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        검도본의 변천과정에 관한 연구

        박순진,김영학,정동권 대한무도학회 2000 대한무도학회지 Vol.2 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to examine the Bon(本) of the current form of Kumdo, from its establishment to revisions and amendments, and to identify the practical significance and the technical stucture of the Bon for its adaptation to the training process of modem Kumdo. The Bon of Kumdo is largely divided into the Bon of Daedo(大刀; long sword) and the Bon of Sodo(小刀; short sword), the former comprising seven kinds, the later three kinds. The current type of Bon that is used in different competitions and tests is the Japanese style, which was completes in 1933. This Bon synthesized the complex and various Kumdo techniques in a condensed form, which are, from the perspective of modern Kumdo, entirely the techniques of the first move of rare, the most simplified attacking techniques: or, from the perpective of attacker, of which the main body are made up of rare movements. Among these, only the seven Bons of the Daedo are equal first moves, and only the three Bons of the Sodo are in the form of the non-deadly sword, not the killing kind. Such Bon of Kumdo are selective kinetic expressions of the purpose, the method, the soguence, formalized through the experiences of numerous practicxians and accumulation of researches. The Bon of Kumdo must reflect and synthesize the most basic and desired techniques of all and serve as the purification of all Kumdo practices, including manners, facing posture, attack and defnse, distance, cheering, and concluding attitudo. As specified above, the Bon must serve as a means of rejecting self=aggrandizement and superfluous exaggeration, which result form negligence of the martial chsciphne. The Kutn(劍) as the menans of martial art can always turn to a performative object. Accordingly, it is necessary to examine the relation between the Bon of Kumdo and the Bon of modern Kumdo formalized as a competitive game. The Bon of Kumdo is the condensed form of all Jinkum(眞劍; real-sword) technigues of the past, rather dm a form necessitated for Jukdo(竹刀; Bamboo-sword). In other words, the characteristics of the Jinkum and the Jukdo are fundamentally different from each other. It is thus necessary to develop a new form that suits the Jukdo usage on top of the current Bon.

      • 새로운 Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors의 합성

        최순규,김형민,조승환,최학기,박유미,이용균,정대일,김인식,한정태 동아대학교 부설 기초과학연구소 2004 基礎科學硏究論文集 Vol.21 No.1

        노인성 치매의 일종인 alzheimer's disease의 효과적인 억제제를 합성하기 위해 우리는 분자 모델링에 의한 가장 적합한 물질인 m-[(N,N,N-trimethylammonio)phenyl]boronic acid를 합성하였다. 출발물질인 3-aminophenylboronic acid monohydrate의 경우 boronic acid의 작용기인 hydroxyl group을 protecting시킴으로써 반응의 안정성을 기하였다. Quarternary ammonium salt는 과량의 methyliodide와 염기 촉매인 potassium hydrogen carbonate를 사용하여 용매인 methanol에서 반응시켜 상당히 높은 수율을 얻을 수 있었다. 또한 과량의 methyliodide와 염기촉매인 potassium hydrogen carbonate를 사용하여 용매인 methanol에서 반응시킨 결과 boronic acid의 protection없이도 안정하게 반응이 진행되어짐을 확인할 수 있었다. In order to syntheisize a effective inhibotor for alzheimer's disease, we synthesized m-[(N,N,N-trimethylammonio)phenyl]boronic acid 4 which is designed by molecular modeling form. We protected the hydroxyl group of 3-aminophenylboronic acid monohydrate 1 with ethlyne glycol to remove the reactivity if hydroxyl group. To synthesize m-[(N,N,N-trimethylammonio)phenyl]boronic acid 4, we reacted 3-aminophenylboronic acid monohydrate 1 with ezcess methyl iodide and potassium hydrogen carbonate as a base-catalyst in methanol. but On executed reaction without protection on hydroxyl group, we found out the result that the hydroxyl group of boronic acid group at 3-aminophenylboronic acid monohydrate 1 didn't react with excess methyliodide. Synthesized m-[(N,N,N-trimethylammonio)phenyl]boronic acid 4 is in progress about biological tests as a plausible acetylcholinesterase inhibitor.

      • 강릉 연안에서 어획한 오징어의 간장 중 일반성분 및 지질 조성의 계절변화

        조순영,전미정,주동식,전중균,이미희,정인학 강릉대학교동해안지역연구소 1999 東海岸硏究 Vol.10 No.2

        연간 어획량으로 볼 때 오징어는 다른 어종 못지않게 중요한 종류이다. 오징어는 몸통뿐 아니라 내장과 간장 또한 이용가치가 매우 뛰어남에도 불구하고 그동안에는 사료용으로만 약간 사용되고 나머지는 대부분 폐기하였다. 본 연구에서는 이들 간장의 이용도를 넓힐수 있는 기초자료를 확보하고자 간장 중 일반성분과 지질 클래스의 변화를 월별로 조사하였다. 우선, 주문진항에서 4월에서 10월까지의 매월 한차례씩 살아있는 오징어를 구입하여 이들의 체중과 체장, 그리고 내장과 간장의 무게를 재고, 간장은 일반성분과 지질분석을 하였는데, 월별 체중 및 체장은 7월을 기점으로 여름철에 증가하며 체중도 같은 경향을 나타내었다. 그리고 간장의 무게도 체중의 증가와 비례하여 증가하였다. 비만도는 체장의 증가율에 비해 체중의 증가율이 높은 5월이 비만도가 가장 높았다. 같은 기간 중 일반성분의 변화를 보면, 수분은 대체로 감소하는 경향이고 단백질은 7월에서 9월 사이에 증가하는 경향을 보였다. 지질은 단백질과는 반대로 7월에서 9월 사이에 감소하는 경향을 보였으며, 회분은 매월 일정한 값을 나타내었다. 이러한 결과로 어체의 성장이 활발한 여름철에 단백질의 양이 증가하고 반면에 지질의 함량은 감소하는 것으로 나타났다. 한편, 지질 클래스에서 단순지질의 경우 NL은 봄철에서 가을로 가면서 점차 증가하는 경향을 보였고, 반면 S, PL은 감소하는 경향을 보였다. PL에서는 대부분 PC만이 검출되었으며, 계절적으로는 봄에서 가을로 갈수록 감소하는 경향을 보였다. Squid is one of the most popular species over the East coast of Korea and sold as raw or processed one at the market. However, the liver and intestine occupied more than 20% of whole body are discarded wastefully at present. At this point of view, we analyzed lipid classes and fatty acid composition of liver, and tried to develop the utilities on the useful components of liver and intestine of squid. Alive squids were collected at the port of Jumunjin, Kangwon-Do, Korea, from April to Oct., 1988, and measured the body length, body weight and liver weight. Chemical composition of liver was analyzed by general method. Moreover, lipid class of total lipid was analysed using Iatroscan. As a results of this study, body weight, body length and liver weight increased after July, and hepatosomatic index(HSI) increased after May. Moreover, condition factor was maintained at moderate level after May. Among chemical components, water content had negative correlation with lipid and concentrations of protein and ash were not changed remarkly. In analysis of lipid class, it was proved that neutral lipid(NL) fraction of total lipid(TL) contained triacylglyceride(TG), sterol ester(SE) and free fatty acid(FFA) while polar lipid (PL) fraction of TL contained phosphatidylcholine(PC) dominantly.

      • 제주도산 수산물의 유통합리화 방안에 관한 연구

        현학순 제주대학 기업경영연구소 1977 經營論集 Vol.7 No.1

        A Rcneral tendency of the finheries of Jeju-do can be seen from the following: In Jeju-do, there live 14,613 fishermen or 12,846 fishing families which make up a fishing population of 61,832. Out of the 954 fishing boats, 539 are powered but 415 are still non-powered. Along the sea coast of the island, there are 92 scattered fishing ports, and tile annual fish production averages 47,051M/T. The annual production of the "top-shells" amounts to 2,121M/T which occupy 54% of the total top-shell production of Korea. The annual amcrunt ot exports, including all kinds of fishes is $ 7,565.602. However the marketing problems, hinder the fisheries of Jeju-do, in addition to those unfavorable. factors such as lack of stability in production, the inability to predict a good or poor catch, the septicity of fishes, and rapid ups and downs in their prices. Either the Jeju-do fishermen or their cooperatives .tail to carry out successful marketing because of the unavailability of marketing information, poor facilities in transporting, processing, and unsystematic sale channels. Marine products are very important food resources, especially in South East to Asia. According FAO, fish supply Koreans with 74% of the necessary animal protoin, Japanesewith 50%, and Philippines with 48%. Since the food situation is hardly expected to get better, the government should give special support to improve the fisheries of Jeju-do. The writer of this paper would like to advance the following suggestions: (1) In order to preserve the fish freshness, the processing methods and facilit-ies in the boats should be improved. (2) The wooden boxes, which are being used as receptacles to keep and carry fish, should be replaced by stainless steel cases. (3) Plants in the local fishing parts and in the fish markets should be impro-ved. (4) The cold chain system should be expanded. (5) A collecting and distributing center should be set up and a chain store management system should be sought. (6) To rationalize the esporting business, exporting "windows" should be limked to a minimum, and more effort has to be made to obtain information about overseas markets. (7) To stabilize the prices of fresh fish, a fish concentration pond should be set up in order to adjust the incoming and outgoing fish and to speed up ship-ment.

      • 신장 무발생과 골반 자궁내막증이 동반된 흔적자궁각 거대혈종

        김학순,정은환 충북대학교 의과대학 충북대학교 의학연구소 2003 忠北醫大學術誌 Vol.13 No.2

        여성생식기 발생 과정에서 한쪽의 뮐러관이 불완전하게 발달하거나 융합이 이루어지지 않아 흔적만 보이는 경우를 흔적자궁각이라고 하며 이는 매우 드물게 발견된다. 대개는 20대 이후에 자궁외임신의 형태로 발견되지만, 초경이 있은 후 2년 내에 내원한 10대 환아에서 동측의 신장 무발생과 골반 자궁내막증이 동반된 흔적자궁각의 거대혈종을 발견하고 제거수술을 통해 성공적으로 치료한 예를 경험하였기에 문헌고찰과 함께 보고하는 바이다. The rudimentary horn results from developmental lack of one Mullerian duct, or from lack of fusion, and is rarely found, Although most cases have been diagnosed in the second decade of life as ectopic pregnancy, we found a teenage girl with huge hematometra of the rudimentary horn associated with ipsilateral renal agenesis and pelvic endometriosis in the second year of her menstruation, and successfully treated her by resecting the rudimentary horn. We report the case with a brief review literatures.

      • 마아케팅思考의 發展에 관한 考察 : 美國을 中心으로 With Emphasis on America

        玄鶴淳 제주대학 1978 논문집 Vol.10 No.1

        The marketing concept that played the role of the creation and delivery of living developed in America and spreaded out into many nations. In Korea it was brought in the latter half of the 1950s, but it did not enjoying wide spread acceptance. To promote the comprehension of marketing, I want to consider the marketing concept development in America. The development of the marketing concept in America is summarized as followings. Lectures on distribution began in universities from 1902. Teaching materials were published between 1908∼1909. So the period of discovery was from 1900 to 1910. "Some Problems in Market Distribution" written by A. W. Shaw in 1912 and the efforts of Ralph S. Butler, Louis D. H. Weld, Paul T, Cherington created the period of conceptualization from 1910 to 1920. By the 1920s, the books on the principles of marketing were published for the first time and from 1920 to 1330 was the period of integration by the efforts C.S. Duncon, Theodore Macklin, and B. H. Hibbard. Through the 1930~1940 Great Depression the specialized field on marketing was developed and measured. It became the period of development, Reflections on methods of marketing study were brought from 1940 to 1950. It was the period of reappraisal. From 1950 to 1960 a new marketing, the period of recomcoptualization, which is opposed to the traditional marketing occured. It became which is now known as a managerial marketing Korean managers should understand American marketing concepts as generalized philosophy of consumer orientation through the development processes.

      • 한국 조리식품의 칼슘과 인의 함량에 대한 고찰

        김순덕,김정생,김학란,정은숙 효성여자대학교 가정대학 학도호국단 1985 家政大論集 Vol.4 No.-

        This study was conducted to investigate the content of calcium and phosphorous andtheir blance in the korean foods which were composed of boiled rices (9 kinds), soups(34 kinds), pot stews (27 kinds), roasted foods (26 kinds), hard boiled foods (22kinds), jerkings (21 kinds) and seasoning (22 kinds) as side dishes. Boiled rice, boiled rice and cereals, and rice ball among 9 kinds of boiled rices wereextremely acidic food as their P/Ca ratio was higher than 5, but hash rice, fried rice,olio rice and mixed soup rice among them were lower than 2. In the soup5, only P/Ca ratio of young brocken soup among them was the range of3 to 4, and the ratio of chicken soup, shopped beef soup and the rest 31 kinds werelower than 2. In the pot stews, P/Ca ratio of ·soybean curd residue and shank pot stew were therange of 3 to 4, the rest 25 kinds were lower than 2. Among the 91 kinds of side dishes, the P/Ca ratio of roasted potato green pepper,hard boiled hot green pepper, hard hotted beef potato, hard boiled hair tail, roastedonion, grilled pumpkin, rolled egg fry and roasted mackerel pike were the range of-3 to 4. Extremely acidic foods above 4 were roasted chicken potato, roasted pork, roasted'common octopus, roasted anchovy, roasted thin strips cuttle fish, chicken pot stew,roasted pork potato, roasted pork, roasted pork with soy sauce, fried potato Onlon fried:chicken, fried pork potato, fried cuttle liver, fried pork, roasted spanish mackerel .ard iced thin strips of cuttle fish, and almost of the rests were lower than 2. As above results, there were characteristics which acid-base balance of korean foodswere not balanced independently, but could control the balance with compositions as amenu, while there were some unbalanced foods owing to calcium content which werecomposed boiled rice, meat soup and side dish prepared from meat.

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