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        중국공산당의 100년: 과제와 권력 구조의 변화

        안치영 ( Ahn¸ Chiyoung ) 성균관대학교 성균중국연구소 2021 중국사회과학논총 Vol.3 No.1

        근대 중국이 봉착한 위기의 극복을 모색하는 과정에서 형성된 중국공산당이 100년의 역사를 맞이하고 있다. 중국공산당의 100년은 30년간의 혁명과 건국, 30년간의 사회주의 건설, 30년간의 개혁개방, 10년의 신시대로 구분될 수 있다. 혁명을 통하여 국가를 건설하였고 사회주의 건설을 통하여 자위력을 확보하였지만 빈곤에서 벗어나지는 못했다. 그렇기 때문에 자본주의에 대하여 개방하고 시장경제를 받아들이는 개혁을 통하여 부유해졌으며 이제는 초강대국의 길에 들어서고 있다. 혁명과 사회주의 건설은 역사와 전통에 대한 부정을 통하여 이루어졌지만 중국이 부강해지는 과정에서 혁명과 개혁과 역사의 화해가 이루어지고 있다. 그 과정에서 중국은 권력이 집중된 중앙집권체제를 유지하고 있지만 계기적으로 분권과 집권이 반복되고 있다. The Chinese Communist Party, which was formed in the process of seeking to overcome the crisis faced by China after the wester impact, has reached a century of history. The 100 years of the CCP can be divided into 30 years of revolution and state founding, 30 years of socialist construction, 30 years of reform and opening, and 10 years of new era. Although the state was built through the revolution and self-defense was secured through the construction of socialism, it was not able to escape poverty. Therefore, through reforms that open up to western capitalism and accept the market economy, china have become rich and are entering the path of a superpower. The construction of revolution and socialism was accomplished through denial of history and tradition, but in the course of China’s prosperity, the reconciliation of revolution, reform and history is taking place. In the process, China maintains a centralized system, but depending on the change in circumstances decentralization and centralization have been repeated.

      • KCI등재

        미결정의 공포에서 숭고한 공포로 ―식민지 조선 공포 서사의 분화과정 연구―

        김지영 ( Kim¸ Chi-young ) 고려대학교 민족문화연구원 2020 民族文化硏究 Vol.89 No.-

        한국의 오락적 공포물이 본격적으로 출발한 것은 1927-1930년 『매일신보』에 마련된 괴담란이었다. 『매일신보』의 괴담란은 귀신, 도깨비라는 초현실적 대상에 의거하여 공포물을 시도했고, 전래 이야기와 당대의 경험담을 병치하면서 구성되었다. 기자 가족의 견문이나 독자층의 투고라는 수평적인 시선에서 펼쳐진 발아기 『매일신보』의 괴담들은 주술과 과학의 어느 쪽도 승인하지 못하는 미결정의 공포감을 조장하면서, 근대와 전근대에 대한 양가적 저항감을 노출했다. 공포물이 귀신, 도깨비 등 소재의 기이성에 의존하는 쪽으로 진전되면서, 괴담란을 구성하는 미디어의 주체들은 귀신·도깨비의 사실성에 대한 논리적 근거를 마련해야 했다. 이때 설명하기 어려운 초현실적 경험에 대한 거리화 욕망은 괴담을 과거의 이야기로 화석화하는 논리를 통해 현존의 안정감을 확보하려 했다. 괴담이 전근대의 시간성과 밀착한 것은 논리적이고 이상적인 것을 현재의 것으로 전유하고 불합리, 부조리한 것을 과거에 투사하는 근대 知의 자기합리화 작용의 결과라고 할 수 있다. 우월한 근대의 입지를 확보하는 수직적인 시선 속에서 귀신과 도깨비는 선형적인 시간 리듬의 내부로 안착했고, 괴담은 근대적 삶의 주변부를 형성하는 민속의 일부로 정착해 갔다. 대중성을 추구했던 종합지 『조광』은 과거화된 ‘괴담’과 뚜렷히 구별되는 지점에서 ‘괴기’를 인식하는 위계적 시선 속에서 괴기소설이라는 새로운 양식을 출범시켰다. 자민족의 과거나 현실로부터 거리를 둔 나르시시즘적 우월감과 쾌락적 공포라는 난해한 감각에 대한 도전의식 속에서 『조광』의 괴기소설들은 숭고한 공포의 감각을 표현해냈다. ‘괴기소설’에 이르러 식민지 공포서사는 인간 내부에서 존재의 안정감에 균열을 일으키는 심연에 주목했고 이를 통해 비로소 주술적인 외적 존재에 의존하지 않고 쾌락적 공포에 대한 대중문화의 요구에 부응하는 서사의 토대를 마련했다. 그러나 식민지 괴기소설은 그 출발 지점에서 근대에 대한 식민지 청년의 동경 내부에 숨은 결핍과 불안의 감각을 노출했다. 사랑의 광기와 죽음 충동을 소재로 한 『조광』의 괴기소설들은 근대성을 지향하는 존재 내부의 숨은 결여와 이 결여의 충족불가능성을 동시에 표현하면서, 근대성이 실패하는 지점들을 드러냈다. This article attempted to examine the search of colonial Korean pop culture for hedonistic fear through the process of differentiation between ghost stories and grotesque novels. Korea’s recreational horror genre started with the ghost stories in the Daily Maeil in the 1927-1930. The ghost story of the Daily Maeil was constructed with attemped horror which was based on surreal objects such as ghosts and goblins, and the media juxtaposed traditional ghost stories with contemporary surreal experiences together. The ghost stories of the Daily Maeil in the 1927-1930 promoted an undecided fear that neither witchcraft nor science could approve, since it was not easy to secure narrative stability by grafting the cultural request for grotesque taste with reality in Colonial Korea. As intended horror depended on the oddities of the objects of stories such as ghosts and goblins, the publishing subjects of the media who composed the ghost story had to establish a logical basis for the reality of ghosts and goblins. The desire to streetize the surreal experience that was difficult to explain resulted in fossilizing a ghost story into a story of the past, which was a consequence of securing a sense of rationality of the present. It could be said that the fact that the ghost story adhered to the temporality of the premodern era was the result of the self-rationalization of modern knowledge, which appropriated the logical and ideal as the present and projected the irrational and irrationality into the past. The comprehensive magazine Cho-kwang, which pursued popularity, launched a new style of horror narrative called ‘grotesque novels’ in a hierarchical perspective, which was clearly distinguished from the past ‘monster stories.’ In the ‘grotesque novel’, the colonial horror narrative focused on the abyss that caused a crack in the stability of existence within humans, which was hardly found in the old ghost stories of the past. Through this, the colonial horror narrative was able to lay the foundation for a narrative that could respond to the demands of popular culture for hedonistic horror without relying on a magical external existence. Contrary to the fact that the ghost stories pointed to the fossilized past, the grotesque novels aimed at the ideology of the absolute totality of modernity assumed as a time of infinite possibility, but exposed a sense of lack and anxiety hidden in the longing of the colonial youth for the modern era.



        CHIYOUNG KIM 계명대학교 한국학연구원 2013 Acta Koreana Vol.16 No.1

        This study is intended to track the historical process of how the concept of ‘yŏnae’ (love) was formed, and how it evolved until the late colonial period. ‘Yŏnae,’ which was coined to refer to a modern form of love, first used in Sŏyu kyŏnmun [Observations on travels in the West], was published by Yu Kil-chun in 1895 with a value-neutral tone. However, the signifier ‘yŏnae’ won enthusiastic support later in the late 1910s as a channel for expressing the subjectivity of modern ego, by bringing ‘emotion’ and ‘intellect’ into its semantic field as requirements for marriage and turning the spotlight upon inner emotional issues, within the context of free marriage. In the first half of the 1920s, the signifier ‘yŏnae’ began to be aestheticized as a divine virtue with an image of lofty civilization, so that the word ‘chayu yŏnae’ (free love) was even highly appraised, transcending its negative nuance of free sex and bringing about a vogue of the ambiguous word ‘sinsŏnghan yŏnae’ (sacred love). However, the word yŏnae ultimately functioned as a disengaged ideology rather than as creative energy to portray individuality in reality, since the concept was infatuated by abstract images of civilization. Connecting the concept with traditional custom and combining it with real life practice from the late 1920s, the concept of yŏnae rapidly degraded into a stage of dates, aiming for marriage. As a result, the concept became subjugated under the gender hierarchy and colonial middle class’ secular familism, in which they could distinguish their identity from the older generation and make nuclear families based on conjugal relations, which was actually confidentially supported by the colonial regime. In this way, the concept started to become conservative, losing its innovative connotations in the late colonial period.

      • Colloidal Porous Polymers with Rapid and High Adsorption Capability for Aqueous Organic Micropollutants

        Chiyoung Park(박치영) 한국고분자학회 2021 한국고분자학회 학술대회 연구논문 초록집 Vol.46 No.2

        We synthesized microporous and conjugated covalent triazine-based frameworks (CTFs) by the low-temperature Friedel-Craft reaction. The functionalized CTF derivatives showed excellent maximum adsorption capacities for aqueous organic micropollutants. The maximum adsorption capacities were estimated using the Langmuir and Jovanovic isotherm models, and the adsorption kinetics could be well fitted by the pseudo-second-order kinetics model. The uptake rates of the selected micropollutants were exceptionally high. The thermodynamics parameters for the removal of aqueous organic micropollutants using oxidized CTFs suggested that that the adsorption process is a feasible one and involves physisorption. Hence, the mildly oxidized conjugated CTF derivatives have significant potential for use as effective adsorbents for water decontamination.

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