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      • 인터넷 광고 속성이 인터넷광고에 대한 태도에 미치는 영향

        정걸진,계은애 慶北大學校 社會科學大學 2004 社會科學 Vol.16 No.-

        이 연구는 인터넷 광고의 속성이 인터넷 광고에 대한 태도형성에 어떠한 영향을 미치는가를 살펴본 연구이다. 정보성, 오락성, 상호작용성, 짜증이라는 인터넷 광고의 속성이 광고에 대한 태도에 유의한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 인터넷 광고의 정보성이 많을수록, 오락성이 강할수록 인터넷 광고에 대한 태도는 보다 긍정적으로 나타난 반면에 짜증이라는 부정적 속성이 강할수록 광고에 대한 태도는 보다 부정적으로 나타났다. 그런 상호작용성 속성은 광고태도에 유의한 영향을 미치지 않았다. 인터넷 광고의 네가지 속성 가운데 태도형성에 가장 영향을 미치는 속성은 부정적 자극 속성인 짜증이었다. 즉 인터넷 광고의 구조, 위치, 기법, 기능 등으로 인해 불편과 혼란 짜증을 이용자들이 느끼고 있으며 이것이 광고태도에 부정적이고 비호의적인 태도를 형성하는데 가장 많은 영향을 미치고 있는 것으로 나타났다. The internet advertising has been rapidly gaining ground in resent years. However, there is research on the user's general perceptions that affect attitudes toward internet advertising has not much been done. So, this study have two main objective. The first objective is how internet users perceive internet advertising attributes such as informativeness, entertainment, interactivity and irritation. The second objective is to examine how those attributes influence on the attitudes toward general internet advertising. Test results are as follows: The internet advertising's attributes such as informativeness, entertainment, interactivity and irritation have on effects on the internet user's advertising attitudes toward general advertising. Specifically, those attributes such as irritation, entertainment and Informativeness as perceptual antecedents of the internet advertising exert influence on the internet user's general advertising attitude. That is, internet users(or consumers) who perceive entertainment, informativeness important tend to have more positive attitudes toward advertising than others. In contrast, internet users(or consumers) who perceive irritation as an irritating and unwanted influence tend to have negative attitudes toward internet advertising than others.

      • 廣告의 社會的 機能과 영향에 관한 比較考察 : 광고 비평론을 中心으로 Its Criticisms and Defenses

        鄭杰鎭 경북대학교 사회과학연구소 1991 社會科學硏究 Vol.7 No.-

        The broader social consequences of advertising have received attention only more recently. Thus, this study has pursued to provide insights into social criticisms and defenses of advertising. Social critics blame advertising for playing on emotions, simplifying real human situations into stereotypes, exploiting anxieties, and employing techniques of intensive persuation that amount to manipulation. They also argue that advertising is essentially concerned with exalting the materialistic virtues of consumption by exploiting achievement drives, maximizing appeals and minimizing information, contriving illogical situations and generally reducing men, women and children to the role of irrational consumer. Furthermore, the critics state that advertising exercises an undesirable control over the mass media. Responding to these blames, defenders of advertising argue that although advertising may be omnipresent, it is hardly omnipotent. They say that advertising is one of many stimuli that influence the attitudes and actions of people. They also argue that within the democratic society, advertising cannot manipulate man against his will. Morover, the defenders state that there is no evidence to support the contention that advertisng debases our culture and taste. On exploring the pros and cons of both allegations, there is lack of objective empirical evidence. The reason is probably the result of three : 1) the difficulty of unravelling--especially statistically--the interrelationships of the innumerable factors which influence values and behavior : 2) the impossibility of determining the total impact on society of advertising as institution ; most important, 3) the value-laden variables.

      • 消費者 情報 環境과 廣告의 活用

        鄭杰鎭 경북대학교 사회과학연구소 1992 社會科學硏究 Vol.8 No.-

        All consumers have a vision of "the good life". To realize the vison, they buy products or services. In order to buy products and services that satisfy their needs and wants, consumers pay attention to relevant informational sources. Thus, this study attempts to provide insights into the information environment which consists of many informational sources used by consumers. In particular, the study also focuses attention on consumers' uses of advertising. There are basic reasons why consumers seek informaion for their purchasing products or services. Six major factors account for much of consumers' information-seeking activities : perceived risk, novelty, greater differences in product or service alternatives, greater product importance, degreee of confidence and the involuntary situation. These reasons lead consumers to operate in an "information environment" to which consumers usually refer when they buy products or services that realize their visions of the good life. The information environment consists of the following resources : 1) the consumer's own information from personal experience with the product (service) or related products (services), 2) personal influence from family, friends, or acquaintances, 3) information in the mass media besides advertising, 4) information available from formal channels of consumer education, 5) advertisements for rival products (services) and also unrelated products (services), 6) skeptcism about the advertising medium, 7) skepticism about advertising in general, 8) information from non-advertising marketing, 9) price, and 10) advertising about the product or service. Among consumer sources of information, advertising is most oftenly referred to and used by consumers for their own purposes. Consumers generally use advertising in order to achieve eight kinds of satisfaction : product or service information, entertainment, added value, implied warranty, added utility, involvement, vicarious experience and reassurance. The influence of advertising is contingent on the consumer's information environment advertising will be more successful the more impoverished the consumer's information environment. However, if the several informational sources of the environment are appropriately applied to advertising, its effect could be increased. Furthermore, when consumers' uses of advertising are mached with informational resources of the environment, the persuasiveness of advertising is more capable. Therefore, the consumer's information environment and uses of advertising must be considered in producing product or service advertisements and executing advertising campaign.

      • 광고환경의 변화와 지방광고

        정걸진 慶北大學校 社會科學大學 1997 社會科學 Vol.9 No.1

        새로운 매체들의 광고환경 자극과 기존 매체들의 광고확보경쟁가열이 지방광고시장의 변화를 자극하고 있다. 통신위성, CATV, VOD, 인터넷, PC통신, 등 기존의 매체들과는 다른 이들 새로운 매체들이 광고와 연결되어 지방의 광고환경 변화에 자극을 주고 있다. 이 중에서도 특히 CATV와 PC통신은 지방광고환경의 변화에 직접적으로 그 영향을 미치고 있다. 또 복수화 된 지방신문과 중앙지들의 지방면 확대와 세분화, 소지역 신문들의 창간, 지역광고전문지의 등장, 지역민방의 확대는 지방의 광고환경에 변화를 가져오게 했다. 그러나 이런 지방의 광고환경에 그 변화가 일어나고 있는데도 불구하고 지방의 광고환경이나 시장규모는 열악하기 그지 없다. 지방신문광고비의 경우 전국신문광고비의 15%내외에 불과하고, 텔레비전과 라디오를 포함한 지방의 방송광고비는 전국대비 10%정도 밖에 되지않으며 지방의 잡지광고와 PC통신광고는 거의 없다. 이처럼 지방광고환경이 열악하게 된 원인에는 대형광고주의 지방부재, 안면에 의한 지방광고주들의 비합리적인 광고집행, 지방신문들의 광고대행 불인정, 지방언론매체사들의 광고주에 대한 서비스 정신결여와 적극적인 마케팅노력의 부족 등을 들 수 있다. 지방광고의 환경변화와 함께 열악한 지방광고시장을 확대 발전시키기 위해서는 지방의 언론매체사들이 그 중심적인 역할을 해야한다. 지방매체사들의 위상정립과 광고채널의 다양화, 광고주 관리와 광고교육을 실시해 지방매체사들은 광고환경변화에 능동적으로 대처해야 한다. 또 지방광고대행사들의 광고대행을 인정해주고 협동광고를 확대하는 노력을 기울여야한다. 이밖에도 지방매체사들이 지방광고의 발전에 활력소 역할을 하기 위해서는 독자ㆍ시청자정보제공과 판촉활동을 펴야할뿐만 아니라 계약, 할인광고료제도를 도입해 변화하는 광고환경에 적응력을 키워가야 한다. The new media such as CATV, VOD, Satellite and PC exerts an important effect on the established advertising environment and local advertising. In particular, CATV and PC directly affect local advertising markets. Furthermore, the local advertising market is influenced by established local media. Many local newspapers were launched. Small area newspapers and professional advertising papers were also emerged in local advertising marketplaces. Local electronic media, which were run by private companies, started to broadcast their programs. Thus the local advertising environment is changed from the monopoly structure to the competitive structure. However, the local advertising environment is still inferior. The scale of local advertising markets is small. Local newspapers' advertising expenditures shares about 15% of all Korean newspapers' advertising expenditures. Local broadcasting companies earn only 10% of all Korean broadcast advertising expenditures. Local magazines' advertising expenditures are almost none. There are a few reasons that make the local advertising environment inferior. First, there are not many big advertisers in local areas. Local advertisers irrationally execute their advertising expenditures based on face-savings. Local newspapers do not pay commissions to local advertising agencies. Local media do not have any services for local advertisers. Moreover, they do not make their marketing efforts to get local advertising money. Local media play an important role to improve the local advertising environment and to extend local advertising markets. For adapting local media themselves to the new advertising environment, they have to make their positioning as local media. They have to offer various advertising channels. They try to provide local advertisers with the information about their readers and viewers. They must attempt to develop cooperate advertisements and to make their promotional efforts in local advertising markets. They apply various discount rates to local advertisements.

      • An Exploratory Study on Children's Views of a Creative Teacher

        Tan Ai-Girl,Raslinda Rasidir 대한사고개발학회 2006 The International Journal of Creativity & Problem Vol.16 No.2

        This paper reports findings of an exploratory study on children’s views of a crea-tive teacher. A total of 163 children participated in a survey, comprising 51.1% girls and 86% high achievers. The children were between eight and eleven years old. They attended to an instrument developed from responses of open-ended ques-tions about a “good teacher” and a “creative teacher”, as well as from categories and items presented in studies on a good teacher (e.g., Kutnick & Jules, 1993; Jules & Kutnick, 1997) and a creative person (e.g., Sternberg, 1985). There were main gender and achievement level effects. Girls rated significantly higher than boys on general good qualities. High achievers rated significantly higher than other chil-dren on general good qualities, basic pedagogical competence, positive qualities, and role modeling.

      • Adolescents' Perceived Decisional Balance, Task Specific Efficacy and Stages of Change in Early Computer Gaming Behavior

        Ai-Girl Tan,Albert K. Liau,Lee-San Teoh,Sooyin Tan,Chih-Chin Chou,Jacqueline Leong Yu 대한사고개발학회 2008 The International Journal of Creativity & Problem Vol.18 No.1

        Adolescents’ perceptions of decisional balance, task specific efficacy and stages of changes related to their gaming behavior in an Asian context were examined. A total of 414 adolescents (girls, n = 171, 41.3%) participated in the study, with their age ranged between 12 and 17 (M = 13.8, SD = 1.37) years old. The participants reported their particulars and rated three scales, i.e., decisional balance, task specific and stages of changes. Nearly all subscales had good international consistency. The precontemplation subscale was significantly related to the DB-pro subscale, r(409)=.29, p<.01 . Significant correlations were observed between the DB-con subscale with the contemplation r(409)=.35, p<.01, action r(409)=.32, p<.01, and maintenance r(409)=.34, p<.01 subscales. The action subscale was positively correlated to the task specific efficacy – school situation subscale, r(408)=.20, p<.01. Significantly correlations were reported between the frequency of gaming and the DB-pro r(412)=.28, p<.01, the ARC Action subscale r(409)=-.13, p<.01, and the TSSE school subscale r(410)=-.14, p<.01.



        Girling, J.L.S. The Institute for Far Eastern Studies Kyungnam Uni 1977 ASIAN PERSPECTIVE Vol.1 No.1

        It is ironical that in 1976 Australian Prime Minister Fraser should express such warm appreciation of China and its regional role-given his well-deseved reputation, only a few yeas before, of being on the far right of conservative governments that were convinced the “downward thrust” of communism-from China into Southeast Asia and beyond-represented the greatest menace to Australia.



        Girling, J.L.S The Institute for Far Eastern Studies Kyungnam Uni 1979 ASIAN PERSPECTIVE Vol.3 No.2

        In the last two decades Southeast Asia has experienced three very different kinds of regional and international developments. First was the period of U.S. intervention in Indochina, which had repercussions on America's allied, Thailand and the Philippines, as well as increasingly close relations after 1965 with Suharto's Indonesia. Next in the early 1970's, came a transitional phase. This was introduced by the Nixon doctrine of self-reliance for America's allies in dealing with internal problems, and with external pressures short of nuclear threat. America's role apart from its massive armed presence in Indochina was to be limited to one of military and economic backup of its allies.

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