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      • Editing Between the Lines: The Collaborative Writing Process of Two Scholars from Disparate Cultures

        Deborah Gilman(Deborah Gilman ),Yongsock Chang(Yongsock Chang) 아시아질적탐구학회 2022 아시아질적탐구 Vol.1 No.2

        Collaborative writing and language learning efforts between two graduate students, one a South Korean art educator and the other a retired ESL(English as a Second Language) teacher from the United States, are explored in this autoethnographic and ethnodrama collaborative piece. The authors give candid accounts of their experiences with understanding one another’s perspectives, sharing beliefs and cultural differences, developing respect for each other, and discovering friendship as they worked together in editing and revising Korean ideas into the Americanized English of academia. The tie that binds their collaborative efforts is the authors’ advocacy for social justice education.

      • KCI등재후보

        Maintaining Professionalism in Semi-Professional Sport: Are We Asking too Much?

        Deborah Agnew,Pip Henderson,Andrew Marks,Carl Woods 글로벌지식마케팅경영학회 2019 Journal of Global Sport Management Vol.4 No.1

        How integrity is understood depends on the context. This paper explores the idea of integrity of sport, specifically the sub-elite South Australian National Football League competition. This mixed-methods study utilized both surveys and interviews to understand the issues that threaten the integrity of the South Australian competition. Threats emerged regarding financial remuneration, competition fairness and demands for semi-professional athletes. Athletes competing at sub-elite levels are expected to uphold the same standards as those competing in the national elite competition without the same financial remuneration. This potentially motivates players to leave the sub-elite competition in favor of lower leagues where there are fewer commitments and higher pay. Sub-elite footballers also engage in some high-risk behaviors, which can undermine the community’s trust in the sport, thereby threating its integrity. Further research regarding the integrity of football supporters is warranted to maintain the integrity of the overall competition.

      • 노화와 피부장벽

        Deborah Lee 한국피부장벽학회 2009 한국피부장벽학회지 Vol.11 No.1

        Aged epidermis displays altered drug permeability, increased susceptibility to irritant contact dermatitis, and severe xerosis suggesting compromise of aged epidermal barrier. However, cutaneous barrier function is normal or even supernormal under basal conditions in aged skin. Functional pathology of the epidermis is revealed only after an active insult. The aged barrier is perturbed more readily and recovered more slowly in aged than in young skin. Global reduction of all key stratum corneum (SC) lipids, most profoundly cholesterol, with reduced activity of key enzymes and decreased extracellular lamellar bilayers could explain the impaired barrier recovery in aged epidermis. That is, main cause of impaired barrier function of advanced age(>75 years) is reduction of synthesis of key species of epidermal lipid. On the other hand, epidermal lipid synthesis is normal and the defective permeability barrier is associated with defective SC acidity in moderately aged (50-80 years) skin. Decreased Na+/H+ antiporter (NHE1) accounts for the pH abnormality in moderately aged epidermis and lead to increased SC pH. The increased pH results in abnormal lipid-processing and delayed maturation of SC lamellar membrane. Moreover, increased pHdependent activation of serine protease accelerates corneodesmosome degradation leading to abnormal SC integrity. Delayed barrier recovery and abnormal lipid-processing in moderately aged mice were normalized by reacidification. Dry environment induces epidermal proliferation and scaling in both aged and young skin and no remarkable difference is found in skin barrier recovery of aged skin in a dry environment. Superimposition of photoaging on chronologically aged (CA) skin neither alter basal barrier function, nor cause a further abnormality in barrier integrity but, cause a further abnormality in permeability barrier homeostasis in aged skin. Functional disturbance of SC in UV irradiated skin is not due to direct effect of UV radiation on SC, but just reflect secondary changes possibly caused by UV damage on underlying viable skin tissue that induce an epidermal proliferative response.


        Negotiated identities : Between “moral career” and professional career of single mothers in Jakarta

        Deborah N. SIMORANGKIR 이화여자대학교 아시아여성학센터 2015 Asian Journal of Women's Studies(AJWS) Vol.21 No.2

        This article seeks to answer the following research questions: How do single working mothers in Jakarta negotiate their moral careers and professional careers? What self-identities do they adopt whereby they view themselves as different from other mothers? Results indicate that, in being single working mothers, the biggest sacrifice they make is not spending adequate time with their children, which leads to a sense of guilt. Despite the help of family members, it is in them that the working single mothers struggle the most, juggling motherhood and work. Nonetheless, being able to conduct both their personal lives and professional careers gives them a sense of completeness. Although their professional careers are important, motherhood is their predominant identity. Also, there is a stigma attached to single mothers who are seen as sexually promiscuous. The social construct of the idealized Indonesian woman associates personal interest and goals with women defying their kodrat or destiny. Therefore, single working mothers not only struggle with the ideologies of moral motherhood, but also face social problems in their everyday lives. Tujuan dari artikel ini adalah untuk menjawab rumusan masalah sebagai berikut: Bagaimana para ibu tunggal yang bekerja di Jakarta menegosiasikan karir moral dan karir profesional mereka? Dan, identitas diri apa yang mereka adopsi sehingga membedakan mereka dari ibu yang lain? Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hal terbesar yang dikorbankan oleh seorang ibu tunggal yang bekerja adalah waktu bersama anaknya, sehingga menimbulkan perasaan bersalah. Meskipun keluarga membantu, namun para ibu tunggal yang bekerja harus berjuang untuk mengimbangkan tugas mereka sebagai ibu dan perkerjaannya. Meski demikian, kemampuan untuk menjalani kehidupan pribadi dan karir profesional memberi mereka perasaan utuh. Walaupun karir profesional dianggap penting, namun identitas sebagai ibu tetap lebih utama. Selain itu, stigma sebagai perempuan berperilaku seksual bebas melekat pada ibu tunggal. Di Indonesia, konstruksi sosial tentang perempuan ideal menganggap minat dan tujuan pribadi sebagai pemberontakan terhadap kodrat perempuan. Maka, ibu tunggal yang bekerja tidak hanya berjuang dalam ideologinya sebagai ibu, namun juga mengalami kesulitan sosial dalam kesehariannya.

      • KCI등재후보

        종이 위에서 춤추다

        Deborah Jowitt 한국무용예술학회 2007 무용예술학연구 Vol.21 No.-

        미국 춤 비평의 특성은 춤의 사회적 지위와 불가피하게 얽혀있다. 미국에는 아시아 국가들과 같은 오래된 춤 전통이 없으며, 특히 오랜 기간 청교도주의가 춤에 대한 인식을 지배했기 때문이다. 춤을 정신성이 결여된 것으로 보았기에 그에 대한 논의 역시 전문성이 요구되지 않았다. 따라서 20세기 초까지도 춤은 음악의 부속물로 취급되거나 뮤직홀에서의 춤과 공연예술로서의 춤이 구분되지 않았다.20세기 전반기 미국의 대표적인 무용비평가들의 경향은 변호적 비평, 즉 대중들이 오해하고 있다고 판단되는 특정 양식을 옹호하는 비평이었다. 존 마틴은 마사 그레이엄과 도리스 험프리 등을 중심으로 형성된 현대무용을 옹호하였고, 에드윈 덴비는 발란신의 줄거리 없는 발레를 해설했으며, 질 존스턴은 1960년대 포스트모던 춤을 옹호했다. 변호적 비평이 항상 필요한 것은 아니며, 평론가가 개인적인 이유 때문에 특정 예술가를 광고하는 것은 비윤리적이다. 허나 대중들이 작품을 심도있게 이해하도록 도와주는 것은 평론가의 과제 중 하나이며, 이는 설교나 강의가 아니라 춤을 생생하고 흥미롭게 묘사할 때 가장 효과적으로 달성된다.춤 비평의 네 가지 요소인 묘사, 해석, 평가, 맥락 중에서 20세기 초의 평론가들이 평가와 해석을 강조했다면, 1960년대 이후의 평론가들은 자신의 견해를 뒷받침하고 춤의 흥취를 전달할 수 있는 묘사를 강조했다. 묘사를 강조하는 이유는 첫째, 너무나 잘 알려진 춤의 덧없음 때문이며, 둘째, 집필의 대상인 춤 자체가 변하였기 때문이다. 즉 춤에서 서사구조가 배제되고 실험성이 강조되자 안무가가 풀어내는 소재 자체 보다는 이를 어떻게 풀어내는지가 중요해진 것이다. 이렇게 볼 때 묘사란 동작 하나하나를 정확하게 나열하는 것이 아니며, 단어를 통해 그리고 문장의 리듬과 형태를 통해 글쓴이가 보고 느낀 바를 예리한 직감력으로 환기시킬 때 가장 설득력 있는 묘사가 된다.나아가 비평가는 그들이 살고있는 환경과 시대의 산물이며, 춤에 대한 글쓰기는 춤 자체에서의 변화에 상응한다. 예컨대 1960- 70년대의 비평가들은 움직임 발견, 혁신적 구성, 그리고 예술에 대한 급진적 생각들에 초점을 맞추었지만, 포스트모더니즘의 영향을 받은 80년대 이후 비평가들은 제각각의 텍스트들 사이에 존재하는 유의미한 관계, 혹은 그 의도적인 부재를 찾으려 노력한다. 최근 춤계의 범위가 넓어지고 세계화되면서 평론가는 인종과 젠더, 혹은 전통적 스타일과 현대적 실험에 주목해야할 필요 역시 증대되었다. 이처럼 맥락, 역사, 의미를 고려하는 것이 중요해지면서 비평의 방식 자체가 변하기도 한다.현재, 미국에서는 무용비평을 위한 활자공간이 줄어들고 있다. 반면에 춤에 대한 글쓰기는 블로그나 온라인 출판을 통해 인터넷에서 번성하고 있다. 인터넷에 글을 쓴다는 것은 공간적 제한이 없다는 점에서 즐겁기도 하고, 돈을 벌기는 거의 불가능하다는 점에서 암담하기도 하다. 종이 위에서건 가상적 공간에서건, 많은 춤 비평가들이 춤에 대해 생각하고, 이를 탐사하고, 언어로서 다시 소생시키고자 노력하는 것을 단순히 직업이 아닌 소명으로 삼고있다는 것은 참으로 행운이다. 우리는 계속 나아갈 것이며, 좀더 잘하기 위해 노력할 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        A Model for Teaching Mathematical Argument at the Elementary Grades

        Deborah Schifter,Susan Jo Russell 대한수학교육학회 2020 수학교육학연구 Vol.- No.특별호

        Over years of collaborating with elementary-school teachers to research students’ thinking about the “big ideas” of K-6 mathematics, particular attention was given to generalizations about the operations—addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division—and arguments that explain why these generalizations are true. Through this work, we created a model of five phases that separate different points of focus in the complex process of formulating and proving such generalizations: 1) noticing patterns, 2) articulating conjectures, 3) representing with specific examples, 4) creating representation-based arguments, and 5) comparing and contrasting operations. In this paper, we illustrate the phases with classroom examples as students investigate a set of generalizations. We then present assessment results from classrooms of project teachers who engaged their students in this content.

      • KCI등재

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