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        한국의 신자유주의자들의 분노 -김진숙과 희망버스-

        ( George Baca ) 아시아.유럽미래학회 2011 유라시아연구 Vol.8 No.4

        부산 영도에 있는 한진중공업(HHIC) 조선소 근로자들은 2010년 12월에 파업을 강행했다. 근로자들은 이미 구조 조정된 회사 인력에서 400여명을 추가로 해고하겠다는 경영진의 일방적인 결정에 반대했다. 이 갈등은 한국 전역에 펼쳐진 노동투쟁 중 하나로 시작되었다. 그러나 한진중공업 파업 사태에서 김진숙의 처절한 저항이 많은 시민들의 동정심을 이끌어 내어 일반 시민들의 주목을 이끌어 내었다는 점에서 특별했다. 김진숙(53세, 전국민주노동조합[KCTC] 부산지역본부 지도위원)은 309일 동안 고층 크레인을 점거하여 부당해고에 반대하였다. 이러한 그녀의 저항은 “희망 버스”라는 거대한 정치적 움직임에 불을 지폈다. 전국의 수천 명의 사람들은 김진숙과 한진중공업의 조선소 근로자들을 지지하기 위해 부산으로 향하는 버스를 탔다. 더욱이 이러한 움직임은 경제적 고충과 불확실성을 야기해 왔던 이명박 대통령의 신자유주의 정책들에 대한 관심으로 확장되었다. 따라서 본 논문은 2011년 대한민국의 여름을 흔들어 놓았던 “희망버스운동”에 대한 서술과 분석에 대하여 연구한 것이다. 신자유주의를 집권층의 부활을 상징하는 새로운 “시대”로 보는 견해들과 달리, 본 연구에서는 이 사건을 이 같은 종류의 정책의 근시안성을 실증하는데 사용 할 것이다. 또한 본 논문으로 신자 유주의 정치 철학이 민주주의 규범과 자본주의 경제 발전을 점점 더 불안정하게 만든 정치·경제적 활동들의 결과로 나타나게 된 과정들을 논의할 것이다. 그러나 “자유주의자”나 “진보주의자”의 입장에서 이를 파해 치는 대신에 본 논문에서는 케인즈주의 정책들과 민주주의 개혁운동은 사실 자본주의를 유지할 수 있게 도와주는 수단이라는 입장에서 이를 바라본다. 이와 같은 노동 분쟁, 또는 미국과 영국에서의 긴축법안 들은 빈부 격차를 키우는 의향(意向)이 발전하도록 돕는다. 그러나 근로자들의 권리와 기본적 인권을 회복하기 위한 저항은 과격하거나 혁명적으로 취해져서는 안 된다는 것을 인지하고 있는 것이 중요하다. In December of 2010workers at the Hanjin Heavy Industries and Construction shipyard in Yeongdo, Busan went on strike. They objected to management`s unilateral decision to cut 400 unionized jobs from an already diminished workforce. This conflict emerged amid widespread labor struggles throughout South Korea. However, the Hanjin strike was unique in the way it captured the attention of ordinary citizens; many of whom came to sympathize with the harrowing display of defiance of Kim Jin-Sook. Ms. Kim, a fifty-three year old leader of Korean Confederation of Trade Union (KCTU), protested the layoffs by occupying a high rise crane for 309 days. Her dissent ignited a large political movement called the “Bus of Hope” campaign. Thousands of people from across the country rode buses to Busan to support of Ms. Kim and the workers at the Hanjin shipyard. Moreover, the movement broadened its focus to bring attention to the way neoliberal policies of President Lee have created economic hardship and uncertainty. This paper describes and analyzes the Bus of Hope movement that flourished during the summer of 2011 in Korea. In contrast to theories that see neoliberalism as a new “epoch” that represents a restoration of class power, I will use this event to illustrate the short-sightedness of these types of policies. I will use this paper to discuss the ways in which neoliberal political philosophy has led to policies and economic behaviors that have increasingly destabilized democratic rule and capitalist economic development. Rather than coming at this from a “liberal” or “progressive” position this paper asserts that Keynesian policies and democratic reforms are the type of measures that would actually help maintain capitalism. Such labor conflicts -- or the austerity measures in places like the United States and Britain -- help develop the sense of a growing disparity between the rich and the poor. However, it is important to understand that the opposition that seeks to restore rights and privileges to workers should not be taken as radical or revolutionary.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Joseon Korea and Meiji Japan during the Great Opening: The Role of Nationalism in East Asia`s Globalization

        ( George Baca ) 아시아.유럽미래학회 2013 유라시아연구 Vol.10 No.4

        “Globalization” is neither new nor ill-disposed to the authority of the nation-state. In South Korea, since the 1990s, it has become popular to think that the new age of globalization (segyehwa) has weakened the power of the state and forced national governmnents to hand over greater amounts of sovereignty to global markets. Such a view resonates with academic arguments that often use the concept of globalization to create the sense that the flow of capital across national borders is not only novel but also undermines the power of the nation-state. This paper argues against these views by showing the ways in which global capital created the conditions from which the modern nation-state and nationalism emerged in Japan and Korea. With Britain’s invasion of the Qing Dynasty, European capital and imperial policies began the gradual dismantling of the Chinese Empire’s East Asian interstate system. In its place emerged a new form of state power that was rooted in capitalist relations and legitimized by mythologies of the nation. From this conjuncture Meiji Japan was the first sovereign in East Asia to embrace the European structure of the nation-state and industrial capitalism. Japanese nation builders fashioned an image of the nation that was conducive to participating in the global system of capitalism. The emergent Japanese nation-state illustrates the role of nationalism in the spread of global capitalism in Asia during the nineteenth century. Meiji reformers adopted the structure to the nation-state to reorganize Japanese society, as well as Asian interstate relations, in terms of industrial capitalism. Central to this project was the colonization of Korea. By using the European model of imperialism, Meiji Japan redefined Korea as a nation and inspired a nationalist movement among reformers in Joseon society. Nationalism, and the national state, figured centrally in the processes of economic integration that is now known as globalization of East Asia.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        부패적인 교육: 한국에서 사교육의 권세와 영향

        George Baca 한국부패학회 2013 한국부패학회보 Vol.18 No.2

        이 논문은 한국의 사교육의 논쟁적인 역할을 분석하는 것이다. 1945년 일본으로부터 해방 후에, 교육담당 정부 당국자들은 국민들에게 기회의 평등을 마련하는 현대교육시스템을 설립하기 위해 사교육의 기능과 역할의 제한을 추진하였다. 여러 가지 평등화와 균일화 정책들과의 관계에서 사적 가정교사의 증가적인 요구가 있어 왔다. 이 논문은 세계화의 과정에서 시장자유주의의 출현과 권위주의 정권의 붕괴에 따른 사교육의 변천과정을 고찰하였다. 1980년과 1990년대의 시장자유주의와 함께 사교육은 불법적인 교육시장의 현상에서 양성화의 과정을 경험하였다. 이 과정에서 사교육의 사업의 증가는 영어교육의 역할을 강조하였고, 영어의 숙련 화와 능숙화는 세계화의 시대에서 성공의 중요한 요소로써 인식되었다. 사교육 사업을 구성하는 여러 가지 실재들은 부패적인 교육의 조달업자의 기능을 수행하였고 공인된 시험들에 대한 공교육의 시스템을 훼손 시키고 있다고 분석될 수 있다. This paper exams the controversial role of private education in Korea. Since liberation from Japan in 1945, government leaders and educational planners have sought to limit the role of private education in order to build a modern educational system that provided equality of opportunity to all Koreans. This paper examines the ways in which the demand for private tutoring expanded in relationship to various equalization policies. The paper will be primarily concerned with the transmutation of private tutoring following the collapse of the dictatorship and the rise of market liberalism in terms of the rhetoric of segyehwa(globalization). I will emphasize the manner in which private education, with market liberalization of the 1980s and 1990s, moved from the shadows of the illicit education market into a dominant position. In this way private education transformed themselves from purveyors of corruption to leaders in education. This explosion of the private education industry has coincided with the expansion of English education. In this way proficiency in English has been presented as the key to Korea’s success in the new age of globalization. Thus the various entities that comprise the private education industry have become purveyors of a corrupting education that has systematically denigrated public education in terms of standardized exams like TOEIC and TOFEL.

      • KCI등재

        부패의 조선왕조와 이미지 : 일본 식민주의로부터 한국민족주의의 출현까지

        조지 바카(George Baca) 한국부패학회 2014 한국부패학회보 Vol.19 No.1

        이 논문은 조선 식민 지배를 정당화하기 위하여 메이지 개혁가들이 “부패”의 'idea' 을 이용한 방법에 대하여 고창하고자 한다. 메이지 지배층들은 유럽 산업화에 중점 되어 있는 현대 세계 체제에 한국을 통합시키기 위해 조선왕조를 현대 국가로 변화시키고자 하였다. 이 논문은 19세기에 있었던 대영제국의 청나라 공격에서 출현한 부패의 담론을 조사하는 방식으로써 이러한 과정들의 맥락을 짚어볼 것이다. 합리성과 부패라 는 서로 결부되어있는 두 개의 개념을 가지고 영국정부는 그들의 군사 정복을 중국의 부패하고 퇴보한 정치 시스템으로부터 아시아를 구출해 낸 훌륭한 서약의 일부분으로 표하였다. 일본은 이러한 맥락에서 그들의 식민주의 경험을 통해, 서양의 지식, 산업 자본주의, 그리고 정치 조직으로써 국가를 포괄하였다. 서양의 국가 모형을 채택함과 더 불어, 일본은 조선왕국의 궁극적인 정복을 정당화하기 위해 그 부패의 담론을 사용하였다. 이 논문은 한국 민족주의자들이 다수의 일본의 근대화 이론들과 진보와 계몽에 관한 가설들을 수용한 방법들을 서술함으로써 결론에 도달할 것이다. This paper examines the way Meiji reformers used ideas of "corruption" to legitimize its colonial project in Korea. Meiji rulers sought to transform the Joseon Dynasty into a modern nation-state in order to integrate Korea into the modern world system centered on European industrialization. This paper will contextualize these processes by briefly examining the way in which this discourse of corruption emerged from Great Britain's assault on the Qing Dynasty during the nineteenth century. With the twin concepts of rationality and corruption, the British government presented its military conquest as part of its greater promise of releasing Asia from a corrupt and backwards Chinese political system. Japan emerged from this context, through its own experience of colonialism, by embracing western learning, industrial capitalism, and the nation-state as its political organization. With this adoption of the western model of the state, Japan used the discourse of corruption to legitimize its eventual conquest of the Joseon Dynasty. This paper will conclude by describing the manner in which Korean nationalists adopted many of the Japanese ideas of modernity and its assumptions about progress and Enlightenment.

      • KCI등재

        Optimization and validation of a multiplex assay for microsatellite loci analysis in the field cricket, Gryllus campestris (Orthoptera: Gryllidae)

        H. Panagiotopoulou,M. Baca,K. Baca,A. Stanković,M. Żmihorski 한국응용곤충학회 2015 Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology Vol.18 No.3

        We present an optimized multiplex of 14microsatellite loci that can be amplified in four reactions and loaded as two separate panels on the ABI genetic analyzer. The assay was validated on 342 individuals of field cricket (Gryllus campestris, L., 1758) from natural populations. The chosen loci are polymorphic and allow for efficient population genetic analysis, although we observed some aberrations, which are discussed. The optimized multiplex sets show reproducible amplification pattern with low genotyping error rate and should be therefore very useful in analyses of both experimental as well as natural populations of crickets. The optimized multiplex outperforms previously developed sets as it allows for amplification of 14 loci in four instead of seven reactions. These panels may serve as an applicable tool in conservation programs in countries in which this species is endangered.


        Light and Electron Microscopic Observations on Erythrolobus coxiae gen.et sp.nov. (Porphyridiophyceae, Rhodophyta) from Texas U.S.A.

        Scott , Joseph L.,Baca, Bart,Ott, Franklyn D.,West, John A. 한국조류학회(藻類) 2006 ALGAE Vol.21 No.4

        Low molecular weight carbohydrates, phycobilin pigments and cell structure using light and transmission electron microscopy were used to describe a new genus of unicellular red algae, Erythrolobus coxiae (Porphyridiales, Porphyrideophyceae, Rhodophyta). The nucleus of Erythrolobus is located at the cell periphery and the pyrenoid, enclosed by a cytoplasmic starch sheath, is in the cell center. The pyrenoid matrix contains branched tubular thylakoids and four or more chloroplast lobes extend from the pyrenoid along the cell periphery. A peripheral encircling thylakoid is absent. The Golgi apparatus faces outward at the cell periphery and is always associated with a mitochondrion. Porphyridium and Flintiella, the other members of the Porphyrideophyceae, also lack a peripheral encircling thylakoid and have an ER-mitochondria-Golgi association. The low molecular weight carbohydrates digeneaside and floridoside are present, unlike both Porphyridium and Flintiella, which have only floridoside. The phycobilin pigments B-phycoerythrin, R-phycocyanin and allophycocyanin are present, similar to Porphyridium purpureum. The cells have a slow gliding motility without changing shape and do not require substrate contact. The ultrastructural features are unique to members of the Porphyrideophyceae and recent molecular analyses clearly establish the validity of this new red algal class and the genus Erythrolobus.

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