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        天然闊葉樹林內 主要 構成 樹種의 天然更新 樣相

        金知洪,梁熙文,金光澤,李元燮,姜聲基 강원대학교 삼림과학연구소 2001 Journal of Forest Science Vol.17 No.-

        이 연구는 "국유림 경영 현대화 산학 협동 실연 연구"의 일환으로 강원도 평창군 가리왕산 일대 천연활엽수림을 대상으로, 주요 수종별 천연갱신 특성을 평가하여 연구대상 산림의 전반적인 천연갱신에 대한 종합적인 생태적 정보를 제공하고자 실시되었다. 수종별 천연갱신 특성을 요약하면 다음과 같다. 거제수나무 : 비산되는 종자이므로 종자 공급에는 문제가 없으나, 종자 발아를 위해서 노출된 광물질토양이 필요하며, 두꺼운 낙엽층은 종자 발아를 제한한다. 발아 후 갱신치수는 다량의 광선을 필요로 한다. 고로쇠나무 : 내음성은 강하나, 치수의 내건성이 약하므로 50% 이상의 피음을 요구하며, 우량 형질의 임목 조성을 위해 높은 초기 밀도를 유지하여야 한다. 맹아정신력은 높다. 난티나무 : 수분 요구도가 높고 내음성이 약하므로 60% 가량의 상층 울폐도를 유지하여 보습과 광선유입이 원활하여야 하며, 치수 활착을 위해서 관목류 및 기타 식생으로부터 경쟁 요인을 제거한다. 들메나무 : 종자 발아를 위해 광물질 토양의 노출이 필수적이며, 치수 활착을 위해서 다량의 수분과 광선이 요구되고, 지피식생에 의한 치수의 피압이 우려되므로 임지정리작업 도입이 필수적이다. 물푸레나무 : 종자 결실의 풍흉이 심하며, 두꺼운 낙엽층은 종자발아를 제한한다. 치수 활착시 지피식생에 의한 피압이 우려되므로 임지정리작업의 도입이 필수적이다. 신갈나무 종자공급의 문제(설치류에 의한 피해) 및 두꺼운 낙엽층 및 조릿대 밀생 지역에서는 종자발아가 제한되며, 치수 발생 후, 임관의 50% 이상을 열어줄 필요가 있고, 맹아갱신력이 높다. 음나무 : 두꺼운 낙엽층은 종자발아를 제한하며, 유령목 생육에 다량의 광선이 요구된다. 젓나무 : 내음성은 강하나, 유령목 단계에서 생육은 극히 저조하다. 층층나무 : 동물에 의해서 종자가 산포되지만 종자 피해는 불가피하며, 발아와 치수 활착을 위해서 단량의 광선이 요구된다. 피나무 : 종자 충실률이 낮고 이중 휴면성 때문에 종자 공급에 어려움이 있으며, 두꺼운 낙엽층은 종자발아의 걸림이 되므로 광물질 토양이 필요하고, 맹아갱신력이 매우 높다. Forming a part of "Cooperative Practical Study for the Modernization of the Management of National Forest", this study was conducted to provide overall ecological information for the natural regeneration of major tree species on the basis of community structural attributes in the deciduous forest ecosystem. Followings are summarized characteristics of the natural regeneration for the selected tree species. Betula costata : Although large number of seeds are dispersed by wind, they require mineral soils to germinate. Thick litter layer could be an obstacle to germinate. After germination, the seedling requires large amount of light for successful establishment. Acer mono : Characterized by high shade tolerance and weak drought resistance, the seedling should be overcasted with more than 50% of canopy coverage. High stand density should be maintained to produce good quality of timber. The potential of coppice may be high. Ulmus laciniata : Since this species needs high rate of troll moisture and light, around 60% of canopy coverage should be maintained to retain moisture and incoming light. The competition with other vegetation should be removed for the favor of successful seedling establishment. Fraxinus mandshurica : This species requires moist mineral soils to germinate. After germination, the seedling needs large amount of light and moisture for successful establishment. Site preparation should be applied to reduce competition with weedy vegetation. Fraxinus rhynchophylla : Interval of large seed crops may be highly varied. Thick litter layer could be an obstacle to germinate. Site preparation should be applied to reduce competition with weedy vegetation so as to achieve successful seedling establishment Quercus mongolica : Including the difficulty of seed supply by the consumption, thick litter layer and mountain bamboo cover could be the obstacle to germinate. More than 50% of relative light intensity is necessary to achieve successful seedling establishment. Kalopanax pictus : Thick litter layer could be an obstacle to germinate. The seedling needs large amount of light and moisture for successful establishment. Abies holophylla : In spite of high shade tolerance, the growth rate in sapling stage may be extremely slow. Cornus controversa : Seeds (drups) are consumed and dispersed by animals, tending to be not sufficient in seed supply. This species requires large amount of light for successful germination and seedling establishment. Tilia amurensis : The difficulty of seed supply might be expected with low seed purity and double dormancy. Since thick litter layer could be an obstacle to germinate, the species requires moist mineral soils for successful germination. The potential of coppice may be extremely high. Key words : natural deciduous forest, natural regeneration microtopography

      • KCI등재


        진엄굉 韓國中國語文學會 2003 中國文學 Vol.40 No.-

        근대 이후 지속되어 온 세계화globalization 중에서 오늘날에는 정보통신 및 경제의 세계화가 활발하게 진행되고 있다. 노동 시장이 국제적으로 분산되어 있으며, 정보 시스템의 발달로 금융자본은 세계를 무대로 운영되고 있다. 전자 상거래가 일상화되고 있으며 다양한 상업 문화가 전세계를 휩쓸고 있다. 이는 개인의 삶과 그 목표뿐만 아니라 사회적인 것들의 내용을 전면적으로 개편하도록 강요하고 있다. 신자유주의적 자유 시장 이데올로기는 자본의 세계화를, 세계의 단일한 자유 시장화를 역사의 흐름으로 강요하고 있다. 그러나 이것은 거대한 투기 자본을 조절하지 못하고 있으며 분배의 문제 역시 도외시하고 있다. 이러한 오류를 교정하기 위해서는 세계화의 객관작인 모습을 그려 보아야 한다. 즉, 자본의 힘에 대항할 수 있는 인간의 얼굴을 한 세계화를 그 대안으로서 구성해야 한다. 이 대안을 보편 윤리의 구축이라는 관점에서 다루고 있는 이 논문은 우선 세계화의 개괄적인 모습과 이를 뒷받침하고 있는 신자유주의의 특성을 살펴보고 있으며 그후 보다 논리적인 측면에서의 접근을 위해 이것의 철학적 기반을 제공하고 있는 자유주의의 논점과 그것의 문제점을 공동체주의의 논점을 참고하면서 지적하고 있다. 마지막으로는 이 공동체주의의 한계를 지적하고 이의 극복을 위한 대안을 선험적 공동체주의에서 찾고 있다.

      • 운동부하양식에 따른 심폐 능력의 비교분석

        전태원,우재홍,신창호,이기봉,이광희,박익렬,박성태,강현주 서울대학교 체육연구소 2000 서울大學校 體育硏究所論集 Vol.21 No.1

        The purpose of this study this study was to comparative analysis the V02max and HR through arm ergometer exercise, bicycle ergometer exercise, and treadmill exercise and to propose correct data of aerobic ability according to GXT. Subjects for study were 8 healthy male students. The process of the test were performed maximal GXT on arm ergometer exercise, bicycle ergometer exercise, and treadmill exercise and measured V02max, max heart rate and recovery time of 3 VO2 and heart rate respectively. The conclusions were supported by the findings of this study: 1.There were significant differences between test style and V02/kg/min(p<.05). 2.There were significant differences between test style and test stage at heart rate(p<.05) There were no effect of reciprocal action. Therefore, V02/kg/min should be on individual exercise prescription guiedlines for health promotion should be provided proper GXT which are arm ergometer exercise, bicycle ergometer exercise, and treadmill exercise.

      • KCI등재

        點鳳山一帶 天然闊葉樹林의 地形的 位置에 따른 群集 構造的 屬性 分析(Ⅰ) : 樹種構性, 種多樣性, 生活型을 中心으로

        姜聲基,金知洪,金光澤,梁熙文 강원대학교 삼림과학연구소 2000 Journal of Forest Science Vol.16 No.-

        이 연구는 점봉산 일대 천연활엽수림을 대상으로 산림의 지형적 위치에 따라 군집의 구조적 속성이 달라진다는 가정하에 대상산림을 계곡, 산복, 능선으로 구분하고 각 군집별 수종구성, 종다양성, 생활형 분석을 통해 산림 생태계의 군집 속성을 파악하여 산림경영의 생태적 접근 방안을 위한 기초자료를 제공하고자 실시 되었다. 연구 결과, 계곡지역 상층의 수종구성은 신갈나무, 전나무, 들메나무 순으로 우점하고 있는 것으로 나타났고, 산복지역에서는 피나무, 신갈나무, 가래나무 순으로 나타났으며, 능선지역에서는 신갈나무, 피나무, 물푸레나무 순으로 나타났다. 그러나 중층과 하층에서 높은 우점률을 보이는 까치박달과 당단풍은 생육특성상 상층목으로의 도약을 기대하기 어려울 것으로 추정되었다. 종다양성은 계곡, 산복, 능선등 모든 지역의 중층과 하층에서는 유사한 것으로 파악되었으나, 상층에서는 능선지역이 계곡과 산복지역에 비해 매우 낮게 나타났다. 그리고 수분조건이 좋은 계곡보다 산복지역이 종다양성이 높은 것으로 파악되었다. 조사된 146종의 관속식물을 대상으로 생활형을 휴면형을 기준으로 구분한 결과, 지중식물, 교목, 반지중식물, 아교목, 관목, 1년생식물, 지표식물, 수생식물 순으로 나타났다. 특히 희귀 및 멸종식물로 지정된 금강초롱꽃은 본 연구 대상지 전역에서 쉽게 관찰되었다. Taking account of the structural variation on species composition according to the different topographic positions, i.e. valley, mid-slope, and ridge, the species composition, species diversity, life tool·m were comparatively analyzed fort· the three topographic positions in the natural deciduous forest of Mt. Chumbong area. The results are as follows. 1.Specise Composition : Dominant species in the overstory were Quercus mongolica. Abies holophylla, and Fraxinus mandshurica in valley ; Tilia amuresis, Quercus mongolica, and Juglans mandshurica in mid-slope ; and Quercus mongolica, Tilia amurensis, and Fraxinus rhynchophylla in ridge. Acer p. and Carpinus c. which have maintained high composition ratio in mid-story were not considered to be dominant overstory species due to inherent growth form. 2.Species Diversity : The species diversity indices of mid- and understory showed not much different value in three topographic positions. However, the index of overstory in ridge had smaller value than those of valley and mid-slope. The stand in ridge had greater species diversity index than in valley where moisture condition could be more favorable. 3.Life Form : The total of 146 vascular were observed in Mt. Chumbong in this study Especially, Hanabusaya asiatica Nakai, were supposed to be the rare and endangered species, was easily found in many places. The proportion of life form spectra in the study forest was G-MM-H-N-Th-Ch-HH. Key words : natural deciduous forest, species composition, species diversity, life form.

      • 급성 골수성 백혈병 환자에서 관해 유도 항암 화학요법 후 발생한 베르니케 뇌증

        황진원,정재현,서광원,최병진,송영진,김종윤,이은지,임홍규,이상민 인제대학교 2009 仁濟醫學 Vol.30 No.-

        Wernicke's encephalopathy is characterized by the triad of ocular symptoms, ataxia, and mental confusion and neuropsychiatric condition generally caused by acute thiamine deficiency. Although it is common in the severe alcoholics, several other causes also have been identified, such as total parenteral nutrition (TPN) use, hyperemesis gravidarum, anorexia nervosa, hemodialysis, uremia, and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome(AIDS). Chemotherapy in patient with malignanacy and long term total parenteral nutrition following bone marrow transplantation are related with Wernicke's encephalopathy. A 48-year-old woman had been treated with Daunorubicin and Cytarabine for remission induction chemotherapy of acute myeloblastic leukemia and intravenous hyperalimentation due to persistent hematochezia and ileus caused by infiltration of leukemic cell in terminal ileum. She suddenly complained of diplopia, tremor, and mental confusion at 32th day after chemotherapy and generalized tonic-clonic seizure at 34th day after chemotherapy. The diagnosis of Wernicke's encephalopathy was made with clinical presentations and brain MRI. Brain MR T2-weighted & Flair image revealed a high signal intensity lesions bilaterally at the medial thalamus and peri-acueductal grey matter of the midbrain. The patient was successfully treated with vitamin B1. We presented a case of acute Wernicke's encephalopathy developed after remission induction chemotherapy followed by intravenous hyperalirnentation in a patient with acute myeloblastic leukemia.

      • KCI등재

        Static Output Feedback for Discrete-time Switched Linear Systems under Arbitrary Switching

        Guang-Hong Yang,Da-Wei Ding 제어·로봇·시스템학회 2010 International Journal of Control, Automation, and Vol.8 No.2

        This paper considers the problem of static output feedback (SOF) control for discrete-time switched linear systems under arbitrary switching. By the aid of switched quadratic Lyapunov functions combined with Finsler’s lemma, new sufficient conditions for SOF stabilization are obtained which guarantee a r-performance of the closed-loop switched systems subject to input disturbances. The proposed method can work successfully in situations where the existing ones fail. Three examples are given to illustrate its effectiveness.

      • KCI등재

        The Correlation between the Injury Patterns of the Medial Patellofemoral Ligament in an Acute First-Time Lateral Patellar Dislocation on MR Imaging and the Incidence of a Second-Time Lateral Patellar Dislocation

        Guang-ying Zhang,Hong-xia Zhu,En-miao Li,Hao Shi,Wei Liu,Lei Zheng,Zheng-wu Bai,Hong-yu Ding 대한영상의학회 2018 Korean Journal of Radiology Vol.19 No.2

        Objective: To evaluate the correlation between the injury patterns of the medial patellofemoral ligament (MPFL) on magnetic resonance imaging in an acute first-time lateral patellar dislocation (LPD) and incidence of a second-time LPD. Materials and Methods: Magnetic resonance images were prospectively analyzed in 147 patients after an acute first-time LPD with identical nonoperative management. The injury patterns of MPFL in acute first-time LPDs were grouped by location and severity for the analysis of the incidence of second-time LPD in a 5-year follow-up. Independent t tests, chi-square tests and Kruskal-Wallis tests were performed as appropriate. Results: Forty-six cases (46/147, 31.3%) of second-time LPD were present at the 5-year follow-up. Fourteen (14/62, 22.6%) and 31 cases (31/80, 38.8%) were present in the partial and complete MPFL tear subgroups, respectively. Twenty-five cases (25/65, 38.5%), 11 cases (11/26, 42.3%), and 8 cases (8/47, 17%) were present in the isolated femoral-side MPFL tear (FEM), combined MPFL tear (COM), and isolated patellar-side MPFL tear (PAT) subgroups, respectively. Compared with the partial MPFL tears, complete tears showed higher incidence of a second-time LPD (p = 0.04). The time interval between the two LPDs was shorter in the complete MPFL tear subgroup (24.2 months) than in the partial tear subgroup (36.9 months, p = 0.001). Compared with the PAT subgroup, the FEM and COM subgroups showed a higher incidence of a second-time LPD (p = 0.025). The time intervals between the two LPDs were shorter in the FEM and COM subgroups (20.8 months and 19.2 months) than in the PAT subgroup (32.5 months, p = 0.049). Conclusion: A complete MPFL tear, isolated femoral-side tear and combined tear in a first-time LPD predispose a second-time LPD.

      • KCI등재

        Isolating and Concentrating Rare Cancerous Cells in Large Sample Volumes of Blood by Using Dielectrophoresis and Stepping Electric Fields

        Guang-Hong Chen,Chun-Ping Jen,Ching-Te Huang,Hsin-Hui Wu,Tatyana N. Zamay,Anna S. Zamay 한국바이오칩학회 2014 BioChip Journal Vol.8 No.2

        Detecting rare cells, such as circulatingtumor cells (CTCs), circulating fetal cells, and stemcells, is vital during medical diagnostics and characterization. During carcinogenesis, cancer cells detachfrom the primary tumor into the blood stream, becomingCTCs. Typical rare cell samples are consideredany sample that contains less than 1000 target cellsper milliliter. The volumes of microfluidic devicestypically range from several microliters to nanoliters;this is excessively small for experimenting using lowconcentrationsamples. This study involved isolatingcancerous cells in an open-top chamber with sub-millilitervolumes (0.1 mL) of blood samples by using alysis buffer solution for red blood cells (RBCs), as wellas concentrating cells employing the dielectrophoreticforce generated using stepping electric fields,which were produced using a handheld electric modulethat comprised a voltage-frequency converterand an operational amplifier. To increase the samplevolume, an open-top chamber was fabricated on andbonded to a glass substrate by using circular microelectrodes. The concentrations of cancer cells andRBCs were adjusted to 500 cells/mL and 4×105 cell/mL, respectively, for the experiments. To reduce theinterference of blood cells during detection and isolateCTCs, the RBCs in the sample were lysed in alysis buffer solution before the proposed chip wasused to dielectrophoretically manipulate the rare cancerouscells. The findings indicated that the lysis bufferlysed the erythrocytes and the survivability levelsof the cancerous cells (HeLa and MCF-7) remainedhigh in the lysis buffer. The positive dielectrophoreticcancerous cells were guided based on the direction ofthe stepping electric field because of movement in thehigh-electric-field region; hence, the cancerous cellsconcentrated and collected at the central electrode.

      • KCI등재

        A new indole glycoside from the seeds of Raphanus sativus

        Hong-Guang Jin,Hae Ju Ko,Md. Anisuzzaman Chowdhury,Dong-Sung Lee,Eun-Rhan WOO 대한약학회 2016 Archives of Pharmacal Research Vol.39 No.6

        A new indole glycoside, b-D-glucopyranosyl2-(methylthio)-1H-indole-3-carboxylate, named raphanusideA (1), as well as eight known compounds, b-Dfructofuranosyl-(2 ? 1)-(6-O-sinapoyl)-a-D-glucopyranoside(2), (3-O-sinapoyl)-b-D-fructofuranosyl-(2 ? 1)-a-D-glucopyranoside (3), (3-O-sinapoyl)-b-D-fructofuranosyl-(2 ? 1)-(6-O-sinapoyl)-a-D-glucopyranoside (4), (3,4-Odisinapoyl)-b-D-fructofuranosyl-(2 ? 1)-(6-O-sinapoyl)-a-D-glucopyranoside (5), isorhamnetin 3,40-di-O-b-D-glucoside(6), isorhamnetin 3-O-b-D-glucoside-7-O-a-L-rhamnoside(7), isorhamnetin 3-O-b-D-glucoside (8) and 3’-O-methyl-(-)-epicatechin 7-O-b-D-glucoside (9) were isolated fromthe seeds of Raphanus sativus. Furthermore, compounds 1–3and 6–9, were isolated from this plant for the first time. Thestructures of compounds 1–9 were identified using 1D and 2DNMR, including 1H–1H COSY, HSQC, HMBC and NOESYspectroscopic analyses. The inhibitory activity of these isolatedcompounds against interleukin-6 (IL-6) production inTNF-a stimulated MG-63 cells was also examined.

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