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        1948年 한신(阪神)敎育鬪爭과 在日朝鮮人 歷史敎育

        金仁德(Kim, In-Duck) 한일민족문제학회 2008 한일민족문제연구 Vol.15 No.-

        1945年の日本の敗戦以降、在日朝鮮人の民族教育運動とその接続線上の阪神教育闘争は、在日本朝鮮人連盟が主導した。在日本朝鮮人連盟は結成以来、1945年の日本の敗戦以降、阪神教育闘争に至るまで、民族教育運動の中心で、在日朝鮮人社会をリードしており、様々な民族の教育制度を整備し、民族教育の質的向上を図るした。これらの民族教育の動きについて、GHQと日本政府は、全面的な弾圧を、制度的な次元と、現場で実行に移した。これ黙認することができならず在日朝鮮人社会は直ちに闘争で─応答したのだ。アメリカは、極東での安定的な地位の確保が必要になって、日本の社会でのより強力な統制権を確保しようとした。結局、GHQによって戒厳令は、公布され、阪神教育闘争に参加した在日朝鮮人に対する一斉検挙が強行された。これらはA級9人、B級12人、C級に52人が裁判にかけられた。阪神教育闘争の犠牲者の活動家や関係者を見てみると、阪神教育闘争が、日帝時代の反日の経験と民族教育の現実的な要求に基づいて起きたの事実を確認することができる。実際にこれらの裁判に回付された活動家や関係者の多くは、日帝時代に渡日して、1945年以前から、反日活動の経験があった人々だった。阪神教育闘争について、在日本大韓民国民団と在日本朝鮮人総連合会の教科書は、叙述の内容とシステムが客観的でないし、次のような問題がある。最初に、叙述の量が絶対不足している。第二、阪神教育闘争の背景説明と闘争過程についての叙述が偏重され、叙述内容の質を落としている。第三、‘阪神教育闘争’ ‘4·24教育闘争’と同一の事件について、別の用語を使用して、阪神教育闘争の歴史的性質についての突っ込んだ議論や用語の整理が要求される。第四に、阪神教育闘争の歴史的意味を付与することを背景して在日朝鮮人史では、韓国史ひいては世界史の中で、どうするかを心配しなければならない。在日朝鮮人社会が民族的問題のために行った阪神教育闘争はまだ生きている歴史である。このため、阪神教育闘争を歴史教育の現場で活用する必要がある。1948年の阪神教育闘争は、日本の敗戦以降、在日朝鮮人社会の力を国内外に示してくれたワルドワイド的な事件だった。これは、民族教育運動の成果に基づいて行って民衆的性格を帯びていた。まだ参加者が生存している現実の中で正しい位置づけるとともに、後世のための正しい歴史教育のテーマで、阪神教育闘争は、正常に叙述され、歴史教育に活用されなければならない。 Since the lost of WWII, Korean Federation (KF) had been leaded Korea residents in Japan's educational movement and Hanshin Educational Struggle. After establishment of Federation of Korean residents in Japan, they had leaded Korean residents' society on center, planned improvement of quality with many systems. About this particular educational movement, GHQ and Japanese government entirely suppressed in institution and on the spot. Korean residents could have not connived so that they started struggle as correspondence. United States needed to make stable lodgment in the far east, they tried to assure right of more powerful control. Eventually, martial law had been proclaimed by GHQ and enforcing arrestment of people who participated in Hanshin educational struggle. These people were sending over on a trial with three different group; A (9 people), B(12 people), C(52 people). Those of who victimized in Hanshin educational struggle have shown that this particular struggle was based on realistic demand about national education in experiences during Japanese Imperialism. In fact, most of people who submitted to trial moved to Japan during JapaneseImperialism, had an experience in anti-Japan movement. About Hanshin educational struggle, all textbooks from Korean residents union in Japan(Mindan) and The General Association of Korean Residents in Japan (Chongryon) have a problem in objectiveness and stories. First of all, amount of stories are insufficient. Second, about Hanshin educational struggle, their writing went downhill with leaned upon description. Third, there should be a demand of discussing historical characteristics and terminology; Hanshin educational struggle and 4·24 educational struggle should be depicted exact same. Fourth, Hanshin educational struggle should be signified in historic so that we should consider how this would effect Korean history and history of Korean residents in Japan. Hanshin educational struggle, movement of Korean residents in Japan society for solving national problem, is still alive history. Therefore, people utilize Hanshin struggle as educating in the historic spot. Hanshin educational struggle in 1948 was the nation-wide event that shown the power of Korean residents in Japan society's since the Japan's lost of WWII. This was based on accomplishment of educational movement and involved characteristics of democratic. As a theme of straight education of history within the hard fact that living participant, Hanshin educational struggle should be written properly and used in educating history.

      • KCI등재

        해방 후 재일본조선인연맹의 민족교육과 정체성 : 『조선역사교재초안』과 『어린이 국사』를 통해

        金仁德(Kim In-Duck) 歷史敎育硏究會 2012 역사교육 Vol.121 No.-

        During 1945 to 1948, the beginning of Korean residents in Japan's national education had been developed from elementary to secondary education. To add up, teaching materials had been compiled since early days of Korean Federation(KF). Compiling materials were took the lead by Ministry of Culture and material compilation committee in publication. In order to assure identity, KF printed materials in Korea. Historic society and then they applied in actual field. With this, history material was Lim Gwang-Chul's responsibility. On the other hand, Korean & history was issued which were about identity. Although Rough Draft of History Material's Composition(first, second, third step, 조선역사교재초안) wasn't standardized in description, which was crucial information to understand the original form of Korean residents in Japan's history education. At the same time, it was based on the materialistic conception of history in natural with searching motivation internal for 'Korean history'. This also promoted popular understanding in natural. In addition, while focusing on people struggles, it had not been ignoring outer relation. As History for Children(first, second step, 어린이 국사) were materials for elementary school which was draft of history material. However, clear arguing point and understandable description might have been discussed in turn. In particular, History for Children(second) was more sophisticated editing and depiction than History for Children(first). First & Second version were wrote in readily even composing chinese character which was not commonly used.

      • KCI등재

        재일조선인 역사 서술의 3·1운동에 대한 기억 : 재일조선인의 각종 역사교재와 임광철의 역사인식을 통해

        김인덕(Kim, In-Duck)(金仁德) 한일민족문제학회 2020 한일민족문제연구 Vol.38 No.-

        This study reviewed the contents of memories of the March First Independence Movement through the historical narrative system of the Korean residents’ community in Japan. The description of the March 1st Movement of Mindan(在日本大韓民国 民団) and The General Association of Korean Residents in Japan(在日本 朝鮮人総聯合会) can be seen as the basis for research by South Korea, Japan and North Korea. In the case of Mindan, the understanding of the March 1st Movement, a turning point in the movement, is believed to have led to the content. The General Association of Korean Residents in Japan(在日本朝鮮人総聯合会) actively evaluated the subject and historical significance of the March First movement from depicting Kim Il-sung family to Yoo Gwan-soon in their description. In fact, the narrative system for the March First Independence Movement by Koreans in Japan is thought to be the original form of historical textbooks and research during the Japanese Federation of Korean Residents in Japan (在日本朝鮮人連盟). The draft version of the Chosun History Textbook described the preparation process, situation of the March 1st, and the subsequent situation. The book called the outcome of the March First Independence Movement was that reform of Japanase colonial strategy of Korea and the establishment of the Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea. From The ‘Children’s History(어린이國史-下)’ introduced Wilson’s national self-determination of the people and the essence of the March first Independence Movement as a nationwide event. It also pointed the limitations of national representation. Specially, Lim Kwang-chul(林光澈)’s writings could be drawn keen attention in the research history of the March First Independence Movement of Korean residents in Japan. He tried to develop a discussion on the March First Independence Movement in a realistic demand in 「三一運動 に於ける歷史的なもの-一つの方法論的考察-」. In particular, he believed that it was necessary to understand the March First Movement dialectically from a practical point of view. Lim Kwang-chol developed discussions on three topics; first was causality, second was leadership and third was historical significance. First, he noted that the cause of the March first Independence Movement was the land survey project, which resulted in forced deceptive land exploitation. Second, he cited the feudal indigenous landlord class, specifically the Cheondoist and Christian forces as his leadership. Third, the historical significance of the March first Independence Movement was that the struggle(fight) is the only way for the Korean people to live. His book, ‘The History of Chosun’, Lim Gwang-cheol defined the March first Independence Movement as a part of the ‘Chosun’s idea of independence movement’. In his article, Lim Kwang-chul left the point that it should be paid attention to continued research on land issues related to the March First Independence Movement. His study of the March First Movement revealed the causuality, leadership and historical significance that contributed to the subsequent provision of a large narrative system for the March First Movement research. It is also true that the limitations of his research on the March First Independence Movement related to land issues after his research that have failed to produce full-fledged results since then. Especially, from international point of view, Lim Kwang-chul actively attempted to evaluate the March First Independence Movement. I looked at the memories of the March First Independence Movement of Koreans in Japan through various history textbooks and research achievements by Lim Kwang-chul. Memories of the March First Independence Movement have been changed with the passage of time. However, the perception of the revolutionary contents of the March First Independence Movement and the nature of the March First Independence Movement are not been 本研究は、3·1運動に関する在日朝鮮人社会の歴史記述体系による記憶 の内容を検討してみた。 在日本大韓民国民団と在日本朝鮮人総聯合会の3·1運動の記述は、国 内と日本、北朝鮮の研究を土台したものと見ることができる。在日本大韓民国 民団の場合「運動の転換点」という3·1運動への理解が代表的に、その内容 につながったと思われる。在日本朝鮮人総聯合会は3·1運動に対する叙述も 金日成一家中心の叙述から運動の主体と歴史的意義を積極的に評価し、柳 寛順に注目している。 実際、在日朝鮮人による3·1運動に対する叙述体系は、在日本朝鮮人連 盟時期の歴史教材と研究で確認するのが原型と考えられる。『朝鮮歷史敎材 草案』(上)では準備過程、当日の様子、その後の状況を述べ、3·1運動の 成果を日本の植民地朝鮮統治政策の改編と大韓民国臨時政府の樹立とし た。『어린이國史』(下)ではウィルソンの民族自決主義の紹介と3·1運動の本 質を全民族的事件として紹介している。そして、民族代表の限界を指摘してい る。 このような在日朝鮮人3·1運動の研究史では、林光澈の文章が注目され る。林光澈は、「三一運動に於ける歷史的なもの-一つの方法論的考察-」において現実的な要求から3·1運動について議論を展開しようとした。具体的に は、実践的観点から3·1運動を弁証法的に理解することが必要だということ だ。林光澈は3つのテーマについて議論を展開するが、①原因、②指導勢 力、③歴史的意義であった。第一に、3·1運動の原因を土地調査事業で強 制的欺瞞的な土地収奪があったという事実に着目した。第二に、彼は指導勢 力として封建的な土着地主階級、具体的には天道教勢力とキリスト教勢力を挙 げた。第三に、3·1運動の歴史的意義を取り上げるが、闘争だけが朝鮮民 族の生きる道だということだ。このような林光澈は『朝鮮歷史讀本』で、3·1運 動は“朝鮮の独立運動思想”の会期的なことと規定した。 林光澈は自身の文章で、3·1運動に対する土地問題と関連した持続的な 研究に関心が要請されるという点を残している。林光澈の3·1運動に関する研 究は、原因、指導層、歴史的意義を明らかにし、3·1運動研究の大きな叙 述体系を提供するのに寄与した。同氏の研究以降、土地問題に関する3·1運 動に対する研究が、以後本格的な成果を出せなかった限界を明確に記憶する ことも必要だ。特に国際的な視点で林光澈は三一運動の評価を積極的に試み た。 在日朝鮮人の3·1運動の記憶を各種歴史教材と林光澈の研究成果を通じ て見た。一時期を超えた3·1運動に対する記憶は、時間の流れとともに変わっ てきた。しかし、3·1運動が持つ革命的内容に対する認識と、3·1運動の本 質は変わらなかったと言える。

      • KCI등재

        國際物品賣買契約에 있어서 賣渡人의 默示的 品質義務

        金仁鎬(In-Ho Kim) 한국비교사법학회 2007 比較私法 Vol.14 No.2

          Unless the parties have agreed otherwise, the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods(CISG) sets forth the seller’s obligation to deliver conforming goods. The seller’s quality obligations are divided into sub-categories: to deliver goods fit for ordinary use and for particular purposes and to deliver goods free from third party right or claim. There are no established cases nor uniform scholarly opinions with respect to fitness for ordinary use, but we only find the common law ‘merchantability test’, the civil law ‘average quality rule’ and the ‘reasonable quality standard’. It is necessary to establish unified quality standards to promote uniformity in CISG’s application. Without special circumstances the seller would not be responsible for complying with public law provisions of the importing country. There are few cases dealing with goods claimed by a third party based on intellectual property. The further intellectual property is protected, the more disputes in this respect would arise. Article 40 or 43 (2) contains a general principle favoring even a very negligent buyer over a fraudulent seller. The general principle could be applied to third party claims (article 42) as well as non-conformity of goods (article 35). Many courts have concluded that the buyer bears the burden of proving lack of conformity, although they adopt different theories to reach the conclusion. Remedies for the buyer through the seller’s quality obligations would suffer inefficiency due to systematic barriers including transaction costs. This would be inevitable because of ex post nature of the seller’s obligations. We need to explore a legal mechanism for ex ante quality assurance in the phase of production and marketing by providing to the buyer information about quality of goods and differentiating goods in quality in the market. This would be more efficient in controlling quality of goods.

      • KCI등재
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