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        산문시론 시고(試考)

        이명찬(Yi Myung-chan) 한국시학회 2016 한국시학연구 Vol.- No.45

        현재 중등교육 현장에 널리 퍼져 있는 이상한 용어 가운데 하나가 ‘산문적 리듬’이라는 이해하기 힘든 말뭉치이다. 이 용어는 우리 문학 교육의 현장에서 ‘산문: 운문, 정형시: 자유시: 산문시, 운율: 내재율’ 등의 개념들에 대한 명확하게 합의된 규정들이 존재하지 않기 때문에 생겨난 혼란의 한 예라고 할 수 있다. 그리고 그러한 혼란의 책임은 당연히 중등교육의 담당자들이 아니라 관련 연구를 진행하고 있는 대학의 연구자들에게 있다. 현재 운영 중인 사이버 상의 각종 사전이나 오랜 기간 학계에 영향력을 행사해온 문학 원론들, 시론들에 이미 이런 혼란들이 꾸준히 노출되어 있었기 때문이다. 산문시란 당연하게도 산문 형식의 서정시를 가리킨다. 그리고 산문 형식이라는 말은 운율 배제라는 조건을 전제로 성립하는 어법이다. 이에 비해 정형시란 외형적으로 드러난 형식적 틀에 맞춘 시를 가리킨다. 그리고 자유시는 그 일정한 틀은 버리되 시인 개인의 개성에 따라 다양한 운율적 요소들을 자유롭게 구현하는 시라고 정의할 수 있다. 운율이 없는 서정시가 곧 산문시라는 개념을 바탕으로 ‘산문적 리듬’이라는 용어를 이해해 보면, 그것은 결국 그러한 시의 완결성을 높이고 전달력을 강화하기 위해 시의 최종 구성 단계에서 사용되는 각종의 장치들의 기능을 가리키는 것으로 이해할 수 있다. 문단과 문단을 이어 글전체를 유기적으로 연결하면서 어조나 감정의 강약을 조절하여 독자에게 감동과 영향력을 행사하는 텍스트의 힘을 일러 ‘리듬’이라 불렀던 것이다. One of the corpora widely used in current secondary education is "prosaic rhythm", which is hard to understand. The term exemplifies the confusion arising from the absence of a clear consensus on such concepts as "prose vs. verse, rhymed verse vs. free verse vs. prosaic poem, and rhymes vs. inner rhythm" in the field of literary instruction. The foregoing confusion may well be attributable to not those in charge of secondary literary instruction but relevant researchers at universities on the grounds that such confusion has continuously been exposed in various dictionaries, literary and poetic theories that have influenced the academia over a long period of time. It is only natural to say that a prosaic poem refers to a lyric poem taking the form of a prose. The form of a prose assumes the condition that rhymes are excluded. In contrast, a rhymed verse refers to a poem complying with an explicit formal framework. A free verse is defined as a poem that is free of a certain framework and intended to freely realize a range of rhyme components of a poet"s own volition. Based on the idea that a rhymeless lyric poem becomes a prose, the term "prosaic rhythm" refers to a range of poetic devices used in the final step of poetic composition to increase the poetic completion and enhance the delivery. A "rhythm" refers to the power of a text exerting influence and impression on readers by connecting paragraphs into an organically flowing text in its entirety whilst controling the tones or the emotional intensity.

      • KCI등재

        박남수 시의 재인식 : ‘이미지’에 가려진 분단의 상처

        이명찬(Yi Myung-Chan) 한국시학회 2011 한국시학연구 Vol.- No.31

        It is not an exaggeration that Korea’s modern history has been a series of hardships by governmental power, which has tried to deprive citizens of right to speak. During the periods of president Yi, Soong-man’s dictatorship, the Korean War, and subsequent military dictatorship, social prohibition has dominated the life of people, and Korean people have been harassed by rigid censorship. Therefore, the situation of these times is referred to as ‘Social aphasia.’ However, for defector poets like Park, Nam -soo, defecting from North Korea was imposed as the additional condition of such oppression. Therefore, it would be truly difficult for Park, Namsoo to express the ugly society by pushing through the double burden which made poet silent. In this regard, the image of bird, created by Park, Namsoo was estimated to be a symbol for speaking the pain of people’s life in South Korea in a roundabout way. Accordingly, we should not see Park, Nam-soo as a descendant of the modernist poets. In regard to the evaluation on the poems of Park, Namsoo, only his second poem collection, God’s Trash would be suitable for the poems of a modernist. The core concern of the Poet, Park, Nam-soo was regarding the embodiment of remaining scars due to the division of Korea. His lifetime’s work as a poet was to recover the life in his hometown, where his mother and grandmother was living under the name of beginning (始原). It is supposed that the poetic way of Park, Nam-soo based on the restrained language intended to control his overflowing nostalgia in his mind.

      • 구ㆍ미주 관광객의 인구 특성요인과 기대 요인에 따른 만족도에 관한 실증적 연구 : 한국 관광기념품 구매와 관련하여 In relation to purchasing Korean Tourism Souvenirs

        박명찬,고종원 한국관광정보학회 2001 觀光情報硏究 Vol.- No.9

        The purpose of this paper can be said to analyze the satisfaction and preference of Europe and the Americas tourists visiting Korea to local tourism souvenirs using data their population characteristics factors and expectation factors before purchasing. As the paper process, the bibliographic research on related data issued by the authorized research institution for the country's inside and outside and empirical research by the distribution and collection of questionnaire for the purpose of showing the desires of Europe and the Americas tourists to Korean souvenirs products were performed in parallel. The contents of this research are summarized as below. As mentioned above, this paper is divide by two parts, the relevance between the population factors and satisfaction degree to Europe and the Americas tourists and the connection between the satisfaction degree and expectation degree to them. Among variables of Korean souvenirs such as art, originality, design and price, etc., Overall Europe and the Americas consumers are made clear as dissatisfied with art and originality of Korean souvenirs. Except these factors, other factors are classified with the scope of satisfaction to Americans. So For the sales increasing to Europe and the Americas consumers, these inferior factors have to be invested, researched and developed using the government's supports and related firms' core capabilities. such as marketing mix. Finally, in case of the relevance of satisfaction after purchasing and expectation before purchasing by Europe and the Americas consumers. All factors like design, packaging, price, variety, art, originality are satisfied with them as showing positive significance between them. So this result lets us think that Korean souvenirs have international competition to Europe and the Americas tourists. Therefore, the firm will keep the increasing intensity of global competition.

      • 삼상 유동층에서의 기-액 물질전달특성

        이명섭,김덕찬 서울市立大學校 1986 論文集 Vol.20 No.1

        The characteristics of gas-liquid mass transfer in bubble column and three phase fluidized beds have been Studied in a 6.3cm I.D and 160cm height acryl column. The three phase fluidized beds were consisted of water, carbon dioxide mixed with oil-free compressed air and glass beads as liquid, gas and solid phases respectively. In this investigation, the effects of gas velocity (4.28-21.39cm/sec), liquid velocity (1.07-17.79 cm/sec) and particle size(1.3-6.0mm) on the ovlumetric mass transfer coefficient have been examined. The effects of the hight from the distributor on concentration profile and volumetric mass transfer coefficient were also determined. Volumetric mass transfer coefficient, was increased with increasing gas and liquid velocity, and particle sizes, but decreased with the height from the distributor. The concentration profile was showed exponential increasing with the height, but in the three phase fluidized beds, it was increased rapidly and decreased at once, i.e., it was exhibited the maximum value in the grid zone, and then increased continuously with the height. Volumetric mass transfer coefficient, K??, were correlated in terms of gas and liquid velocity and particle size; ????

      • 고지를 이용한 성형재료 개발

        정용찬,박명주 수원대학교 자연과학연구소 2000 자연과학논문집 Vol.3 No.-

        패기되는 종이재료들의 재활용도를 높이기 위해 본 연구에서는 회수된 사무용지를 파쇄하고, 수용액상에서 부풀리고, 그리고 방향제, 탈색제, 방균제 등을 첨가하여 성형화 시킬 수 있는 재료를 개발하였다. 이의 시범적 활용방안으로서 성형재료를 이용한 신발창, 실험실용 받침대, 충격흡수용 포장재료, 필기구 보관함, 그리고 종이 찰흙 등 다양한 성형제품을 개발하였고, 특히 신발장은 항균시험, 강도 및 인장시험, 착용감 등에서 우수한 특성을 보여주었다. In order to increase the recycling efficiency of waste papers, we have developed a method that can make moulding paste from recycled papers. After shredding and soaking of recycled pagers and addition of deodorant, whitening agent, and antiseptic was made the paste that was used for the products such as shoe sole, lab plate, packaging material, and play dough for kids. Especially, the shoe sole product showed excellent test results in the points of antifungal activity, impact and tensile strength, and comfort.

      • 화학공학 전공 학생의 취업을 위한 복합 STC 운영

        이명섭,한정태,이근복,김노수,조찬휘 永同大學校 1997 硏究論叢 Vol.3 No.1

        우리 영동대학교에서 1998년 이후 지금까지 진행하여 온 특별 주제 학습과정인 STC(Special Topics COurse)프로그램을 기존의 운영틀에서 탈피하여 한층 더 발전시킨 복합STC로 활용하고자 하였으며, 특히 이를 졸업생의 취업 및 진학의 방법으로 최대한 활용하고자 계획·운영하였다. 그 결과 취업 및 진학과 같은 진로 확립은 물론 전공지식의 확대, 자격시험 대비능력의 향상, 학생과 교수간의 유대강화 등과 같은 괄목할 만한 성과를 얻을 수 있었으며, 교수들의 산업체 방문을 통한 산학협동의 계기 마련에도 커다란 성과를 얻었다. We have upgraded the STC(Special Topics Course) program, which has been carried out in our university since 1995, to more structured program so that we could train our chemical engineering students better. This program was geared to help students find better jobs and enter well-recognized graduate schools. Consequently, we had most students successful in job searches as well as entrance exams for graduate school; besides, those who actively participated in our STC program were able to attain better professional knowledge and acquire various professional engineers certificates. On top of that, this program allowed us to build up closer relationships with our students. We also made university-industry cooperation possible through our visits to industries nearby.

      • 독립요소분석에서 누적분포함수를 사용한 신호분리

        김웅명,박찬호,이현수 경희대학교 산학협력기술연구원 2001 산학협력기술연구논문집 Vol.7 No.-

        In this paper, the aim is to solve blind source separation problem using ICA(Independent Component Analysis) in neural networks. ICA is method of joint entropy maximization from mixed signal(observed signal). However, when probability distribution function of unknown source signals are various, Infomax ICA can not separate the source signal from mixed signal because of using fixed activation function. Infomax ICA use To solve this problem, we use MWARP algorithm which can make adaptive activation function similar to the cumulative distribution function of source. Several experiments have been tested with three source signals uniform distribution noise, pure sinusoid and speech signal. The result shows that MWARP efficiently separates source signals.

      • 단수수 條斑細菌病에 대한 品種間 抵抗性 差異와 羅病菌의 窒素 및 糖 含量과의 關係

        金明運,白壽鳳,閔庚燦 건국대학교 1969 學術誌 Vol.10 No.1

        This experiment was undertaken with the purpose of obtaining the basical data on the culturing techniques, breeding and plant protection in the cultivating of Sweet sorghum in Korea. The Sweet Sorghum 11 U.S. varieties, 2 Japanese and 2 Koreans were cultivated unders the natural condition in infecting of disease. The investigation was performed on the varietal difference in the resist trance to bacterial strip disease and the nitrogen and sugar contents in diseased leaves, and correlation between the diseased ratio and several agronomic characteristics. The results obtained are as follows. 1) It was no found that the variety exempted from disease, White collier, Missouri groytop, Rex, Rurier Var-1 and Atlas were more resisted in certain degree, Sorip-zong (Small grain var.) Tracy, Chinese, Zeuk-Jaelaizong and Honey-I were resited in medium degree and Early sumac, Sugar drip, Red amber, Ames amber and Rex orange were weaker in resistant to disease. 2) In the Correlation between the heading data and degree in resistant disease, generally, medium maturing varites were relatively strong resistant, laste varieties were weakest with exception of very few varieties. 3) In the correlation and regression between the several agronomic characteristics and diseased ratio, the curium lenth and weight of curium had no significant differences, heading date had r= -0,591*, y=90,822-0.354x and brix degree had r= -0.68**, y=19,992-0,246x. 4) The leaves of resistance varieties were more contained the nitrogen, sugar and increased C/N ratio than those of susceptibles.

      • 환경정책 분야에 있어서 NGO 역할에 관한 연구

        황명찬 건국대학교 1994 學術誌 Vol.38 No.1

        The objective of this study is to find out characteristics of Korean Environment Non-Governmental Organizations, including the current status of their membership, finances, programs, and activities. The total number of Environmental NGOs in Korea was 280 according to the data published by Environment Agency of Korean Government. However, this study is based on a survey of 133 NGOs in Korea, which was carried out by Research Institute of Public Administration of Kon-Kuk University in 1993. It was found that 58% of NGOs was established in late 1980s and early 1990s. The 1989 was, in a sense, a turning point in the history of NGOs. The sudden emergence of NGOs in 1989 was, to a large extent, a result of political democratization in Korea. The majority(70%) of NGOs was found to locate their offices in the capital city of Seoul. Considering the extent of environmental pollution of maior industrial centers in other localities and other major metropolitan areas such as Busan, Taegu, and Taejun, it is one of very urgent issues in the coming years for Korean NGOs to "regionalize" or "localize" their organizational movement. The Organizational Capacity of Korean NGOs appears to be currently quite weak, compared to the tasks or activities at their hands, in a terms of permanent staffs, memberships and financial supports. The 75% of NGOs has less than 5 permanent staffs, and 50% of NGOs has less than 200 members, the majority of which does not participate actively in the organizational programs. About 45% of NGOs devotes their major efforts to education and publicity programs for the general public or the residents in the areas where major pollution incidents are taking place. It is, therefore, one of the important issues for the NGOs to participate more actively in the process of policy making in the environmental areas, in addition to the activities involved in organizing citizen's protest movements. To be able to do such activities, Korean NGOs should be more strengthened in staffing, financing and cooperation with other NGOs. Considering the importance of the local governments in enforcing the environmental policies and regulations, the local politics should be "greenized" in the long run.

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