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        防毒湯 및 防毒湯加菱實의 Cyclophosphamide 副作用 抑制에 관한 實驗的 硏究

        崔達永,朴元煥,金俊騎 대한동의병리학회 1997 동의생리병리학회지 Vol.11 No.1

        韓醫學에 있어서 癌의 治療에 대해서는 韓藥을 利用한 抗癌劑의 開發과 아울러 東·西醫學의 結合을 통한 治療 效果의 增大 方向에서 化學療法과 放射線療法의 副作用을 減少시키는 藥劑 및 處方에 대한 硏究가 활발히 진행되어 왔다. 防毒湯은 황기 人蔘 五味子 補骨脂 白朮炒 麥門冬 當歸 복령 半夏 陳皮 등 十味의 약물로 구성되어 處方으로 健脾·益氣·補腎의 作用을 가지고 臨床事例分析을 통하여 抗癌劑 副作用에 의하여 주로 발생되는 消化障碍 肝障碍 脫毛 血液學的 變化 및 免疫機能低下 등의 改善에 대한 報告와 抗腫瘍效果 및 免疫反應에 대한 實驗的 報告가 있었으며, 또한 菱實은 韓國과 中國, 日本 등에서 胃癌이나 胎毒, 酒毒에 使用되고 있다. 이에 防毒湯 및 防毒湯加菱實의 抗癌劑 副作用에 대한 抑制 效果를 實驗的으로 立證할 필요성이 있다고 생각되어 흰쥐에 化學療法劑인 cyclophosphamide를 注射하여 副作用을 誘發시키고, cyclophosphamide 投與 前後 各 5日間 防毒湯과 防毒湯加菱實을 投與한 다음 GOT, GPT, BUN, creatinine, 白血球數, 赤血球數, 血小板數를 測定하였으며, 腹腔癌을 誘發시킨 雄性 생쥐에 防毒湯 및 防毒湯加菱實 投與 5日後 cyclophoshamide를 注射하여 副作用을 誘發시키고 白血球數, 赤血球數, 血小板數를 測定하였다. 防毒湯 및 防毒湯加菱實은 cyclophoshamide의 副作用에 대한 抑制 效果가 있는 것으로 사료되어 동서의학의 결합을 통하여 암치료에 유효하게 응용될 수 있을 것으로 기대된다. In order to investigate the effects of Fangdutang and Fangdutangjiawei on reducing side-effects of cyclophosphamide to the rats, and mice which have abdominal tumor after Sarcoma-180 cells were transplanted, cyclophosphamide, the anti-cancer agent, was injected in order to induce the side-effects, and the extract of Fangdutang and Fangdutangjiawei was administrated through mouth from 5 days before the injection to 5 days after the injection, and observe GOT, GTP, BUN, creatinine, number of leukocyte, erythrocyte an thrombocyte. The results are summarized as follows: 1. In the effects of the inhibition of side-effects on the liver function, the GOT and GPT activity were proved to be reduced by the Fangdutang and Fangdutangjiawei. 2. In the effects of the inhibition effect on the side-effects on the kidney function, the BUN was proved to be reduced by the Fangdutang and Fangdutangjiawei but creatinine remained in all groups. 3. In the number of leukocyte, erythrocyte and thrombocyte, the sample group of Fangdutang and Fangdutangjiawei that did not have cancer showed an increase compared with control group. While, there was no distinguishable development in the study on the cancer-carrier mice. As the result of above experiment, it is presumed that Fangdutang and Fangdutangjiawei have proven to have inhibitory effect on side-effects of cyclophosphamide. We can conclude that Fangdutang and Fangdutangjiawei will be useful for cure of the cancer in occidental and oriental medical world.

      • 高脂肪性食餌로 因한 高脂血症 白鼠에 首烏延壽丹이 미치는 影響

        金庸柱,최달영,김준기,박원환 동국대학교 경주대학 1996 東國論集 Vol.15 No.-

        This study was done in order to investigate the effect of Suoyensudan on hyperlipidemia. Results: 1. The level of serum total cholesterol was decreased with the significance in the sample groups as compared with the control groups. 2. The level of serum HDL-cholesterol was increased with significance in sample groups as compared with the control groups. 3. The level of serum phospholipid was increased with significance in Sample 1 group as compared with Control 1 group, but Sample 2 group did not show significance as compared with Control 2 group. 4. The level of serum β-lipoprotein was decreased with the significance in Control 1 group, but control 2 group did not show significance. 5. Rate of total cholesterol vs. HDL-cholesterol and total cholesterol vs phospholipid were increased in the sample groups as compared with the control groups. Conclusion; It is considered that Suoyensudan respectively had recovering effect on the Hyperlipidemia induced by cholesterol in male rats. So it can be use to prvent and treat hyperlipidemia and related deseases.

      • 傷寒論중 汗, 下法을 중심으로 한 少陰人 病證論 考察

        李炳盧,金俊錡,崔達永 동국대학교 한의학연구소 2000 東國韓醫學硏究所論文集 Vol.9 No.-

        이제마는 사상의학의 생리, 병리를 설명함에 있어서 상한론을 많이 인용하였는데 치법에 있어서는 상한론의 것과 일치하지 않으며 특히 소음임편에서는 상한론의 한법이나 하법에 대해서 많은 비판을 가하고 있다. 이에 동의수세보원 소음인편에 나타난 상한론 인용문과 동무의 의론을 한법과 하법을 위주로 비교하여 본 결과 사상의학과 상한론은 공통적인 사기의 개념과 병증구성상의 표리구조를 가지고 있었으며, 한과 하의 개념에 있어서도 별다른 차이가 없었다. 그러나 치료법에 있어서 사상의학에서는 소음인에 대하여 승양이 안되는 체질상의 부족을 보충하는 승양익기법을 중요시하여 상한론과 차이가 남을 알 수 있었다. The main purpose of this study is to lay the groundwork of mutual assistance between Shnngknlun and Sa-sang Constitutional Medicine by looking into their differences and similarities in the concept and the medical treatment in the diaphoretic therapy and the purgative therapp. The study compared Shanghan Jomun quoted in Soeumin, Dongy-Soose-Boum m:ith Je-ma, Lee s Theory of Medicine. And its conclusion is the following: 1. Both Shanghlun and Sa-sang Constitutional Medicine connote the concept of pathogenic factors in the Nae-Kyung hfedicine as the medicinal substances. And both of them have the fundamental structure of exterior-to-interior movements in the symptoms of disease to appear when pathogenic factors penetrate into the bodies. 2. Sa-sang Constitutional Medicine has treated the causes and the mechanism of disease in the symptoms of disease differently from other therapies: focusing on the body's constitutional symptom of disease, namely Soeumin's lack of the Yang-Qi and the poor Ascending Yang, not an attack on pathogenic factors as a interior-exterior symptom. Therefore Ascending-yang Suppiling Qi. which fills up the lacking parts of the body and keeps the balance of the body fitted in one's constitution, has been used rather than the diaphoretic and purgative therapy. 3. As Shanghlun and Sa-sang Constitutional Medicine have the similarities in the interior-to-exterior structure, pathogenic factors, and the notion of diaphoresis and purgation, they do so in the principle of the medicinal substance and the therapy. However, there are actually differences of carrying out the diaphoretic and purgative therapy and other treatments between Shangtnnlun and Sa-sang Constitutional Medicine by the reason of the dissimilarities in the mechanism of disease and focal points.

      • 『金匱要略』과 『傷寒論』의 相似條文에 대한 分析

        廉龍河,河基泰,玄東煥,尹相柱,金俊錡,崔達永 동국대학교 한의학연구소 2000 東國韓醫學硏究所論文集 Vol.9 No.-

        『傷寒論』과 『金匱要略』은 仲景의 著述로서 醫方之祖 인정되어 왔지만, 두 책의 관계에 대해서는 오랫동안 논란이 있어 왔다. 그러나 『金匱要略』과 『傷寒論』의 相似條文은 각 책의 108%, 11%를 차지할 만큼 많이 있으며 각 조문을 분석한 결과 높은 상동성을 가지는 조문이 전체의 63.9%를 차지하고 있는데, 이것은 두 책이 서로 동일한 근원에서 나왔음을 보여준다. 따라서 『傷寒論』과 『금궤요략』의 관계를 이해함에 있어서 이들 相似條文에 대한 인식이 반드시 선행되어야 할 것으로 생각된다. Shanghanlun and Jinguiyaolue has the analogous text by the rate of 10.8% and 11.3% respectively. And We have found that 63.9% of them are very similar by the analysis on the analogous text. It is supposed that the Books are originated by same source. So we suggest that the analogous text is very important to understand the relationship of the Books.

      • 『金匱要略』의 重要 註釋書에 대한 硏究

        廉龍河,河基泰,玄東煥,尹相柱,金俊錡,崔達永 동국대학교 한의학연구소 2000 東國韓醫學硏究所論文集 Vol.9 No.-

        「금궤요약」은 韓醫學 最高의 雜病專門書로서 그 중요성이 널리 인정되고 있지만, 우리나라에서는 그에 대한 註解나 연구가 미흡한 실정이다. 따라서 著者는 앞으로의 硏究와 敎育의 基本資料로 삼기 위하여 本書의 重要 註繹書에 대하여 정리하였다. 「금궤요약」에 대한 최초의 注繹은 元明間趙良仁의 「금궤요약연의」「개정금궤요약주」等이 유명하다. 日本에서는 「금궤요약주해」을 효시로 「금궤요약방론친주」, 「良沙正經證匯」, 「금궤요약집성」, 「금궤요약집의」, 「금궤옥함요약술의」등의 注本이 있다. Jinguiyuolue(금궤요약), written by Zhong-Jing Zhang(張仲景) in late Han(漢) Dynasty, is very foundamental Cannon of Oriental Medicine. Many Doctors commented on the book from Yuan(元) Dynasty ir! Chian and from Edo(江戶) Period in Japan, but there are a few studies in Korea. So we studied on the commentaries of the book, which published in the three countries, for improving research and education of it in our country.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Seed of Trichosanthes kirilowii MAXIM Inhibits TNF-${\alpha}$-induced Migration In Human Aortic Smooth Muscle Cells Via MMP-9 Inhibition

        Kim, Jai-Eun,Choi, Dall-Yeong The Physiological Society of Korean Medicine and T 2009 동의생리병리학회지 Vol.23 No.2

        Atherosclerosis, slow progressing inflammatory lesion in arteries, is one of the major causes of cardiovascular diseases. As mortality due to cardiovascular disease keeps increasing in Korea, researches on pathological mechanism of atherosclerosis may be beneficial in fighting against cardiovascular diseases. It is known that migration and MMP-9 secretion of Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell(VSMC) play a significant part in pathogenesis of atherosclerosis, although detailed mechanism of entire process is not clarified. We investigated whether the seeds of Trichosanthes kirilowii maxim (TS), inhibit migration and MMP-9 production of HASMC(human aortic SMC), which were induced by TNF-${\alpha}$ treatment. Migration assay showed that TS inhibited the migration of HASMC induced by TNF-${\alpha}$, in dose dependent manner. Also by Zymography MMP-9 production of HASMC was found to be reduced by TS, both in time and in dose dependent manner. Western blotting results suggest TS suppress activity of MAPkinases.

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