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      • KCI등재

        대학 창업보육센터 매니저의 직무스트레스가 직무만족 및 조직몰입에 미치는 영향

        현말순(Hyeun, Mall-Soon),조인석(Jo, In-Seog),안상봉(An, Sang-Bong) 한국창업학회 2017 한국창업학회지 Vol.12 No.2

        본 연구의 목적은 대학에 근무하고 있는 창업보육센터 매니저의 직무스트레스 요인들이 무엇이며 이러한 창업보육센터 매니저들이 느끼는 직무스트레스가 직무만족 및 조직몰입에 어떤 영향을 미치는지를 살펴봄으로써 대학 창업보육센터 매니저에 대한 직무스트레스 관리방안에 대한 정책적 시사점을 제시하는데 있다. 분석결과, 첫째, 매니저들은 과도한 업무량 및 직무, 고용에 대한 불안정, 조직 내에서의 갈등, 기대 보상 부적절에 대한 직무스트레스를 나타내었다. 둘째, 직무스트레스가 직무만족에 미치는영향을 살펴본 결과, 직무스트레스 요인 중 조직체계, 직장문화가 직무만족을 저하시키는데 영향을 미치는 것으로 분석되었다. 셋째, 직무스트레스가 조직몰입에 미치는 영향을 검증한 결과, 관계갈등과 보상부적절 그리고 직장문화에 대한 스트레스가 대학창업보육매니저들의 정서적 조직몰입을 저하시키는데 영향을 미치는 것으로 분석되었다. 본 연구의 결과를 토대로 향후 대학창업보육매니저의 안정적인 직무를 위한 정책적 제언으로는 창업보육매니저의 직무에 대한 적정한 보상, 인사제도에 대한 개선, 창업보육매니저의 직무개선, 조직의 수직적 문화에 대한 개선, 창업보육매니저의 직무특성에 따른 직무 자율성 보장이 갖추어져야 할 것이다. Managers of business incubation centers are specialists equipped with experience, know-how, and expertise in diverse areas for business start-up as professional manpower who professionally develops and operates marketing, resources, and business suitable for companies needs. The objective of this study is to suggest the institutional implications for personnel management through measures to manage job stress for managers of college business incubation centers, by understanding their job stress factors and the effects of their job stress on job satisfaction and organizational commitment. In the results of analysis, first, managers had job stress abut excessive workload & job, employment instability, conflicts within organization, and improper expected reward. Second, in the results of examining the effects of job stress on job satisfaction, among job stress factors, organizational system and workplace culture had effects on lowering job satisfaction. Third, in the results of verifying the effects of job stress on organizational commitment, their stresses about interpersonal conflict, improper reward, and workplace culture had effects on lowering their emotional organizational commitment. Thus, as institutional implications for the stable job of managers of college business incubation centers, proper reward for their job, improvement of personnel management system, improvement of their job, improvement of organizational hierarchical culture, and guarantee of job autonomy in accordance with their job characteristics were suggested.

      • KCI등재

        도봉산(道峯山) 한시(漢詩) 연구(硏究)

        안순태 ( Soon Tae An ) 한국한시학회 2012 韓國漢詩硏究 Vol.20 No.-

        근대 이전 도봉산은 서울의 산이 아니었다. 도성에서 가깝지도 않았을뿐더러 金剛山과 같은 名山처럼 일부러 찾아 나설 만큼 볼거리가 많지도 않았다. 그럼에도 불구하고 적지 않은 문인들이 도봉산을 찾아 시문을 남겼는데, 본고에서는 도봉산을 두고 지은 名篇을 중심으로 한시에 드러나는 도봉산의 공간적 의미에 대해 고찰하였다. 도봉산이 지니는 다양한 공간적 함의를 살피기에 앞서 劉希慶과 朴世堂이 도봉산과 각별한 인연을 맺고 도봉산을 두고 지은 시들을 살폈다. 유희경은 어린 시절 부친을 여의고 도봉산에서 시묘살이를 하면서 도봉산과 인연을 맺었고 南彦經을 도와 도봉서원을 건립했으며 만년에 도봉산에 깃들어 살다가 죽어 도봉산에 묻혔다. 한편 박세당은 수학기에 도봉산과 인연을 맺은 이후 수락산 西溪에 머물면서 도봉산 밖에서 도봉산을 애호하였다. 고려 시대부터 도봉산은 여러 佛刹들이 들어서 있던 佛家의 道場이었다. 도성에서 제법 거리가 있었기 때문에 超俗의 분위기가 조성되어 간간이 寧國寺 등의 사찰을 찾아 讀書를 하는 이들이 있었다. 金守溫이나 徐居正의 시를 통해 조선 전기 도봉산의 분위기를 엿볼 수 있는바, 參禪하는 禪僧들을 형상화하거나 탈속적인 면모를 부각시키는 등 佛家의 道場으로서의 도봉산의 공간적 함의를 확인할 수 있다. 도봉산이 세상에 더 알려지기 시작한 것은 1573년경 趙光祖의 位牌를 봉안한 도봉서원이 들어서면서였다. 이후 1696년에 宋時烈의 위패까지 봉안되면서 도봉서원은 道脈 계승의 산실로 확고히 자리매김하게 되었다. 그러한 양상을 李廷龜나 宋時烈, 李敏求 등의 시를 통해 확인할 수 있다. 또 成汝學이나 金昌協은 도봉산의 아름다운 景槪를 읊거나 도봉서원에서 독서한 경험을 두고두고 떠올리며 시를 짓기도 해서 도봉서원을 두고 지은 시의 또 다른 면모를 보여주고 있다. 마지막으로 한양과 동북쪽 교외를 잇는 곳에 위치한 도봉산은 여러 시인들의 시에서 한양의 지표로서의 의미를 띠면서 때로는 이별의 장소로 형상화되기도 하였다. 李安訥, 丁若鏞, 魚有鳳, 金尙憲 등의 시를 통해 이 점을 살폈다. Dobong Mountain did not consider as a mountain in Seoul before the modern time. It was not a mountain near the capital, and, unlike other famous mountains,there were not many spectacles to visit. However, not a few literary men visited Dobong Mountain and wrote poems about it. So I studied spatial meanings of Dobong Mountain in these poems and classified into three groups. There were many poets who wrote Dobong Mountain as a daily space during thier lifetime. Yu Hee-kyung[劉希慶] had deep connection with the mountain during his lifetime. Park Se-dang[朴世堂] got a grave site to see Dobong Mountain as well. They liked Dobong Mountain as a daily space as we can find in their poems. Dobong Mountain was a spiritual place of Buddhism where several temples placed. Because the mountain was quite far from the capital, it had a supermundane atmosphere. So there were some people who studied in temples like Youngkuksa[寧國寺]. Through poems of Kim Su-on[金守溫] and Seo Geo-jeong[徐居正], we can see the atmosphere of Dobong Mountain in the Former-Joseon period. We can identity the mountain as a spiritual place of Buddhism as the poets met Buddhist monks in their poems. Dobong Mountain became more generally known in 1573 as Dobong Seowon[道 峯書院] in which enshrined Cho Kwang-jo[趙光祖]`s tablet constructed. Enshrining Song Si-yeol[宋時烈]`s tablet in Dobong Seowon in 1696, Dobong Seowon became a cradle of inheriting moral doctrine. We can see this aspect through Song Si yeol and Yi Min-ku[李敏求]`s poems. In this regard, we can see Dobong Mounatain had a meaning of memorial place of learning time at Dobong Seowon through Kim Changhyup[金昌協]`s poem. Dobong Mountain was a sign of Seoul and a place of farewell at the same time because of its location in between capital Hanyang[漢陽] and northeast suburb. This aspect was in poems of Yi An-nul[李安訥], Uh Yu-bong[魚有鳳], and Kim Sang-hun[金尙憲].

      • 지역문화축제의 관광상품화 방안에 관한 연구 : 남원 춘향제를 중심으로

        안순이 문화관광연구학회 2002 문화관광연구 Vol.4 No.3

        The localization is accelerated recently self-governing bodies activation of the economy and we are developing a festival sight-seeing product to inform of the originality with the superiority of the culture. This for, we need a government relation department cooperation with the foundation furtherance. Also, must propel a culture resource and efficient link and must become peculiar festival, festival to participate. Another plan, rather we must do the public relation of the festival efficiently and we need thorough service education the conservation is desired with continuous research. For the plan up there to present the inhabitants and self-governing body become one and must practice.

      • 전 지구적 환경 변화와 연안 환경 : LOICZ의 소개 Intorduction of LOICZ

        안순모 경남대학교 환경문제연구소 2003 환경연구 Vol.26 No.-

        Coastal zone plays important role for globa1 environmental changes. Global changes also exert large impacts to coastal zone, LOICZ(Land-Ocean Interactions in the Coastal Zone) is an international research program to investigate the material flux and cycling in regional and global scale. Results of 10 year LOICZ were presented and future direction was also showed.

      • Mg이 흡착된 Si(111)7×7 표면 재배열 구조

        안기석,여환욱,이경원,이순보,박종윤 성균관대학교 기초과학연구소 1993 論文集 Vol.44 No.1

        Si(111)7×7 위에 Mg을 흡착시켜 표면 구조의 변화를 RHEED(Reflection High Energy electron Diffraction)와 XPS(X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy)를 이용하여 연구하였다. RT∼200℃까지의 기판온도에서 증착량의 증가에 따라 표면구조는 7×7에서 diffused 1×1, 그리고 2√3/3×2√3/3-R30° 구조로 변화하였다. 이를 thermal annealing하여 3-Domain 3×1 구조를 관측하였고, 이 결과는 J. Quinn등의 결과와 일치함을 알 수 있다. 또한, 기판온도를 증가시킴에 따라 diffuse 1×1, Single domain 3×1구조(450℃)에 대하여 Mg(KLL)/Si(2p) peak intensity ratio를 증착량 증가에 따라 측정하여 각기 다른 온도에서의 Mg 흡착에 대한 mechanism을 제시하였다. Change of the Si(111)7×7 surface structure upon Mg adsorption was studied by RHEED(Reflection HI호 Energy Electron Diffraction) and XPS(X-ray Photoelectron Spectrocopy). The RHEED patterns of Si(111)7×7 were changed to the diffuse 1×1 and 2√3/3×2√3/3-R30° patterns with increasing the deposition times of Mg at RT. The diffuse 1×1, 3-domain, and single domain 3×1 structures appeared successively at the adsorption temperature of 300, 350 and 450℃, respectively. We could find the relative coverages of these structures by measuring Mg(KLL)/Si2p XPS intensity ratio.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        악하선 부위에 발생한 편평세포암종

        안병모,이삼선,허민석,최현배,최순철 대한구강악안면방사선학회 2001 Imaging Science in Dentistry Vol.31 No.2

        A 66-year-old man visited author's institute complaining of the swelling on the submandibular gland area. Clinically, the exophytic mass penetrated the skin of the submandibular area. On MRI, the lesion occupied the left submandibular space and extended downward, protruding exterior to the subcutaneous fat layer, but the center of the lesion was located on the side of the skin and the growth exterior to the skin was prominent. Demarcation of the lesion and the submandibular gland was unclear. Histopathologically the epithelial nests and keratin production were seen, then the biopsy result was squamous cell carcinoma. The stroma of lesion showed a myxoid characteristic and some ducts showed metaplasia of the ductal cells, which suggested the gland-origin carcinoma. However, lots of keratin production and carcinomatous change of cells continuous to the normal epithelium of the skin, the skin-origin carcinoma invading into the submandibular gland area could not be excluded. (Korean J Oral Maxillofac Radiol 2001;31:117-20)

      • KCI등재

        CT 영상을 이용한 악골 골수염의 경조직 변화에 관한 연구

        안창현,최보람,허경회,이원진,이삼선,최순철 대한구강악안면방사선학회 2009 Imaging Science in Dentistry Vol.39 No.3

        Purpose : To assess the clinical findings and hard tissue changes of osteomyelitis of the jaws using computed tomographic (CT) image analysis. Materials and Methods : We reviewed and interpreted the CT images of 163 patients (64 males and 99 females, age range from 10 to 87 years) who visited the Seoul National University Dental Hospital from April 23, 2006 to December 31, 2008 and were diagnosed as osteomyelitis of the jaws through clinical, radiologic, and histopathologic examination. Each CT findings was investigated for frequency, correlation with age and gender. Results : Of the 163 patients, 31 (19.0%) were affected on the maxilla, 135 (82.8%) were affected on the mandible, and 3 (1.8%) were affected on the both jaws simultaneously. The mean age of the patients who were affected on the maxilla was 61.0 years and that of the patients who were affected on the mandible was 56.2 years. On the maxilla, the most frequent site of disease was the posterior area (83.9%) and on the mandible, mandibular body (83.0%), followed by angle (48.1%), ramus (38.5%), condyle (13.3%), incisal area (9.6%), and coronoid process (3.0%). Among the 31 maxillary osteomyelitis, defect in the trabecular bone was observed in 28 (90.3%), osteosclerosis 20 (64.5%), defect in the cortical bone 27 (87.1%), sequestrum 17 (54.8%), and periosteal reaction 2 (6.5%). Among the 135 mandibular osteomyelitis, defect in the trabecular bone was observed in 100 (74.1%), osteosclerosis 104 (77.0%), defect in the cortical bone 116 (85.9%), sequestrum 36 (26.7%), and periosteal reaction 67 (49.6%). Conclusion : Of our cases, the maxillary osteomyelitis was visibly observed more frequently in females than males. The incidence is the highest in seventies (28.8%) and the lowest in teens (3.1%). The osteomyelitis of the jaws was observed more frequently in males than females before the age of 50, and observed more frequently in females after the age of 50. The most noticeable point was that the sequestrum was observed more often on maxillary osteomyelitis and the periosteal reaction was observed more often on mandibular osteomyelitis. (Korean J Oral Maxillofac Radiol 2009; 39 : 163-8)

      • 한국산 약용식물의 화장품천연소재로서 응용에 관한연구

        안봉전,이진태,이순애,곽재훈,박정미,이진영,박태순,손준호 경산대학교 생명자원개발연구소 2003 생명자원과 산업 Vol.7 No.-

        Biological activities and application of sanguisorbae officinalis L. were investigated. In the enzymological physiological activities, the electron donating ability(EDA) was 54.92% in 10 ppm and it was over 90% over 50ppm and SOD-like activity was high as 65.36% in 1000 ppm, it was gradual increased. As inhibitory effect of xanthine oxidase, it was 17.90% in 200 ppm and a little low as 36.89% in 500 ppm and inhibitory effect of tyrosinase, it was a little low as 20.45% below 1000 ppm. As the result of measuring the lipid oxidation, all the concentrations of medical ion treatments had the ability to keep it from acidification and metal ion blocking effects about the lipid oxidation promoting factors(Fe^(2+) and Cu^(2+)), Fe^(2+) was better than Cu^(2+) and all concentrations of medical ion treatments was 40% in 50ppm. When it was applied into normal skin-softener it showed safe effect so that we can expect that as the natural material of cosmetics.

      • 줄넘기 운동이 고등학교 비만 남학생의 건강체력 및 비만 스트레스 해소에 미치는 영향

        권봉안,장희수,정순광 한국스포츠리서치 2003 한국 스포츠 리서치 Vol.14 No.6

        This study is to understand the effect of rope jumping on health related physical strength and obesity stress of high school obese students. The subject of this study was 40 1st and 2nd grade obese male students attending at P high school located in Goyang-City, Kyunggi-province as of the 1st semester, 2003 school year. As the study instrument, a questionnaire of physical strength items and obesity stress was used. To analyze the effect of rope jumping on health related physical strength, physical strength items were adopted, and to analyze the effect of rope jumping on the relief of obesity stress, the questionnaire was used. The questionnaire was asked to answer questions by Self-administration method to 20 subjects of the experiment group participating at rope jumping. As the questionnaire, health related pre-physical strength test was performed along with the 1st survey and the 2nd survey was carried after exercise, then health related physical strength test was carried out. The collected data were analyzed using SPSS/Windows 10.0 statistical program, and average and standard deviation by the sub-factor of each factor was calculated and to understand differences using groups and periods, 2x3 2-way variance analysis(ANOVA) by repeated measurement was carried out. In case interaction of two factors, that is, character and school year, post-verification using Duncan's multiple range test was made, when significance level will be set at α=.05. Based on the above research procedure and data analysis, following conclusion is as follow. 1) In the change of health physical strength by exercise participation of high school obese male students, there was no significant difference, but muscular endurance and body fat were different. 2) In the change of health physical strength by exercise participation of high school obese male students, there was no significant difference before and after exercise, but difference after exercise. 3) In the individual difference by rope jumping participation of high school obese male students, there was no significant difference in school year and character, but difference in obesity. 4) In the exercise programs by rope jumping participation of high school obese male students, there was no significant difference in school year and character, but difference in obesity.

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