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        사진측정(寫眞測定)에 의한 백제석탑(百濟石塔)의 조형미(造形美)에 관한 연구(硏究)

        유복모,강인준,정창식,송인성,Yeu, Bock Mo,Kang, In Joon,Jong, Chang Sik,Song, In Seong 대한토목학회 1985 대한토목학회논문집 Vol.5 No.1

        본(本) 연구(硏究)는 현존(現存)하는 백제시대(百濟時代)의 두 석탑(石塔)인 미륵사지(彌勒寺址) 석탑(石塔)과 정림사지(定林寺址) 오층석탑(五層石塔)의 조형(造形)에 관한 기하학적(幾何學的) 해석(解析)이다. 두 석탑(石塔)을 지상측정용(地上測定用) Camera P31과 정밀입체도화(情密立體圖化)에 A-10을 이용하여 현존(現存) 복발(覆鉢)부분까지 남아있는 정림사지(定林寺址) 오층석탑(五層石塔)과 손상부분이 많은 미륵사지(彌勒寺址) 석탑(石塔)을 비교고찰(比較考察)한 결과 같은 조형원리(造形原理) 즉, 기준면(基準面)(module)으로부터 정삼각형을 작도하고 그 정삼각형의 정점(頂點) 윗부분에 있는 옥개석폭(屋蓋石幅)의 비(比)가 9 : 8 : 7 : 6 : (5)로 체감(遞減)되어 나가는 것을 알 수 있었고, 손상되기전의 복발(覆鉢)부분까지의 높이를 추정(推定)할 수 있었다. This paper is a study on a analysis of geometrical composition about two Back-Jae stone pagodas-stone pagoda at the site of Mir$\bar{u}$k-Sa Temple in Iksan and five storied stone pagoda at the site of Ch$\check{o}$ngrim-Sa Temple in Puy$\check{o}$, existing stone pagodas which Were built in Back-Jae Dynasty. By using P31 terrestrial metric camera and A-10 for precision stereo plot, Ch$\check{o}$ngrim-Sa stone pagoda which has Bock-bal and Mir$\bar{u}$k-Sa stone pagoda which has many broken area are analyzed comparatively. From this result same geometric composition principle; orthotrigon is drawn in respect to module and the length ratio of the widths of Okgesuks which exist at the end-point of the orthotrigon, is found to be decrease as 9 : 8 : 7 : 6 : (5) also the height up to Bock-bal before broken, is able to estimate.

      • 우리나라 학회의 학술정보 유통기능 연구

        한복희 충남대학교 사회과학대학 문헌정보학과 1990 創立十周年 紀念論文集 Vol.6 No.-

        Historically scientific societies were designed as the primary agent for the communication of scientific information through publication and other forms of the dissemination. The results of this study are as follows: 1) The primary function of the scoieties, such as : to publish journals, seminars, sponsor annual mettings and symposia. 2) There is difference and similarity of the society's ativities among the individual academic fields. 3) There is relationship between the history of societies and the number of the titles of the scientific journal. 4) Societies have continued to advance the production of knowledge through the new journal foundation.

      • 按舞의 節次에 關한 考察 : 按舞의 한 模形 探索:Research About a Model of Composing Dance

        金福喜 漢陽大學校 體育科學硏究所 1986 體育科學 Vol.6 No.6

        Composing dance is, as a process of creating works of art, to harmonize extradancing elements and movemental properties of dance through the aesthetic law. The study about the basic principles of composing dance-composition, process, and developing method-is necessary to make it easy, so it tried this study. I got following conclusions through this study: 1) The dancer's insight, good appreciation, and judgement decides the quality of composing dance. 2) The dancer must search for various methods with her (or his) insight and intellectual attitude. 3) The dancer should should select appropriate materials and compose the work. 4) In addition, the dancer can get unlimited development and strong expression, by utilizing auxilary arts. 5) Dramatic effect depends upon how she (or he) applies the aesthetic law of composition. In order to get the above-mentioned effects, the dancer should search for various materials and try to develop patterns of movement extensively.

      • 도서관 및 정보전문직 교육 방향에 관한 연구; 교과과정 분석을 통하여

        한복희 韓國圖書館學會 1984 圖書館學 Vol.11 No.1

        Information science is the study how in formation is transferred and all the intermediate steps of collecting, organizing, interpreting, storing, retrieving, disseminating and trans foming information. Professional education means the transfer of knowledge, the development of cognitive abilities and the infusion of professional attitudes. Training may be defined as practice-based instruction in the development and use of professional skills. Each is affected by the confluence of social, economic and technological realities of the environment where the learning takes place. We have witnessed controversy about methods of curriculum revision and traditional library science curriculum or should the new approaches be integrated within the subject matter of each individual course? The article is based upon the assumption that education for librarianship is at a turning point. To provide this information, 25 curricula of colleges and universities were analysed to assist in the study. Also 32 information professionals were asked to assist in the study. In the experimental part of this study, curricula based on the education and training of library and information profession als were examined. The most frequently offered compulsory course "Introduction to Information Science" exposes students to a new way of looking at library and information problems. Information retrieval, library automation, computer programming, data processing, indexing and abstraction, communication, system analysis has offered. These indicate a curriculum slowly shift from traditional librarianship to an emphasis on computerization and automation. Also from a questionnaire listing 58 events might influence library and information science education

      • 장거리 선수의 운동시 좌심실 형태에 관한 연구

        金福柱,金榮俊,尹榮鶴 東亞大學校附設스포츠科學硏究所 1991 스포츠科學硏究論文集 Vol.9 No.-

        The purpose of this study was carried out to investigate changes of the left ventricular dimensions in long distance runners during exercise. The subjects were eight male long distance runners(average age; 21 ±1.04 years, carreer; 7.4 ±2.11 years, height; 170.1 ±4.41cm, body weight; 59.2 ±3.27kg) and ten male non-athletes(average age; 23.2 ±1.16 years, height; 168.3 ±3.65cm, body weight; 61.4 ±3.41kg). Left ventricular dimensions were measured by 2-dimension echocardiography at rest and during 8 min of semisupine, graded bicycle ergometer exercise(0.5kp and 1.0kp) Left ventricular dimension was significantly hyperthrophy in long distance runners than non-athlets. As for dimensions, left ventricular end-diastolic dimension(LVDD), left ventricular end-systolic posterior wall thickness(PWTS), interventricular septum thickness at end-systolic(STS) and amplitude of motion of posterior left ventricular endocardial echo(ENa) increased during exercise in long distance runners and non athletes. Left ventricular end-systolic dimension(LVSD), left ventricular end-diastolic posterior wall thickness(PWTD), interventricular septum thickness at end-diastolic(STD) and ratio of wall thickness to internd radius(h/R) decreased during exercise in long distance runners and non-athletes.

      • 피아노 響鍵의 테크닉에 關한 硏究 : Oktave와 Tonleiter를 中心으로 mit Nachdruck auf die Oktave und Tonleiter

        卞福順 群山大學校 1982 論文集 Vol.4 No.-

        Musik ist eine Kunst, die den Zuhoren durch den Vortrag des Musikspielers verwircklicht wird. In der Klaviermusik sollte das Klavierspiel sich in Beziehung zur Theorie von der Technik des Klavieranschlages entwickeln. Zwischen den Klavierspiel und Klavieranschlag kann man ein kleinen Unterschied machen, aber es ist nicht moglich, in klaviermusik grundlich die beide voneinander zu trennen, daher haben sie miteinander ein Zusammenhang, um eine Musikkunst zu verschonern. In diesem Text wird die Abhandlung sich unter den Techniken des Klavieranschlages mit Nachdruck auf Oktave und Tonleiter entwickelt. Diese Abhandlung wird uber die Techniken, die von den Funktionen und Bewegungen des Finges, der Hand, des Armes und der schulter des Klavierspielers ausfuhrlich zur Erotterung gebracht wird, recht gemacht.

      • 피아노 演奏의 테크닉에 관한 小考 : 손가락의 技巧와 補助運動을 中心으로 Auf die Hauptsache der Fingertechnik und-Hilfsbewegung

        卞福順 群山大學校 1984 論文集 Vol.9 No.-

        Die Frage, bis zu welcher Hohe die Finger gehoben werden sollen, kann, wie die meisten technischen Probleme dieser Finger-Technik, nicht allgemeingultig beantwortet werden. Sie hangt von dem gewunschten Murikalischen Effeckt ab. Ein pianist spielt manchmal mit bebeugten Fingern, die niemals oder kaum jemals die Taste verlassen, in dem sogennanten heggiero- oder perle-anschlag, wie er oft bei Mozatr vorkommt. Bei schweren Laufen werden die Finger nnr bis zu einer geringen Hohe gehoben. Bein Oktaren-spiel sollten beteiligten Finger nicht mehr gehoben werden, als es erforderlich ist, um das Mitklingen unerwunschter Tasten zu vermeiden, wahrend die beiden Finger, welche die Oktave greifen, sicher fixiert werden. Allgemein gesprochen, muβ der Finger, soll er gehoben werden, vom Knochelgelenk aus aufrecht gestellt werden ohne weitere Bewegrung der Fingerlieder, die leicht gebengt bleiben. Ausgenonmmen vielleicht bein Oktavenspiel oder beim flachfingerigen Cantabile-Anschlag., sollten die Knochel leicht gehoben werden, sonst wird der Finger-wiederstand geochadigt ein zu schwach widerstander Finger kann aber durch das Gewicht des Armes oder sogar durch die einzelne Taste umkippen. Der kontakt mit der Taste wird bewirkt durch die Fingerspitzen, bei dem der flachliegende Finger die Taste mur mit dem sanften Fleisch unterhallm des Nagels streichelt. Aber das ist eigentlich mehr ein Arm-Anschlag als ein Fingeranschlag, und damit die Starke der Hand-Finger-Verbindung ungehrochen bleibt, ist es nichtratsanm, daβ die geschlossene Reihe der Nagel irgendeine krummende Bewegung in irgendeiner richtung macht, da sie ja bereits standig leicht gebeught ist. Dies wurde dereinst als eine sehr tadelswerte Gewohnheit bei alten Finger-Techniken angesehen, aber heuzutage haben wir es nicht mehr notig, zuhart mit dreser Art von "Sunde" ins Gerieht zn gehen. Verallgemeinerungen sind nicht unbedingt zwingend bei der Betrachtung une Beurteilung der gebengten Finger pegenuber der flachen oder gestreckten Finger-Technik-beide haben ihre Vorteile in gewissen Sitnationen. In dieser Text werden die Finger Aechnik une -Hilfsbewegung in Betracht gezogen.

      • KCI등재
      • 초정밀 공작기계용 스핀들의 설계제작 및 특성 평가

        한복수,박성환,명태식,권경우 大田産業大學校 2001 한밭대학교 논문집 Vol.18 No.-

        Precision machining widely bases on the technology connected with machine tools, machining and others. The prototype was designed in the base of the analysis of the precision air bearing spindle which have greate influence upon the machining accuracy of the precision machine. The contents in this study are as follows. 1) Design and manufacture of the spindle system, 2) Performance test of the system. The spindle system is made of aero-static, which has the excellent rotation accuracy was designed and manufactured. As a result of the test (static vibration, dynamic vibration, spindle rotation), the air spindle system was stability. We think that this system can apply to the ultra-precision machine tools.

      • 臀位 및 周産期 死亡率

        禹福姬 梨花女子大學校 韓國生活科學硏究院 1978 韓國生活科學硏究院 論叢 Vol.21 No.-

        1975年 1月부터 1977年 12月까지 總 分娩患者 5290例 중 滿朔臀位 發生頻度는 3.36%였다. 그리고 滿朔臀位 膣式分滿時 矯正 死亡率은 1.5%였다. 즉 滿朔臀位膣式分娩時 發生된 周産期 死亡率은 帝王切開術에 의해 分娩되었다면 存在하지 않는다고 본다. 그러므로 세밀하게 分析 觀察한 결과, 滿朔臀位 分娩患者의 分娩方法의 判定은 (1) 帝王切開術에 의한 分娩方法을 항상 생각하되 관례적으로 適用하여서는 안된다. (2) 分娩臀位膣式分娩은 반드시 正常 X-線骨盤計測과 胎兒體重이 正常體重(3.0kg)을 넘지 않았을 때 시도해 볼 수 있다고 본다. (3) 臀位 膣式分娩時에는 반드시 숙련된 産婦人科 醫師의 指導와 助手가 실제로 必要하다고 본다. 이와 같이 함으로써 臀位 膣式分娩시 發生되는 人爲的 損傷으로 인한 胎兒의 死亡 및 罹患率을 減少시킬 수 있다고 본다. Breech presentation is associated with perinatal mortality and morbidity rates three times higher than those encountered with vertex presentation. The risk of traumatic in jury to infants delivered with breech presentation is twice that of the cephalic variety. The most common form of fetal traumatic injury incurred during breech extraction is intracranial hemorrhage. A 3 year (from January 1975 to December 1977) retrospective study of 222 breech deliveries was analyzed at Ewha Womens University Hospital. Breech presentation at delivery was encountered in an incidence of 3.36 percent in 5290 patients. Primigravida of term breech presentation showed a corrected perinatal mortality of 1.5 percent. Apgar score (6 or below) markedly decreased with increasing fetal weight (3.0 kg). Total cesarean section rate was 54 percent. Among 71 primary cesarean section patients, primigravida showed a cesarean section rate by contracted pelvis of 27 per-cent, and elective cesarean section rate of 44.6 percent. In x-ray pelvimetry, if anteroposterior dimaeter of the inlet was below 10 cm, or if interspinous dimaeter of the midpelvis was below 9.5 cm, cesarean section was performed in most cases.

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