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      • KCI등재

        Ke struktuře sémantického celku v onomaziologicky koncipovaném popisu mluvnice češtiny jako cizího jazyka

        Milan Hrdlička 한국슬라브어학회 2022 슬라브어연구 Vol.27 No.1

        Semasiology traditionally plays key role in grammar descriptions. Its monopoly is given by the fact that the meaning (function) of grammar categories and phenomena is (in general) clear to native speakers. The Czechs find it usually hard to learn codified forms of standard Czech. Another factor is that grammar forms seem to be unequivocal, concrete and easy to grasp and describe from semasiological perspective. The onomasiological approach seems to be very inspiring. It is based on the common elements (meanings, contents, communication functions of an utterance) as well as distinctive elements (various morphosyntactic forms) of individual languages. It describes competitive forms of expressing a certain grammar meaning or function. From the perspective of teaching languages, it is advisable to proceed from the features that languages have in common to the distinctive features of individual languages. The presentation of competitive way of expressing a certain meaning or communication function of un utterance belongs to obvious advantages of the onomasiological approach to grammar. The preparation of an onomasiological description of grammar categories and phenomena is highly demanding because they are not equally suitable for such description. It is easier to describe grammar categories and phenomana that have real ground in objective reality (place, time, possession, quantity, causality, etc.). In the opposite case, this can be complicated (e. g. semantic-poor system of Czech cases). In case of a highly inflective language, such as Czech, this approach is, however, complicated. The text addresses universal semantic fields (their nature and number) and focuses on the character and structure of the unit describing prepositional phrases with referring to locations (ADV Loc).

      • KCI등재

        Characteristics and Usage of Czech Prepositions

        Milan Hrdlicka 한국외국어대학교(글로벌캠퍼스) 동유럽발칸연구소 2016 동유럽발칸연구 Vol.40 No.6

        Czech prepositions are very difficult for foreigners. The factors causing this difficulty are of language nature, for example a high number of prepositions, many semantic units, diverse style distribution of prepositions, interferences, etc., and also of linguodidactic nature, especially not paying enough attention to this part of speech and presenting it mainly or uniquely from the formal point of view (being connected to a certain case), rather than concentrating on the semantics and function of prepositions. The introduction to Czech prepositions and their presentation to foreign speakers is closely connected to presentation of Czech declension system. In teaching materials for foreigners, the horizontal approach prevails: that is presenting Czech cases one by one, together with the prepositions connected to the individual cases. This approach is not optimal in our view because it mainly gives consideration to the preposition being connected with a case, but not to its meaning. A more appropriate way, according to our belief, it the application of vertical approach, at least for Slavs: that means preparing whole declension paradigms that would allow to present Czech prepositions in semantic units (prepositions with spacial or temporal meaning, etc.). It is needed to implement onomasiological approach and further analyse relevant factors that play a role in choosing a preposition.

      • KCI등재

        K prezentaci skloňování číslovek ve vybraných českých gramatikách

        Milan Hrdlička 한국슬라브어학회 2011 슬라브어연구 Vol.16 No.1

        Skloňování českých číslovek patří mezi mimořádně obtížné kapitoly formální morfologie současného českého jazyka. Je známou skutečností, že problémy se spisovnou deklinací českých numerálií mají vedle zahraničních bohemistů také mnozí rodilí mluvčí. Ptáme-li se po příčinách současné neutěšené situace, je třeba zmínit několik různorodých faktorů a jejich různě závažný podíl na ní.

      • KCI등재

        Kontury češtiny a rezistence jejích rovin v kontaktu s jazykem (ne)příbuzným: kauza Střelínsko

        Milan Hrdlička 한국슬라브어학회 2020 슬라브어연구 Vol.25 No.2

        Systematically demarcating the language contours of a specific nation has been considered as one of the important fields related with language contact. It seems, however, that this matter has not been extensively discussed yet in terms of Czech national language. Recently, it is one of the crucial topics of Czech sociolinguistics. The question of the Czech language contour is critical to specify whether its abroad variants, such as, American Czech, Ukrainian Czech, Viennese Czech and Banat Czech etc., belong to this complex. With this perspective, this thesis specifically focuses on the problem of language contact between Czech and Polish. Czech and Polish are connected by a common destiny as well as by numerous language means. The consequences of the Czech language contact with German and Polish have been analyzed in this study. In regards to the resistance of the individual levels of Czech as a minority language under these two majority languages, I propose a hypothesis that the immunity of Czech language depends on the degree of typological similarity and genealogical affinity of language systems. We have found the least resistance of Czech in the vocabulary, while Czech morphology most resistant to Polish majority in Střelínsko.

      • KCI등재

        Analogie ve výuce češtiny pro cizince

        Milan Hrdlicka 한국슬라브어학회 2017 슬라브어연구 Vol.22 No.2

        The principle of analogy in linguistics can be found under various forms, e.g. whether related or unrelated languages come into contact, in the dialect assimilation process, in the unification trends of contemporary Czech formal morphology, etc. From the lingo-didactic point of view, we understand an analogy as a tendency that can be a part of the system through predictable and regular repetitiveness of language forms. However, if you look into the formal morphology of contemporary Czech, the positive features of the analogy can be made only partially. Above all, irregularities and exceptions in declension paradigms are frequent, and the influx of colloquial forms into standard Czech codification and the limited validity of some grammar rules are also problematic. If you look for efficient solutions, new procedures appear, e.g. division of paradigms of noun declension not by gender but by the endings of model nouns. To make studying Czech easier for non-native speakers, we must look for new and innovative solutions. O principu analogie, vyznačujícím se širokým spektrem podob a forem, lze uvažovat v různých souvislostech. V příspěvku se nejprve stručně zastavíme u projevů analogie ve vybraném jazykovému systému, resp. v jeho řečové realizaci, poté se budeme zabývat analogií z perspektivy lingvodidaktické, a to se zaměřením na vybrané otázky výuky češtiny jako cílového jazyka. Uvažujeme-li o daném principu z pohledu kontaktní lingvistiky, dostáváme se k otázce vzájemného působení dvou i více jinojazyčných kódů, k průniku jednotlivých strukturních i nestrukturních variet v rámci určitého národního jazyka i k projevům analogie v jednotlivých jazykových subsystémech (jazykových rovinách a plánech). Pokusili jsme se poukázat na význam principu analogie v lingvistice a zejména v lingvodidaktice a naznačit vybrané problémy s ním spojené. Věříme, že se v dohledné době dočkáme prvních podnětných studií, které přispějí k tomu, že bude mluvnický systém češtiny pro jinojazyčné mluvčí snáze osvojitelný.

      • KCI등재

        Variantnost tvarosloví jmen a výuka češtiny pro cizince

        Milan Hrdlicka 한국슬라브어학회 2017 슬라브어연구 Vol.22 No.2

        Czech inflection system shows a great variation of forms, both standard and non-standard. This variation supports functional differences in the Czech national language, however it also makes the language learning process more difficult for foreign language speakers. The variation is caused by the asymmetric dualism of a language sign; the signifier and the signified are not in a perfect correlation. Czech formal morphology is being formed by both unifying and differentiating tendencies. The role of usage in Czech language codification also remains unresolved. These and other factors cause a rather confusing situation. Means of variation can be classified into two groups: equivalent (both the function and style enable free interchangeability; e.g. po otcově / otcovu odjezdu = after father`s departure) and synonymous variants which are used for differentiation either in style (e.g. Američané x Američani) or in semantics (e.g. ve výkladu x při výkladu). From a point of view of language teaching we recommend the standard neutral and colloquial forms to be presented for active acquisition; presentation of exceptions is only useful for the highly frequent ones. Variantnost v oblasti jmenné flexe na jedné straně přispívá k funkční diferenciaci českého národního jazyka, na straně druhé je při učení se češtině jednou z výrazných obtíží. Z lingvodidaktického hlediska doporučujeme primárně prezentovat k aktivnímu osvojení tvary spisovné neutrální, popř. hovorové, nikoliv i formy knižní nebo kolokviální. Pokud jde o odchylky, výjimky, uzuální ustálená spojení, pokládáme za užitečné zmiňovat pouze případy relevantní, s vysokou četností výskytu.

      • KCI등재

        K akvizičním strategiím v učebnicích češtiny pro cizince

        Milan Hrdlička 한국슬라브어학회 2023 슬라브어연구 Vol.28 No.1

        The quality of teaching material has a significant role in the process of acquiring a foreign language. It can serve to facilitate, strengthen, and accelerate the process. The pace of acquisition of Czech as a foreign language is influenced by the degree of typological and genealogical differences between Czech and the foreigner's mother tongue. The advantage of the learners´ Slavic mother tongue is most evident at the beginning of the study (A0 – A2); subsequently, it gradually decreases. The basic problems in the presentation of Czech grammar include formalism, i.e., a strong focus on grammatical forms, but not on their meanings and functions in communication. We also consider the unbalanced attention to morphology (which predominates) and syntax (which lags behind) to be unsatisfactory. We have objections on the hybrid mixing of linguistic means within standard Czech (i.e. among the literary, neutral, and colloquial layers). The lack of an explicitly formulated concept on the basis of which the Czech grammar is presented (e.g. on the basis of frequency, communicative importance, formal difficulty of the learning material, etc.) is also undesirable. As far as the key chapters of the Czech vocabulary are concerned, the prevailing separate presentation of verb classes, more frequent discussion of the simple past tense before the future tense, the gradual presentation of cases (and not entire paradigms), as well as the dominance of deduction, prescription and semasiology are notable in the textbooks. We consider improving the instruction about the speech dimension and increasing focus on onomasiology as crucial.

      • KCI등재

        체코어 전치사 설명 및 용법

        밀란 흐르들리츠까(Milan Hrdlička) 한국외국어대학교 외국학종합연구센터 동유럽·발칸연구소 2016 동유럽발칸연구 Vol.40 No.6

        체코어 전치사는 외국인 학습자들에게 매우 까다롭다. 이에는 방대한 양의 전치사들, 많은 의미 단위들, 다양한 전치사 형식의 유효성, 모국어 간섭 등과 같은 언어적 요소들뿐만 아니라, 특정 단어 품사에 대한 불충분한 고려와 의미 및 기능적 측면이 아닌 특정한 격과 연결된 형식적 측면에 설명의 초점이 맞춰진 언어교수법적 요소들까지 한몫을 한다. 다른 언어 사용자들에게 전치사에 대한 설명과 프레젠테 이션을 진행하는 것은 체코어 격변화법과 깊은 연관이있다. 외국인 학습자를 위한 체코어 교재에는 하나의 격을 배울 때마다 그 격에 딸린 전치사들을 차례대로 학습해나가는 수평적 방법이 만연하지만, 이는 전치사와 격 사이의 구조에만 중점을 둘 뿐, 그 의미는 고려하지 않으므로 최적의 방법이라고 볼 수 없다. 최소한 슬라브권 학생들에 게만큼은 수직적 접근이 더 적합한데, 이는 체코어 전치사를 의미 단위(공간적, 시간적 의미등)로 설명할 수 있도록 체코어 어형 변화표 전체를 보여주는 것이다. 전치사를 설명 하는 것에 있어서는 명의론적 접근이 우선된 후, 적합한 전치사를 선택하는 방법을 분석하는 것이 그 뒤를 이어야 한다. Czech prepositions are very difficult for foreigners. The factors causing this difficulty are of language nature, for example a high number of prepositions, many semantic units, diverse style distribution of prepositions, interferences, etc., and also of linguodidactic nature, especially not paying enough attention to this part of speech and presenting it mainly or uniquely from the formal point of view (being connected to a certain case), rather than concentrating on the semantics and function of prepositions. The introduction to Czech prepositions and their presentation to foreign speakers is closely connected to presentation of Czech declension system. In teaching materials for foreigners, the horizontal approach prevails: that is presenting Czech cases one by one, together with the prepositions connected to the individual cases. This approach is not optimal in our view because it mainly gives consideration to the preposition being connected with a case, but not to its meaning. A more appropriate way, according to our belief, it the application of vertical approach, at least for Slavs: that means preparing whole declension paradigms that would allow to present Czech prepositions in semantic units (prepositions with spacial or temporal meaning, etc.). It is needed to implement onomasiological approach and further analyse relevant factors that play a role in choosing a preposition.

      • KCI등재

        Robotically assisted transcranial Doppler with artificial intelligence for assessment of cerebral vasospasm after subarachnoid hemorrhage

        Shooka Esmaeeli,Courtney M. Hrdlicka,Andres Brenes Bastos,Jeffrey Wang,Santiago Gomez-Paz,Khalid A. Hanafy,Vasileios-Arsenios Lioutas,Christopher S. Ogilvy,Ajith J. Thomas,Shahzad Shaefi,Corey R. Fehn 대한신경집중치료학회 2020 대한신경집중치료학회지 Vol.13 No.1

        Background: Transcranial Doppler (TCD) ultrasound is an essential tool for the detection of cerebral vasospasm after subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) but is limited by the availability of skilled operators. We examined the clinical feasibility and concordance of a robotically assisted TCD system with artificial intelligence with routine handheld TCD after SAH. Methods: We evaluated TCD velocities in the anterior cerebral artery (ACA) and middle cerebral artery (MCA) of two patients with high-grade SAH and angiographic evidence of vasospasm. A single channel TCD device with a handheld diagnostic probe as well as a robotically assisted TCD device was used, the relationship of the two tests was evaluated using the bootstrap method of resampling for the concordance correlation coefficient (CCC) paired with a Pearson’s correlation analysis, followed by a Bland-Altman plot. Results: Patient 1 developed angiographic and TCD evidence of vasospasm in the proximal right MCA, but except for periods of disorientation remained neurologically intact. Angiographic, TCD and clinical evidence of ACA spasm occurred 6 days after ictus in patient 2. Robotically measured mean flow velocities were comparable to manual TCDs in the MCAs (CCC=0.83; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.42 to 0.96; P=0.001) but not in the ACAs (CCC=0.26; 95% CI, –0.01 to 0.71; P=0.26). Conclusion: Robotically assisted TCD system with artificial intelligence provides an alternative to manual TCD for assessment of MCA velocities in patients with SAH, expanding the availability of TCD to settings in which specialized clinicians are not available. Further studies for validation of this technology are warranted.

      • KCI등재

        Effects of Extraction Methods on the Phenolic Compounds Contents and Antioxidant Capacities of Cinnamon Extracts

        Eva Dvorackova,Marie Snoblova,Lucie Chromcova,Petr Hrdlicka 한국식품과학회 2015 Food Science and Biotechnology Vol.24 No.4

        Extraction of the phenolic compounds, cinnamic and benzoic acid derivates, from Cinnamonum cassia (Nees & T.Nees) J.Presl was carried out. Classical solvent extraction, ultrasonication, maceration, and shaking methods were compared. Phenolic compounds were identified based on ultrahigh-performance liquid chromatography with photodiode array detector. The optimum solvent percentage was 60% (v/v) ethanol (EtOH) in a ratio of 1:20 with the cinnamon sample weight. The optimum extraction time was 90 min, and the optimum extraction temperature was 50oC. Under optimized conditions, the highest phenolic contents were 2.263±0.089 mg/g of free acids for sinapic acid, and the contents of cinnamic acid were 0.103±0.031 mg/g of free acids. The antioxidant capacity of the extract produced using the best extraction conditions was 14.337±4.662 mmol/g and the total phenolic content was 1.918±0.528 mmol/g.

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