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      • 부산시내 일부 저소득층 주민의 영양실태에 관한 연구 : Ⅱ. 식생활태도가 미치는 영향 Ⅱ. A Study on the Effect of Nutrition Attitude of the Subjects

        이정숙,정은정,정희영 高神大學校 保健科學硏究所 1995 보건과학연구소보 Vol.5 No.-

        부산시 사하구에 거주하는 저소득층 지역 주민을 대상으로 1995년 9월 1일 부터 9월 30일까지 식생활태도가 영양실태에 미치는 영향을 조사한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1) 식생활태도는 남자보다 여자가 좋은 것으로 나타났고, 나이가 많을 수록 나빠지는 것으로 나타났다. 2) 식생활태도는 교육수준, 활동정도, 식비 및 식사 다양도와 정의 상관을 보였고, 식비와 식사다양도와는 고도의 유의성을 보였다. 2) 활동정도가 높을 수록 식비 지출이 많고 식생활태도가 좋은 것으로 나타났다. 3) 식생활태도가 좋을 수록 열량, 단백질, 칼슘, 철 비타민 B₁, 비타민 B₂ 섭취량이 높아지는 것으로 나타났다. 4) 수입은 칼슘, 비타민 C 섭취량과 상관이 높았고, 식사다양도는 모든 영양소의 섭취량과 높은 상관관계를 보였다. A dietary survey of 100 persons, to investigate the effect of nutrition attitude of low-income persons in Saha-Gu of Pusan was conducted between September 1 and September 30, 1995. The Results are summmarized as follows. The scores of nutrition attitude were higher in the male group than in the female group. nutrition attitude of the subjects was tend to be lower score with increasing age. Education level, activity, eating expenses and food diversity were significant correlation with nutrition attitude of the subjects. There was a signifricant positive correlation between food diversity and eating expenses. The better the nutrition attitude, the higher nutrient intakes of the subjects.

      • 家族의 住居移動에 關한 考察

        趙殷卿,徐炳淑 漢陽大學校 韓國生活科學硏究所 1988 韓國 生活 科學 硏究 Vol.- No.6

        Residential Mobility is an adjustment process in which families adjust to Changing housing needs. Residential mobility also is the mechanism where by the composition of the family life cycle is matched to housing needs implied by the composition. Causal dimentions of Residential mobility are examined in to demographic and socioeconomic characteristics, normative influences on mobility, the influences of evels of housing and neighborhood satisfaction on mobility. The most important immediate cause of residertial mobility is the propensity move. Propensity to move is primarily related to a reduction in housing satisfaction and neighborhood satisfaction. It is also influenced directly by some of household charecteristics and the normative deficits. Tenure deficit and structure-type deficit are directly related to the propensity to move as well as to housing satisfaction. Therefore they are both indirectly and directly related to the propensity to move. Female-headed households have a higher propensity to move than. male headed household. Families who are upwardly mobile socially also have a higher propensity to move than other families. The major cause of a reduction in housing satisfaction is the combined influence of the normative housing deficits and a reduction in neighborhood satisfaction. Neighborhood satisfaction is directly affected by neighborhood deficits. Normative deficits in turn are influenced by the characteristics of the household. Stage of the family life cycle is by far the most important and is related to all of the normative deficits. Stage of the family life cycle has a direct effect on the propensity to move as well. While much is known about the network of influences on residential mobility, then are probably often household characteristics that influence residential mobility, as well as other deficits that have not been taken into account. For the present the result of study of residential mobility focuses on the relationship among characteristics of the household, normative deficits, and satisfaction that influence the propensity to move and residential mobility behavior.

      • 다기관 전향적 임상연구를 위한 웹 데이터베이스 시스템

        김혜림,최신영,유은미,박지숙 서울여자대학교 2010 정보기술논문지 Vol.8 No.-

        Because many centers jointly select the subject, multi-center clinical study can promptly recruit various patient groups into the research, thus being advantageous in terms of generalization. However, prospective clinical study has difficulties in implementation, because it takes a lot of efforts to trace a large scale of subjects. The purpose of this study is to develop a web database system suitable for multi-center prospective clinical study. This study has presented three basic strategies-accurate data input, easy data tracing, and real-time data verification-to supplement the demerits of prospective clinical study. The developed system has been applied in the clinical study proceeded by the study group for Respiratory failure which is affiliated to The Korean Academy of Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases's Association for Research on Respiratory Failure and has been verified of its performance.

      • KCI등재후보

        웃음요법이 유방절제술 후 환자의 통증과 상태불안에 미치는 영향

        유은숙 ( En Sook You ),최연희 ( Yeon Hee Choi ) 경희대학교 동서의학연구소 2012 동서간호학연구지 Vol.18 No.1

        본 연구는 유방절제술 후 환자에게 웃음요법을 적용하여 통증과 상태불안에 미치는 효과를 검증하였다. 먼저 웃음요법은 대상자들의 통증을 감소하는 데 기여하였다. 통증 정도가 실험군이 대조군보다 유의하게 낮았으며(F=30.001, p<.001), 집단과 측정 시점 사이의 교호작용도 있는 것으로 나타났다(F= 8.574, p<.001). 본 연구에서 웃음요법이 통증 감소에 영향을 미쳤다고 할 수 있는 이유는 웃을 때 뇌하수체에서 엔돌핀과 엔케팔린과 같은 자연 진통제가 생성되어 통증 감지에 영향을 미쳐 통증을 감소시킨 결과(Kim, 2007)이거나 또는 통증은 환자의 정서 상태에 따라 변하기도 함으로 웃음요법이 불안이나 우울과 같은 부정적인 정서를 완화시켜 통증에 대처하는 개인의 능력을 향상시킨 것으로 볼 수 있다. 웃음은 효과적으로 불편감에 대한 역치를 증가시켜 통증에 대한 길항작용을 하고, 단순한 주의 환기가 아니라 실제로 불편감을 감소시킨다고 하였다(Neuhoff & Schaefer, 2002). 현재 국내에서 웃음요법으로 통증을 연구한 선행 논문은 드문 실정이며 외국의 경우 Foley, Matheis와 Schaefer (2002)는 만성질병으로 인한 고통으로 잠을 이루지 못하였을 때 일정 기간 웃고 난 후 통증 없이 2시간 이상숙면을 취하게 되었다고 보고하였다. 그리고 유방절제술 후 통증은 수술 시 늑간 상완 신경손상이 있을 때 나타나며 신경 손상 후에 나타나는 이차적인 것으로 통증의 원인을 제거할 방법이 없어 치료방법이 매우 제한적이라 한다(Oh, 2005). 유방절제술 환자의 통증을 완화시키기 위한 선행논문을 살펴보면, Chung과 Choi (2007)의 발마사지가 유방절제술 환자의 수술후 불안과 통증에 미치는 효과를 연구한 결과에서는 발마사지가 통증을 감소시키는 데 효과가 있다고 하였다. 웃음요법 또한 많은 시간이나 비용을 필요로 하지 않으면서 언제 어디서나 쉽게 적용할 수 있으며 환자들과 더 가깝고 신뢰성 있는 관계를 형성할 수 있는 기회를 가질 수 있으므로 통증을 완화시키기 위한 중재로 매우 효과적이라 할 수 있다. 본 연구 결과는 웃음요법으로 실험군의 사후 상태불안 수준을 15.12점 감소시킨 반면 대조군은 1.06점 감소하여 대상자들의 상태 불안을 감소시키는 데도 기여하였다. 이는 유머 및 웃음과 관련된 국내 선행연구 중 혈액투석 환자에게 1주일에 1회씩 6주간 웃음요 법을 시행한 Huh (2007)의 연구 결과에서도 우울 정도가 낮았다. 그러나 기동성 장애 환자를 대상으로 유머 비디오를 시청하도록 한Kim과 Seo (1996)의 연구에서는 불안 수준이 감소하지 않아 본 연구 결과와 일치하지 않았다. 또한 양노원 노인을 대상으로 연구자들이 개발한 유머 프로그램을 적용한 Yu 등(2005)의 연구 결과와도 일치하지 않았다. 이처럼 연구 결과가 서로 상반된 원인은 먼저 대상자가 중재 기간 동안 불안을 경험할 우려가 있는 상황에 처해 있어야 하는데, 본 연구의 대상자들은 중재기간 동안 암으로 인한 수술과 수술 이후 항암치료요법에 대한 불안을 경험한 대상자였기 때문에 중재 후 불안수준 감소를 관찰할 수 있었다. 다음으로 중재방법 측면에서 집단으로 유머 비디오를 시청하도록 했던 선행연구와 그 차이점을 살펴본다면, 본 연구에서는 간호사가 직접 병실을 방문하여 웃음요법의 효과를 설명하여 대상자들이 그 필요성을 충분히 공감하고 적극적으로 참여하였으며 또한 담당 진료부서주치의의 지지가 뒷받침되어 상태불안을 감소시킬 수 있었던 것으로 본다. 즉 비디오를 이용한 유머중재과는 달리 본 연구의 웃음요법은 그 적용 접근방법이 집단이 아니라 개별적이었고, 중재 내용에 있어 대상자 개개인의 치료과정에 맞춘 재활치료 중심적인 프로그램으로 대상자들의 적극적인 관심과 참여가 있었기 때문에 불안에 차이가 났다고 본다. 또 웃을 때에 암을 일으키는 종양세포를 공격하고 신체 내에 백혈구를 다량으로 증식하는 자연 살해세포(Natural Killer Cell)와 우리 몸에 면역성을 키워주는 면역글로불린 A, G, M이 활성화된다(Neuhoff & Schaefer, 2002). 이에 유방암 진단을 받고 유방절제술 후환자는 암이라는 절박한 상황에서 웃음으로 인해 분비되는 NK 세포와 면역글로불린의 활성화는 암의 전이와 재발에 대한 불안을 감소시키므로(Jung, 2008) 입원 기간뿐 아니라 퇴원 후에도 스스로 시행할 수 있도록 하여 그 치료 효과가 계속 이어져야 할 것이다. 웃음은 신체의 호흡 기관에도 활발한 작용을 한다(Kim & So,2001). 이에 웃음을 실무에 적용하면 웃을 때 산소 공급이 두 배 가량 증가되며 폐 속에 남아있던 나쁜 공기를 신선한 산소로 빠르게 바꾸어 주며 환기를 도와주어 분비물을 제거하는데 효과적이므로 수술 후 환자의 간호 중재로 매우 효과적이라 할 수 있다. 웃음은 전염성이 있기 때문에 혼자 있을 때 보다 집단으로 여럿이 있을 때 더 많이 웃는다(Kim, 2006)고 하는데 본 연구에서 대상자는 같은 질병으로, 같은 병실에서 함께 생활하여 유대관계가 좋아지고 웃음요법을 시행하지 않는 시간에도 스스로 웃음요법을 실행하는 등 매우 긍정적인 행동 변화를 보였다. 그뿐 아니라 환자와 보호자가 함께 프로그램에 참여하여 가족관계도 좋아지고 표정이 밝아지는 등의 변화가 있었다. 이상을 종합해 볼 때 웃음요법은 유방절제술 후 환자에게 통증과 상태불안을 감소시키는 데 매우 효과적인 중재라 할 수 있으며 임상에서 웃음요법을 활용하기 위해서 먼저 중재자, 중재방법, 중재내용 등에 대한 체계적인 웃음요법의 표준화가 선행되어야 할 것이다. Purpose: The design of this study is a nonequivalent control group, non-synchronized quasi-experimental study. The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of laughter therapy on pain and anxiety of patients with postmastectomy. Methods: The participants were 33 patients admitted for mastectomy in a college affi liated hospital (17 patients in experimental group and 16 patients in control group from November, 2008 to March, 2009). The registered nurse who were certified as the 1st degree laughter specialist implemented the intervention once a day for 30 minutes from the 2nd day to the 6th day after surgery when visited them. Date were analyzed using t, Mann-Whitney U test, repeated measures of ANOVA, paired t-test, or ANCOVA. Results: The level of pain was significantly lower in the experimental group than in the control group. Since the level of pain in all participants was reduced as time passed, the interaction effect between time and group existed. The level of anxiety was significantly lower in the experimental group than in the control group. Conclusion: Based on the results, the laughter therapy may be recommended as an useful intervention to effectively reduce the levels of pain and anxiety among patients with postmastectomy.


        Effect of solution temperature on the mechanical properties of dual-cure resin cements

        Kang, En-Sook,Jeon, Yeong-Chan,Jeong, Chang-Mo,Huh, Jung-Bo,Yun, Mi-Jung,Kwon, Yong-Hoon The Korean Academy of Prosthodonitics 2013 The Journal of Advanced Prosthodontics Vol.5 No.2

        PURPOSE. This study was to evaluate the effect of the solution temperature on the mechanical properties of dualcure resin cements. MATERIALS AND METHODS. For the study, five dual-cure resin cements were chosen and light cured. To evaluate the effect of temperature on the specimens, the light-cured specimens were immersed in deionized water at three different temperatures (4, 37 and $60^{\circ}C$) for 7 days. The control specimens were aged in a $37^{\circ}C$ dry and dark chamber for 24 hours. The mechanical properties of the light-cured specimens were evaluated using the Vickers hardness test, three-point bending test, and compression test, respectively. Both flexural and compressive properties were evaluated using a universal testing machine. The data were analyzed using a two way ANOVA with Tukey test to perform multiple comparisons (${\alpha}$=0.05). RESULTS. After immersion, the specimens showed significantly different microhardness, flexural, and compressive properties compared to the control case regardless of solution temperatures. Depending on the resin brand, the microhardness difference between the top and bottom surfaces ranged approximately 3.3-12.2%. Among the specimens, BisCem and Calibra showed the highest and lowest decrease of flexural strength, respectively. Also, Calibra and Multilink Automix showed the highest and lowest decrease of compressive strength, respectively compared to the control case. CONCLUSION. The examined dual-cure resin cements had compatible flexural and compressive properties with most methacrylate-based composite resins and the underlying dentin regardless of solution temperature. However, the effect of the solution temperature on the mechanical properties was not consistent and depended more on the resin brand.

      • 유아교육기관의 시설 및 설비에 관한 실태조사 연구

        이은화,이경우,이기숙 이화여자대학교 한국문화연구원 1985 韓國文化硏究院 論叢 Vol.46 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to examine equipment and facilities of preschools throughout the country of Korea, and to provide cramples of many possible options which might be applied by administrators to choose alternatives or make adaptations of suggestions to best fit the needs of the program. The study contents are as follows: A. Number of children and the ratio of teachers to children B. Location of the school and structure of the building C. Children's Activity Room 1. Rom size 2. Exit-entry 3. Window area D. Indoor Equipment 1. Desks 2. chairs 3. Children's cubbies (or lockers) 4. Storage units (or bins) for instructional materials 5. Children's restrooms (Method of Study) A. Preschools studied Thrity five preschools were studied. The types and locations were chosen from big cities such as Seoul, Pusan and Incheon : and provinces such as KyungKi, North and South Choong Chung, North and South, Chunla, North and South Kyung Sang and Kang Won. In order to compare managerial style, private kindergartens, Saemaeul nursery school, campus laboratory kindergartens (Junior College laboratory kindergartens included), and kindergartens attached to primary school which are small in number because of their location in counties, are included. B. Method of Evaluation A questionnaire was designed by the researchers determine the adequacy of housing and equipment. The questionnaire included questions in the following criteria: designed layout (5 items), location of the school and structure(12), activity room(18), desks and chairs(6), children's cubbies(3), storage units(3), and restroom(7). C. Procedure Seven graduate school students majoring in early childhood education were employed and trained to examine and record questionnaire in April, 1984. The survey was done from May to July, 1984. The recorded questionnaires which were inappropriate and under, were sent back and rechecked during this period. The data was analyzed in August and September, 1984. Data frequency and percentages were used in analysis. <Summary and Conclusions> The results of the study are as follows: A. Number of children and the teacher-child ratio 1) Number of children: The average number of children in a classroom was 38.7. 25. 7% of the preschools contained more than 40 children in a classroom. 2) Teacher-child ratio: The average teacher-child ratio was 1 : 19.2 in campus laboratory kindergartens; 1: 32 in private kindergartens attached to primary school and Saemaeul Nursery schools. B. Location of the school and structure of the building 1) School location : 54.3% of the preschools were located in residential zoning and 28.6% in school zoning. 2) Floor level used: Among the preschools, 54.3% used ground floor; 25.7% second floor: and 14.3% third floor up. C. Children's Activity Room 1) Room size: 48.8% of the preschools had 51-100m2 activity rooms, while 27.6% had 59m2 or less. 2) Number of doors: 51.4% of the preschools had one or two doors on each classroom, while 31.4% and only one door. 3) Door knob location: Door knobs were located at an average height of 83.8cm. 35.3% of the preschools had door knobs which were over the height of 90cm. 4) Windowsill height: The average height of windowsill of the preschools was 89cm. 20% of the schools had windowsill 100cm height or above, and 17.1% below 70cm. 5) Window area: 20% of the preschools had merely adequate area, while 65.7% had more than adequate window area. D. Indoor Equipment 1) Desks: The shapes of desk were mainly rectangular and semicircular. Semicircular desks averaged 92.6cm in diameters. Diameters varied from 50-121cm. Rectangular desks varied from 30x50cm to 90x180cm in size. The height of the desk averaged 52.8cm. 73.5% if the desks were between 50 and 55cm high and 17.6% were over 55cm. 2) Chairs: The average chair height was 28.2cm. 3) Cubbies: 60% of the schools arranged children's cubbies in the activity room. 28.5% of the schools had cubbies 100cm high or higher. 17.1% of the kindergartens and 111-120cm high cubbies which are higher than children's heights. 4) Storage units: 65.7% of the preschools ha one side open storage units for instructional materials. While 25.7% of them had both sides open. The height of open storage units was 92.4cm in average. 24.3% of the preschools had above 100cm. 37.1% of the storage units were movable ones. 5) Restrooms: 22.9% of the kindergarten had children's restrooms in the activity rooms, while 20% had them outside of the building. Oriental toilets were installed in 62.9% of the restrooms. 17.1% of the restrooms had both western-type toilets and non-flush toilets. Oriental toilets to the number of children varied as follows: 1:16 for campus laboratory kindergartens: 1: 25 for private kindergartens. 74.3% of the preschools installed sinks in the restroom with 25.7% of them above 60cm high. The ratio of the number of sink to children was 1:27.6 in private kindergartens ; 1:28.8 in campus laboratory kindergartens.

      • KCI등재

        병원중심 가정간호사업의 평가 연구 : effectiveness of Patients having Arthritis 외래 관절염 환자를 대상으로

        이은옥,이인숙,김성윤,임난영 대한류마티스 건강전문학회 1996 근관절건강학회지 Vol.3 No.1

        Purposes of this study were to identify a hospital based home care model and to improve the physical, emotional and economical effectiveness of arthritic patients through medical and nursing team approach. The design in nonequivalent control group pretest-posttest design with matched samples in terms of age, sex and disease severity. Fifty two patients in each group were assigned in Seoul, Kyunggi, Kangwon and Kwangju. Before and after 6-month period of home care, level of pain, duration of morning stiffness, Richie Index, ADL, self efficacy, depression, cost expenditure were measured. Nine patients were excluded from the control group in the period of study because of denial of participation. Contents of home care provided to the experimental group include mainly distribution of prescribed drugs, assessment of patients' condition and side-reactions of drug. All of the information related to the home care patient were reported to the physician. On the bases of these data, the physician prescribe the specific drugs to each patient. Each patient visited the physician every 2 or 3 month for laboratory test. Patients assigned to the control group visited the outpatient clinic once a month as usual. Null hypotheses were selected because physicians concerned about the ineffective change of patients' conditions due to indirect communication. with patients through nurses. Level of pain, Richie index, ADL, self-efficacy, depression, duration of morning stiffness and direct medical cost were the home care provided to them. If a family member accompany in a home care group can save 10,676 Won/month in Seoul, 34,000 Won/month in other districts. Other indirect cost for transportation and meal can also be saved. In conclusion, those patients with low level of ADL, high level of pain and Richie index, living in the remote area definitely need the home care.

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