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        자계서원의 풍수지리학적 특성과 공간구성에 관한 고찰

        양동주 ( Yang¸ Dong-ju ) 택민국학연구원 2020 국학연구론총 Vol.0 No.26

        조선 초기의 교육제도는 지방의 향교, 중앙의 사부학당, 성균관으로 이루어지는 관학이 중심이었다. 그러나 고려 말부터 대두하기 시작한 소규모 서재의 사학도 인정되었으며 국가에서 그러한 사학을 장려하기도 했다. 2019년 7월 '한국의 서원(Seowon, Korean Neo-Confucian Academies)'이유네스코 세계유산에 등재되었다. 유네스코에 등재된 서원은 9곳이며 紹修書院(경북 영주), 玉山書院(경북 경주), 陶山書院(경북 안동), 屛山書院(경북 안동), 道東書院(대구 달성), 灆溪書院(경남 함양), 武城書院(전북 정읍), 筆巖書院(전남 장성), 遯巖書院(충남 논산)이 세계문화유산으로 등재된 것이다. 이로서 우리나라는 14개의 세계유산을 보유하게 되었다. 유네스코는 한국 성리학의 문화적 역사적 증거로서 서원이 지닌 탁월하고 보편적 가치를 인정한 것이다. 경상북도 청도군에 있는 탁영 김일손 생가로 알려진 자계서원을 중심으로 지리적 특성과 서원의 공간구성을 분석하였다. 자계서원은 대원군 때 훼철되었으나 탁영선생의 학풍을 이어가고자 인근 지역의 유림과 후학들의 노력으로 서원을 유지할 수 있었던 것은 조선 유학의 정통을 계승하였음을 알 수 있다. 오늘날 자계서원은 입지와 경관, 그리고 건축에서 한국서원을 대표하는 서원 중 하나로 평가받고 있다. 한국 서원을 대표한다는 의미는 서원의 지리적 입지나 서원의 공간구성 및 건축양식에서의 전형성뿐만 아니라 그 내용적 섬세함도 포함된다. 풍수지리사상은 기본적인 삶을 살아갈 수 있도록 한 天氣 · 地氣 · 大氣를 바탕으로 한 것이다. 따라서 풍수지리학은 사람의 생명을 유지하기 위한 근원적 주체 학문이라 할 수 있다. 이는 정주공간(堂)에 좋은 에너지(氣)를 받고 地氣가 전달되어 좋은 양기가 모이는 곳이다. 따라서 陽宅의 입지로는 물과 먹거리를 쉽게 얻을 수 있고 자연의 위험으로부터 보호받을 수 있는 안전한 ‘藏風得水’지를 말한다. 본 연구에서는 탁영선생의 생애와 자계서원을 風水地理學的으로 분석함으로써陽宅의 입지와 정주공간의 중요성을 살펴보고자 한다. 첫째, 자계서원이 있는 뒤 주산(구릉지)은 낮으면서도 서원을 감싸 안은 형국을하고 있어서 외부로부터 삭풍을 잘 막아주고 있다. 또한 앞에는 청도천이 서쪽에서 동쪽으로 흐르고 뒤에는 산이 잘 감싸고 있어서 풍수지리학적으로 배산임수 터다. 자계서원을 지리적 특성으로 분석해 보면, 조종산으로부터 주산에 이르기까지 龍脈의 연결이 좋고 높은 곳에서 낮은 곳으로 이어지는 脈은 양호한 것으로 나타났다. 案山의 照應과 水勢도 합당하여 풍수지리 조건이 좋은 것으로 분석되었다. 둘째, 서원 건물의 배치와 구조적 공간구성은 주 건물인 보인당이 主山이 되고 동재(운계정사)가 靑龍, 서재가 白虎, 영귀루가 案山이 된다. 따라서 풍수적으로 四神砂의 특성이 잘 적용된 건물로 주산격인 보인당이 가장 높은 곳에 위치하고 있고, 동재와 서재가 조금 낮은 곳에서 보인당을 보필하고 있으며, 안산격인 영귀루가 보인당을 마주보는 앞쪽에서 배치되어 있다. 서원 공간의 中央에 보인당을 배치함으로써 건물구조, 즉 家狀에 의한 主山 案山 靑龍 白虎가 風水地理 이론에 맞게 설계하여 건축하였음을 알 수 있다. 따라서 風水地理的으로 자계서원의 입지와 정주공간에 대한 분석을 통하여 서원의 입지 선택이나 각 전각의 구조적인 특성으로 볼 때, 보인당을 중심으로 기운이 집중되도록 설계한 면에서 풍수지리학이 철저하게 적용되었음을 알 수 있다. 이러한 점에서 자계서원의 風水地理學的 분석을 통하여 현대에도 생활학문으로서 풍수지리학에 대한 올바른 인식과 적용이 필요하며, 風水地理學이 실천과학이며 합리적으로 적용되기를 기대한다. The educational system in the early Joseon Dynasty was centered on the government of the local Hyanggyo, the Central Sabuhakdang, and Sungkyunkwan. However, private schools in small-scale studies, which began to emerge from the end of Goryeo, were also recognized, and such private schools were encouraged by the state. In July 2019,'Seowon of Korea(Korean Neo-Confucian Academies)' was registered as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. There are 9 seowons listed in UNESCO. 紹修書院(Yeongju, Gyeongbuk), 玉山書院(Gyeongju, Gyeongbuk), 陶山書院(Andong, Gyeongbuk), 屛山書院 (Andong, Gyeongsangbuk-do), 道東書院(Daegu, Dalseong), 灆溪書院 (Hamyang, Gyeongsangnam-do) Jeongeup), 筆巖書院(Jangseong, Jeonnam), and 遯巖書院(Nonsan, Chungnam) have been registered as world heritage sites. Korea has 14 World Heritage Sites. UNESCO recognized the outstanding and universal value of Seowon as cultural and historical evidence of Korean Sung Confucianism. Geographical characteristics and the spatial composition of the Seowon were analyzed focusing on the Jagye Seowon, known as the birthplace of Takyoung Kim Il-son, located in Cheongdo-gun, Gyeongsangbuk-do. Jagye Seowon was destroyed during the time of the Daewon-gun, but the fact that it was able to maintain the library, through the efforts of Yurim andhis later students to continue Tak Young's academic tradition in the surrounding area, can be seen in the inherited tradition of studying in Joseon. Today, Jagye Seowon is evaluated as one of the representative books of Korea in its location, landscape, and architecture. The meaning of representing Korea's Seowon includes not only the geographic location of the Seowon, its spatial composition, and its architectural style, but also its details. The idea of Feng-shui geography is based on the 天氣, 地氣, and 大氣 that enabled us to live a basic life. Therefore, Feng-shui geography can be said to be the fundamental study subject for maintaining human life. This is a place where good energy is received in the settlement space, and the energy of the land is transmitted and good energy gathers. Therefore, the location of a house means a safe “藏風得水” where water and food can be easily obtained, and where it is protected from natural dangers. The purpose of this study is to examine the importance of the location of the house and the residential space by analyzing Tak Young's life and Jagye Seowon geographically. First, the hills after the Jagye Seowon are low, but they are surrounded by the Seowon, which prevents the wind from coming from the outside. In addition, the Cheongdo river flows from west to east in front, and mountains in the back are well covered. Geographically, there is a mountain in the back and water in front. Analyzing Jagye Seowon by geographic characteristics, it is seen that the connection of the ridge line from the mountain origin to the Jusan mountain was good, and the bridge from the high place to the lower place was good. It was analyzed that the conditions of Pungsu geography were good because the response of Ansan and the energy of the water were reasonable. Second, in terms of the arrangement and structural spatial composition of the building in Seowon, the main building, Boindang, becomes the main mountain, Dongjae becomes the blue dragon, the Seojae becomes the Baekho, and the Yeongwiru becomes the Ansan. Therefore, it is a building where the characteristics of Sajinsa are well applied in terms of Feng-shui, and the main mountain, Boindang, is located in the highest place. Boindang is supplemented by the lower part of the Dongjae and the library, and Yeongwiru is located in front of the Boindang. By arranging Boindang in the middle of the Seowon space, it can be seen that the mountain on the left and the mountain on the right in front of the main mountain by the building structure and the structure of the house were designed and built according to the theory of Feng-shui geography. Therefore, in terms of designing, energy is concentrated around Boindang in terms of the selection of the location of the Seowon through the analysis of the location, and settlement space of Jagye Seowon geographically, and the structural characteristics of each hall, the Feng-shui geography was thoroughly applied. In this regard, through the analysis of Feng-shui geography of Jaggyeseowon, correct recognition and application of Pungshui geography as a daily life study is required, and Feng-shui geography is a practical science, and it is expected to be applied reasonably.

      • KCI등재

        Mycobacterium tuberculosis DNA Detection and Molecular Drug Susceptibility Test in AFB-stained Sputum Slides

        Dongju Jung,Hyeyoung Lee,Sangjung Park 대한의생명과학회 2016 Biomedical Science Letters Vol.22 No.1

        Tuberculosis (TB) remains an unsolved community health problem since identification of its causing microorganism called Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) by Robert Koch in 1882. Annually, eight million TB cases are newly reported and 2~3 million patients die from TB. Pulmonary TB is highly infectious and untreated pulmonary TB patients are believed to infect >10 people in a year. The conventional methods for diagnosis of TB are chest X-ray and isolation of the causing microorganisms from patient specimens. Screening of TB is conducted with smeared sputum in slides, and TB is confirmed by identification of MTB in cultured specimens. One of the fatal pitfalls of screening detection for smeared sputum is that it is impossible to distinguish MTB and other acid-fast bacilli (AFB) because they are stained equally with Ziehl-Neelsen (ZN) stain. Culture of MTB is the most reliable method for diagnosis of TB but it takes 4~8 weeks. In this report, we suggest a fast and highly-reliable MTB detection method that distinguishes AFB in sputum samples. Purified DNA from the AFB stained slide samples offered by The Korean Institute of Tuberculosis were used to detect infected MTB in patients. PCR, real-time PCR and reverse blot hybridization assay (REBA) methods were applied to purified DNA. Conclusively, the real-time PCR method was confirmed to produce high sensitivity and we were able to further detect drug-resistant MTB with REBA.

      • KCI등재

        Association Analysis between Genes’ Variants for Regulating Mitochondrial Dynamics and Fasting Blood Glucose Level

        Dongju Jung,Hyun-Seok Jin 대한의생명과학회 2016 Biomedical Science Letters Vol.22 No.3

        Maintenance of fasting blood glucose levels is important for glucose homeostasis. Disruption of feedback mechanisms are a major reason for elevations of glucose level in blood, which is a risk factor for type 2 diabetes mellitus that is mainly caused by malfunction of pancreatic beta-cell and insulin. The fasting blood glucose level has been known to be influenced by genetic and environmental factors. Mitochondria have many functions for cell survival and death: glucose metabolism, fatty acid oxidation, ATP generation, reactive oxygen species (ROS) metabolism, calcium handling, and apoptosis regulation. In addition to these functions, mitochondria change their morphology dynamically in response to multiple signals resulting in fusion and fission. In this study, we aimed to examine association between fasting blood glucose levels and variants of the genes that are reported to have functions in mitochondrial dynamics, fusion and fission, using a cohort study. A total 416 SNPs from 36 mitochondrial dynamics genes were selected to analyze the quantitative association with fasting glucose level. Among the 416 SNPs, 4 SNPs of PRKACB, 13 SNPs of PPP3CA, 6 SNPs of PARK2, and 3 SNPs of GDAP1 were significantly associated. In this study, we were able to confirm an association of mitochondrial dynamics genes with glucose levels. To our knowledge our study is the first to identify specific SNPs related to fasting blood glucose level.


        A Novel Opportunistic Greedy Forwarding Scheme in Wireless Sensor Networks

        ( Dongju Bae ),( Wook Choi ),( Jangwoo Kwon ),( Hyunseung Choo ) 한국인터넷정보학회 2010 KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Syst Vol.4 No.5

        Greedy forwarding is a key mechanism of geographic routing using distance as a metric. As greedy forwarding only uses 1-hop neighbor node information, it minimizes routing overhead and is highly scalable. In existing greedy forwarding schemes, a node selects a next forwarding node based only on the distance. However, the signal strength in a realistic environment reduces exponentially depending on the distance, so that by considering only the distance, it may cause a large number of data packet retransmissions. To solve this problem, many greedy forwarding schemes have been proposed. However, they do not consider the unreliable and asymmetric characteristics of wireless links and thus cause the waste of limited battery resources due to the data packet retransmissions. In this paper, we propose a reliable and energy-efficient opportunistic greedy forwarding scheme for unreliable and asymmetric links (GF-UAL). In order to further improve the energy efficiency, GF-UAL opportunistically uses the path that is expected to have the minimum energy consumption among the 1-hop and 2-hop forwarding paths within the radio range. Comprehensive simulation results show that the packet delivery rate and energy efficiency increase up to about 17% and 18%, respectively, compared with the ones in PRR Distance greedy forwarding.

      • An Inventory Control Policy for Semi-Finished Product and Optional Components

        Dongju Lee,Chang-Yong Lee 한국산업경영시스템학회 2013 한국산업경영시스템학회 학술대회 Vol.2013 No.추계

        If service level is increased, then service cost such as labor cost and facility cost will be increased. This service cost is included in the budget constraint in this paper. This service cost makes the problem difficult to solve. The purpose of this research is to develop an efficient approach for a continuous review inventory system with budget constraint when the semi-finished product and optional components are required to be assembled. Assuming that the reorder point for semi-finished product is given, order quantity for semi-finished product and order quantity and reorder point will be determined to minimize total cost that includes setup cost, inventory holding cost, and shortage cost. The performance of the proposed approach is checked by using an example.

      • KCI등재

        A novel 5-DOFs dynamic model of aerostatic spindle considering the effect of process damping in ultra-precision machining

        Dongju Chen,Shupei Li,Jinwei Fan 대한기계학회 2022 JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Vol.36 No.9

        The existing aerostatic spindle dynamic model only analyses the effects of mass imbalance and external load, ignoring the influence of cutting system on the spindle dynamic characteristics under cutting conditions. In this paper, a 5-DOFs aerostatic spindle dynamic model is established considering the influence of the micro-scale non-linear dynamic performance of the aerostatic spindle and cutting process damping. First, an analytical identification model of process damping with blunt circular cutter is established. Then, the micro-scale dynamic characteristics of the aerostatic spindle are analyzed and a 5-DOFs aerostatic spindle dynamic model is established considering the influence of process damping. Finally, the model is simulated and the influence of process damping on the dynamic characteristics of aerostatic spindle is analyzed. The simulation results show that the process damping of the cutting system has a significant influence on the dynamic characteristics of the aerostatic spindle. This study can provide theoretical guidance for coupling research of cutting system and spindle system.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Construction of a Cell-Adhesive Nanofiber Substratum by Incorporating a Small Molecule

        Dongju Jung 대한의생명과학회 2013 Biomedical Science Letters Vol.19 No.1

        Electrospun nanofibers are being widely used as a substratum for mammalian cell culture owing to their structural similarity to collagen fibers found in extracellular matrices of mammalian cells and tissues. Especially, development of diverse synthetic polymers has expanded use of electrospun nanofibers for constructing cell culture substrata. Synthetic polymers have several benefits comparing to natural polymer for their structural consistency, low cost, and capability for blending with other polymers or small molecules to enhance their structural integrity or add biological functions. PMGI (polymethylglutarimide) is one of the synthetic polymers that produced a rigid nanofiber that enables incorporation of small molecules, peptides, and gold nanoparticles through co-electrospinning process, during which the materials are fixed without any chemical modifications in the PMGI nanofibers by maintaining their activities. Using the phenomenon of PMGI nanofiber, here I introduce a construction method of a nanofiber substratum having cell-affinity function towards a pluripotent stem cell by incorporating a small molecule in the PMGI nanofiber.

      • KCI등재

        Gene Expression Analysis from the Normal Stomach Cells Treated with a Cancer Inducer N-methyl-N"-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine, MNNG

        Dongju Jung,Yoonjung Cho,Tae Ue Kim,Sang-Hee Jeong 대한의생명과학회 2017 Biomedical Science Letters Vol.23 No.1

        N-methyl-N"-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG) is a carcinogen made of modified guanine on which alkyl group is added on 6th oxygen. It has been used for inducing different types of cancers experimentally in vivo and in vitro. Stomach cancer might be the best well established particular cancer induced with MNNG. Comparative analysis of gene expression between normal stomach cell and MNNG-treated stomach cell could give much information to understand cancer formation in stomach. To this end, normal human stomach cells HS738 were treated with DMSO or MNNG. Genetic comparison was conducted with purified RNA from the treated cells for 6 hours or 24 hours. Total 13 genes were selected based on their high induction folds and comprehensible function to cancer formation. Some of the genes were cancer-promoting whereas the others were anti-cancer genes. These results could give important information of genetic changes in stomach cells during MNNG-induced stomach cancer formation.

      • KCI등재

        VMI with Upper Limit of Inventory for Vendor and Retailer

        Dongju Lee(이동주) 한국산업경영시스템학회 2017 한국산업경영시스템학회지 Vol.40 No.4

        Vendor Managed Inventory is a well-known vendor-retailer coordination approach in supply chain management where the vendor manages inventory of the retailer and determines the order interval and order quantity for the retailer. To consider practical situation, the upper limit of inventory for the retailer is set. If the inventory level for the retailer exceeds the upper limit, then the penalty cost is charged to the retailer. Furthermore, maximum allowable inventory level is set for the vendor to prevent the vendor from keeping much inventory. Single-vendor multi-retailer supply chain model with upper limit of inventory for vendor and retailers is studied. All the retailers’ are assumed to have the common cycle time, and a vendor manages retailers’ inventory and replenishes products. The mathematical formulation is introduced to minimize the total cost including the penalty cost violating the upper limit of inventory for retailers with the constraint of maximum allowable inventory level. The solution procedure based on Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) conditions is derived. KKT conditions are often applied to find an optimal solution of nonlinear programming problem with constraints. An illustrative example is used to show the application of the proposed solution procedure. Furthermore, sensitivity analysis is done to find out the relationship between maximum allowable inventory level and other values such as order quantity, the number of shipment, vendor’s cost, retailer’s cost, and total cost. As maximum allowable inventory level decreases, the number of shipment decreases but total cost increases. Order quantity has the trend of decline and is affected by the number of shipment.

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