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      • KCI등재

        반하 및 차나무의 기내배양시 발생하는 세균의 동정 및 항생제 감수성 검정

        김행훈,조규택,윤문섭,윤주원,조은기,Kim, Haeng-Hoon,Cho, Gyu-Taek,Yoon, Mun-Sup,Yoon, Ju-Won,Cho, Eun-Gi 한국식물생명공학회 2003 식물생명공학회지 Vol.30 No.2

        Contamination of bacterial infection is one of serious problems in in vitro culture system of root crops. From the contaminated tubes over 140 of petiole cultures of Pinellia ternata, a medicinal plant, 4 genera 8species 48 strains of bacteria, including Aeromonas and Pseudomonas, were isolated and identified and another 8 strains were not fully identified. Most of them were motile Gram positive bacteria as in common in early stage of in vitro cultures. Six strains of bacteria, 5 of Gram negative, including Enterobacter, and 1 of Gram positive, were identified from the embryonic axes cultures of tea plant. From the susceptibility test to pre-screened 5 antibiotics, all of the bacteria except for 2 species of Pseudomonas were susceptible to cefotaxime 60∼100mg/L. While 60mg/L erythromycin only was effective to Pseudomonas. Combination of erythromycin 20mg/L and cefotaxime 60mg/L totally suppressed the growth of all bacterial strains tested. Susceptibility test of bacteria from tea embryonic axes cultures showed similar results. Combination of erythromycin 35mg/L and cefotaxime 60mg/L was effective to 15 bacterial strains and partially effective to 1 unidentified.

      • KCI등재후보

        보리 telotrisomic 個體의 後代轉達比率과 初期生育特性

        Duck Yong Suh(徐得龍),Eun Gi Cho(趙銀基),Soon Jong Kweon(權純鍾),Hyung Soo Suh(徐亨洙) 한국육종학회 1991 한국육종학회지 Vol.23 No.1

        Transmission rate of extra telocentric chromosomes and some agronomic characteristics were studied at early leaf stage in 11 monotelotrisomics and 4 ditelotrisomics, compared with each their sist-diploids of barley. Mean transmission rate of 11 monotelotrisomics was 27.5%, but that of 4 ditelotrisomics was 20.2% in next selfing generation. Observed the mitosis of Triplo 3S and 5S, 2n=14+2 telos and 2n=15 plants were found. Besides, in ditelotrisomics of Triplo 5S and 7S, 2n=15+1 fragment were found also. On the other hands, compared with sist-diploids, at eraly leaf stage, leaf color of Triplo 1L, 2L and 2S were dark green, and those leaf shapes of Triplo 1L and 2L were very long and narrow. In tillers of main stem, Triplo 1L, 1S and 2L were more than each their sistdiploids. But Triplo 1L and 2L were drooping shape in plant type, while the others wer erect or semierect. Root-system of Triplo 1L and 2L were well developed, long and more, but Triplo 4L and 7S were very poor. Ditelotrisomic 5S and 7S were almost the same in plant type, leaf shape and leaf color to each monotelotrisomic ones.

      • KCI등재후보

        보리 品種의 耐倒伏性과 節間特性과의 關係

        Duck Yong Suh(徐得龍),Eun Gi Cho(趙銀基),Hyung Soo Suh(徐亨洙) 한국육종학회 1991 한국육종학회지 Vol.23 No.2

        A study was carried out to find the relationship between internode characters and lodging resistance in barley varieties. Regardless of 8 varieties or 3 lodging resistance groups, the first internode length from the top was the longest, and that shorter and shorter go to lower internode. Among the internodes, positive correlationship between the one and the next were highly recognized except between the second and the thrid. The percentage ratios of each internode length to the culm length were in diversity according to varieties. But this phenomina were little different among the groups, especially between strong and weak ones. The third internode diameter in all varieties was the thickest. Mean internode diameter of strong lodging resistance group was thicker than that of the other groups. In the relationship of each internode diameter, most of them were highly positive correlationship except between the first and the forth and fifth, the second and the fifth internode. Of the mineral content in culm, phosphoric acid and kalium content were lower, but calcium content was higher of strong lodging reistance varietal group than those of the other groups. On the while, magnesium content was almost the same among groups, but silicic acid content of strong lodging resistance group(4.30%) was higher than that of the weak group(2.38%) and medium group(2.76%).

      • KCI등재후보

        보리 아코디온種型 遺傳子의 連關分析

        Duck Young Suh(徐得龍),Eun Gi Cho(趙銀基),Hyung Soo Suh(徐亨洙) 한국육종학회 1991 한국육종학회지 Vol.23 No.2

        The segregation mode and linkage relationship between accordion spike and 7 marker genes come from different each linkage groups were discussed in the F₂ population of barley. In the crosses between Accordion spike barley and genetic markers, the marker genes, br, li, al, k, B and o showed the 3:1(or 1:3), but cm of Black hulles Ⅲ could not find in this study. The segregation ratio of accordion spike and normal spike genes showed 3:1, and that linkage relationship was found between the accordion spike (acr) and hooded lemma gene (K) which locused on chromosome 4 of Colsess V, even if the recombination value was very low as 38.34%. The accordion spike gene appeared to be independent from the marker genes br, li, al, B and o on the linkage analysis.

      • KCI등재후보

        Uzbekistan 공화국의 농업현황

        곽재균,조은기,김행훈,윤문섭,석순종,김창영 한국국제농업개발학회 2004 韓國國際農業開發學會誌 Vol.16 No.2

        1. Uzbekistan은 전통적인 농업국가로서 농업이 경제의 축이며 농촌인구가 60%,농업부문 종사자가 전 산업에서 차지하는 비율이 44%이고 농업생산이 GNP에서 차지하는 비중이 33%로서 비교적 높은 편이다. 2. 이 나라의 농업은 강우량이 적고 건조한 기후조건 때문에 주로 관개에 의존하고 있으며 안공수로와 저수지의 건설로 관개가능 면적은 430만㏊ 이고 충분한 수량만 확보된다면 700만㏊ 까지 경작이 가능하다. 농업생산은 목화, 밀, 벼, 포도, 채소, 멜론재배가 주종을 이루고 있으며 특히 일조시수가 3,000시간으로 매우 길고 일사량도 많아 목화, 고품질의 포도와 멜론 생산이 유명하다. 3. 축산업도 농업에서 중요한 부문으로 주로 유목에 의존하고 있으며 염소, 고기소, 젖소, 면양이 주된 가축이고 양잠업도 중요한 위치를 차지하고 있다. 4. Uzbekistan은 맥류, 목화, 포도, 사과, 양파 등의 원산지 일 뿐만 아니라 박과 작물의 2차원산지로서 유전적 다양성이 풍부하고 특히 멜론은 많은 재래종 품종들이 분화되어 재배되고 있다. 5. Uzbekistan는 1995년 한·우즈벡 농업기술협력 가능성 조사 이후 1996년부터 양국간 유전자원 공동연구가 활발히 추진되고 있다 금후 인근 중앙아시아 각국과의 유전자원 또는 농업관련 공동연구를 수행함에 있어 우즈베키스탄을 전진기지로 활용하는 방안이 적극 모색되어야 할 것으로 사료된다. The Republic of Uzbekistan is located in the central part of the middle Asia. The area of the Republic makes up 447.4 thousands ㎢ and about 60% of the country is semi-desert or desert with only 4.5 million hectares of the area cropped. The average temperature in July on the plains' territory varies from 26℃ in the North to 30℃ in the South, and the average temperature in January falls to as low as 0℃ in the South and to -8℃ in the North. Precipitation primarily occurs during the winter-spring period. Annual precipitation amounts to 80-200 ㎜ on the plains, 300-400 ㎜ in the foothills area and 600-800 ㎜ on the eastern and south-eastern slopes of the mountain ridges. Natural pastures occupy 50.1% of the total area of Uzbekistan, and 9.7%(4.3 Min. ha) of irrigated lands. Irrigated land is mainly cultivated for cotton, spiked cereals, rice and potato. Cotton plants occupy 36.5% of the cultivated areas and grain crops 39.5%. Given the abundance of solar radiation and heat, the major factor limiting the use of agroclimatic and land resources is a deficit of water. Agriculture in Uzbekistan was and still is the largest sector in Uzbekistan's economy. Agriculture and it's related industries account for approximately 33% of GDP, and 55% of the hard currency revenues of the country is related to Agriculture. Approximately 60% of the population resides in rural areas, and 44% of the work force is engaged in agricultural production. Uzbekistan is the world's fifth largest cotton producer and the second largest exporter. Cotton has been center to the economy because it accounts for about 50% of the country's export earnings. At the same time, however, cotton production has depended on vast amounts of irrigation, and this has had a possibly significant irreversible negative impact on the Aral Sea. The development strategy in the agricultural sector in the country is targeted at ensuring food and environmental security, while increasing the efficiency and export-potential of domestic production. According to the macroeconomic forecast, the agrarian sector will maintain its leading role in the economy (at 25% of GDP). To meet the strategic development goals by 2010, annual growth in agricultural output must be at least 5-6%.

      • KCI등재

        몽골의 농업환경과 농업생산 현항

        이동진,조은기,임무상,노로빈알탄수크,이석영 한국국제농업개발학회 1997 韓國國際農業開發學會誌 Vol.9 No.2

        기후와 환경은 목축생산에 중요한 요소인데 몽골인들의 전통적인 농업은 환경에 순응하는 목축경영법으로 유목생활에서 가축을 자연초지에 방목시킴으로써 행하여졌다. 생태형이 다른 지역에서는 초지경영 및 토지의 이용정책이 다르게 수행된다. 안정적 기후를 갖는 중부지역에서는 목축들은 년중 2회 정도 남쪽지역을 이동하며 방목된다. 목축들은 좋은 초지를 찾아 자주(2주에 한 번 정도) 이동하여야 한다. 안정적 기후를 갖는 중앙의 북부지역에서는 과방목으로 인한 생태적 침식이 발생한다. 작물생산이 지역적으로 편중되는 것은 강수량과 토질의 차이에서 기인되는데 재배면적의 50%이상을 21개 지역중 중앙부의 2개 지역이 차지하고 있다. 몽골에서 작물생산은 과거 10년동안 급속도로 발전하였으나 중부지역에서는 심각한 환경문제를 낳았다. 재배 초기의 연약지반과 강한 바람은 심각한 토양침식을 발생시키는데 1990년 경작지에서 토양 침식은 59%에 이르렀는바 건조, 반건조 지대에 있어서 작물생산의 성패는 토양수분과 비옥도의 관리 정도에 다른다고 할 수 있다. 농업생산에 열악한 환경조건인 몽골에서 관개에 의한 작부방식은 생산성을 극대화하는 하나의 방법인바 최근 관개지역은 총 재배면적의 3-5%에 달하고 있다. 경작지의 침식에도 불구하고 도시근교에서나 인구가 밀집된 지역에서는 관개에 의한 소득성이 높은 원예작물, 과일, 감자 등이 재배되고 있다. 어류는 북부지역의 5개의 호수가 위치한 부근에서만 전통적으로 식량에 이용되기 때문에 시장성이 적으나 보유고가 높아 증가하는 관광객이나 eco-tourist를 대상으로 할 때 그 가능성이 크다고 할 수 있다. 현재 몽골에서 지속적 농업생산에 주요한 문제점들은 열악한 자연조건, 과다방목, 휴경지 이용의 증가, 불충분한 생산기술, 수확물 관리부족, 미숙한 생산물의 저장 및 유통체계에 있다. 과거 4년간 농업생산의 감소의 주요 원인은 기후적인 요인보다는 사회경제적인 요인이 큰데 이들은 경제 장려금(economic incentive)의 부족, 부적절한 자재공급, 단기신용의 이용성 제한을 들 수 있다. 비록 몽골의 농업적 환경이 빈약하며 독특할지라도 식량 및 산업에 요구량을 충당하기 위한 목축 및 작물의 생산성의 향상은 환경에 순응하는 농업기술과 방법의 발달이 필요하다. Climate and environment have a major impact on pastoral livestock production. Mongolian traditional agriculture follows environment-friendly pastoral management strategies whereby livestock grazed on open natural pasture under nomadic or semi-nomadic conditions. Different pasture managements and land-use strategies are practiced in different ecological regions of the country. In the southern central part with stable environments, the herds move about twice a year. The herds have to move frequently (once every two weeks) in search of good pasture in the central northern provinces even with stable environment due to the ecological degradation resulted from overgrazing. Also, there are major regional differences in crop production primarily because of differences in rainfall and soil fertility. Of the 21 provinces, two central ones account for more than 50 percent of the total cropping area. Crop production in Mongolia has developed rapidly in the past decades but has caused significant environmental problems in central areas. Fragile soils and high winds early in the growing season create serious wind erosion. Total eroded land as a percentage of cultivated land rose to 59% in 1990. Crop production depends on the conservation of soil fertility and soil moisture in arid or semi-arid conditions. In the Mongolian harsh environmental condition, cropping system with irrigation is one way of maximizing productivity. In recent years, the irrigated area is 3 to 5 percent of the total cropped area. With the erosion of the state. order system, high value-crops such as vegetables, fruits and potatoes have been increasing albeit in much smaller effectively irrigated surface and their production is more concentrated around population centers while vegetable and potato production is concentrated around urban areas. Marketing possibility for commercially produced fish is difficult to assess since fish is traditionally eaten only in the northern provinces around five lakes. However, it is possible to attract eco-tourists and a growing number of foreign visitors. At present, the main constraints for sustainable agricultural production in Mongolia are related to a) harsh environmental conditions, b) over grazing, c) excess livestock distribution, d) inefficient use of fallow land, e) inadequate production technologies, f) postharvest losses, and g) underdeveloped processing, storage and distribution system. Main contributing factors for the declining of agricultural production in the past 4 years were more socioeconomical than environmental. These are lack of economic incentives, inadequate input supplies, and limited availability of short-term credit. Although Mongolia's agricultural environment is fragile and unique, there is a need to develop environment-friendly agricultural practices and technologies to solve the major constraints thus increasing animal and crop productivity and meet the industrial and food demand of the country.

      • Ti-플라스미드 유전자 운반체에 의한 대두 형질전화 식물체에 있어서 β-Glucuronidase 유전자의 유전양상

        김달웅,조은기,서득룡,오웬스, L . D . 경북대학교 유전공학연구소 1995 遺傳工學硏究所報 Vol.10 No.1

        To introduce β-glucuronidase (GUS) gene of Escherichia coli into plant cells using an Agrobacterium/binary vector system, we cocultivated shoot apices of soybean with Agrobacterium. After 3 weeks of culture on a culture medium containing 100 ㎎/L kanamycin, kanamycin resistant apices were selected. High GUS activities were detected in transformed explants by spectrophotometric assay. A tumefaciens ET₂[pGT100/EHA101] strain was more effective than the other strains for GUS expression from kanamycin resistant shoots. GUS was expressed in 43% of the cultured explants. It took only 6 weeks to regenerate the rooted plants. When transformants were self-pollinated, GUS gene was inherited to the next generation. Segregation ratio for GUS in T₂ suggests the insertion of a single copy of GUS.

      • KCI등재

        인도의 식물유전자원 보존 및 이용현황

        이동진,김영상,조은기,임무상,윤성탁 한국국제농업개발학회 1997 韓國國際農業開發學會誌 Vol.9 No.3

        1993년 12월 생물다양성 협약이 발효된 이래 생물 유전자원에 대한 국가간 이기주의가 팽배되어 농업연구를 위한 자원분양 및 이전 등이 매우 어려운 실정에 처하여 있다. 우리 나라의 경우 자원 빈국으로서 다양한 자원 확보에 큰 어려움을 겪게 될 것으로 전망되며, 자원의 확보를 위한 국제 협력 사업이 어느 때보다 시급하다고 본다. 인도는 다양한 유전자원을 가지고 있는 자원 부국으로서 보유 유전자원의 현황 및 이용상황 등을 파악하여 양국간 유전자원 공동 이용을 위한 기초자료를 얻고자 하였으며 그 결과는 아래와 같다. 1. 인도는 20종이상 작물종 유전자원의 원산지이며, 160여종의 경제성 있는 재배종 및 325 야생 근연종이 서식하는 등 다양한 종의 다양성을 확보하고 있음. 2. 인도의 식물유전자원은 국립 식물유전자원국(NBPGR)이 주관하고 있으며 종자은행에 식량, 특용 및 원예자원 등 153,482점의 유전자원을 저온저장고에 보관하며 활용중임. 3. 인도 식물유전자원국은 1976년 인도 농업연구 이사회의 작물부 산하에 설립되었으며, 연구소장 산하에 유전자원 자문 이사회 등 6개 위원회, 이사회가 있으며, 연구부에는 식물탐색, 수집과 등 7과가 조직되어 있고, 행정분야는 회계과 등 4개과가 있으며, 12개 지역 시험장이 조직되어 운영되고 있음. 4. 식물 유전 자원국의 주요 사업은 유전자원의 탐색, 수집, 특성검정, 안전보존 및 이용성 증대 연구 등이며, '92∼'97년간 총 연구 사업비는 2,264백만 루피였음. 5. 유전자원과 관련된 국제 협력이 매우 활발히 진행 중에 있으며 특히 FAO, UNDP, World Bank, ICRISAT, CIMMYT 및 KARDA 등 국제 기구 및 연구소와 밀접한 관계를 갖고 있음. India has been recognized an important center of the origin and diversity of more than 20 major crop species. About 160 domesticated species of economic importance and over 325 species of their wild forms and close relatives are native of this region and constitute an invaluable reservoir of genes that are needs for improvement of new cultivars. Most of plant breeders look towards plant genetic resources(PGR) connections. The National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources(NBPGR) was established in 1976 by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), the institute has been vested with the responsibility to plan, undertake and coordinate activities and services related to plant genetic resources including collection, exchange. quarantine, evaluation, documentation, conservation and utilization. NBPGR Genebank preserved about 153,482 accessions of crop germplasms including cultiviars, land-races, wild and relatives species. The NBPGR actively collaborates with FAO, UNDP, World Bank, other international research institute, ICRISAT, CIMMYT, ICARDA, etc, dealing with genetic resources. International organizations like United States Agency for International Development(USAID), Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), International Plant Genetic Resources Institute(IPGRI), Overseas Development Agency, U.K. (ODA) provided funds for several projects.

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