, ‘기후 변화의 대응 및 적응’의 3가지 대영역으로 설정하였다. 셋째, 기후 소양 교육 목표와 내용 체계를 중등학교 교육과정에 활용할 수 있도록 대영역별로 내용 기준을 구체화하였다. Facing the issue of global climate change, it is important for educational community to help our students get the climate literacy with which to guide their own thoughts and decisions in a changing world. Therefore, climate change education is to help learners understand of their influence on climate and climate's influence on them and society. The purpose of this study was to develop the teaching materials for climate literacy cultivation in secondary school students. The results of this study are as follows. Firstly, The goal of climate literacy education is ‘to perceive the changing environment based on the phenomena of climate change, to the proposed plans for response and adapt to climate change through the cultivation of communication competence and the overall understanding about climate change through inquiry, and to keep practicing the proposed plans as a member of a community for global environment.' Secondly, contents of some programs and guidelines were compared and analyzed, and then fields of educational contents were created and items by fields were drawn out. The content system of climate literacy is composed of ‘principle of climate change science’, ‘climate change and human activity, ‘response and adaptation of climate change’. Thirdly, concrete content standards suitable for secondary school curriculum were suggested so that the goal and content system for climate literacy education.

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