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      • DNA 수준에서 한국인 HLA-Class Ⅰ 대립유전자형 및 일배체형 분포 : the Molecular Basis

        최희백,김형재,김태규,김창규,정태준,한훈 대한조혈모세포이식학회 1997 대한조혈모세포이식학회지 Vol.2 No.1

        The products of the human leukocyte antigen (HLA) have been detected by the serological or cellular methods. With the evailability of DNA sequences for alleles of the HLA system, and with the development of molecular biological techniques it has been possible to define the genotypes in HLA genes. And the amplification of DNA using sequence-specific primers has been proved as a reliable and rapid method for typing of HLA class II genes. We studied the distribution of the HLA-A, -B, C genotypes on 114 unrelated individuals by amplification refractory mutation system-polymerase chain reaction (ARMs-PCR). 13, 24 and 14 alleles in HLA-A, B and C genes were detected in normal Korean. The genotypes showing frequencies more than 18 percent were A*02(65.8%), A*24(02, 03) (41.2%), A*33(01, 02) (21.1%), A*11(01, 02) (20.2%), B*15(01, 02, 03, 04, 05)/B52(011, 012) (21.9%), B815(01, 04, 05, 06, 07, 12, 19, 20) (19.3%), B*40(02, 04, 05, 06) (18.4%), Cw*08(01, 02, 03) (28.9%), Cw*0303(27.2%), Cw*0304(26.3%) and Cw*01(01, 02) (24.6%). And most common 2-loci hyplotypes with frequencies larger than 0.04 were A*02-B*15(02, 08, 11, 15) (HF: 0.045), A*24(02, 03)-B*51(01, 02, 03, 04, 05)/*52(011, 012)(HF:0.044), B*51(01, 02, 03, 04, 05)/*52 (011, 012)-Cw14(01, 02) (HF: 0.069). These results suggest that the DNA typing of HLA class I may be an efficient typing method compared with the conventional method.

      • KCI등재

        연구논문 : 조선 전기 유학의 윤리적 주체성 형성과 변형 -정도전과 이황을 중심으로-

        김백희 ( Baeg Hee Kim ) 한국동서철학회 2014 동서철학연구 Vol.74 No.-

        조선의 건국자들은 건국초기부터 유학적 이념으로 수양된 유학적 주체의 형성에 관심을 가졌다. 건국기의 정도전이 구상한 윤리적 주체성의 본질은 건국 초기 주자학적 이념을 실현하기 위한 주자학적 인간이다. 이들은 주자학의 명분론적 사회질서에 순응하며, 주자학적 공동체의 건설에 헌신하는 백성이며 국민이다. 이를 위해 정도전은 주자학의 이론에 저해되는 다른 유형의 사상들을 비판하는 것으로 주자학적 정체성을 확보해 나아갔다. 정도전이 구상한 윤리적 주체는 건국 초기의 공동체 건설에 헌신하는 주자학적 인간이었다. 이런 인간은 개별적 자율성에 입각하여 다양성을 만들어가는 자유로운 인간이라기보다는 사회통합의 이념에 동조하고, 공동체 전체의 질서에 공헌하는 집단적 지성의 일원이다. 수성기의 이황이 구상한 윤리적 주체성의 본질은 건국 이후 사회적 안정기에 접어든 주자학적 공동체의 능동적 실천자이다. 주자학적 이념으로 자신의 정체성을 이루고, 사회적으로 도덕적 가치를 능동적으로 실현하면서 살아가는 백성이며 국민이다. 이를 위해 이황은 본성의 자발적 가치실현의 역동성을 확보하고자 이발(理發) 즉 성발(性發)을 주장하였다. 주자학적 가치를 실현하는 도덕적 주체성을 확보하기 위하여 이황은 같은 유학의 범주에 들어가는 양명학도 엄격하게 비판하였다. 이황이 구상한 윤리적 주체는 안정적 사회 조직에서 묵묵히 주자학적 가치를 실현해 가는 능동적 실천가이다. 이런 윤리적 주체는 개인의 수양을 극대화하고, 나아가 안정된 공동체의 교화에 자발적으로 헌신하는 자유로운 양심의 담지자이다. 이와 같이, 주자학을 건국이념으로 내세우고 등장한 조선의 윤리적 상황을 살펴보면, 사회적 공동체의 윤리적 주체성을 확보해가는 과정에서 주체가 형성되고 변형되는 미묘한 차이를 확인할 수 있다. 건국초기의 윤리적 주체를 철학적으로 형성한 사람이 정도전이라고 본다면, 이황은 이런 주체의 모습을 수성 시기의 윤리적 주체로 변형시켜 확립한 철학자로 볼 수 있다. Known as “the study of the nature and principle” (songnihak), this learning encompassed metaphysics, cosmology, and philosophy of man in the scope of a unified anthropocosmic vision. As Neo-Confucianist Chong Dojeon was a prime mover in the founding process of the new dynasty. In his Philosophical works he outlined the Neo-Confucian point of view and aggressively turned against Buddhism. His major concern was the building of the literati (sadaebu 士大夫)’ identity that would function through benevolence rather than force. In this sense he followed the Neo-Confucian tradition that eschewed coercion and espoused intrinsic virtue as the sole means for winning the people’s hearts. Yi Hwang was a great Confucian of the mid-Joseon dynasty about the most famous Philosophical controversy of the Four-Debate in Korea’s history. The document that really began the Four-Debate in earnest was Yi Hwang’s fammous “twelve-paragraph letter”. In correcting a work “Cheonmyeongdo(Diagram of the Heavenly Mandate)” by Cheong Jiun, and through discussion with Ki Taesung, Yi Hwang had happened to state that a twelve-paragraph letter. He conclude that “in the case of the Four Begging, principle issues them and material force follows it; in the case of the Seven Feelings, material force issues them and principle mounts it.”Most significantly, in Chong Dojeon’ case ethical Identity of Neo-Confucianism is the literati who well-elaborated on the five moral imperatives (Oryun) and Three Cardinal Guides(Samgang). In Neo-Confucian ideas in Early Joseon Dynasty were the foundations of the Confucian social order, which specify that a ruler ‘guides’ the ruled, a father ‘guides’ his son and a husband ‘guides’ his wife. In Yi Hwang’ case the ethical Identity was in theory of mutual issuance of the principle and material force(Ligi hobalsol). Yi Hwang’s Ethical Identity was a dynamic subject in the mid-Joseon dynasty.

      • KCI등재

        응급의료센터를 보유한 의료기관 입원 중 응급실경유입원 관련 요인

        나백주 ( Baeg Ju Na ),정설희 ( Seol Hee Chung ),이선경 ( Sun Kyung Lee ),오경희 ( Kyung Hee Oh ),김건엽 ( Keon Yeop Kim ) 한국보건행정학회 2009 보건행정학회지 Vol.19 No.2

        Objectives: The purpose of this study is to analyze the proportion of admission via the emergency room(the rest is ER) in an emergency medical center and to examine the factors related to admission. Methods: This study used 2005 National Health Insurance claims data for admitted patients of 112 hospitals having emergency medical centers in Korea. The study sample had 2,335,610 patients. The data was classified into emergency admission and non-emergency admission. To investigate the factors affecting the type of admission, the following were included as independent variables: type of health assurance_(national health insurance beneficiaries or medical aid beneficiaries), demographic characteristics_ (sex, age), cause of admission_ (disease or injury), whether an operation was performed or not, DRG severity level, the number of beds, and the location of the hospital. Data were analyzed using the Chi?square test for the differences in emergency admission rates for each variables, and multiple logistic regression analysis was used for identifying the factors affecting admission type. Results: The proportion of admission via the ER accounted for 40.6% of the total admission among hospitals having emergency medical centers. The risk of admission via ER was relatively high for patients who were male, the aged, the injured, the surgical patients, the patients having more severe symptoms, and the patients admitted the hospitals located in metropolitan areas, and the patients admitted the hospitals having 300?699 beds. Medical aid patients were more likely admitted through the emergency room than health insurance patients after other variables ware adjusted. Conclusions and Discussion: We analyzed the proportion of admission via the ER for the total admission rate of hospitals having an emergency medical center in Korea. And we explored the factors related to admission via the ER. This proportion may be used as an indicator of the adequacy of medical utilization or low accessibility to hospitals of patients with low socioeconomic status.

      • KCI등재

        효(孝) 윤리의 공공성

        김백희 ( Baeg Hee Kim ) 한국동서철학회 2016 동서철학연구 Vol.0 No.80

        유가의 철학에서 볼 때, 인간다움의 본질을 탐구하고 실현하는 차원에서 효가 근본적 역할을 수행한다. 효는 전통사회 속에서 사회통합의 공공성으로서 성공적인 기능을 발휘했다. 이 때문에 현대 자본주의 상품소비사회 속에서도 여전히 유효하다. 인간은 물질적 만족으로만 살 수 없는 윤리적 존재이다. 문명의 급변과 사회질서의 역동적 혼란 속에서 시행착오를 겪고 있는 우리현실에서 볼 때에 사회통합의 원리로서 기능하는 효에 대한 숙고와 실천이 절실하게 요구된다. 개인이 가족 내에서 부모에게 효도하고, 사회적 윤리 규범을 준수하며, 국가의 통합적 질서에 순응하는 것은 근본적으로 효의 실천에서 출발하는 것이다. 전통사회의 사회통합적 공공성으로서의 효는 현대의 민주적 시민이 갖추어야할 준법성ㆍ국가관ㆍ가치관 등의 덕목과 함께 신중히 고려되어야할 사회윤리적 공공철학의 원리가 된다. 그러므로 현대사회 속에서도 여전히 공공철학으로서의 효 윤리를 확산시키는 교육이 필요하다. First, in Confucian philosophy, a filial piety (孝) is a sort of virtue of respect for one``s parents, elders, and ancestors. The filial piety can also be applied to social integration. The term is central to Confucian social ethics in China and Korea. Second, The Ethical norms of any society are realized upon its ontological thinking. And to go one step further, its system of social orders or its dominating social Integration are also up to a certain degree influenced by this inter-dynamic relation of the ethical norm and ontological concept. The filial piety is a sort of principle of Public nature in pre-modern society, and is necessary in modern times. In the modern style the filial piety demands careful consideration of the democratic-capital society of Korea. Third, the education of the filial piety should be broadened. Because in present-day capital society with the rich and the poor sharply contrasted the filial piety as principle of Public nature is still in effect.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        A Three-step Proteolytic Cascade Mediates the Activation of the Peptidoglycan-induced Toll Pathway in an Insect

        Kim, Chan-Hee,Kim, Su-Jin,Kan, Hongnan,Kwon, Hyun-Mi,Roh, Kyung-Baeg,Jiang, Rui,Yang, Yu,Park, Ji-Won,Lee, Hyeon-Hwa,Ha, Nam-Chul,Kang, Hee Jung,Nonaka, Masaru,,derhä,ll, Kenneth,Lee, Bok Lu American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Bi 2008 The Journal of biological chemistry Vol.283 No.12

        <P>The recognition of lysine-type peptidoglycans (PG) by the PG recognition complex has been suggested to cause activation of the serine protease cascade leading to the processing of Spätzle and subsequent activation of the Toll signaling pathway. So far, two serine proteases involved in the lysine-type PG Toll signaling pathway have been identified. One is a modular serine protease functioning as an initial enzyme to be recruited into the lysine-type PG recognition complex. The other is the Drosophila Spätzle processing enzyme (SPE), a terminal enzyme that converts Spätzle pro-protein to its processed form capable of binding to the Toll receptor. However, it remains unclear how the initial PG recognition signal is transferred to Spätzle resulting in Toll pathway activation. Also, the biochemical characteristics and mechanism of action of a serine protease linking the modular serine protease and SPE have not been investigated. Here, we purified and cloned a novel upstream serine protease of SPE that we named SAE, SPE-activating enzyme, from the hemolymph of a large beetle, Tenebrio molitor larvae. This enzyme was activated by Tenebrio modular serine protease and in turn activated the Tenebrio SPE. The biochemical ordered functions of these three serine proteases were determined in vitro, suggesting that the activation of a three-step proteolytic cascade is necessary and sufficient for lysine-type PG recognition signaling. The processed Spätzle by this cascade induced antibacterial activity in vivo. These results demonstrate that the three-step proteolytic cascade linking the PG recognition complex and Spätzle processing is essential for the PG-dependent Toll signaling pathway.</P>

      • KCI등재

        미국 이러닝 프로그램들에 반영된 심리적 특성 탐색

        김종백(Jong-Baeg Kim)․최희준(Hee Jun Choi) 한국비교교육학회 2008 比較敎育硏究 Vol.18 No.4

        우리 주변에서 접할 수 있는 대부분의 이러닝 프로그램들은 강의법을 주된 교수방법으로 활용하고 있다. 이러닝 환경에서 강의법은 가장 효과적이지 못한 교수방법이라는 메타분석 연구결과 및 학습자의 능동적 참여만이 이러닝 프로그램의 성공을 보장할 수 있다는 학자들의 주장은 강의법 위주의 이러닝 프로그램의 학습효과에 의문을 제기하게 한다. 결국, 이러닝 프로그램의 질적 수준과 그 효과는 어떠한 페다고지를 적용하느냐에 따라 결정된다고 할 수 있다. 이 연구는 설계 연구(design research)를 통해 질적 개선을 추구하고 있는 미국의 이러닝 프로그램들이 어떠한 심리적 특성들을 공통적으로 반영하고 있는 지에 대한 분석을 통해 국내 이러닝 프로그램들의 개선을 위한 시사점을 제시하고자 하였다. 분석된 미국의 이러닝 프로그램들은 공통적으로 구성주의 교육철학의 배경을 가지고 반성적 사고, 협력적 상호작용 공간, 지식 구성, 맥락적 행위, 외적 표상의 활용 등의 심리적 특성들을 강조하고 있었다. 즉, 경험주의 학습, 상황학습, 협력학습, 복합표상 학습 등은 국내 이러닝 프로그램의 개선을 위해서 고려해야 할 학습원칙들일 것이다. Many e-learning programs in Korea use lecture as a main instructional method. A meta-analysis study reports that e-learning programs using lectures were the most ineffective. In addition, many researchers in the field of distance education contend that the active participation of learners is the key to the success of e-learning. These imply why we can easily find many people who don't have good impression about e-learning. The quality of e-learning depends on the application of appropriate pedagogy. This study aims to present the implications for the improvement of e-learning programs in the Republic of Korea by analyzing the psychological characteristics reflected on the e-learning programs in the U. S. that have been improved through design research for a long time. The result shows that the e-learning programs in the U. S. have five major psychological aspects, i.e., reflective thinking, collaborative interaction, knowledge construction, situated action, and utilizing multiple representations. Consequently, this study suggests that e-learning programs in the Republic of Korea need to reflect learning principles such as learning by doing, situated learning, collaborative learning, learning with multiple representations in order to improve the quality.

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